Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Fresco Kid

One of the best parts of last night's interview with David Letterman was seeing this again: (Courtesy of IHJ's screencaps)

We've missed it Jake!

And you can't forget a little tongue action.

For those who missed the interview here it is:

And Jake.....

You've been Fresco'd


  1. Great set of photos. The smile would be a little more visible without the beard, but I'm happy to see it at all. I wonder if a certain Texan helped put it there.

  2. Jake looks like he's received botox injections around his eyes. Before he had huge crow's feet and wrinkles under his eyes when he smiled and laughed. (Probably the reason he kept a poker face on most pics.) But now we see only minor wrinkles. His forehead and his dimples were left untreated to avoid a frozen botox face. Overall a very good result.

  3. Wow Delphi, I wonder if that isn't correct because that is what floored me in that Hamptons interview were the amount of deep lines around his eyes. I think it was the Hamptons interview where I noticed it, anyway.

    Oh wow. That would be so incredibly sad. Seems to me that once you start, you're going to have to keep doing it because surely that Botox stuff isn't permanent.

    Astute observation.

  4. Well, look who's up to old tricks.

    From Backstage Door:
    Oh so this is why But of course

    by Mark Pelkart, posted Aug 28, 2012, 3:09 p.m.

    Jake Gyllenhaal Finds An Off-Broadway Family

    “The bottom line is that it’s just fucking great writing,” Jake Gyllenhaal says of his American stage debut, Off-Broadway play “If There Is I Haven’t Found It Yet.”

    Gyllenhaal stars as the couch-crashing Uncle Terry in Nick Payne’s British drama, opposite BrĂ­an F. O’Byrne, Michelle Gomez, and Annie Funke. “It’s about family,” Gyllenhaal says. "I think family is the most important thing in the world. I think your own family is the most complicated thing in the world, and I think it’s the most beautiful thing in the world. I think it’s what I love the most.

    “Somebody was trying to get an angle on why I moved to New York, and I was like, ‘Because my family is here and I love them. And I want to be with them and they mean everything to me.’ This is the best possible place for me to be, to be near my family, doing a show about the mess of a family, and then maybe having my family come watch it.”

    As for his newly acquired stage relatives, Gyllenhaal can’t rave enough. “These actors are fucking amazing. Wonderful! And I’m a harsh critic, you know? I am. And they’re probably just as harsh as I am. But so far it’s been wonderful.”

    The four-person dramedy, set in England and directed by Michael Longhurst, has what Gyllenhaal calls an ambitious physical production. “It takes what you sort of assume the play is going to be and it makes it so much bigger and grander. As much as I am one for real human interaction, I also want to make a show that’s entertaining and that people want to see,” Gyllenhaal says. “And I don’t think anyone here has any desire to make some quirky family drama. That’s not what it’s about. And Michael has done it. It’s ambitious. It’s daunting for us because I think we have to pull a lot of stuff off.” He laughs, adding, “But it’s not like ‘De La Guarda’ or anything.”

  5. “Somebody was trying to get an angle on why I moved to New York, and I was like, ‘Because my family is here and I love them. And I want to be with them and they mean everything to me.’ This is the best possible place for me to be, to be near my family, doing a show about the mess of a family, and then maybe having my family come watch it.”

    Ha! But of course!

    Because I assume since he has not publicly acknowledged his own immediate family, he wants everyone to believe he is speaking of his sister, brother in law, mom, and extended members. This is why we've had so many sightings and online photos of Jake with Peter and Maggie around town. Oversaturation, I believe it has been.

    This is why we saw Peter with Jake & Mama on the set of The Very Good Girls, isn't it?

    This is why they had to photoshop Jake into those Yom Kippur and Easter Stroll photo ops? Hmm, something wrong there.

    Jake, who used to be seen with his brother in law so much, has not been seen with him since when? For the snark who will say Peter was in CA filming the Woody Allen movie, there was plenty of opportunity before that. Plenty.

    Does someone have a snow shovel because the dirt o' crap is caving in on him. He may not make it out at this point.

    So let's see it now. I anticipate seeing a loving family photo op complete with brother in law at opening night. And I expect to see a great acting job off stage, off Broadway.

    Oh my pete, I've got to go get some fresh air after reading that.

  6. Correction. It wouldn't be a photo op at the play, it would just be a photo. LOL, "op" just came naturally after typing photo and it's kind of early in the a.m. still.

    This should be fun.

  7. He never defines who his family is in this article. The assumption by the reader (well most readers) would be mom, Maggie & Peter and the kids, but he never says that. Jake loves to play with the words, and the family he is openly talking about is his and Austin's.

  8. So why then is Austin living in Texas? Why do we have a million sightings of Jake roaming Manhattan without children and Austin? Why is Jake living in a small 2BR apartment in Soho? If his "family" is in NY wouldn't there be at least one sighting?

  9. Why is Jake living in a small 2BR apartment in Soho?

    Looks like the informant is back, right on cue.

  10. Prairie Girl brings up a good point. It is curious that Jake has not been seen with baby Gloria, his new niece.

    I wonder why? An uncle with his two nieces. You would think if family is so important to him, that he would be seen with them once in awhile. Instead there hasn't been one single mention or sighting.

    Jake just doesn't seem to back up his words with action.

  11. I love it. Love the Fresco. Great Post! :)

  12. This new interview with Backstage Door provided a keen opportunity for Jake to be asked about the birth of his new niece. Haven't seen a single quote from him yet regarding the new addition to the Gyllenhaal family.

    Curious indeed.

  13. prairiegirl

    Jake, who used to be seen with his brother in law so much, has not been seen with him since when?

    Chiming in

    Prairie Girl brings up a good point. It is curious that Jake has not been seen with baby Gloria, his new niece.

    I wonder why?

    So now we're judging how close Jake is to someone based on how often he is photographed with them? Ok then, I guess Jake must not like his husband much and must absolutely despise his five children.

    Special K

    Jake loves to play with the words, and the family he is openly talking about is his and Austin's.

    So Jake moved to New York to be closer to his and Austin's family who are living in Texas?

    Keep spinning those plates.

  14. So why then is Austin living in Texas?

    oh, do please spill. When did the moving vans unload Austin's possessions in the driveway in Austin TX?

    I suppose he and Jake could own a house in Austin TX, couldn't they???? That's always possible, isn't it?

  15. So now we're judging how close Jake is to someone based on how often he is photographed with them? Ok then, I guess Jake must not like his husband much and must absolutely despise his five children.

    Oh, let's play that card! I'd love to.

    You know why? Because Jake isn't being seen with either his real immediate family nor with his protective Kangaroo pouch family. His mother, yes.

    Sister, brother-in-law and yes, how about his two nieces? Not for quite awhile.

    PR and Jake are going to paint themselves into a corner. I'll watch that show, heck yeah.

  16. Oh, let's play that card! I'd love to.

    You know why?

    You know why...what? What question are you answering, and how does that response even answer it? I'll restate my post in even clearer language; if you are now going to judge how close Jake is to someone based on how often he is photographed with them then he is not very close to his husband and light years away from his five children.

    So logically you either can't judge closeness based on the frequency of pap pics or you can. But because logic and this place go together as well as water and the Wicked Witch of the West you'll no doubt believe that the simple rules of reasoning don't apply.

    Sister, brother-in-law and yes, how about his two nieces? Not for quite awhile.

    You haven't seen a picture of Jake with even one of his imaginary five children in years and yet you still believe he sees them all frequently. So what exactly are you trying to say? Come on, spit it out. I promise I won't laugh.

  17. I agree there was no way Mr. Nichols was missing his man's American theatrical debut and he wanted people to know it by doing one of his infamous Countdown Interruptus tweets, similar to the Indonesian trip he took back in April 2011. As I recall, that would have been at the same time Jake went to Europe and then Iceland for his Man vs. Wild adventure. I believe there was even a tweet about Jake losing money at a poker table in Germany

    ^^ oh come off it M&M.
    "I believe" was rampant through out your comment. Are you aware this does NOT make it true. Of course you would beleive Austin was there, hell, just say it, put it in your head and Austin is right there with Jake.

  18. The Fear.

    That's a good name because your comments are filled with the very same emotion.

    Talk to the hand.

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. Prairie Girl said...
    Sister, brother-in-law and yes, how about his two nieces? Not for quite awhile.

    Jake and Ramona on a train in May

    What are the statute of limitations for "quite a while"? Does this past May fall inside or outside the quite a while boundaries?

  21. Ohhhhh check it out. Let's see how long did it take for our resident administrative lurker to pull that one out of the file? Please if you would, share your source and not just "tiny pic". Is thIs pIcture avaIlable on a publIc gossIp sIte? See, that Is the key.

    This just keeps getting better and better, I love it. How many chains can be pulled in 12 hrs.

    Scavenger hunt continues. Do you have a current togetherness photo in that file folder of Jake with Peter?

    This feels like limbo. How low can you go...

  22. What the bloody hell are you talking about? A source for the picture? Why? Does that not look like Jake and Ramona? Yeah the source is called the Internet. That's all you get. Did M&M miss this one? She must've if you're screaming about a source. A source! A source! My kingdom for a source!

  23. This Jake pic was taken backstage at the Mumford and sons concert in NYC August 2 2012. Is the guy in the blue shirt Austin?

  24. a gay blogger just checking inAugust 29, 2012 at 3:52 PM

    That does look like Austin's ear at the Mumford concert, doesn't it? Having pictures with someone does not make the relationship real. You have heard of closeted homosexuals being forced to be seen with women they are not involved with at all. Even making fake couples pose for lovey dovey photos to fool the public. Those orchestrated moments don't make the relationships any more real (for example, Orlando Bloom, Reese W. Taylor Swift, Hayden Christensen, Sophia Bush, Lance Bass, Louis Tomlinson,). The list goes on and on. Oh, and the kings of them all: Jake Gyllenhaal and Austin Nichols.

  25. Anonymous a gay blogger just checking inAugust 29, 2012 at 3:53 PM

    I probably should have said the "queens" of them all. In fact, I think I will. LOLLLLL!

  26. How do we even know it's Ramona, you can't see her face. And yes, very funny how this unsourced photo just happened to appear. It doesn't have to do with not believing it, it has to do with how someone just happened to know where to find a photo like this that didn't make the rounds. Very convenient.

    No way of knowing if that is Austin in the photo, but it could be, the hair, height and ear, but can't see enough to be sure.

  27. bawdy does not make something betterAugust 29, 2012 at 5:51 PM

    “The bottom line is that it’s just fucking great writing,” Jake Gyllenhaal says...

    Oh, I think I'll go see the play now. Great writing would not have drawn me in, but "fucking" great writing...well, that must mean this script is something special. (Dripping with sarcasm)

  28. That definitely could be Austin. If I was forced to stay yes or no I would say it was him.

    Now where is the worlds greatest ear detector to analyse this for us?

  29. Did anyone notice that Jake is wearing *gasp* a Boston Red Sox cap in that subway photo? Gee, I thought he only wore that black on black NY Yankees cap now that he is a "proud" New York transplant. Makes me think that Jake has not been honest with us. I'm so disappointed in him. What happened, Jake? No paparazzi around that day?

    And, I agree. That very well could be Austin. Ear, hair, neckline and height. And, he does wear similar styled shirts.

  30. Not just the but the height is about right for Austin in that picture of the Mumford and Sons show.

    And Jake on the subway. Well one thing for sure, he's a Sox fan at heart, and that Yankees hat is blowing smoke up everyone's ass. You don't wear a Sox cap on the subway in NYC if you're not a fan. Especially when the Sox are having such a dismal season.

  31. Timing is everythingAugust 29, 2012 at 6:43 PM

    That's all you get.

    Well that's not enough. As people have pointed out, very interesting timing on the rapid production of that pic. Two words come to mind: #EpicFail

  32. and that Yankees hat is blowing smoke up everyone's ass.

    Bingo. Just like that ridiculous interview about family and why he's "moved," to NY. Great point M&M about that Boston Red Sox hat. I agree. His other NY baseball cap "moments" were prearranged and pre-approved. So wonder he doesn't let many fans take pictures of him. Might ruin/detract from the carefully constructed image he's been manufacturing for the unsuspecting public.

  33. I can believe Austin was there at the Mumford concert because Jake was seen holding a baby while driving around on a golf cart that day.

  34. The Fear.

    That's a good name because your comments are filled with the very same emotion.

    I'm not afraid of explaining myself. I'm not afraid of asking myself some tough questions. Prairiegirl, when presented with the flaws in your logic and the biased way in which you evaluate things and the ludicrous nature of your beliefs, you are the one that reacted in fear and avoided answering the question. Don't worry, you're in good company; Special K and Methodical Muser do the exact same thing.

    His other NY baseball cap "moments" were prearranged and pre-approved. So wonder he doesn't let many fans take pictures of him. Might ruin/detract from the carefully constructed image he's been manufacturing for the unsuspecting public.

    So all the times when he wasn't in a NY baseball cap and pictured in NY were genuine moments caught on camera? Good to know!

  35. Did you see Jake with a baby at the concert, Family Tile?

  36. So all the times when he wasn't in a NY baseball cap and pictured in NY were genuine moments caught on camera?

    I participate on many blogs, but I have to say that the trolls on OMG are particularly thick and just plain stupid. The regulars here, however, are outstanding. More savvy and knowledgeable than most. Keep up the good work.

  37. Oh, "the real Jake"; insulting people rather than engaging the points they raise? Way to stand out from the crowd kiddo! I mean, why quote me if you're not going to answer the question? Wow, it's almost as if you're a regular poster here that's given themselves a different name just so you can lavish your friends with praise whilst sniping at those who point out how silly you are...

    ...or maybe that's just me being cynical.

  38. I love how sensitive trolls are. Blogging Rule #1: Ignore them.

  39. Hey, don't project your issues onto me "the real Jake". I'm having fun watching people dodge and spin and give themselves different names to try and insult others with. It's fun. If you think I'm a troll then take your own advice and ignore me. You've already admitted that you can't counter my points, so why don't you let that fake name go and slip into name more comfortable and familiar. Something with an M perhaps?

  40. Yes. Me and my girlfriend saw Jake sitting in a golf cart with a baby, maybe about 8-10 months old. He scooted right by us.

  41. Just read the article about Jake and his obsession with family. Nothing new here. He's been skirting around the generic use of the term family for ages. This is just another instance of him trying to have it both ways. Hiding behind the skirts of his sister and mother while denying his own family, yet saying how important "family" is to him.

    Thanks, Family Tile. I was wondering if you were the one who actually saw the baby Jake had with him. Given the age range, that could not have been Maggie's kid.

  42. What the poor troll keeps forgetting is that Jake and Austin are closeted. That is why we do not see pictures of Jake and Austin with their family. On the day that happens, Jake will be fully out and the troll will no longer have any interest in OMG or anything to talk about for that matter.

  43. Exactly, M&M. They're in the closet.

    In fact, I think that's part of the whole problem with the continuance of the deception and unnecessary behavior. Jake and Austin have become so accustomed to their life in the closet, they may be in danger of having become comfortable in it. 1) they get help from their friends and family who, out of love for them, think they are helping by enabling and 2) their own constant repetition and practice of ease of mobility and function. I am sure they have perfected how to travel, how to get to & from, how to get in & out. I bet they have the traveling down to clockwork. They should because they've had ample practice.

    They "meet up". They "separate". One walks far ahead, the other way behind. Texting makes this a snap.

    The longer it keeps working for them, the comfort level is liable to rise.

    I love this quote, though:

    "Sometimes we stay in Hell a long time because we have learned the names of the streets."

    ~ Michael Levine

  44. That is an awesome find, the BoSox cap. Hey, thanks to the person who brought that picture to the blog. What a great contribution. LOLLLLLL!!!!! **slaps knee**

    I guess the ol' Yankee cap was not worthy that day when the "Live! Action! Camera!" wasn't on cue.

  45. Exactly, M&M. They're in the closet.

    So wait. They're in the closet but yet have no problem being together at a concert riding around on a golf cart holding a babytile? In full view of everyone backstage, a backstage that included lots of regular people who had VIP passes? But they're closeted???

  46. Exactly, M&M. They're in the closet.

    So wait. They're in the closet but yet have no problem being together at a concert riding around on a golf cart holding a babytile? In full view of everyone backstage, a backstage that included lots of regular people who had VIP passes? But they're closeted???

  47. Good point, I certainly give you that.

    They are in the closet though. All one has to do is look at what happened after Berlinale.

    BTW, that took you only 8 minutes, Sheesh/The Fear/Make Up Your whatever you are at the moment. What are you doing, sitting on your computer? Or are you being paid to sit at your computer and monitor this blog? I think that is more like it. m's comment was over an hour ago but I no sooner get on here and about 4 min later, because one must calculate writing time in there, you are magically online. That's unbelievable.

  48. And for someone who think we're full of crap and you laugh at us and have no fear of us, you certainly are worried about something we're saying because you can't seem to let go today.

    You are all over us like flypaper, arguing and belittling every single point being made. If what we are saying is pure nonsense, why in the heck are you even here, paying attention to this little blog that is by no means of the magnitude of ONTD, DataLounge, Gawker, etc? I'll tell you why. Because we made a lot of excellent points today. And it has you worried sick.

  49. Tell you what, Sheesh. The concert golf cart is but one unexplainable incident in Jake's life for the last 5 years.

    What about the child on Jake's shoulders at the beach about a month or so ago?

    What about the "Jake's kid" tweet taken place at a museum?

    What about the little child's coat beside the chair when he and RDJ were dining?

    What about the 3 boxes of candy coming out of the doctor's office?

    What about the little blond haired child in the PoP Crew picture taken after filming?

    What about the little baby in the papoose in Paris that Ava Witherspoon Phillips reached up to touch?

    What about the little child standing directly in front of Jake at the movies in Canada? Beside Jake was a blond woman who looked like the blond woman carrying the baby in Paris who looked like the blond woman driving Jake in a van?

    What about this tweet?
    Bethany S.‏@Pebbles430

    just found out Jake gyllenhaal's daughter was at the daycare center I work at during the summer because he was filming a movie here. Damn
    8:08 PM - 28 Jan 12via web

    What about the blog comment left by a gentleman who said that he hoped Jake and his lover Austin Nichols would just continue to care for their new baby girl.

    What about the time Jake was over in London in the park with a child and a passerby wanted to take a picture but he told her not to come any closer?

    These alone I pull right off the top of my head. That's an awful lot of other sightings and mentions of Jake with children.
