Thursday, April 11, 2013

Read On

He's not only Memorex,  he's live.

Jake is reading for a good cause live at IAC HQ - 555 West 18th Street
in NYC on May 8th. 

Jake will be reading war poety live at Words of War a cocktail event to benefit The Headstrong Project.

"The Headstrong Project began treating military veterans in August 2012 and will be using funds raised from this event to expand care to veterans and their families.

 In partnership with media partners Google, Newsweek/Daily Beast, and Pixel Corps, Words of War will also benefit Team Rubicon, Team RWB, and Student Veterans of America.

These organizations have all been incredibly effective at buildings communities of veterans - a strong antidote to the effects of PTSD and moral injuries."

Also joining in the event is Adam Driver (from HBO’s Girls and the movie Lincoln) and Joanne Tucker of Theater of War who will perform a scene from Sophocles’ Ajax, a play that illustrates the timeless psychological effects of war.

 In the past few years Jake has participated in several events to benefit and thank the troops for their service and sacrifice. 

And we know he's not the only one in the house to give back to those who serve.


  1. Austin's whereabouts are very rarely known except when he is working or with Jake.

  2. I cant figure out if some people ate obsessed with being Jakes guardian angel or employee or obsessed with PG.

  3. Always been hard for me to figure out which kind of troll posts what. So manys trolls. Crazy Jack troll, crazy jis trolls, , dont like PG trolls or paid trolls. Very confusing to me. Who knows maybe even Austin still comes around. He must have loved that subway pic. No girl for Jake to hold hands with:-)must be a tough way to live.

  4. Yeah I def believe that was Austin on the subway. He saw the phone and the photographer wasnt paid for me jake or him.

  5. Not sure where that me came from in that last semtence. I might pay for a pic that exposed Jake and Auatin. Still more interested than i even tell myself.

  6. Oh yeah Tom, that was Austin on the Subway.

    And then we got to see he and Jake together in pictures the next day. No coincidence at all. :D

  7. Want to give a big Happy Birthday shout out to M!!

    Happy Birthday! Hope you have a great day and get a chance to celebrate.

    And now we know why you might be on your little getaway. Enjoy!

  8. I think the troll goes after who threatens his client and the client's secrets the loudest. That is part of the strategy, to discredit the poster. Another part of the strategy is to cast strong doubt that Jake and Austin are still together because if they were still together after 10 years, then there begins the natural speculation that they could indeed be in a committed and family way.

    The big kick right now is to peddle Austin as straight and über heterosexual. Because if he's straight, then there's no truth to Grey Goose and Baby Tiles.

    No Jake fan would be so obsessed or care enough to hang around 24/7. No fan can afford to be online this much. No fan is without such a life that they have nothing else to do? He can because it's his job, it's what he gets paid for. This behavior and what you see happened and currently happening next door is more than just a troll. It's someone who has intent.

    I have no doubt whatsoever.

    And now I have to go because....I have to get ready for work.

  9. Happy birthday, m!!! Yes, yes, happy birthday to you!!

  10. Wonder if those photos the day after the subway pic were staged or not SK.

  11. Jake and Austin must have to.think a lot about Austins career and how famous he gets. It sure makes things easier for them with Austin not being well known. When Austin went on OTH he immediately had to beard. Thank God he had a close friend to do it with. These guys hate hard core bearding
    But do what they have to do.

  12. No talk about the children on this blog in some time now.

    Yall think they put the kids up for adoption so that they can maintain their status and careers?

  13. Jake and Austin must have to.think a lot about Austins career and how famous he gets.

    Oh please I wishthe best for Austin. but he is not that famous because he have no talent.

  14. Happy Birthday M !

    Just watching and listening as always from my windswept and mostly frigid hovel. I'm quite enjoying the sound of Jake's voice for the Great Gatsby. Remembering how much I liked the story of the Man who walked between the Towers.

    Cheers everyone.

  15. Hi, all and thanks for the birthday wishes. I am up early as sleeping in a hotel room usually messes up my rythym. Will go back to sleep after I surf a bit. I was craving the ocean. So that is where we are. Literally accross the street from the beach but it is unseasonably cool today. Beautiful old Spanish style hotel. Surf pounding in the background. No complaints on my birthday despite the cold.

  16. Happy Birthday M. Enjoy your trip.

  17. There are still the two main trolls active here and next door. French lady troll above and Jack troll who is often deleted. I don't believe either gets paid by anyone.

  18. Surprise Pals Jake Gyllenhaal and Jay-Z Catch a Game Together

    Who even knew they were friends?

    Surprise besties Jake Gyllenhaal and Jay-Z kicked back at the rapper's 40/40 Club in New York City Monday night, watching the NCAA championship basketball game in the Owner's Lounge.

    The two, joined by Swizz Beatz and Timbaland, exchanged a big hug when they met up, then spent the evening snacking on the club's signature wings and sipping D'Usse cognac.

    "No one was clearly rooting for one team over the other," a source tells PEOPLE, but "the group could be heard cheering excitingly throughout the entire game."

    After Louisville beat Michigan, 82-76, the men called it a night, leaving the club one by one.

  19. Sounds like Jake was having fun. I am sure Austin was also. They didnt have to go far to get there.

  20. Tom you are beyond faithful

  21. That game only gets you so farApril 12, 2013 at 6:04 PM

    I see we're back to 'If Austin isn't mentioned in the same item with Jake and friends that automatically means he was there". Okay.

  22. I believe Jake's people got rid of Ted last July. The destruction of Waiting for Toothy 2 over the past year or so, and now, the constant trolling here at OMG, is more than just some fanish exercise in obsession. I've been following blogs like this for years. Believe me there are paid operatives on these sites. Jake wants to scrub everything he can about Toothy Tile and Grey Goose. WME is there to help Jake stay in the closet. No doubt someone is here night and day to interrupt the conversations and intimidate others from participating.

    And since someone asked, I haven't mentioned about Jake and Austin's kids in a while. So I will. Thanks for bringing up the topic for me. There are several kids, in my opinion. Clues over the years and discussed here and at WFT2 have listed them one by one. Once Reese W. dumped Jake and he got two Audi Q7's that have the capacity of seating four children, I had no doubt by that time. Jake had to get those cars because he didn't have the cover of Reeke any longer. Within five months or so. And, he kept them the whole time he remained in LA. Up until he supposedly left in September 2011.

  23. PG, post under a different name but with the same style of writing, does not help the already low opinion of the people of your intelligence.

  24. I'm not PG. But, that is another technique trolls use. You may not like it, but there are many people who think Jake and Austin have a large family. Just a little over 10 minutes for someone to respond. Your actually quite funny, in a loser kind of way.

    Jake's got lots of kids. Live with it!

  25. That isnt pg writing that PG knows why Ted got fired. I am sure Jakes people were happy to see him go though.. Plus I do believe PG thinks there are more than 4 children.

  26. theThe wonderful world of MaryApril 12, 2013 at 6:54 PM

    Sure you are not PG, and Jake have a lot of kids,the streets are paved with gold and the taps flowing chocolate Austin was with Jake and Jay Z, and after the game the happy couple is back in their mansion in Long Island.....flying

  27. Just a toothy friendApril 12, 2013 at 6:54 PM

    LOL! That fatherly ways comment made me chuckle. By the way, what ever happened to the latest love of Jake's life. What's her name? She must be Beard #30 or something? What I find most intriguing, is the moment Reese Witherspoon and Jake had their public "break-up" every single liaison lasts only a short time. Including the professional beard, Taylor Swift. I wonder why that is? Maybe because Jake can't be dating long term "girlfriends" any more because of his growing family.

    Would be kind of awkward trying to explain why he's stepping out on his boyfriend/husband/significant other. You know that other guy that is their daddy.

    Btw: I had to speak up because I am getting so sick of these trolls. They destroyed Waiting For Toothy and now they are trying to do it here. If I wanted a Jake fawning website I could go elsewhere. Not interested in massaging his gigantic ego. I'm interested to see how far he will humiliate himself to try to convince everyone he is a single, pussy hound. He truly breaks records every day with the lengths he will go to.

  28. The wonderful world of Mary said...

    You are a silly one, aren't you? Nothing to contribute, except gibberish. Tsk, tsk. Jake is a daddy. Many times over.

  29. PG said several times that jake's people was behind ted's dismissal

  30. Just a toothy friendApril 12, 2013 at 7:03 PM

    Oh, I want to add that I think that's why Jake has such an incestuous relationship with his family. They know where all the bodies are buried and help to support the lies about Jake being gay and the kids. That Gyllenhaal clan is as kooky as they come. Talk about a sense of entitlement.

  31. PG said several times that jake's people was behind ted's dismissal

    So what? Did she trademark that idea or something.

  32. How about how far you will humiliate yourself with these absurd theories full of temporal and logical holes.

  33. There are several kids, in my opinion.

    hummm, The operative word here is "in my opinion". If my memory is correct, "in my opinion" means it's your assumption / or you think your idea is correct. When did "in my opinion" mean: It's True?

    Changing subjects:

    Some of you really need to get off this PR/Jake's people thing. Believe me, there are way bigger fish to fry in old HW than a smalll internet "Jake and Austin is Gay" fan site fire to put out.
    Much bigger.
    Hell, the non-acting person called Lindsey L gets more attention and what axactly does she do??
    Anybody knows??? Nothing! And the rags will jump over any, any Jake is gay story to print about Lindsey. And this has nothing to do with Ted.
    99% of the PR thing is all in yalls head just because you want it to be. Otherwise the fantasy is Crushed.

  34. I haven't been on since this a.m. I've been going nuts at work all day and from work, I immediately jumped into another car and I am now in Wichita at my brother's house where I just got on my IPad.

    Hey, everybody. M, I hope you've had a fun birthday.

  35. I hear ya PG, today was crazy busy for me too. So if you are in Wichita I foresee an Egg icon coming.

    Being here since the beginning of OMG (LOL) I can tell who people are and nope Fatherly Ways is not PG. Because I will tell you this about PG, if she wants to post something she posts it under her own name. What she writes is hers and she will put her name on it.

  36. Wonder if those photos the day after the subway pic were staged or not SK.

    Oh I think there was no coincidence that Austin and Jake were seen and photographed together the day after the subway spotting.

    Another part of the strategy is to cast strong doubt that Jake and Austin are still together because if they were still together after 10 years, then there begins the natural speculation that they could indeed be in a committed and family way.

    But Jake and Austin are disproving the troll themselves PG. Because if they weren't together anymore why would they hang together like in NYC last fall. They would have gone there separate ways. There is a tie that binds them together. And it has all these years. Commitment, Marriage, Children. One of those is enough, but they in fact have all three.

  37. Because if they weren't together anymore why would they hang together like in NYC last fall.

    Because they are friends, just like Jake and Adam, or Austin and Dan Keyes who looks like his best friend,because that's what friends usually do, spend time together when they can.

  38. Dan Keyes? What hat are you pulling that out of?

    What you are also neglecting to mention is how Adam is friends with Austin. How Austin's surf buddy Liev is seen with Jake. Friends with each others friends, that's what happens with couples in LTRs.

  39. Get Your Facts StraightApril 12, 2013 at 10:33 PM

    No it's what happens with a group of friends who have known for many years.
    And why you did not mention all the friends that Sophia and Austin have in common? People who have nothing to do with Jake? As that "sign birthday" guy? And Why Dan who is clearly one of the Austin's best friends does not know Jake? And why Austin had never met before Berlin Meryl Streep, who is a long time jake's family friend? And why Austin had never met Gwyneth Paltrow one of the best Jake's friends before that famous concert in LA? And why Austin is friends with Courtney Cox but not with Busy??

  40. and why Austin is not friends with Jay Z? or K'naan?

  41. Sorry you blew it with the Busy argument there buster. Austin has tweeted Busy and knows her daughter Birdie too. So you your point is moot.

  42. I do not remember anything like that, but still too little, for who is perhaps the Jake's best friend.

    And what about Marcus Mumford and Carey Mulligan? Why Austin it is not their friend, and he did not go to their wedding with Jake?

  43. with a little help from my friendsApril 12, 2013 at 10:53 PM

    and why Austin is not friends with Jay Z? or K'naan

    And, how do you know he isn't? and, let's please not review the Sophia Bush "relationship." It's so apparent that she was brought in as a beard when Austin started One Tree Hill. In ended abruptly when the show was over too. Remember, how all of a sudden he wasn't the one!

  44. tHE LAST ONE...MAYBEApril 12, 2013 at 10:54 PM

    And I'm sure you know that Jake is friends with the brother of Naomi Watts, Liev's wife

  45. with a little help from my friendsApril 12, 2013 at 10:55 PM

    And what about Marcus Mumford and Carey Mulligan? Why Austin it is not their friend, and he did not go to their wedding with Jake?

    Once again, how do you know that Mumford and Mulligan are not friends of Austin?

  46. Well it sure looked like Austin backstage with Jake at the Mumford and Sons show. And then Mumford & Son did do the show in Marfa which is a favorite place of Austin's. When was that again? Right around his birthday? Hmmmm

  47. And, how do you know he isn't?

    LOL what kind or argument

    Just like you know he is a friend of Adam.

    I remember many things Aiustin and Sophia, as the picture of her in his house in Texas with his nephew, and much more that believe me you do not want to remember

  48. No man looks like any average tall and dark-haired man, like millions around the world, and still with this ridiculous story of Marfa, we talked about it a thousand times and a thousand times we demolished it.
    And why Austin is no friend with Jerry Seinfeld?

  49. No it's what happens with a group of friends who have known for many years.

    If Jake and Austin are simply friends, (which is certainly innocent enough) then why were neither man allowed to see each other from October 2007-January 2012? I mean they had all those mutual friends, yet somehow Jake had to always be far, far away from anything even remotely related to Austin. Two ships in the night, passing each other by, month after month, year after year.

    The question is, what was happening during those years, which prevented them from being seen together? Oh, that's right (except for the Leadville gaffe in August 2010), that was the exact same time frame when either Jake, or Austin, had a beard.

    However, the very moment, Austin and Soapy broke up, we suddenly get the flashy video and photo op with Adam Levine, et al. and we see Austin actually getting into Jake's car. We even see a photo with Jake getting into that black Toyota truck, which we know is Austin's, and Austin leaves England a few days after Jake to join him at the Berlinale. Coincidence? I think not.

    I hope you had a great birthday, m.

  50. then why were neither man allowed to see each other from October 2007-January 2012?


    2009 bike pics, 2010 gym pics with Sophia.

  51. and Austin leaves England a few days after Jake to join him at the Berlinale. Coincidence? I think not.

    Austin was in Los Angeles when Jake was in England for the video, as shown by the picture of him, M.Frost, and again, Dan dated February 3 to 4 at the restaurant "il covo " in Los Angeles.

  52. Don't forget Jake's other close friend, Matthew K. Frost and, frankly, Sophia Bush too. Oh, and Matt Peterson, Ed Norton and Lance Armstrong. The list goes on and on. Jake socializing in Palm Springs with Robert Buckley and Busy Philipps over the July 4th holiday in 2011 was also no coincidence.

  53. then why were neither man allowed to see each other

    is not true, but wanting to answer r, perhaps not to feed crazy speculation ,insane slash fantasies people like .... well, I'm sure you've got it

  54. Austin was in Los Angeles when Jake was in England for the video

    Dana Dalany's tweet at Heathrow blew the cover off that set up. And, anyone can post a picture on the Internet and give it whatever date they want. That's a no brainer. Austin was most definitely following Jake to Berlin as he soon admitted on twitter once his cover was blown.

  55. is not true, but wanting to answer r, perhaps not to feed crazy speculation ,insane slash fantasies people like .... well, I'm sure you've got it

    Huh? LOL! True to form. Unintelligible and meaningless rantings.

    And, yes, the October 2007-January 2012 public separation of Jake and Austin is a fact. Check the record. If the task is not too overwhelming.

  56. but jake is no longer friends with Lance thatis from Austin Texas as Austin, and even with Frost, Jake moved on, clearly Frost and Dan are Austin's best friends nothing to do with Jake.

  57. And, yes, the October 2007-January 2012 public separation of Jake and Austin is a fact. Check the record. If the task is not too overwhelming.

    No it's just a lie as s Jake stopped working to stay close to his "family" or Austin and Jake never work at the same time.

    Huh? LOL! True to form. Unintelligible and meaningless rantings
    which is the reason for being so unpleasant and rude?

  58. Dana Dalany's tweet at Heathrow blew the cover off that set up. And, anyone can post a picture on the Internet and give it whatever date they want. That's a no brainer. Austin was most definitely following Jake to Berlin as he soon admitted on twitter once his cover was blown.

    LOLLLLL You're just a liar visionary who can not accept the reality because he built a castle of lies too complicated, and too arrogant to admit it.

    Tweet 9n feb

    pic 4 feb

    Austin was in LA,He took the same flight from Los Angeles , otherwise she could not meet him, Austin made ​​a stopover at Heathrow to Berlin

  59. Austin and jake were photographed several times at Berlin. And Austin was there just to accompany Jake. Wow. We sure do have a new influx of trolls. What brought this on I wonder. And as if we could not spot a phony PG writing style from 100 miles. A hilarious effort really.

    Ted was not fired over Toothy. That story already surfaced. Jake's family was no longer a power player by that time. A man with nothing to hide hides nothing. Jake hides everything. At least the commentary is entertaining. But the enthusiastic appearance is usually a sign that something big is up. A photo taken that may leak. A joint visit caught. Something that has to be suppressed or explained away. At the least we are a patient group as things always surface.
