Monday, August 6, 2012

Little celebrations

Jake's long time friend Natalie Portman was married this weekend in Big Sur at a friend's house,

 with just close friends after dark on Saturday night.

Think Jake and Co. could have been part of that celebration.  You'd think that such long time friends would be there.

 Weddings of friends are part of those passages of time, you share with them their joy.

Think that was the only joy Jake was celebrating this weekend?

Ohhh the Olympics... the joy of the gymnastics?  swimming? water polo?

OMG Olympics

Monkey in the Middle.  Not the keep away game that you knew as a kid but the strategic game of adding one to make a monkey now a middle. ; )


  1. better luck next timeAugust 7, 2012 at 12:06 AM

    No, he wasn't there. Apart from the several tweets placing him at Uncle Vanya I have firsthand knowledge of him being at the Soho Rep from a friend who works there, who texted me he was there. Saturday night.

  2. Boy, that was quick, wasn't it?


    Sorry, better luck selling your story to someone else.

  3. There are too many connections for Jake and Austin to Big Sur. Too perfect.

    It's been too quiet.

    And there is a very special birthday around this time.

    Don't mess with some of us. We have figured out more than you would like.

  4. What I like about those pictures is Jake looks very natural in all of them. About as relaxed and comfortable as one could surmise from a picture, anyway.

    Well, today I go deliver a boatload of school supplies that we collected at work. Tons of crayons and oh man, so many spiral notebooks! Gosh, those things are HEAVY!!! lol

    Maybe next year we don't ask for spiral notebooks. ; ) hope I find this school alright. **worries**

  5. JAKE GYLLENHAAL says he was warned that his turn as a cop in his new movie would “affect my soul,” and based on the 31-year-old actor’s outlook on the business, we’d have to agree. In “End of Watch,” out Sept. 21, Gyllenhaal plays a South Central Los Angeles cop, and says he endured five months of grueling preparation for the role. “I got the s— kicked out of me,” says Gyllenhaal, who rode around with cops three nights a week and weathered fight training “every morning.” But despite his eagerly anticipated return to the big screen — it’s been a year since his last movie — the Academy Award nominee has a rather cynical view of success. “What success really gives you is the freedom to fail and then try again,” he says.

    NY Daily News

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. LOL OMG wishful thinking never ceases to amaze and amuse

  8. I wonder why things never worked out for Jake and Mila Kunis. She was a hottie. Seems like she make a great mom. I don't understand.

  9. Sad news that Marvin Hamlisch passed away. I can't believe he was only 68 - seems like he has been professionally active for such a long time. He must have been very young when he started.

    He always seemed to friendly and extremely enthusiastic when he would play the piano on television on the award shows.

  10. Jake's Details interview is now being tweeted. Let's see if I can remember my link template from memory!!! lol

    Well, I suppose at least he's not hiding the cig in his hands.

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  13. Spesh, put some Mika on the radio for Tom! I recommend Grace Kelly and Love Today.

  14. If I can get the radio working - I will. I love Grace Kelly too! Great to see you London!!

  15. Musicless! We're musicless!! Poor Special. We'll all cross our fingers for successful tinkering!!

    You know, I just love Adam Lambert for so many reasons. One of them, I really enjoy his twitter relationship with his fans. He really knows how to interact with his fans.

    I got worried today though when I saw his latest tweet which said, "You ask why? Why not? ;) Change is good."

    And I thought oh no, what did he do now?

    And sure enough, he changed his hair (he's always tinkering with his hair, lol). Oh, it looks terrible, it's all platinum blond. Aaaaargh, Adam, how could you do that?

    LOL, he must have gotten bad feedback because of his tweet that said, "Why not? Change is good."

    lol!!!! Gotta love that guy.

  16. Nice to see you London!

    Really nice story Tom about your old friend and what he posted on Facebook.

    Interesting that Jake is talking about how he failed after finding initial success. I guess that's going to be the "theme" for EOW publicity.

  17. Ok, where are Jake's and Austin's babies? I would love to see at least 1 child. Can somebody please tell me where are their children? Why aren't Jake and Austin living together since they have five or more children. Damit, I want to see the family together if they are married and have so many children, if they are married with kids.
    It's been to long now to not have seen any of Jake and Austin children. Just saying.

  18. PG, thanks for posting the link to the Details article on Jake!

    Wow... I just read that start to finish, and after trying to distill what I've read, and then think about what I've heard about Jake in the past months, it somehow rings true.

    I was very pleasantly suprised with the approach to the material by the author/interviewer. At different times we think we may just have Jake pegged in one way or another, then he... or his keepers... throw us on a mind-bending course of contradictions!

    The Jake I read about in this article, the deep, hard-working, thoughtful, serious, comedic, and engaging individual, shows all the signs of this 'chameleon' who is very adept at presenting himself in so many different ways.

    He's not only adept as an actor, but has equipped himself well for the the hiding that he's been doing for all these years.

    Just my opinion and take on the Details article. I thoroughly enjoyed it and find the author's quandry quite understandable.

    Cheers to all.

  19. Tired of waiting, just stay tuned like the rest of us and all will be revealed in time. Patience truly is a virtue.

    Thanks for recounting your experience with coming out to your friend Tom, it's so great when you have such a re-inforcing reaction that is shared with others you know and beyond.

    Be well !

  20. I like Grace Kelly London tb.
    I had to check out all of Mika's music on You Tube last night.

    Thanks Seaweed. I never thought I would see the day I could come out to a friend like it was just normal conversation. I owe a lot of the confidence and inner serenity I have found to this blog and the friends I have made.

  21. I have really enjoyed the Olympics.
    Who was the Olympian that Jake was so supposeingly in love with. I think she was a skier. Maybe she was Gay. If not Jake would have been all over that. Like Austin once said "I am just a young buck".

  22. Awwww Special, I just now noticed your OMG Olympics was about monkeys. Awww. How cute!

    Sorry I missed that the first time around. LOLLL!!! You know how I can be!

    Jake's been using some very strange/interesting vocabulary lately.

  23. I wasn't going to comment about it but now that I see another picture, I have to voice the opinion that I'm really disappointed in the pictures from Details with Jake flaunting his cigarette.

    Not sure what that is all about, but for me, it's again some kind of stigma/image about cigarettes that they're "cool" and "edgy". Why use those things in the photo shoot? Our young people will see that and what message is that sending?

    Why were they necessary for those pictures? They're his lungs. But at least you could not use them in a photo shoot that young people are going to be looking at.

    How about a picture 30 years from now showing him hooked up to and dragging around a tube from a cylinder of oxygen?

    Those poor little Gyllenichol kids breathing that crap in. That's great.

    Geez louise. Had it with that nonsense.

    Hey Special, we have music now but lol, it plays no matter what. You can't stop it. It's endless! LOLLLLL!!! That's awesome. Well, maybe not really because I'm not too wild about this song. LOLLLLL!!!! ;D

  24. OMG that is soooo funny. Reese the Beard:-)

  25. Oh my gosh, Destiny!! That is incredible. That's not some kind of delayed April Fool's, is it?

    I cannot believe that. What in the heck??????

    Actually, I find that really, really, really interesting.....

    Maybe there's a purpose to her doing that movie........

  26. Oh wait, false alarm!!! LOLLLLL!!! The music was coming from the Tumblr page I had open which had those photoshoot pictures on it.

    I closed the window and poof!!! the music went away and I still had OMG up.

    LOLLLLLLLL!!! #WhatADunceHead

  27. bill felty ‏@billfelty

    reese witherspoon's new comedy is called THE BEARD. which, considering she was a long-term girlfriend of jake gyllenhaal, IS pretty funny

    1 Favorite
    Brett Gursky

    7:07 PM - 7 Aug 12 via web · Details

  28. I guess Reese the Beard and the beard on Jakes face is supposed to make him look masculine. I say this. Yuck to both. Jake is so much more attractive without either type of beard.

  29. I guess it is more important for Jake to look masculine than scoorching hot.

  30. Sometimes I don't mind the beard as much, kind of depends on how trim it is and the angle, etc. He can look good with the beard, although he still looks so much better and certainly younger without it. And I love the bare feet in that one picture, of course!!! But the cig and pack of cigs ruins that picture for me. Oh well, that's just me.

    Seriously, I think this movie of Reese's is very interesting. I notice she is a producer. What does she possibly know? Could the movie possibly be a vehicle for her to poke some fun at her past situation. How big of a buzz would that create for this movie?

    She's a producer of this movie and she is no dummy. At first, the story was hilarious. But very quickly, once I started to think about it, the idea was fascinating.

    I don't knowwwwww......
