Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Stuck on deu....

Austin loses count ...

Jake is just lost.....

Austin got stuck on his countdown as he is really trying to sell his departure .....

Because twitpic from inside the sedan service.... yeah that' subtle

Was the day so nice he counted it twice?  And could long lost Jake have something to do with that two fer? And could the dearly have departed ..much much earlier?

 Austin in Paris (PR approved)

Austin in Paris (Toothy approved)

Paris, bikes, berets.... Oh Austin this is your city.


  1. God it has been pre reeke that I have even bothered checking out DC. I wonder how much the woman who bullied DC to eliminate any JIG debate coooooed over reeke. GB had to be created by a few of the woman from there.

  2. How could anyone think that those are not a set of mans legs wrapped around Austin in that pic. Thanks Matthew Frost.

  3. Bubble Boy is on this morning.

    To quote Jimmy... "This is awesome!"

  4. Happy 4th everyone. Gonna be a hot one.

  5. Star Trek" star Quinto decided to talk openly about his sexuality after the suicide of Jamey Rodemeyer, a 14-year-old gay rights activist who took his life after years of anti-gay bullying. "As a gay man I look at that and say there's a hopelessness that surrounds it," he told New York Magazine in October. "But as a human being I look at it and say 'Why? Where's this disparity coming from, and why can't we as a culture and society dig deeper to examine that?' We're terrified of facing ourselves.'"

    Qunito, 35, further elaborated about his decision to come out on his blog. "In light of Jamey's death -- it became clear to me in an instant that living a gay life without publicly acknowledging it -- is simply not enough to make any significant contribution to the immense work that lies ahead on the road to complete equality," he wrote. "Our society needs to recognize the unstoppable momentum toward unequivocal civil equality for every gay lesbian bisexual and transgendered citizen of this country.

    Sweet words. I know it has been a while since Zachary came out but wow he nailed it.

  6. Happy Fourth of July to everyone!

    It's hot up here as well and I'm still in recovery mode... hope everyone has a great day to celebrate America's National Holiday.

  7. Happy Fourth of July, and stay cool.

  8. That is a great statement from Zachary Tom.

  9. I've been slowly catching up on things as this past week was like a whirlwind. Still have newspapers, and housework to deal with after our Festival Weekend here at home. I had visitors in my place as well and did far too much drinking and eating but enjoyed it immensley.

    Thanks to Special, PG, Tom and everyone for the good wishes on Canada Day on Sunday.

    Because of your Fourth of July most of the Canadian Productions close or go into a weeks hiatus as both Cdn and US are heavy into the two national celebrations.

    Just had a nice chat with Tom and caught up with him and that's always a fun thing. So many good friends here and happy to share Anderson Coopers' pronouncement with one and all.

    Need to get something on my multiple mosquito bites soon or I'll have myself scratched to pieces. Too much time outdoors lately, but it's just so nice!

    Greetings once again on the Fourth of July !!!!!

  10. I always enjoy our conversations Seaweed. Enjoy your cool temps of
    85 :-)

  11. Happy 4th to all.

    Lots of chatter today about a hip hop artist named Frank Ocean coming out. I know nothing about him but it's another step forward with people being free to be themselves.

    Taking it easy today. Awkward to make any plans for a mid week holiday.
