Friday, November 2, 2012

What's up

Top Ten List what Austin could have been up to lately

10. Bad 80's Movie Marathons

9.  Being attacked by Toys

8. Doing his Hair

7. Books on Tape (A How To )

6. Telemarketing

5. Creating a economic solution for Europe based on Halloween Fun sized candy

4. Bible Camp

3.Spoon Collecting from all 50 states

2. Coffee Cake

and that rhymes with (1)


  1. I can't help but imagine that life with Mr. Nichols is jam-packed full of fun. Something about him just radiates good humour and living life to the max.

    And if it's just my projection, then what the hell! By most accounts from his co-workers and friends, he's a very good one to be around. Besides, he has such a quirky fashion sense, and with his looks I'd be more than happy to spend time with him given the opportunity.

    Fanboy signing out now. LOL

  2. Seaweed is dead on. Everyone that has ever worked with him says Austin is great to be around. That easy smile and natural charm. How could Jake not fall for that.

    Sounds like NYC is getting back to nomral with the power steadily improving and gasoline to follow.

  3. oops I meant to say "normal". Cant type that well even after all these years.

  4. Still a lot of work to do m. Many many still without power and gas is hard to come by. I saw the lines on the way to work this morning headed to work near the shore area. Plus now a Noreaster is headed here early next week.

  5. I agree I would love to spend some quality time with Austin:-)

  6. For those in the US don't forget we turn our clocks back an hour tonight.

    An extra hour of sleep!

    And it is great time to change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.

  7. While on the topic, I can think of a few friends here at OMG that I'd like to spend some time with some fine day. Wish my means were such that I could joing you guys somewhere in New England for a day or two.

    In the meantime, will enjoy good company online here, and say a few prayers for those poor souls dealing with waterlogged disaster in Jersey and elsewhere.

    Basking in the glow of some Austin lovin and thinking about digging out my JFC DVD set.

    Cheers gang.

  8. Seaweed said...
    While on the topic, I can think of a few friends here at OMG that I'd like to spend some time with some fine day. Wish my means were such that I could joing you guys somewhere in New England for a day or two.

    That would be sweet. How about Toronto? How far are you from Toronto Seaweed?

  9. Toronto is a 90 minute flight from Halifax, but I'm about a three hour drive from the Hfx airport.

    In any case Ottawa might be an even better destination as it's much easier to get around in, and the flights from here and the northeast are good.

    I know Ottawa pretty well, and since it's the Nation's Captial Region, there is so much to do and see there. Something to think about anyhow.
