Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A Riddle Wrapped in a Mystery Inside an Enigma

Jake's newest interview in Details makes you wonder...who is he?  Or is more like...what's he trying to say he is?

Is he the smiling guy next door seen in so many paparazzi shots, the dark philosopher who buries himself deeper in each successive role, or simply a wily, charismatic chameleon? Take your pick.

 As Gyllenhaal's body of work grows, he only gets harder to peg.
"My whole life," he says, "I'd come to a scene and just ask for something real. I'd say, 'Please, just tell me what's going on. All the research, how your character picks up a fork, it'll all come when we know the truth.'" He's talking about a personal and professional evolution that accelerated during the months of his preproduction involvement in 2011's Source Code. The story—a soldier is enabled by technology to relive eight crucial minutes, over and over, until he gets it right and saves the world—resonated deeply with him. "Now the time's come to turn that on myself"—searching, over and over, for the truth—"and it's 'Game on.'"
"Every journey starts with fear," he says. "And I could say that's what I want to embrace now. A real experience. Connection with the people I'm working with, so I'm helping them make something. And I want, overall, to trust what I know is right. There have been many times when I haven't. If that's what you asked, it's what I'm asking myself now: Where is the line? What is the line?

"I grew up on the other side of the camera," Gyllenhaal says. "And yes, I do love making movies as much as being in them. I love actors, watching what they do, and I do love acting off-camera, and how it helps tell the story. But the camera eventually does turn to you, and then it's a very different question. I don't know if I have the answer to it yet.
Is Jake starting to shake off the cloak and revealing more of himself? Is this beginning of something bigger?
And Soul Cycle - well that is over- so anybody who tweets they've seen him there,  you might want to put that in the #nottruetweet pile.

"I haven't cycled in a long time," he preempts. "Ask me where I run."
"Where do—"
"I don't run anymore. Do I take care of my body and take conditioning seriously? Yes. But exercising regularly doesn't fit the energy of the character I'm playing now."
Speaking of cycling .... some Olympic style for Two Wheel Tueday
And now OMG Olympic Style Cycling

OMG Olympics

Big Trike Racing.  Grab the helmets and pull on the spandex. It's a serious test of balance, (ok not so much balance) skill, and speed.  It's track tricycles.  Imagine trying to get a peloton of trikes. Happy Two Wheel Tuesday.


  1. So happy for my girl @Aly_Raisman. She is the best. Way to go champ. You inspire me.

    12:13 AM - 8 Aug 12 via WhoSay · Details

  2. It is always interesting to see what catch line from an article gets the headline in tweets and the one that you see from the Details article is "I'm done exercising regularly". Over and over and over.

    In other words, for whatever reason, Jake is conveying to people that either he doesn't have time or there has been a shift in priority how he spends his time. And for someone who has had two very short film shoots in 1 1/2 years, you still have to ask where has his time shifted and why?

    The interviewer does the reader a real disservice by not asking Jake why? What has changed for you? So where does that allotted time go now?

    What is also very interesting is how you notice Jake's shift in person. First, he speaks in the first person. "I haven't cycled for a long time. Ask me where I run." etc, etc.

    Then he suddenly shifts and speaks about his Enemy character as being one who doesn't exercise.

    I don't know if that was on purpose or if, because Jake is so used to covering up and guarding what he says, that he slips like this.

    Regardless, it seems like Jake is perhaps foretelling the coming off of a layer or two, that he and his life have undergone changes. I think for those of us who have been watching him for the past how many years, we have already known this. Some people try to act like nothing has changed. But that is impossible to deny any longer.

  3. The other thing that strikes out at me is the pictures. In one of those pictures, Jake looks 60 years old, I swear. It is sad to see blog comments and tweets which compare him to Joaquin Phoenix. Who would have ever thought, of all the uncomplimentary comparisons.

    His skin is weathered. His forehead seems permanently furrowed. His hands, hands which used to be one of his greatest physical assets, are now aged startlingly.

    He is only 31 years old.

    Look what the closet has done to him.

    Well, and if he has been and continues to heavily smoke, he will continue to age at an alarming rate. But I bet the closeted life is the main culprit. The worry. The inner anger. The looking over one's shoulder all the time. The stress from lying, doing things you don't like having to do. The physical stress of added travel and maneuvers from hiding Austin and their kids in his life.

    Those who act like he hasn't alarmingly aged and don't question why, well....it is stupefying to me. Only 31 years old. He is in the prime years of his life. He doesn't have a rigorous work schedule. 22 day shoots? Come on.

    He is tweeted getting coffee, eating out, riding the train. Where does he keep riding the train to, anyway? He doesn't work 9 to 5. What is the stress of this supposed lifestyle?

    Only 31 years old. And look at the physical difference between him and Austin. Look who appears to have shouldered most of the burden of their chosen closet.

    Is it bad of me to say I would like to bop Austin over the head during reflective moments like this? Because I would. Austin looks better than he ever has. And look at Jake. Something just isn't fair in this picture, I'm sorry.

    Look out for your man, Austin.

  4. Whew what a couple of spoutfuls! lol. Sorry about that!

    Off to work we go!!

  5. I agree PG about Jake and the cigarettes ruining the photos. On the other hand, at least he's no longer covering up every single thing about himself.

    Also agree about his looking so much older. Probably a combination of stress, smoking, the beard and genetics.

  6. PG you act as if you are some therapist or you have some personal knowledge of the "closet". Do you?
    Yes, your comments were a spoutful of your disagreement of Jake's life. Fan or no fan, it's his life and you can act as if you know his motivations for his change, but he is an artist and most artist go thru these types of transformation. Not all, but some do and Jake could be one of them. Yes his looks to have aged, nothing a short haircut and clean or close shave would take care of.
    I don't agree with his smoking either, but, you know what, It's his life and coming from one who used to smoke (myself), I understand the ups and downs and addiction to smoking. We all have addictions (blogging / interest in some actors life we don't know). Some people would laugh and shake their heads to person who do what YOU and Some do. Not gonna judge him or make him a 2nd class citizen for smoking because now I don't agree with it.

    Furthermore, it's obvious you are suggesting his change in look and exercise gives validation to your notion of Jake and Austin living a married life with at least five children, I see it as an artist who changes for roles and (OR), because of his artistic nature.

    Now, not being seen with a girlfriend or boyfriend often imo suggest he may be gay or BISEXUAL.
    None of his actions suggest he's married to Austin with five or more children. Nothing!
    Nor does Austin actions!

  7. longer hair and a longer beard always, (ALWAYS) ages a man.
    Shorter hair and close beard or clean shave, can shave at least 5 or 10 years off a man. Most men!
    Men know this and want a change sometimes in their life, (especially artistic men) just as some or most or many women go to great lenghts of hair color, hairstyles, wigs and the whole gamut. Why do they do it and so often?

  8. 2 cents last comment (lol)August 8, 2012 at 10:53 AM

    ^^ and, all of those Womanly changes also change the look of their true age, either trying to look older when they're young, or trying to look and stay young when they're older.

    Why such judgement on Jake?

  9. You know this is one of the more honest and direct interviews Jake's done in a long time. Why do I say that?

    Because there is no babbling or talking around things. The pictures are an even more honest representation, raw and honest as if Jake is saying - this is me, take it or leave it.

    Small steps - one step closer. Go Jake Go!

  10. The pictures are an even more honest representation, raw and honest as if Jake is saying - this is me, take it or leave it.

    ^^ I agree, but I don't think it's a "I'm married with Austin N and we have 5 children" statement. I think it's a take it leave it moment with "maybe" a coming out of his sexuality in the future. I'm in the camp of Jake G being Gay or Bi with no long term commitment yet.

  11. Different day, same old song.

    That's been going on for years wouldn't you say. Pro Jake-gay with Austin and family, and Jake is not with Austin and just friends theory.
    Nothing new on both fronts.

  12. On the other hand, at least he's no longer covering up every single thing about himself.

    Totally true, Dest. And Special as well.

    And in fact, I've talked to someone else this morning, M&M to be exact, and she echoes the same sentiment.

    And you guys all make a point that frankly, I wasn't giving Jake credit for at all.

    And that is honesty and truth. Take me, this is who I am, please accept it or else - well, too bad. This is who I am, this is what I do. And I'm not hiding it anymore.

    And as soon as she explained that to me, it was like the sun shone through on my dim, clouded mind and I said, Okay, I can totally, totally see that.

    And so I'm wrong if this is what he was trying to do in this interview. Totally, totally wrong and I'm so glad.

    I certainly apologize to Jake for taking the wrong road on this one and yeah, I echo Destiny's opinion and also Special's "Go, Jake, Go!"

    You bet. I applaud his unveiling. And I can't believe I wasn't seeing this. Bad on me!

    But like I said, I would be and am so glad to be wrong on something like this.

    Okay, back to work!

    Oh, and 2 Cents? Blah, blah , blah, blah. You sound like Charlie Brown's teacher.

    Bite me, why don'tcha.

  13. Oh, and 2 Cents? Blah, blah , blah, blah. You sound like Charlie Brown's teacher.

    Bite me, why don'tcha.

    Glad you admitted you were wrong PG. See, there's no problem with that. But what's with the bite me comment?

    Your constant comments could also be blah, blah, blah.
    Are you aware of this?

  14. Are you aware of this?

    And are you aware that you do not call me PG.

    I don't know you, you don't know me.

    Knock it off.

  15. Whether with words or the visual representation of Jake in this DETAILS interview, there is much to be commended. The selection of the title of the article sets the stage: Jake Gyllenhaal is back. Of course, a provocative title like that presupposes that Jake Gyllenhaal has been conspicuously missing in action all along. Notice in the photos selected for this presentation that Jake is fully covered (heavy coat, layered clothing), including a full beard, but he chooses to be barefooted. Symbolically, Jake is conveying that he is returning to a natural state, more carefree and connected to who he is. Being barefooted can also mean innocence a return to childhood and new beginnings. Jake admits himself that every journey starts with fear, which suggests that people are witnessing the beginning stages of a new Jake who is plowing ahead regardless of the consequences. This Jake is more real and grounded because he is finally facing himself in a way he never has before. More honest and determined to pursue what is right. Like the truth. He lets us know indirectly that even though he may be afraid where this journey will take him, he is no longer interested in hiding flaws or habits or unveiling the man in the mirror (smoking, chugs down half a beer in an instant, uninterested in being presented as the handsome leading man, abs, dimples, beaming smile, and discarding the reputation as the swinging bachelor and serial dater who is still searching for the right woman).

    Significantly, this is the first interview since Jake signed with WME. And, as many of us discussed last December, apparently the selected vehicle by which he has agreed to begin to reimage himself in the public eye. This Jake is far more serious and interested in making it real. He loves acting, but not the star machine or the fame. This Jake will not only be far more unpredictable, but full of surprises as he begins to reveal himself, step by step. It will be an interesting transformation to watch. Masks will be discarded, while Jake pulls away from the pursuit of fame and conventionality and embraces “something real.”

  16. Notice in the photos selected for this presentation that Jake is fully covered (heavy coat, layered clothing), including a full beard, but he chooses to be barefooted. Symbolically, Jake is conveying that he is returning to a natural state, more carefree and connected to who he is. Being barefooted can also mean innocence a return to childhood and new beginnings

    Do you really think Jake has that much artistic input into the layout? Couldn't it just be they're showcasing fall clothes as it is the September issue. Also, Jake has done other photoshoots barefoot in the past. What was he conveying then?

  17. If you watch the video of outtakes from the photoshoot, you can see they have racks of stuff, and Jake picking which shirt of like 10 white shirts he wants, so yes I do think he does have a say, and so does his team. They will talk to the magazine and tell what they want the article to focus on, and that can lead to the photo editor as well.

  18. Do you really think Jake has that much artistic input into the layout?


  19. Also, Jake has done other photoshoots barefoot in the past. What was he conveying then?

    Personally, I think he was doing his naked feet exhibition for PG!

    Seriously, it's obvious that this particular spread was strategically planned and executed. It's your prerogative to be obtuse.

  20. And, the selection of DETAILS magazine was done intentionally as well.

  21. Late to the party as usual. I got slammed at work and am behind on surfing the web, email, everything. We are trying to keep our sales up while for sale so lots of pressure.

    Very interesting article and of course Jake has input. Did you not read the article? He can be a pain in the ass per two directors. I find it odd that the interviewer threw in all that old, canned material about Jake. I guess they gave him a total number of words to produce so he had to pad it up. I had a positive and negative reaction to the article. I did not like the impliaction that it was Jake that pulled an outstanding performance from Heath. Even with Jennifer Aniston, who can barely act anyway you can see in their interviews together that he treated her like she was royalty, not the other way around. That comment is a real stretch. It was hilarious that the author commented on the Jake replicants. No wonder we see so many mistaken tweets. They all look like versions of Jake. The author is also a bit off when he talks about Jake's smiling, beautiful face when Jake has not been smiling for years now. Realy ever since the Reese bearding days.

    On the other hand, Jake was more candid and take me or leave me than usual. But I'm not sure if that is truly Jake or the author organizing the thoughts in a logical order for him. All in all though I agree we are seeing a more mature Jake now. I will be interested to see how he handles himself in the TV interviews that go with the mvie release. That is where I see real contrast with Jake being on guard and careful of every word he utters.

    As for Reese, I think taking the beard role is her way of rubbing it in Jake's nose.

  22. I did not like the impliaction that it was Jake that pulled an outstanding performance from Heath.

    I agree, m. Very good point. I did not like that implication either.

  23. Michael K

    The rest of the pictures from Jakey Gyllenhaal's Details spread make him look like a tortured Russian poet. James Franco is jealous. - The Berry

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. LOL! A little Chekhov or Dostoevsky, anyone? Jake does have Russian blood flowing in his veins, after all.

  26. I was thinking The Overcoat by Gogol, M&M. LOL

  27. Personally, I think he was doing his naked feet exhibition for PG!

    Heyyy!!! lol. I can't help it. I really am not normally a feet person. It's just Jake's. #OneOfThoseUnexplainablePreoccupations

    The image concocted by M&M's theory about the bare feet combined with clothing reminds me of that scene in Pretty Woman when Vivian takes Richard Gere's character out to the park and he's all uptight but she coaxes him into taking his shoes and socks off, followed by walking in the grass. It's a very communal with nature moment for him and got his character in touch with himself a little better.

    We got a big ol' honkin' rain tonight. I mean, the skies opened up and you know how sometimes it rains horizontally? The wind is blowing so hard that it blows the rain straight across the street instead of straight downward. Just a real slamming.

    It looks like fall around here because it's just so dry that the trees are dropping their leaves. I read or heard once that this dropping of leaves is a protective mechanism for the tree to preserve its moisture. Poor trees!!

  28. KGB ‏@kgbrooks22

    @Ted_Casablanca Reese Witherspoon in a movie called The Beard!? Your input is imperative! http://tinyurl.com/8qlunlg

    8h Ted Casablanca Ted Casablanca ‏@Ted_Casablanca

    @kgbrooks22 I think u just said everything required, Reese sure is qualified!
