Monday, July 2, 2012

Throne-ing Down

Two Days til Paris Comic Con. White Boys in Paris. Who's gonna watch the throne while I'm gone? -- Aus10

So Austin's using Jay-Z and Kayne refs for tweets now?

Wonder if he Watch(ed) the Throne with Jake one of the times Jake caught the show.

But then of course it's Austin and he could have  been talking

This one

Or The Game of Thrones

But be careful Austin if you running to a friendly elf name Buddy might tell you what kind of throne you've been sitting on.


  1. Prairie Girl already in bedJuly 2, 2012 at 10:23 PM

    Special, the comments on yesterday's thread disappeared?

  2. LoL, that was me from the IPad. Minutes from lights out.

    Got a busy day ahead tomorrow. So ol' Mr Austy picked up the game in the middle of the 3rd quarter, did he?

    Uh, let's see...9...8...7.............

    Oh yeah! 2!!!

    lol. 9, 8, 7, 2.

    What I want to know is what all happened during 6, 5, 4, and 3 to cause the long blackout. Did that strap on camera have anything to do with it?

  3. LOL. A, B, C, D......J!!!!! you'll have to fill in the rest, I cannot be bothered.



    Man, ain't nothing better than giving a hard time. I could just rag on Austy forever about that one, that's a classic.

  4. And still loving the 1D video link given instead of what was it? Destiny found herself probably looking at some Larry Lovin'. LOLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!

    One of those numerous little touches that Harry and Louis snuck in during their concerts.

    That was a killer, Special.

    Much like my email this evening that was meant to go to Special and M&M but instead went to Special and a quite conservative couple who are longtime members at my old church. Boy am I glad there wasn't some hot Jake or Austin pic or some Larry Lovin' pic or other inappropriate tittering in that email. However I did refer to a tweeter as an "idiot". LOLLLL! My Girl Scout rep is now forever tainted.

    lol. Kind of embarrassing. Alas, my mind was not completely on task due to being in a hurry, something we just had a safety meeting about.

    Okay, wasting time here jabbering. Lights out.

  5. Andy Griffith passed away today at age 86.

  6. All's well my friends.

    I just heard about Andy Griffith. Mayberry was one of my favorite places on TV.

    Anderson Cooper is a classy and eloquent speaker/writer. He will give our children Hope and real knowledge that they can have a life filled with love family and friends. I pray for that.
    OK, so now I go to the Louis ID sites on Tumblr and read the fanfics...TY:)
    NYS passed an anti-bullying law this week. I have to read it later it's supposed to be tough.
    I hope so.
    hugs to ya:)

  7. Absolutely wonderful news, Sass. AWESOME!!!!!!!!

  8. do re mi.......


    There ya go. Please fill in the rest.


  9. Great news about NY state. Loving it.

  10. Great news Sass!

    So sad about Andy Griffith. What wonderful example he set both on screen and off. Respected by his peers and his fans. He will be missed.

  11. I don't know how many people read it but he is Michael K on Anderson's coming out.

    Happy Silver Fox Comping Out Day Everyone!

  12. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Now Austin can't even count. He's double dipped his tweet. Were we not on 2 days yesterday????


    Countdown to Comic Con - 2 Days - Meet Pimp Daddy Arman drivin me to the airport ------> Jane, Get Me Off This Crazy Thing!
    12:20 PM - 3 Jul 12 via WhoSay · Details

  13. Whaaaaa??? What in the heck is he eating over there?

    Uh, let's see.

    I pledge allegiance to the flag
    Of the United States of America
    And to the Republic....

    And to the Republic...

    With Liberty and Justice for All.

    Please fill in the blanks. I cannot be bothered.

  14. Pimp Daddy Arman.

    Yeah, Pimp Daddy Arman from like days and days ago, buddy. LOL, I think someone has turned just a few times too many in the ol' Tilt-A-Whirl. lol

    uh.....let's see.

    On the 12th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me...

    11 Pipers Piping
    10 Lords a Leaping
    9 Ladies Dancing

    2 Turtle Doves

    2 Turtle Doves

    And a Partridge in a Pear Tree!!!!!!

    Please fill in the rest.

  15. It is so hot over here that there aren't going to be any fireworks anywhere except illegally, I think. The grass is burnt up to a crisp and we are in the midst of constant mid-90's temperatures through next week, even.

    Well, I'm out of parodies. Don't think I could come up with another one if I tried. But it was fun, very self-entertaining, lol.

  16. Dave Cullen ‏@DaveCullen

    I own/run a huge #BrokebackMountain web forum. Only topic we've ever banned is whether Jake Gyllenhaal is gay. Got too angry/mean/tiresome

    1 Retweet
    Jane Markland

    12:40 PM - 3 Jul 12 via TweetDeck · Details

    Dave Cullen ‏@DaveCullen

    Exactly! Thread name="Jake's Eyelashes" MT @julieunplugged I remember that! But we have thousands of pages about Jake's eyelashes, otoh. ;-)

    12:47 PM - 3 Jul 12 via TweetDeck · Details

  17. Why is DC tweeting something like that after all this time? Strange.

    MIchael K is funny as usual, I did see it because he's one of the things I thought about when I read about Anderson.
