Monday, April 15, 2013

Boston.... you're my home

The thoughts today are all about the hometown.

A horrible, senseless tragedy, on a day that Boston takes so much pride in, Patriot's Day, a day usually filled with cheers, now turned to prayers.   3 lives lost, including an 8 yr child, hundreds injured, a city, a state, a nation, impacted.

And in the hours since, the city has come together, to show what Boston is, what it's made of, what Boston pride truly is...

Today wherever you are, wherever you live, you stopped and thought about all that you are grateful for and all the ones you hold dear.

And no doubt Jake and Austin did the same.

Both  have been here, worked here,  have friends here and made  memories here.

And their love for Boston

 Tonight they join millions around the world doing the same.

Hope to see that B again.

Boston is a tough and resilient town; so are its people. I’m supremely confident that Bostonians will pull together, take care of each other and move forward as one proud city. And as they do, the American people will be with them every single step of the way." -- President Obama


  1. Just got home from the long drive from southern CA and heard the terrible news. We did not bother to put the radio on. So happy to hear that you are OK, Special. I do know one woman who used to run the marathon, but she did not mention it at all this year, so I am pretty sure she no longer does it. Boston is such a beautiful city. I hope those responsible are found quickly.

    Happy BD PG. Hope you will have as good a time celebrating as I did. Have a wonderful day.

  2. Nice post Special, and glad you're ok. Just feel so shaken. It's terrible that something like this could happen when people and families are just out to enjoy a day at a sports event, little children too. Thank goodness it wasn't worse - the facts aren't in yet but there were some other devices found, I heard. Love and prayers to all those affected. How could this happen. I hope they find whoever did it soon.


  3. Glad to know that you are safe. Sending wishes to those who need it and saying prayers to those who have passed. Hope we find out why this happened. Time will tell.

    Happy belated birthday to PG and M. Hope your day was great.

    Yesterday we had 50 MPH winds here, today we will have gust up to 60 MPH. I so need Dastin and a tent. LOL.

    Glad to see that nothing has changed on the front of Jake and Austin. I find that some of you have way too much time on your hands and love to argue. Good luck.

    Nice spotlight. Good to read.Also, do you write about pass gay people? Saw a great show on a Alan Turing. He was a code breaker during WW2 and considered the father of computer science. Just wondering?

  4. glad you are ok special. What happened in boston is so sad. such a tragedy.

  5. Thinking of you Special, and all in Boston. Just horrifying.

  6. Thank you all for your kind words and concern. It is wonderful knowing that there are so many friends out there and around the world.

    We (Boston) are getting back to business and showing they can't keep us down.

  7. Just heard on the radio that an employee is suing her company because some of the customers were using drugs. The customers wete celebs and one of the celebs was Adam Levine.

  8. Oooh that horrid man, smoking pot. Let's lock him up!!!!$&@!!!

  9. I am shocked, a rock star who uses drugs, what is the next? A corrupt politician?
