Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Spot you

Austy where have you been?

You pop up in the a Presidentially named place over the weekend

As Page Six pops off about Jake the same day (Sun) being out on Thursday night.

Hmmm wonder what happened in the middle (of Texas that is)


  1. I'm so thrilled about Obama, Baldwin, the other Democratic Senate wins, and so far, gay marriage in Maine and Maryland.

  2. God Bless America!

    God Bless President Obama and the entire U.S. Senate and House of Representatives who will need to put aside all the B.S. and get your country back on it's feet again.

  3. Phewwww. Dest, you're the first word I have as I just woke up. I think I commented last night about trying to stay up but couldn't any longer. LOLLLLL! Man, I was exhausted.

    Thank goodness.

  4. What a great night. Obama reelected. The US elects an openly Gay Senator and 4 states approve Gay marriage inititatives.

    Come join us Jake. Closets are opening everywhere.

  5. I stayed up until 3 a.m. watching everything. So much for my comment around 11:15 when they called Ohio for Obama that at least this wasn't going to be a late night.

  6. So happy now. I could not bring myself to watch the TV coverage - too nervous - until my niece called to say Obama had won for sure. Then I turned to the TV and smiled all evening. Its a great day for America. Obama's speech was spectacular.

  7. I went to bed around midnight after I knew Obama h oad won. I can't wait to hear the speech.

  8. I can't believe I have heard from disappointed parties here at work about the results. I am flabbergasted.
