Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Fest' Up

Jake will be all Fest'd up with both of his films with Denis Villeneuve at almost back to back film festivals.
“An Enemy,”  will face off in competition for the Golden Seashell at September’s 61st San Sebastian Festival, the biggest movie event in the Spanish-speaking world. The festival runs September 20-28.

Their other movie "Prisoners" will premiere at the Toronto Film Festival.  The Toronto International Film Festival runs from September 5-15.  And it looks like there might be a movie Jake will really want to catch while there.  Parkland,  yup Austin's movie,  will also be at the fest.

It's not the first time the guys have been to TIFF at the same time.  But maybe this time they will get seen together.

Yeah......Well...Jake could just say it was his twin. 


  1. PG your trip sounds great. Never been out to that part of the country. I imagine clean air and a beautiful view of the stars at night. Have a great time.

  2. My view of Jake and his bearding especially with Reese and this new girl is that he had made promises that he will not be coming out for a long time. His coming out would surely make Reese look foolish. If this new relationship is long term the same for it. The other one or two time photo op romances like Swift would not be as damaging to her because everyone would just think she didn't know.

  3. father of the beard speaks to the pressJuly 25, 2013 at 9:24 AM

    Jake Gyllenhaal Gets Two Thumbs Up From The Other Man In Alyssa Miller’s Life... Her Dad

    Alyssa Miller's Dad Gives Jake Gyllenhaal Two Thumbs Up

    Posted an hour ago • by Andrea Simpson • 0 comments

    When it comes to daughters and boyfriends, every girl knows father knows best.

    And in Jake Gyllenhaal's case, he's got nothing to worry about (phew!)

    As all the broken-hearted fangirls could attest, the (newly-taken) big screen hottie is definitely the type of guy you take home to meet mom and pops -- at least that’s what Alyssa Miller's father would like to see happen.

    “I haven’t met him yet, but he must be a great guy,” Craig Miller told CB!

    Th proud papa said his gorgeous Sports Illustrated model daughter wanted to be the first to tell him about her famous new beau.

    “She sounded really happy and so ecstatic. I haven’t heard her this happy in a long time," he said.

    But the romance so new she doesn’t want to gush too much.

    “She didn’t give me any details because I’m the dad,” he laughed. “And she’s still young and shy. It’s a new relationship so she doesn’t want to answer any questions.

    “She’s super busy right now and with the new relationship she’s got to spend a lot of time with him.

    “But I do know she’s really excited about the relationship and she has a new agency. So she feels on top of the world.”

    After just about one month together the cute couple have already gone public and taken it to the next level as they got snapped holding hands on an NYC stroll with Gyllenhaal’s mom, Naomi.

    So could the 24-year-old brunette beauty be 'the one' for the 32-year-old heartthrob, whose famous exes include Kirsten Dunst, Reese Witherspoon and Taylor Swift.

    “If she’s happy, I’m happy. If she thinks he’s a good guy, then he’s a good guy,” he added.

    “I’m not really surprised. She’s phenomenal looking and a great person so anyone is lucky to be dating her.”


  4. Jake Gyllenhaal Wants To Be Batman!

    Mike Evans, the Hollywood Insider, has the scoop on just about everything “Hollywood”!
    Audio Coming Soon!
    In today’s report …Pop Quiz: What is Jennifer Aniston afraid of? Ryan Gosling may be the new Batman, but rumor has it Jake Gyllenhaal wants that role.


  5. Beyond weird...

    “I haven’t met him yet, but he must be a great guy,” Craig Miller told CB!

    Th proud papa said his gorgeous Sports Illustrated model daughter wanted to be the first to tell him about her famous new beau.

    “She sounded really happy and so ecstatic. I haven’t heard her this happy in a long time," he said.

    But the romance so new she doesn’t want to gush too much.

    “She didn’t give me any details because I’m the dad,” he laughed. “And she’s still young and shy. It’s a new relationship so she doesn’t want to answer any questions.

    “She’s super busy right now and with the new relationship she’s got to spend a lot of time with him.

    “But I do know she’s really excited about the relationship and she has a new agency. So she feels on top of the world.”

    After just about one month together the cute couple have already gone public and taken it to the next level as they got snapped holding hands on an NYC stroll with Gyllenhaal’s mom, Naomi.

    So could the 24-year-old brunette beauty be 'the one' for the 32-year-old heartthrob, whose famous exes include Kirsten Dunst, Reese Witherspoon and Taylor Swift.

    “If she’s happy, I’m happy. If she thinks he’s a good guy, then he’s a good guy,” he added.

    “I’m not really surprised. She’s phenomenal looking and a great person so anyone is lucky to be dating her.”

  6. sighting with the beard at the airportJuly 25, 2013 at 5:23 PM

    B-mac ‏@Hi_McConnell 4h
    Just met my boy Jake Gyllenhaal in the airport
    Jake Gyllenhaal's girlfriend is really pretty and so nice

  7. Those two articles on the dad are the exact same article.

  8. No one talks like that. PR wrote that. I can't believe anyone would buy that drivel.

  9. Blind Desperation would be WME's Twitter handle were they to have an account. I always thought CAA was pretty bad but they've got nothing on WME. I think WME is not only tremendously homophobic by way of their practices, they're amongst the stupidest group of employees out there in business. I mean, just plain ol' stupid. They make CAA's Reeke pablum look almost plausible.

  10. I think this is more set up to the break up. "ultra private jake just couldn't handle the over sharing, the public intrusion of instagrammed pinky rings into his bearded, cargo-panted cocoon. Thus, he just has to end it (sadface). "

    Wasn't that more or less the reason given for the demise of Swiftenhaal?

  11. Chaka Khan ‏@vers_tache

    did anyone else notice jake gyllenhaal is becoming a male taylor swift in terms of dating

    10:03 PM - 25 Jul 13 ·

  12. Jake and the beard in Marthas VineyardJuly 25, 2013 at 11:39 PM

    Ruby Rollins ‏@rubinofff 5h
    So I'm standing in line in a tiny fish shop in menemsha and in walks JAKE GYLLENHAAL with his sexy ass model girlfriend
    He was wearing jeans a black tshirt and a Red Sox hat... His girlfriend is beautiful
    Idk if I'm more excited about him or seeing his gf who's a sports illustrated model
    @rubinofff twitter

    6 hours ago
    I know you can't tell from this but this is Jake Gyllenhaal!!!!!! #marthasvineyard #jakegyllenhaal

  13. US Weekly has the beard's father story too:

    Alyssa Miller Is "Really Excited" to Be Dating Jake Gyllenhaal, Says Her Dad

  14. They wrote a whole article about I have not met him but he must be a nice guy? The height of PR ridiculousness. Actually, it's good that stuff like that comes out because it illustrates how obviously it's PR pablum.

    Glad that the boys have a good excuse to be in the same place at the same time. And that means we will get some early reviews of Jakes films too . Prisoners has Jackman as a draw. Not sure how Enemy will fare. Seems to me it's not going that well for that film.
