Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Austin Points Bulletin

He goes by a few names,  Austin, Aus10, Wild Turkey...Grey...

He could be scruffy

of clean cut

He could be using a cunning use of hats.

Or boots.

He says he 's back in the New York groove  but exactly where is that? Is he wearing a groove somewhere in the 5 Burroughs, or  just outside one or two of them?  It's a Long Island, so there's lots of places to look.


  1. PG, glad to hear you had such a good time in California. I came back from Atlanta exhausted so would not have been good company.

    Destiny, head on over as fast as you can to mynewplaidpants.blogspot.com for some incredible pictures of Matt Bomer. Out takes from his stripping during the making of Magic Mike. It's coming out on DVD soon and as soon as I leave this site I am headed to amazon.com for a preorder. Not the worlds greatest movie but the eye candy was off the chart.

  2. But there was never one single picture. Oh, there were pictures of Tony Roberts and Jessica Chsstain but not of his famous sister and brother in law.

    Don't know about anyone else but I found that pretty strange.

    this is a lie, there is a pic posted on GB.

  3. Peter and Maggie at If there is I Haven't Found it Yet! premiereOctober 10, 2012 at 9:30 AM


  4. And that is not a good link, 0930. Please try again.

  5. I don't even have to look. My question already is why was this picture not printed officially anywhere? And from what original website is it from? And no I am not referring to GB because that doesn't count.

  6. http://gyllenbabble.blogspot.it/search?updated-max=2012-10-01T07:29:00-04:00&max-results=4

    At the and of the page

    Photos of Yahoo, NY Times and Walter McBride Photography

  7. mouse inside the wallOctober 10, 2012 at 11:03 AM

    That is an awkward picture of hand holding if I ever saw one. I only look at Gyllenbabble.com from time to time. Ultraviolet has a very bad habit of not giving credit where information is obtained. Iwill admit I missed this one. Interesting that their entrance was caught and the tweeter said they arrived late.

  8. I am gay and I bet I have dated more girls (yucky) than Jake and Austin heterosexual combined.
    Why is that. Tom

  9. Well, for myself, I had already said before the opener that I fully expected to see M&P at his play official opening. So to see this picture doesn't surprise me. There also happens to be one here A Fully Lit Late Entrance? .

    Funny. lol. I like how the two pictures are not supporting the tweet of a late arrival. No matter.

    It's not uncommon for joint appearances to be made in order to maintain a certain image.

    There has been something hidden behind the scenes with the couple and my belief is not changed from that because of this picture which was posted 11 days after the opener. Why is that anyway? His opening was Sept 21 and this picture was found on Oct 1? Plus it was from a photography studio. Another quirky oddity.

    What I suppose could also be pointed out is that if these photos were indeed from the opener, it's interesting to me that Peter makes an appearance at his brother-in-law's opener but not at his wife's opener in NYC for her movie premiere. He accepted a gig as emcee of a Park Slope bluegrass festival in place of being at the opening of her movie, a movie which Maggie was dragged through the mud for being in by other union brothers & sisters. It seems she sure could have used the supportive arm of her husband on the carpet for a movie which greatly underperformed at the BO.

    Just an observance. Among others.

  10. Interesting that their entrance was caught and the tweeter said they arrived late.

    Not so interesting Walter McBride Photography covered the whole event,red carprt,play, after party,whoever was there has been photographed, no matter when Peter and Maggie has arrived.

    Why is that anyway? His opening was Sept 21 and this picture was found on Oct 1? Plus it was from a photography studio. Another quirky oddity.

    not true the pic was posted on GB on September 21

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. 13:10, stop being so lazy and either italicize or at least parenthesis when you are re-quoting. It's very confusing trying to distinguish the re-quote and your actual comment.

    Nice touch too, naming yourself "The Family". Very interesting.

    Doesn't change my thinking at all.

  13. While I remain firmly committed to watching how all of this unfolds, it is difficult to witness. Austin's NYC tweet provided a small ember of hope in me for some kind of remaining fight inside one of these guys. I have about lost all my hope for Jake. I think Austin had probably just had it with "they're no longer together" and perhaps also all of the media/PR/movie promotion slant toward Jake with K'nan, Jay-Zee, Michael "Mike" Pena and now Brian O'Byrne. Not that the mentions involved hints toward anything romantic, I'm not saying that. But from Jake himself, it was "Michael and I spent over half a year together, going through some of the scariest situations I've been through in my life" "he's my other half", ". And with Brian O'Byrne, it was that they "bonded together" "He's my older brother" shave together, clean shaven together (that's how close they are now). And then, there is this one: "He listens to my rants and he guides me and calms me down and also jacks me up," says Gyllenhaal. "It feels safe even within the danger of the moment."

    It's one thing to compliment co-stars and speak highly of them after having worked with them. Jake, as only he seems to do now since he went into the closet, overplays his hand and swings way over to the other side of the teeter totter to the point where it's extensively over the top. 'jacks me up?' Wow, that could be taken all kinds of ways, lol.

    And Austin is after all, only human. He's just a man. And I don't care if you are an introvert and you can let crap wash off your back. Sooner or later, it is going to get to you.

    The NYC LOVE tweet was about letting us all know that yes, he is still with Jake, sorry to tell some of you. It was plain as the nose in front of our face. I wish Jake would have shown Austin more respect in his interviews instead of trying so hard to undo the Toothy Tile and Grey Goose story.

    But both of these guys are in the boat together so it's hard to say what goes through a person's head when they allow themselves to be buried and dismissed like Austin has been allowing Jake to do to him in the press and through Ted Casablanca.

  14. And one last thing before I leave to get on with my day. For those who think there is nothing at all array. Nothing to worry about. Nothing out of whack and everything is coming up roses. I ask that you look at the first picture linked below which appeared on Twitter and someone tell me that this is the same Jake who was seen during EOW promo (of course he was properly groomed for promo). Who only earlier this year was seen glowing as he arrived at Berlinale.

    Who is 31 about to reach only 32 in a couple of months.

    Who is supposedly single and looking for a good woman to become the mother of his "2 or 4" desired children.

    Who is now a badass actor now refocused on his career and being the greatest uncle to the two children in his life, his two nieces.

    Who is currently repeatedly and repeatedly tweeted about as so hot and so gorgeous.

    And tell me these two pictures are showing the same guy. Tell me that everything undoubtedly is going just fine because he has never looked better.

    From October 6 2012

    Subway Jake

  15. I noticed in the video after the play how many Gabriela Jake had hanging around. exactly what he has worked for. Jersey tom

  16. How many girlls . Jersey tom

  17. Hey congrats Tom!! I knew you could do it. It is a pain though, I totally agree. The thing about all this electronic stuff, i.e. android phones, IPads, laptops & tablets, blue tooths. Just play around with them. Some of this stuff is just self-teaching. And if you can't figure out a blue tooth or something on your phone, ask someone else who you notice has the same kind of phone. Ask the guy at the next cubicle or desk who you notice is an electronic whiz. Or go into one of your cell company's branches or local Apple store. Those guys love to show off and look like Einstein. Be sure and lavish praise on them for helping you because these people are godsends, lol. They truly are.

    Or be like Tom who just trial and error'd until figuring it out. Woohoo! High five. ; )

  18. And here's a great picture of Jake. I thought it was taken at his play but now I don't think so because it says something about Warner Bro. Stage. I do like this one, though; he looks great here.

    Not sure what event this was taken at

  19. Sounds like Austin spent the summer in Texas but now has relocated.

  20. Austin once said Jake taught him everything he knew about woman. How that work our not a lot of woman in Austin life.

  21. Oh I bet there are a lot of girls in Austin's life.

  22. That picture of Jake that you liked PG is from when he was on Conan. It looks like it was backstage.

  23. Ohhh okay, thanks Special! Yeah, it's a recent favorite.

    Well, congrats congrats to Mr. Timmy!!! Another great outing in relief for the Giants.

    What a diss job he was given by his coach not being given a starting job but he's been Class all the way.

    Psst, how could you not become a Timmy Linoleum fan after spending so much time in the company and influence of M&M??? lol

    Awesome finishing stats, M&M!!! Your boy did GREAT!! #Proud

  24. Twitter and DM said...

    Oh I bet there are a lot of girls in Austin's life.

    Oh, please. Spare us. I caught one of those girls in a fake DM scam.

  25. Kirby Alexa @KirbyAlexaOctober 10, 2012 at 8:02 PM

    mmm like one fake among thousand true.

  26. Oh Jack, get lost and go back to your hangout troll bridge which has become a total tool of Jake's management.

    If you believe all of that DM message nonsense, I've got some land to sell you. You're wasting your time here.

  27. Jack is a state of mindOctober 10, 2012 at 8:51 PM

    Troll trolly trolling

    your justification for everything don't fit with your wishes.A little bit childish I would say.

  28. Actions Speak LouderOctober 10, 2012 at 9:15 PM

    Trolls are concerned about what is said here, that's why they can't stay away.

  29. Yeah would love to see pictures of Austin dating, chasing and swarming all over women, Put them up.

  30. RIP Alex Karras.

    Some may know him for his football, some as Webster's Dad, and other will remember as Mongo from Blazing Saddles.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Oh I bet there are a lot of girls in Austin's life.

    Like most gay men.

  33. Awesome finishing stats, M&M!!! Your boy did GREAT!! #Proud

    *sniff* My Timmy has done me proud during the playoffs, especially today. He had a terrific outing, even though he has not been treated like the extraordinary talent that he is. He is electrifying and it has been showing throughout this series. All the other Giant pitchers are a bit of a yawn in comparison.

  34. Sad about Alex Karras. I remember him as Webster's dad and that his TV wife was also his real wife, Susan Clark. He had so many ailments, it's very sad to read about.

  35. Aww, that is sad about Alex Karas.

    M, I haven't had a chance to check out all the Matt Bomer photos yet, I've had a busy couple of days, can't wait to see them all!

    It's been a good week for Bomer fans; on Saturday he and his partner got the Inspiration Award from GLSEN for their work, and for being a source of inspiration for younger people. And now all the Magic Mike extras!!!
