Monday, July 30, 2012

Timed to a New York Minute

More pictures from  EoW, with six weeks to go more will be coming now doubt.

And this sentence basically is the movie in a nutshell: "buddy cops just trying to do their job until a major bust gets them in deep with the wrong cartel."

While EoW is getting closer, Jake is settling in for his fall in NY, with rehearsals starting their second week.  But Jake fit in 

Another visit to Mom's set.
 A Ride on the subway.

And  dinner last night at Prune.  And he was sporting some good hair.

Interesting thing about this tweet, the person described sounds like one of his people who was on the set with him during one of the first visit to Mom's set.   Why would she be one of his people and not someone he's seeing.  Well she and another guy noticed the cameras pointed on Jake and they moved together to block the pap's shot, and then alert the security guy nearby who moved in as well. Classic staff behavior - protect the celeb.

What even more interesting is that tweets of Jake out to eat and mentions with "dates" seem to come more often from those in the fashion industry.   Why is that?  What is the connection? It's more than coincidental.

Speaking of tweets...

It's a part of this year's  OMG Olympics

Synchronized Tweeting:

A relatively new sport, this is exploding as a sport, but it is a controversial sport.  The object is to synchronize tweets with a non-tweeter, there are two contest,  the Not in the same place  at the same time  and more difficult, hints without saying the obvious.  There is a degree of difficulty for getting others to tweet in sync to create a diversion, how far you push your tweets,  and of course the greatest degree of difficulty awarded is if you escape getting tweeted where you really are.

While the GyllenNichol team had been training for this for the past two years, this past February the European trials fell apart with Austin getting tweeted in London even before the trial started.


  1. The tweeters are frequently in the fashion industry and with a good handful in communications/publicity/marketing.

    Where's the bike, Jake? If not the bike, donde esta the helmet?

  2. I have another question. Where's Peter Sarsgaard? He's listed as being in this movie Very Good Girls. Is his part not filming yet? Kind of surprised to not see him in any of these pictures, after all it does look to be a family affair?

  3. we're not in Kansas TotoJuly 31, 2012 at 12:22 AM

    The tweeters are frequently in the fashion industry and with a good handful in communications/publicity/marketing.

    That's so weird. I wonder if it has anything to do with Manhattan? Sort of the hub of marketing, PR (and not just film publicity) and fashion. Nah that can't be it could it?

  4. Uhh, Czech Beach Volleyball girls... I'm here to console you... -Austin

    9:09 PM - 30 Jul 12 via Echofon · Embed this Tweet

  5. The photo of Matt Bomer and his kids piling on him while his partner watches is one of the most adorable and joyful photos ever.

  6. Oh my goodness. Those pictures of Bomer with his kids have to be the cutest ever! What a happy looking family.

    As for the tweets. We know they are mainly plants so no surprise that they cluster around a certain type.

  7. As for the tweets. We know they are mainly plants so no surprise that they cluster around a certain type.

    That's an awful lot of people "in on it" don't you think? What's in it for them?

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    Uhh, Czech Beach Volleyball girls... I'm here to console you... -Austin

  12. Didn't mean to delete this

    Anonymous Know your trolls said...

    LOL trolly has finally jumped the shark. Time to retire trolly

    July 31, 2012 9:54 AM

  13. Austin's tweet was already posted.

  14. Still enjoying the photos of Bomer and his family, especially his big smile. I've never seen him look happier.

  15. I did not realize that Olympic internet sensation Tom Daley is Gay and has had to endure some homophobic tweets since he and his diving partner did not win a madal.

  16. Wow! Now that is abs to die for:-)

  17. WOW, I didn't know he was gay either, Tom, but it doesn't surprise me after seeing that thread around his body which I suppose could be called a speedo. LOLLLL!!!


    He is about the most incredible human male specimen I think I have seen in awhile. That picture of him standing against the wall is just.....spellbinding.

    He is absolutely gorgeous beautiful.

    Now Harry Styles? He's cute/loving/beautiful with undoubtedly the most stunning smile I have ever seen.

    This Tom Daley? Physically, he is incredible.

    I'm blown away. Everything just....perfect.

    How do they say on Twitter? Phwoarrrrrr
