Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Ad Man

Was Jake doing his own interpretation of the Thin Blue Line for Letterman?

Look at his suit.

A little subliminal message for EoW perhaps?

Subtle Jake, subtle.

At least this time.

You haven't always been.

 And that's why we love ya.


  1. From Monday's Post:

    Family Tile said...

    Yes. Me and my girlfriend saw Jake sitting in a golf cart with a baby, maybe about 8-10 months old. He scooted right by us.

    August 29, 2012 8:09 PM

    I remember reading someone's tweet about that. But at the time, it was one of those kinds of tweets that you just kind of held onto for a later date because there wasn't enough to go on.

  2. lol. Have you guys seen the picture of Queen Elizabeth riding in a vehicle with a hoodie drawn up over her head?

    LOLLLLLLLL!! That is hilarious.

  3. I remember reading someone's tweet about that. But at the time, it was one of those kinds of tweets that you just kind of held onto for a later date because there wasn't enough to go on.

    I'm sure you're still holding onto that tweet, aren't you Cupcake?
    Hmmm, sorry if Jake has any children they live under the stairs and well hidden.

    Something tells me you would accept this travesty, just because......

  4. Huh? lol

    I'm going to be Tom Hanks from the movie "Big". "I don't get it." And then Jon Heard mimics him to Elizabeth's character. "I don't get it, I don't get it." lol! Has anyone seen that movie? I always watch it up to about the Coney Island part of the movie and then stop. I don't like the rest of it.

    This poor kid at Target tonight. He was just trying to be friendly but he talked so soft, I could hardly hear him! And he said "Nice day." And at first I nodded. But then I thought, No, it's not. It's darn hot out there. And so I had to tell him. "It's kind of warm out there, actually." I mean, it must be over 90 degrees out there. And so he had to kind of concede that fact to me.

    Aw, poor kid. He was just trying to be friendly and genial. But I gently told him. "It's kinda hot." Uh, it's really not all that nice. Don't mind small talk but it at least must be truthful.

  5. Why has Jaked stopped talking about having his own family recently. Also has he given up on finding the perfect woman to be the mother of his children?

    Why isnt Austin out in California looking for a job?

  6. I finally saw the photo of the Queen, you're right PG, it is hilarious.

  7. I know. LOLLLL!!! It's cute. So unexpected. She's getting a little "out of control", isn't she? Acting in Super Bowl commercials. Now she's wearing a hoodie! ; )

    Cracks me up!

  8. Why isnt Austin out in California looking for a job?

    He might be, Tom. He hasn't tweeted for several days now. Or he could be...dun dun NYC!
