Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Three-fer Reader

Well it didn't take long to find out what Jake was reading out loud next,  because it's already out.

Slipping under the radar is the news that Jake has recorded a trio of classic children's stories for the Nook.

All three are Caldecott Medal-winners by the author & illustrator Robert McCloskey.

In the official Children's Book of Massachusetts, Make Way for Ducklings, Jake reads the tale of the Mallard family of ducks living in the famed Boston Public Garden and trying to cross street with the help of a friendly policeman.

In Blueberries for Sal, it's a trip to the  Maine coast as a little girl named Sal is on a whimsical blueberry picking adventure.

And  in One Morning in Maine, it's more adventures with Sal who spends the day exploring Buck’s Harbour with her dad—and even finally loses her pesky loose tooth along the way.

There is something endearing at the thought of Jake quacking like Mrs. Mallard's ducklings, or making the kerplunk sound of the blueberries dropping in Sal's pail, and him reading the adventures of Sal and her father fishing and exploring the Maine coast.

And most endearing that there probably wasn't much practice needed for the recording, because Jake's shared these books out loud many many times already.

This project of Jake's was done so quietly it's a wonder that anyone knew he did it. Wonder why it was eased out without much fanfare?

Maybe instead those Goosey goslings are more like ducklings and maybe headed up for the Duckling Parade held every Mother's Day in Boston's Public Garden recreating the crossing the street of Mrs. Mallard and her 8 ducklings.

And don't worry about it Austin, there is a McCloskey book for you to read out loud too:

Because if you can do this about coffeecake

Then Homer Price and the donut machine shouldn't be a problem.


  1. Congratulations to two of our Out Spotlighters.

    Nate Berkus recently became engaged to his boyfriend of nearly a year Jeremiah Brent.

    And congratulations to Sarah Gilbert on her engagement to singer/songwriter Linda Perry.


  3. How nice that someone brought over a current picture of Mr. JG. There's no comment along with the picture plus it's a Fisher Price link, the kind I used to do until I practiced a lot, lol. I'm not sure what the person is trying to do with the picture but hey, I'll react to it. First chance I get to go online all day.

    Let's have a little mini timeline and show and tell, I think that's what we should do with that picture. And again, I do thank the person, they don't know what a favor they did because all it does for me is make me go back to that Seattle tweet and strengthen my conviction.


  5. Jake picture Number 1: Here he is supposedly on Easter Sunday (right? It was supposed to be Easter Sunday along w/the shopping because he's what? He's wearing the same shirt Oh yeah). At some French restaurant in Greenwich Village.

    Oui Oui Easter Jake

    There you see the helmet head haircut and colorful plaid shirt. I think he's asleep in the chair but that's definitely Jake.

    Okay, then on Tuesday, April 2, pastor's daughter @maddzminor says she saw Jake at the Seattle airport. For a refresher, here's the picture she took from what she says was about 5 feet away.

    Seattle Sippin Jake

    Someone claimed there was no way that was Jake because this guy looked much younger than Jake. Hmmm, valid point, okay. If you compare Seattle to Greenwich Oui Oui, I could see that. Big difference.

    But then you look at Jake dining (yet again) at Stupido, I mean, lol - I mean Ippudo (don't give me these opportunities, I will take them and run with it). Here is Jake supposedly last night, I believe.

    Hmmm what was the first thing to catch my eye

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. **sigh** Yes, I believe it is obvious he is in New York. LOL, someone wants us to get upset or something, I think. LOLLLL Nah, not upset. It is where Jake lives after all, right? Long Island, I do believe.

    Anyway, back to the picture. I looked at that Ipod restaurant picture and the first thing that hit me was what an incredible growth spurt his hair has had in just a matter of 10 days. Yes, for Easter was on March 31 and this Ipod picture was indeed 10 days later. Eyebrows are different too but he could've trimmed those up, not a big deal. But hair? Yeah, that's a big deal.

    I dunnoooooo, I reckon someone's probably going to come on and argue that Jake went heavy with the mousse last night and that explains the Ryan Seacrest height on top.

    I don't think so. Jake looks pretty darn different at Ipod than he did just 10 days (supposedly) at Oui Oui.

  8. Please PG get real you are getting ridiculus.

    Jake was in ny that day, stop now.

  9. And if I may insert yet another observation about these whole last 2 weeks. I find it very, very interesting that not one picture from the Gyllengaard Easter photo extravaganza nor from the Jake and Mama G Easter Stroll appeared on a gossip site in the States that I am aware of or came across. The Jake and Mama pictures went straight to IHJ, am I correct on that? I believe there was a heads up on some restricted site (you had to be a member of the media to see) but other than that, only IHJ had the exclusives. And the Gyllengaard photos appeared first where? Overseas. Not even in the States.

    Now isn't that very peculiar.

    So Jake hasn't been on Just Jared since when? November 2012, right? The mystery stroll with Miss November Vapor 2012 and Austin. Here was a prime opportunity to be seen on Just Jared or, even US Weekly, but no, it would appear that the opportunity passed right on by.

    And while Maggie has been on Just Jared very recently like just a day or so ago (with Kate Mara), the Easter family pictures, complete with the Gyllenhaal patriarch, never made it stateside anywhere. I mean, what a coup was that? But...nothing.

    I just find that very, very curious. Just something to wonder why about. I'm sure someone will provide me with the right answer.

  10. No, I won't stop. You're the one who brought over the Ipod restaurant picture anyway wanting some kind of meltdown over Jake being in NYC. Well, too bad.

    If it is so ridiculous, why are you even paying attention to what I'm "blathering" about?

    Oh, I forgot! You're paid to hang around, check out what we're saying and then report back to home base. Duh, silly me.

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  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. And I said correct me if I was wrong, did I not? The first place I saw an indication there were pictures was on a media site. Then the next place I was aware of was IHJ. I never saw them anywhere else. But as I said, correct me if I am wrong.

    Somebody's sympathy is terribly misplaced and unnecessary. I am fine, no sympathy necessary. I'm not the one doing all the lying. All I'm doing is making a comment and well, I guess it's someone's paid job to try and discredit & ridicule the poster. Because that is their paid job.

  14. sorry but who cares about maggie's Easter reniunio? Or Jake and hia mom in NY?

    Easter day?

    Hallo they are Jews!

    Other hands Stephen no.

  15. I'd like to get some exta payment, tell me how LOL

  16. If there is nothing substantial to the claims, there should be no reaction necessary.

    But the mere fact that the entire Gyllengaard family complete with Mr. G did a splashy photo op spoke mega bass volumes after a speculative discussion regarding Easter weekend. It was so obvious, it wasn't funny.

    If there was no story there, there was absolutely no need to react with that huge photo display. None whatsoever. It was a united front showing following a few comments from OMG participators, plain and simple.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. There was no story there, and that is why the pictures were in a British newspaper, where often Maggie works, no one in US give a shit about how Peter and Maggie and Stephen celebrate Passover.

  19. Jake's hair in the Easter pic, are no longer short, only combed back.

  20. Very good catch on the pics, PG. Jake's hair could not have grown that fast from March 31 to April 10. And, he does look so much younger in the latter photo. Similar to the Seattle pic from April 2.

    So wonder Jake often tells fans not to take pictures of him. Those photos immediately become a time/date stamp which prevents him from running wild with his relentless lies. Notice too how he purposely wears his hood over his head in the "Easter" parade photos. Once again, disguising the length of his hair. The mistake Jake's people made was posting the plaid shirted dinner pic, allegedly taken March 31. His hair is much shorter (more like when he was filming 'Prisoners'. Busted again. The question is, why does Jake need to hide how he looks so much. This pattern only began after Reesey dumped him in December 2009. Beardless and without cover. The habit has only increase since he "moved" to NY.

  21. ^^^The habit has only increased since he "moved" to NY.

  22. There was no story there, and that is why the pictures were in a British newspaper, where often Maggie works, no one in US give a shit about how Peter and Maggie and Stephen celebrate Passover.

    They're not all Jewish. I believe Peter Sarsgaard has said he is Catholic and also served as an altar boy.

    So, for there to be no pictorial family history regarding these holidays? I beg to differ.

    Mom and Pop G and Jake on Easter Sunday 2007

    And let's not forget Yom Kippur either, remember? What do you mean no one cares? They cared, they all went for a big stroll together!

    Peter Maggie Ramona Mama G and Jake on Yom Kippur 2011

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  24. and then happened popApril 11, 2013 at 9:02 PM

    in 2007 Jake was the it guy,every day there were pictures on blogs and newspapers.

  25. again Easter 2012 Maggie was about to give birth there was the news.

  26. waiting for a star to fallApril 11, 2013 at 9:13 PM

    in 2007 Jake was the it guy,every day there were pictures on blogs and newspapers.

    Yes, his star has fallen hasn't it? And why is that?

  27. It is not polite to keep the hat in the restaurant.You should be ashamed to push these absurd theories. Get real.

  28. again Easter 2012 Maggie was about to give birth there was the news.

    Then why was Jake and Naomi Foner in the pictures? Why not just Maggie, Peter, Ramona and the baby bump if that was the news focus?

    You don't see Kim Kardashian, Sarah Michelle Geller, Jessica Simpson and Halle Berry being pictured with their entire families walking down the sidewalk.

  29. Yes, his star has fallen hasn't it? And why is that?

    You should wait cannes 2013 before to say this;) marks my words.

  30. It is not polite to keep the hat in the restaurant.You should be ashamed to push these absurd theories. Get real.

    No, you please be accurate in accusations. No one said anything about wearing a hat in the restaurant.

  31. Then why was Jake and Naomi Foner in the pictures? Why not just Maggie, Peter, Ramona and the baby bump if that was the news focus?

    Because the whole family was there, and it happens that his brother is a famous and handsome young actor nominated for an Oscar, and her husband is a talented actor too, and his mother is herself a writer nominated for an Oscar, so many stars in one shot?

  32. No one said anything about wearing a hat in the restaurant.

    very fun but:
    MM said..
    The mistake Jake's people made was posting the plaid shirted dinner pic, allegedly taken March 31. His hair is much shorter (more like when he was filming 'Prisoners'. Busted again. The question is, why does

  33. It is not polite to keep the hat in the restaurant.You should be ashamed to push these absurd theories. Get real.

    Maybe you should tell Jake that. I guess this picture makes Jake impolite according to your guidelines and does establish that he has been spotted wearing a cap indoors in a restaurant.

    Jake wearing a cap inside Terroni restaurant

  34. Late dinner after workApril 11, 2013 at 9:35 PM

    Different situation, Jake was working, and alone, his mom wasn't there;)

  35. Thick hair and Late dinner, I know you're the same person. Hell, you're the same person making all of these comments, you're not fooling me. It doesn't take much effort to try and imitate broken English and that's exactly what you're doing.

    Regardless, are you serious with those comeback arguments? Surely you get paid for better effort than that. The hat comment is an embarrassment.

    I'm done, you're not even trying hard.

  36. LoL my english is broken becaose I'm non english or american, I'm pretty serious, and Frankly you're not quite intellignte to answe to me, despite my broken English, point out all your mistakes and lies and pathetic attempts to justify all your previous comments making you more and more ridiculous is so easy it's not even funny.

  37. Austin Jakes partner/husband is also not Jewish. Cannes could very well start off Jakes run to an Oscar nom fpr The Ememy.

  38. marriage is a sacramentApril 11, 2013 at 10:01 PM

    well, to be a partner or husband would be more comfortable to live in New York or at least in the same time zone and he should stop harassing underage girls on twitter,or drool over girls in tight pants etc etc etc...

  39. a very open marriageApril 11, 2013 at 10:09 PM

    Austin Jakes partner/husband is also not Jewish.

    So he celebrated Passover with his family in texas without Jake?

  40. To the poster who is obsessed with Austin NicholsApril 11, 2013 at 10:18 PM

    Austin's location has not been disclosed for several weeks.

  41. Sorry but you are the one with an obession about Austin Nichols and his location. BTW he was in LA filming Ray Donovan and surfing with his costar and sending embarrassing tweets lol

  42. Austin Jakes partner/husband is also not Jewish.

    Tom, you don't even believe this. LOL
    Living on separate coast doing their own thing unless it's an occasional fling or flight overseas. They're together alright, until the next horndog fling then it's back to their separate worlds

    Oh, has anyone here seen the children? Who has them?

  43. BTW he was in LA filming Ray Donovan and surfing with his costar

    Not during Passover week and Easter.

    Surfing with his Ray Donovan co star Liev Schreiber took place long before the holidays, on March 7

    Austin's whereabouts can't be confirmed or verified during Passover or Easter week. This is the time period being discussed. Please obtain a calendar if necessary.
