Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Now you can LOL

Is Austin a part of this party of six?  If he is it is doubtful we will get a peek at him but you can see Austin somewhere ....LOL

Yup LOL is now out on DVD, so set it on your Netflix queue and we won't tell anyone one that you are watching a Miley movie.  You could even double it up with the Olsens in Holiday in the Sun if you want.  Your secret is safe.

Or you could just wait to see if someone post Austy's part on YouTube.

But it does give you one more chance to check out those assets from his dividends.

And what would an Olympic Two Wheel Tuesday be without a cycling event:

OMG Olympics

Taking the best from Rhythmic Gymnastics and Open Road Cycling
- Rhythmic Cycling is not just about how fast you get there but also the style in which you do it.
Points are award for outfit,
 facial expression,

 rhythmic interpretation


and the unexpected.


  1. Ha ha ha, well guess who suddenly appears in VGG movie set pictures today? Complete with the whole nine yards, family et al.

    It's Yom Kippur Only Minus Jake!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great first picture in that huge montage, don't you guys think? They look just thrilled.

  4. Sorry for the 4 in a row.

    I really wonder about that key scratch on the car blind item now.

    Notice who is missing in these pictures. (besides Ramona)


    Oh, I bet he was at home rolling up the left pant leg on his five other pairs of green army pants. Silly me.

  5. Nope, three in a row! Took a snarky down, lol.

  6. Too much male pulchritude today. First Austin looks terrific in that picture. He is aging so much better than Jake. Second, I am not watching the Olympics but there are tons of photos of male swimmers showing up. Holy mother but their bodies are phenomenal.

    I don't visit gyllenbabble very often since their comments are so mushy and juvenile, but I did today and watched an old interview Jake did when he did The Good Girl. I was struck by two things. One, he spoke so easily then in coherent sentences. Now he rambles on and switches topics and thoughts. A vey noticeable difference. Second, his speech pattern then was a lot more gay. I think part of his stammering and odd wandering thoughts come from trying to manage his style of speech. To butch it up more. I've seen it with my gay partner at work too who has an entirely different manner of speaking at work than when he is among friends with whom he is comfortable being openly gay or when we are alone . Dramatically different.

  7. Walk me through this. I distinctly remember Austin tweeting he spent several days, but less than a week, filming LOL. A day or two later Jake was in Leadville, CO. Now if those are screengrabs from LOL in this blog post, how then is it follicly possible for the man in Leadville to be Austin Nichols? There is no way his hair would have grown and straightened two days later.

    Are we ready to give up the Austin in Leadville charade?

  8. Sorry the proof is in the pictures from Leadville. And Austin dropped enough hints in his twitter about Leadville that an anvil would be more subtle.

  9. No he didn't. He mentioned Leadville after the fact. Listen, pics don't lie.

  10. There's nothing to "give up".

    Without a doubt, that is Austin Nichols in Brandon Fuller's picture in Leadville CO in August of the year 2010.

    There. There's a Google Search for you.

    Troll just keeps popping up like a prairie dog on this, thinking the scenery is going to change one of those times but lol, it just doesn't.

    Nope, still Austin.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. What're you going to do about it, Jack?

    That's Austin in Leadville.
    That was Dana Delaney tweeting at Austin because she saw him in London right on the heels of Jake being in London.
    That's Austin with Jake at Berlinale, including at the reception dinner.
    That was Austin getting into the car with Jake after the sushi lunch.

    And you had Jake being seen by multiple viewers in Austin TX while he was not being spotted anywhere else, including Toronto and NYC.

    Not a lot one can deny about all of that. Austin just keeps popping up in Jake's life and has never gone away, has he?

  13. it can't work both waysAugust 1, 2012 at 3:29 PM

    And you had Jake being seen by multiple viewers in Austin TX while he was not being spotted anywhere else, including Toronto and NYC.

    But we know most Jake tweets are plants, isn't that right? What were those dates again? Because I clearly remember people posting twitter sightings of Jake in other places that weren't Austin TX. I believe those non-Austin tweets were even posted here.

  14. Go back through the OMG blog because they were posted. I'm not posting them again.

  15. Now if those are screengrabs from LOL in this blog post, how then is it follicly possible for the man in Leadville to be Austin Nichols? There is no way his hair would have grown and straightened two days later.

    It isn't possible. Just look at his facial hair; it couldn't possibly have grown enough in the time between finishing shooting LOL to match the beard being sported by the man in the Leadville picture. If I recall correctly the excuse that certain posters here clung to was that Austin was wearing a fake beard. Please try to stifle your laughter. It's hard, I know.

  16. You know, I hate to see this Chick Fil A thing escalate the way it is. I am beginning to understand why we have separation of church and state because I don't need a restaurant chain trying to tell me what to believe as far as same sex marriage. I give you my money in exchange for chicken. I don't want or need your opinion on anything else.

    I believe in Jesus and I believe He died for my sins and He's available to save us all.

    I love Chick Fil A. I love that they play contemporary Christian music over the intercom and their employees are clean cut looking and they're always saying "My pleasure." They have awesome chicken sandwiches and nuggets and carrot raisin salad.

    But I stand by my brothers & sisters who are gay and lesbian and their right for all the same opportunities and privileges that I enjoy.

    It's not making me happy to see a favorite fast food chain of mine getting all involved in this matter and while I share their love for The Almighty, I believe they are treading on dangerous territory by pushing one single belief onto me.

    Leave it alone. And don't sit there and preach that you welcome all differences in people. That has come after all the backlash. It's called damage control and the fear of losing money. Bottom line.

  17. grrr. My sister and I almost started arguing over this, lol.

    I can just see this continuing to escalate, though. It just doesn't belong at a fast food restaurant. People go there to eat and have a nice meal. I don't want to have to think about all kinds of political nonsense.

    I loved Chick Fil A, why does it have to be ruined like this? It really makes me sad and mad at the same time.

  18. Hmm. I just watched Austin's underwater video. That was kind of weird. How do you do that, hold your breath for that long? I can't even hardly hold it under the shower head, LOLLLL!! I wonder if there's something about releasing those little bubbles of air a few at a time that helps to hold one's breath longer or something.

  19. I just won't let my hard earned money go to any company who is actively supporting a foundation which is against equal rights for all.
