Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How does your garden grow?

Jake was out last evening doing his ambassadorship at Edible Schoolyard NYC held its Inaugural Spring Benefit, “A Garden Grows in Harlem” at the Essex Street Market to celebrate Manhattan’s first actual “Edible Schoolyard” at Harlem PS7 which is slated to open later this year.

ESY works with "public schools to build gardens and in-classroom-kitchens where students can engage in hands-on learning."   Jake has been working with ESY since 2010 when he was named an ambassador and that same year helped break ground for the first NYC garden at a school in Brooklyn.

Approximately 360 guests which included Jenna Lyons and Courtney Crangi, Mickalene Thomas, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and Martha Stewart enjoyed multi-course meals designed and prepared by 20 of the city’s premier chefs.

Some of the best names in food that created last night's menu included David Chang, the chef and founder of Momofuku and the organization’s culinary chair, Michael Anthony of Gramercy Tavern, Joel Harrington of Red Rooster Harlem and Einat Admony of Balaboosta.

An auction followed the meal with the biggest auction action centered around  a private pig roast for 40,  from chef and owner of The Spotted Pig April Bloomfield.   With the top two bids of $48,000 and $47,000 respectively with both ended up getting a evening of pig picking.  And how much did a pizza dinner with Jake go for?  $14,000.  A little more than you usually would spend for delivery.  You know it's not going to be Domino's but it could be kale.

Jake shared the evening with his mom and shared more about himself with those there.  Jake said that he doesn’t have a favorite food—let alone a least favorite. “Seriously, it’s one of the areas of my life where I hold everything with love and no judgment,” said the actor. “Anything that is fresh from a garden is my favorite food.” His momo said he even liked broccoli as a kid.  “He was very adventurous, and always, from the time he was really little, a spectacular cook,” she said proudly.  Well that would explain the whole kale thing, wouldn't it.

"Jake also let slip that he once worked for Hearth chef Marco Canora in Martha's Vineyard — and mentioned that he had been, in his own words, 'a little brat.'"

 Food blog Grub Street caught up "with Canora to get the full story — and to find out how Canora got his payback."

"He had his mother call into the restaurant to say that he was sick for the day. My buddy and I who ran the place were like, "Oh my God. I can’t believe that Jake’s mother just called to say that he’s home sick and can’t come to work."

So the next morning, we went to the drugstore and bought a baby bottle and a little pacifier, and when he came back to work, we gave him so much shit. We just didn’t let up. Every day for the rest of the summer, we kept on giving him water in a baby bottle. He was just telling me how that kind of resonated with him in terms of work ethic, so I thought it was kind of cute."

Wonder if Austin had his mom call and said he was sick when he was working  on OTH.

But the story of story of the night was what ESY is trying to do.  Jake shared the real value of the organization’s mission.

“It’s about more than just what you eat—it’s about being connected to the earth,” he explained. “Like, what would New York City be without Central Park? I mean, there’s not much edible food in there…but still. That idea exists within the city, and it should exist in every public school.”


  1. I guess Jake hasnt found the perfect woman to make his own family with. Besidres hhis genetic family seems like one person has been a constant in his life.


  2. Prisoners, which is still in production, revealed a full scene that establishes the film's plot. The characters, several different families, have all gathered for Thanksgiving, but soon find that two little girls have vanished from the festivities. Since the girls were last seen in the proximity of a mysterious RV parked outside their house, Hugh Jackman's Keller Dover (the father of one of the girls) becomes determined to find them before it's too late.

    A key scene has Dover in a car with Jake Gyllenhaal's Detective Loki discussing the case and nearly breaking down with worry, knowing that if the girls aren't found within a week, they're likely to never be found. Loki tries to calm Dover down, reminding him that it hasn't been a week yet, but it is already day six.

    Understated and offering a very bleak, realistic look, Prisoners is set for release on September 20 and, if the rest of the film matches the tone of what CinemaCon had to offer, it's very likely going to be an early awards contender.

  3. An uplifting post. Thanks Special! :)

  4. Interesting story about Jake's mother covering for him. Most parents would force their kid to go into work, or make them do the dirty work of calling in. I think it says a lot about the dynamics of his relationship with his mom.

  5. You think? I used to supervise teenagers at a job and it was more common than not to have their moms call in sick for them.

  6. When was that 16? When I was that age nobody I knew had parents that would have done something like that for them, unless they were really so sick that they couldn't get out of bed to use the phone.

    If that is the case it is pretty pathetic. Kids need to learn responsibility, and that is not the way to do it.

    It's been pretty clear with the bearding that Jake's family has no problem lying for him, and it looks like that has been the case in other areas of his life. It's no wonder he didn't have the self-confidence to not beard.

  7. Thanks Contender.

    Showing a rough cut of clip of Prisoners now to me shows how confident the studio is about the movie.

    They don't have much time to get it cut and printed by Toronto let alone for wide release. They are pushing this because they know it is going to be a strong contender just from what the field is going to be this year. It's better position for this year than next.

    The script's been a hot property for a number of years and had other big names attached to it. It looks like the studio is going grab on to it and run with it.

  8. I thought back at to when I was sixteen. If I was really really yeah my mom would have called in for me. But there would have been no fibbing for me because I didn't want to go.

    I hate to say it but you would be shock by what parents of college and early twenty-somethings do now. Following up with potential employers after their kids interview and calling their kids boss is not out of the question for some helicopter parents. It cracks me up when I hear about moms who call their kids every morning to make sure they are up and remind them to go to class or go over what papers or projects are do for their college class that day or week. Some even have a copy of all their kid's syllabi.

  9. Congratulations to New Zealand for being the 13th country to legalize same sex marriage.

  10. is 2013 the new 2006?April 17, 2013 at 7:25 PM

    Well shit. According to IMDb, “Nailed” has been picked up by Universal Studios for a 2013 release.

    No press release or official statement has happened, but the page has been in limbo since 2010 when they removed the release date and replaced it with “????.” This is a new change in the page as I do frequent IMDb and it’s a project I keep an eye on.

    “Nailed” stars Jake Gyllenhaal, Jessica Biel, Catherine Keener, James Marsden, and Kirstie Alley and was directed by Academy Award winner David O’Russell.

    If you aren’t familiar with the films’ rocky past, here it is in a nutshell… Capitol Films promised financing and when David Bergstein was unable to provide the funds and pay the cast and crew, SAG had the film shut down.. several times throughout production. With one final scene to re-shoot, the scene where Jesse gets the nail lodged in her head, the film was shut down for good. After that, the nasty legal battles began that have permanently shelved the film. Not long after the legal battle was settled, Ron Tutor stepped in as producer. Since, K.Jam Media have also signed on as producers and have helped get the film back on it’s feet.

    Rumors started flying that Jesse recently filmed her final scene for “Nailed,” but again, no official news had been released. Now it is showing the film will be released theatrically this year by Universal Studios. I really hope that this is true, it would be so great to finally see the film.

  11. Even though David O. Russell has walked away from Nailed I bet the studios are trying to play off his big win this past year with Silver Linings Playbook and get some money out of the it.

    I would be curious to see how it plays now that healthcare reform has happened.


    Shot all night on super secret project. Finished. Now starting another episode of Ray Donovan

    3:22 PM - 17 Apr 13

  13. Poets.org ‏@POETSorg 7h

    Exciting news! JAKE GYLLENHAAL to join the line-up at Poetry & the Creative Mind tonight @LincolnCenter. Get tix here http://bit.ly/Z5Jb8P

  14. Poets.org ‏@POETSorg

    Exciting news! JAKE GYLLENHAAL to join the line-up at Poetry & the Creative Mind tonight @LincolnCenter. Get tix here http://bit.ly/Z5Jb8P

    11:16 AM - 17 Apr 13 · Details

  15. Wow, calling after job interviews? Parents have definitely gone overboard with the younger generation.

    Nice to see Austin is indeed doing more than one episode of Ray Donovan. And it would be great to see Nailed released, I've been kind of wondering if the Oscar buzz wouldn't help. Hope it's not just a rumor.
