Saturday, September 22, 2012

Good news, good reviews, good things....

EoW got a strong start on it's opening weekend with a Friday over expectations, making an estimate $4.6 million the first day.  With a movie that was made for just $7million it had already recouped it's production budget.

But Jake was still out there working and talking about the movie.  And ok having some fun with Jimmy Fallon.

Jake is getting great reviews for his work on EoW and he's getting good mentions for his role in the play "If There Is"

For those how want to see Jake but can't get to NYC , here's a clip courtesy of Broadway World.


  1. Great to hear that Jake finally has a solid hit on his hands. I caught up on his interviews today. The only bad thing about doing them all at once is that you can see how repetitive the questions are. But he did a good job. Much more natural than he's been in years. But no doubt the interviewers were given an approved list of topics and questions to stick to.

    As for the babies tile, the only reason we are not talking about them is that there are other things happening right now. As usual, when Jake works, Austin mans the home fires and when Austin works, Jake is suddenly not busy.

  2. I haven't had a chance to catch up on any of the interviews, I've had a hectic week, and today it's all about football and catching up on a week's worth of newspapers.

  3. I don't know how many have watched the snippet from the play yet, but Jake's got that accent down. Wow. If you were just listening to it and not seeing who it was, you'd expect it's Jake.

  4. It's a tight box office but it could be record making for Jake.

    The box-office weekend's ultimate winner may not be determined until Monday, but the big loser seems pretty clear right now.

    Sunday estimates show Jennifer Lawrence's House at the End of the Street and Jake Gyllenhaal's End of Watch in a tie, with both new releases scoring $13 million.

    Dredd 3D, the critically acclaimed new take on Judge Dredd, flopped, opening with just $6.3 million.

    Clint Eastwood's new entry, Trouble With the Curve, his first on-screen work since Gran Torino, or the Republican National Convention, depending on your perspective, came away with $12.7 million—a "decent" performance, as Exhibitor Relations' Jeff Bock put it.

    If Monday's final numbers show House at the End of the Street still in first, then that'll mark Lawrence's second No. 1 film of the year, after The Hunger Games.

    Like that survivalist blockbuster, House's box office was largely driven by young females.

    End of Watch, meanwhile, could be the first No. 1 opener of Gyllenhaal's career.


  5. Wow. If you were just listening to it and not seeing who it was, you'd expect it's Jake.


  6. Does this make it more clear?

    Watching the clip, if you don't look up at the screen you'd never realize it was Jake speaking.

  7. I am glad Jake is doing well. My hope is that he realizes he doesn't have to be a PR hoar to be successful but I am not counting on it. Jersey Tom from Pats country.

  8. Hope you have some lobster while you're "up Maine" Tom.

    Go Pats.
