Monday, November 5, 2012

Like Brother - Like Sister

It was just announced that Viola Davis is joining Jake, Paul Dano, Hugh Jackman and Melissa Leo in Dennis Villeneuve's thriller Prisoner.

Viola's latest movie was Won't Back Down and who was her co-star?

That gets you thinking how many co-stars the G brother-sister team have shared.

Here's a few:

Chris Cooper
Jake : October Sky , Jarhead
Maggie: Adaptation

Kirsten Dunst
Maggie: Mona Lisa Smile
Jake:  "Dating"

Jamie Foxx:
Jake: Jarhead
Maggie: Upcoming White House Down

Peter Sarsgaard
Maggie: Married to him
 Jake: Jarhead, Rendition

Heath Ledger:
Jake: BBM
Maggie: Batman: The Dark Knight

Michael Pena:
Maggie: World Trade (Maggie was his wife)
Jake: End of Watch (Jake was his partner)

Danny Trejo
Jake: Bubble Boy
Maggie: Sherry Baby

Meryl Streep
Maggie: Adaptation
Jake: Rendition

At this point I think the only ones Jake has left is to work with is: Will Ferrell (Stranger Than Fiction),  Emma Thompson (Nanny McPhee)  or the Vibrator (Hysteria)


  1. Morning everyone. It is Election Day. Thank God it is almost over.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I hope you got up early to vote Jack. Your so hot. Do you sleep in the nude. Be sure to vote Obama!

  4. It is absolutely clear how Canadians feel on the US election when 72% of us would vote for Obama as opposed to 10% for Romney! Wishing our neighbours well on their important decisions today.

  5. I urge everyone to go vote today.

  6. Well, maybe I should have said, everyone who is supporting Obama should go vote. ;-)

  7. Encouraging everyone who can, GO VOTE!!!

  8. Dropped my ballot off yesterday at the election office. That is the way to go, folks. No lines no mess!!

  9. And please let me be the first to welcome our guest yesterday, jfaulkin. **Waves**!! Welcome, welcome. Great to have you visit!!

  10. What cute pictures of Jake and Maggie. Its so nice that he has such a wonderful relationship with her. He looks so happy in those pictures. Not the beaming Austin induced smile, but happy nevertheless.

    I am in a mail ballot area so dropped off my ballot yesterday. Fingers crossed that Obama wins. I cannot imagine how it will be if Romney wins. The mere thought of it makes me ill.

    Good news. I got a job offer this morning and while we have to negotiate a few minor terms, I plan to accept and start working again after the Thanksgiving holiday. The down side is that I will have to do some extensive travel initially as they are based in the east and I am not willing to relocate. Once we get things up and running, I can work remote, but I am guessing I'll have to spend the first 90 days travelling back and forth while we get things underway. I am thrilled to be wanted and appreciated for my years of experience.

  11. That's great news, m. Wow, now you can really enjoy this time off right now.

    Those are nice pictures and it's always been good to see Jake with his big sis.

    Don't people find it just a little too funny how these 2 have constant ties with their co-stars? Especially today when they're both considerably older? When Viola Davis was named to be in this movie Prisoners, an actress who just did finish doing movie promo with Maggie for Won't Back Down, that one was just too incredibly obvious, I'm sorry.

    And lol - I don't know but my comment box is right to that last picture and I'm not that big of a prude but darned if I'm going to be standing next to my brother with my dress open down to my navel. No way! LOL. Nor is my mom or my dad - well, when he was alive anyway, nor was he going to see me be spanked in a movie or be running around naked like in LAOD or doing a film on vibrators. I don't know how those two do that.

    They must have grown up in a very liberal atmosphere, I reckon. Reminds me of the movie Auntie Mame, remember when little Patrick Dennis was taught and mentored by the very liberal Mr. Ulu. That was pretty funny.

  12. Special, it's too bad about your music player. Hopefully it's fixed by next Tax Day. ;D

    This is very interesting. I guess the fake Jake Twitter account has been granted re-activation. Can you believe that? And not only that, but a few of the same witless followers were back tweeting at it. Of course, I can't see what the account is saying because I have been blocked for a long time.

    LOLLLLLL!! That person blocked me a loooooong time ago because of course, I was calling "him" out on "his" crap.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Here's the quiz for the day. Who is that in the blogger avatar? lol. First person to guess the correct answer wins a black NY Yankee cap.

    No, just kidding, just kidding. LOL

  15. Okay, so the fake account does have a disclaimer in its profile now saying that it is not a celebrity. This will be interesting.

  16. Looking forward to one day having the music player working again too. I really miss the music, and I loved hearing artists I wasn't familiar with.

  17. Long Day. Just finally in the door. Long day starting with trying to vote too busy. So off to face the rest of the day. Then back in line tonight to wait to vote. Then off to motivate the craft elves! Now - sofa city!

    Congratulations M!!! That is awesome!

    I will see what I can do to figure out and find a solution for the player.


  18. I voted for myself for President. Everybody get out there and vote tomorrow.
    1:40 PM - 5 Nov 12 · Details


    10:49 AM - 6 Nov 12 · Details

  19. I'm trying to stay up for the election results but I am just too tired. G'nite world!

  20. Thank you God our President has been re elected.

  21. Congrats to Tammy Balwin. The first openly Gay candidate elected United State Senator.
