Friday, September 21, 2012

On the Road and On Watch

Austin tweeted this yesterday:

Street named in El Paso, TX for a great film I worked on. If you havn't seen it, take a look. Glory Road.  -AUS10

Now the question was Austin in El Paso, or  did his brother-in law who was send him the pic as a shout out to Austin's movie?

Why wonder?  Well Rowdy was in was in El Paso on Wednesday promoting his movie Mexican Sunrise.


 Glory Road is a great movie. 
 But bud - look at you then and now.

You've come a long way baby. 

And while it is an Austin Friday, it was also a big day for his fella too.

Jake was on Anderson today

Jake Gyllenhaal & Michael Pena - Anderson Live... by Orlandita02

Jake Gyllenhaal & Michael Pena - Anderson Live... by Orlandita02

Jake Gyllenhaal & Michael Pena - Anderson Live... by Orlandita02

And on the ALMA Awards

Jake Gyllenhaal & Michael Pena - 2012 Alma Awards by Orlandita02

And he has one more stop tonight on Jimmy Fallon. 

Speaking of stops -  Austin tweeted a picture of the shuttle flying over LA today.  So the question is, is Cali his latest stop or is it just a little more Rowdy and friends adding to duck duck Goose cover and he's on the other coast (as in East).  

 Just something to think about and watch what happens.


  1. Man, I am so behind on Jake at the moment. I have not watched any of the newest videos yet. Too much activity at work but I hope to get caught up tomorrow. Ent lawyer had a blind today and the most frequent guess for an upcoming bearding relationship was Jake and Jessica Chastain, and sure enough I saw mention of them today, though just in a general way so far. He'd be nuts to resume bearding. He finally sounds normal for a change. Has anyone heard how EOW is doing yet?

  2. It might make business sense that Austin would be in LA this weekend with the Emmy's this weekend. Great time to make connections and do some business and if he is a part of the regular cast of Ray Donovan, that cast might be making the rounds too at the Showtime parties.

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  5. Hi Jack! Now that you have turned WFT2 in to a stinkin' old pile, why do you still have to come here? Pffft

  6. Jake and Jessica Chastain would be a mutual bearding relationship, and it would be of great benefit to her professionally to raise her profile, especially with two possible oscar roles for Jake coming out (end of watch and the enemy). Still, I think Jake's future bearding is limited to floated stories in gossip mags, not real contract relationships. Hope Enty is wrong!

  7. FRIDAY PM/SATURDAY AM: This is one of those weekends which can only be described as box office hell for Hollywood. Because no one can agree on which of the top two pics is #1. The info I’m getting is changing fast, and the film order will come down to late shows on the West Coast. All four newcomers are low- to medium-budget movies, but none will open to more than $15M this weekend. And total filmgoing likely won’t add up to a lot more than $80M, which is down a big -27% from last year. “It’s a close race to mediocrity with no winners,” one movie exec snarked to me.

    Friday’s leader may or may not turn out to be Open Road’s handheld-camera End Of Watch (2,730 theaters). I hear the small distributor was even getting congratulatory calls from competitors after “extremely strong” West Coast late show numbers caused the pic to leap by $200K or $300K for $4.5M-$4.6M Friday and a $13+M weekend. Needless to say, that’s very surprising for this film which also topped midnight screenings. After all, it’s R-rated which limits its grosses, it’s playing in less theaters than rivals, and it’s starring Jake Gyllenhaal who’s been box office poison for major studios. But this cop drama is exactly his brand of smaller character-driven indie project With great reviews and an audience-rated CinemaScore of ‘A-’ that will expand word of mouth, End Of Watch‘s take could rival Open Road’s biggest to date, The Grey ($51.5M theatrical run). Made for only $7.5M, pic was acquired by Open Road for around $2M in February after execs saw it at a buyer’s screening at the Arclight and made the deal that night. P&A was around $20M. Written and produced and directed by David Ayer (Training Day, S.W.A.T, The Fast & The Furious), Gyllenhaal is an executive producer. Pic also stars Michael Peña and Anna Kendrick. Producers are John Lesher, Nigel Sinclair, Matt Jackson and David Ayer.
