Saturday, November 3, 2012

John(NY) on the Spot

How can you not do a post for those of us, who were fans of JFC?

Because  really how can you not go weak looking at this man?

Definitely got our eyes on you. 


  1. When was the last time you did a post of sexy Jake pics only and talked about which of his attributes Austin must have found attractive? I think your lonnnnnng overdue.

  2. forgive the typo. "you're"

  3. Duly noted, it has been awhile. Look for that this week.

    Although I think that picture of Jake in yesterday's post is pretty hot.

  4. Ohhhhhhhhhhh Special !

    Now you've gone and done it!

    There are so many great memories from the days when Austin was working on JFC and the news was coming to us from some of the production people. The images are still steeped in so much meaning for me, I really did love the series, it was so off-beat, and the characters, one and all were so well acted in my humble opinion.

    I'd agree that a picture retrospective on some of Jake's exceptional roles is due, and would be a nice break from some of the drudgery we've all been though these last few months, ... or has it been years?

    I can still see plenty of things to get excited about with these two guys and live in hope of the day when they can reveal what we've known all along.

    Thanks Special, now I can hit the rack with visions of a wet-suit clad Mr. Nichols on his board with a big wide grin. "I've got my eye on you!"

  5. How bout them Kansas St. Wildcats:-)

  6. Did they cream somebody?!!! One of our whse supers will be ecstatic if they did. Oh my gosh 44-30. What the heck kind of score is that? That game must have been 4 hrs long. lol.

    I have been so busy, you guys. Sorry about not being around too much. We were hit with our busy season #Whack! and on top of that, we had to move our offices #Whack!! suddenly on a Friday afternoon. Busiest week of the year. Busiest day of the week, right in the middle of the day. Mmhmm, yeah. That's all I'll say about that.

    Tom, the pictures coming from New Jersey are heartbreaking. Those gas lines are unreal. It's like something out of a disaster movie.

  7. When was the last time you did a post of sexy Jake pics only and talked about which of his attributes Austin must have found attractive? I think your lonnnnnng overdue.

    Someone is tired of looking at Austin. Sorry, Austin in a wetsuit is always apropos.

    I don't know but Special will have to do some deep digging through the archives to service your request. Not only that, but when Special does this post, we're all going to have a big cry, aren't we? Why do that to ourselves? The thought is depressing. Just sayin'.

    Boy, looking at these JFC pictures makes me realize what a youngster he was when he did that series. Look how he has changed. And what a booty!! Shouldn't be looking at that on a Sunday morning.

  8. Yep Austin sure does have a cute butt. I have to admit Jake is not very sexy anymore. He still has beautiful eyes and great hair but I have never seen a man who is so good looking try to look so bad. I guess it is his way to try to look masculine. I don't get it.

    K St is ranked #3 in the country PG. They have a shot at playing for the national championship but if Alabama and Notre Dame go undefeated there is no way they don't play for the title. That would be a marquee matchup and television would love it.

    PG when you come in the house do you have to wipe the red dirt off your feet. The rest of us have a very nice shade of blue on our shoes:-) Vote Obama. Forward!

  9. I heard Ms. Swift broke up with her Kennedy boyfriend. I wonder when that album will come out. Amazing that people fall for it. All about fantasy and money.

  10. Yep Austin sure does have a cute butt. I have to admit Jake is not very sexy anymore. He still has beautiful eyes and great hair but I have never seen a man who is so good looking try to look so bad. I guess it is his way to try to look masculine. I don't get it.

    Totally agree. Jake is doing what he's doing for a reason, possibly multiple reasons. But there is something going on, without a doubt and anyone who doesn't think so, has their head in the sand.

    I don't know if this is for some kind of "hetero" look, but notice something. Look at Andrew Garfield right now. Who does this look like? Seriously. He's the Spitting Image Now

    Look at Matt Bomer right now. That's a terrible look for Matt. Now granted, the Just Jared post says he's just coming off of filming. So it's probably for his role. But again, notice the JJ post. It says his role has a girlfriend so you figure he must be playing a straight man. So what are they saying? That this look helps to make him look "hetero"?

    Not a good look, Matt, sorry

    What is going on? Is this the new look for closeted men in HW?

  11. At least Matt is out and maybe his look was for his role. But if that's the case and it was for a role, what on A scruffy face makes a man look straight? Profuse Hair = straight masculinity. This is the ridiculous message I am getting from HW publicity teams. Really?

    We have straight men at work who come in after a morning of not shaving and working late hours and all they look is unattractive.

    Simple as that.

    I think Jake is also trying to hide, physically. He's trying to look unrecognizable. Now it's the hoodie with the hood up all the time. Kind of like a Darth Vader gnome.

    He is so 180 from even a year ago, it's not funny. Let alone 5 years ago.

  12. I actually kind of like Matt's beard. I think he just looks a bit rumpled in the pictures because he's been flying.

    As is often the case, JJ is a bit confused on his facts. This version of the beard is because he's been filming Winter's Tale, which is set in the late 1800s. Great book that I read many years ago, with fantasy and time-traveling. He's actually playing Colin Ferrell's dad, now that's a hot combination for the screen.

    He did have a bit of a beard for the space movie, but not as long. I've also read his character in that movie is bisexual.

  13. A scruffy face makes a man look straight? Profuse Hair = straight masculinity. This is the ridiculous message I am getting from HW publicity teams. Really?

    I think you're over-analyzing it a bit.

    As if to illustrate how close the duo have become, both arrived at rehearsals clean-shaven but now sporting bushy beards. “As much as it seems like a character choice, neither of us likes shaving,” O’Byrne says and the pair crack up.

  14. Simple as that said:

    I think you're over-analyzing it a bit.

    Really? Really? You're going to try and float that one? LOL
    Hello, PR.

    Nice try.

    No, it's not that simple. It's not that explainable. Jake is not simple. His entire life has become extremely complex.

    What did Michael "Mike" Pena say about Jake? He didn't say 'complex', but he used the verb 'complicated'. Pretty good synonym. Wow - complicated.

    To throw another quote right back at you.

    “Unfortunately, we didn’t have anything in common at first,” Pena says. “But we did a lot of training together for this film and became great friends. We really had each other’s back. I can call him about anything. He’s a good guy and a complicated dude.”

    What is so complicated about Jake Gyllenhaal?

  15. Jake is not the same guy anymore. He's been setting up and working on his new persona now since he stopped bearding. He no longer wants to beard so he has to do something to put people off.

    Because that's what he is doing. He's trying to put people off. He's grown a massive beard. He wears earbuds on the trains while buried in a book. He has a bodyguard screen what he will sign at the stage door. He wears a hoodie over his head now.

    It's all off-putting because he does not want to be bothered. He doesn't know what people are going to ask or say to him at that stage door. It's a risk every time he steps out there. This guy is an extrovert. He used to even talk to the paps. No more. He brushes out the doors now.

    Why so secretive, Jake Gyllenhaal?

  16. If someone wants to use the disliking about shaving for a reason for Jake's appearance, notice Jake found the strength and desire to trim down his beard once he arrived at the TIFF. And he was smooth shaven when he arrived for Berlinale.
    Why did he look different for those events?

  17. Complicated: mysterious, secretive, dark, bewildering.

    Jake is a settled, secretive man. His appearance reflects his desire to hide and be left alone. Sort of like someone in the closet who has deep dark secrets he's trying to hide from the public. The transformation of Jake, since he's bearding days, is conspicuous.

    I don't know many men who like to shave. That's the point. The issue is why does Jake continue to look like a vagabond when he never did in the past. He's had facial hair before but never this slipshod and ungroomed. The excuse that he's hiding behind the character of Uncle Terry is nonsense, because he's look this way for quite sometime. His drab clothes and hooded appearance, in fact, reflects this same kind of, "leave me alone," persona. Kind of odd for an extrovert who used to clean up quite effortlessly.

  18. He was smooth shaven for Berlinale since Austin was there. Jake may be keeping the beard for his current role, but he is going out of his way to send a signal that he is off the market. Taken. Heart belongs to Austin.

    I was never that fond of JFC. Not one of HBO's better shows. But there was never any question that Austin was very good in it, or that his body was shown off to its best advantage. Too bad Deadwood ended. His role in that was the best of all of his roles.

  19. I think more people see this change than they let on. I don't know how anyone who has followed Jake for years cannot see how he has drastically changed.

    I think some choose to ignore it. They choose to gloss over it. They want to act like nothing has changed, he hasn't changed. That he is still the Jake from 2005.

    Well, I'm sorry but he's not. Someone will probably say it's none of my business.

    Well, up to a point, it's not. But up to a big point, it is and that is why some of this stuff needs to be pointed out.

    Why? Because he is a business and we are customers.

    When someone peddles what they are selling - and Jake is selling - they become a business. Jake is a business. He's selling his movies and DVD's to all of us. That makes us customers, as well as some people 'fans'.

    And if a business is being deceptive towards its customers, the normal practice is to point out how.

    Again, I point out the word that Jake will not sign anything Prince of Persia at the Stage Door. Another party has made such an observation on the Broadway thread and it comes from Jordan, no less. That guy has seen his play multiple times and is a huge fanboy, so I think I'm going to take his word.

    Jake sold that movie. He worked his butt off for it. He also made a ton of money from it. But now he doesn't want to sign anything that a fan brings to the stage door which has to do with Prince of Persia? Why is that? I would love to know; someone needs to ask him that.

    He was willing to take people's $8-12 and $30 for the DVD but now he doesn't want anything to do with it.

    I'm sorry, but that just doesn't set well with me, as a once-buying customer.

  20. I need to change my avatar, lol.

    On a brighter note, it was great to see the splendid looking Jon Bon Jovi at the telethon on Friday night.
    It was great to see the stars come out for that, although everyone knows that Bruce Springsteen is from Jersey and I guess Jon Bon Jovi is too? I didn't know that.

    Jon Bon Jovi looked absolutely incredible for his age.

  21. He was smooth shaven for Berlinale since Austin was there. Jake may be keeping the beard for his current role, but he is going out of his way to send a signal that he is off the market. Taken. Heart belongs to Austin.

    How fortuitous for Austin then that Jake was shaved down in the video for Time To Dance just prior to arriving in Berlin!

  22. Austin was in London with Jake and no doubt had a beard while Jake had one and shaved when Jake shaved for Berlinale. Remember OMG found that he followed Jake from Heathrow to Berlin back in February. When they both left on the same day in Berlin they each were already growing their beards back. Not a coincidence.

  23. Austin was not in London with Jake, and the pic with M.Frost and Dan.K taken at the restaurant Il covo LA dated 4 February clearly shows it.

  24. Yep Bon Jovi is from NJ and he has a huge home down the shore. I can see his house from one of the hospitals where I work in Red Bank. It is on a river but still is fairly close to the Ocean. Those homes all seem to be built up on a hill away from the water.

  25. Actually Jake had a closer shave for Berlinale than he did for the Shoes.

  26. Jake started changing his look when he signed up for reeke. I remeber the lumbarjack look which was his first venture into me heterosexual boy.

  27. Broadway Jake

    Current Broadway star Jake Gyllenhaal has been hanging at theater haunts. He was spotted Thursday night following a performance of his new show, “If There Is I Haven’t Found It Yet,” at Bar Centrale, a thespian favorite next door to Joe Allen. “Jake was with a guy and a girl having drinks in a booth, smiling and sporting the scruffy look he rocks in the show,” said a spy. The source added that the “End of Watch” movie star was “engulfed in conversation discussing the Hurricane Sandy disaster.”

  28. Beards are really trendy right now, it's part of the downtown hipster look in NYC. I think one reason Jake wears the beard is to blend in, and also because it is stylish in the areas and groups he probably wants to be associated Mumford & Sons.
