Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Mr. Do it All

Stroker is a ultimate personal project for Austin. And he's making sure every part of it just how he wants it.

He's got his hands on every part.

I have finished principal photography on my short film. Now on to editing, sound, and music. Wish me luck. - AUS10

Austin,  let's talk about that other project you need to get your hands on,


  1. Covering for April August

    "About a month dating this model I really thought to myself this is PR work. since she changed to a different modeling company. Also on Sunday when Jake is looking upset at the model, while she is drinking water. I thought this is SO FAKE!. Also on Monday with the facebook sighting of both of them in the meat packing district and Jake is wearing black tube socks. I mean Jake wearing black tube socks!But tonight while I look at Jake having his arm around the model. He looks happy. I wonder are they really dating? Or is this really acting. If anyone has any comment on this please do. This is April. I am at work working the noc shift, and did not have time to log in."

    April, it would behoove you to read the timeline that M&M posted on the previous thread and which several others also contributed to. The evidence is overwhelming at this point.

    I'm not even convinced that photo is real. They set it up. They gave us a heads up already that he was supposed to be there. He did that exact same concert nonsense with Reese Witherspoon.

    I'm not even convinced that picture is real. I will now forever doubt any of the pictures he does with beards because he and WME have proven they will stoop to photoshopping.

    Exactly, go with your common sense at the evidence you see here and listen to it. Black tube socks? Did you see those in the "Sunday paper reading" photos on Just Jared? No. Fake, fake, fake, FAKE. It's all fake.

    Remember, he is an actor. If they were at that outdoor concert, they knew the camera was on them, I guarantee you. I can't even begin to tell you the many ways we know this is fake. Reeke was fake. Jaylor was fake. Actually Kirsten Dunst was a fake romantic relaysh as well but they did a good job at the bearding. This one with Miller is the worst job he's performed yet.

  2. Special, your post is short and simple but spot on.

    I don't know how anyone could watch from the background as their "other project" is marched through LAX on a make believe trip or made to do that last photo op. I can't get my head around that. Where do you have to take yourself mentally to be able to deal with the discomfort and unhappiness evident on Jake's face? It's not right that Jake has to bear the brunt of this. It's not right that he has to be the one to be publicly laughed at.

    All Austin has to deal with is fakery on his twitter account. Big deal. Jake is the one being placed front and center, the human target for this. If that isn't for richer or poorer, for better or worse, I don't know what is.

    It's beyond comprehension for me at this point.


  3. I'm not even convinced that picture is real.

    Let's go for the trifecta. LOLLL!!Hey it was 4:30 in the morning in my parts. Geez. I should've hit Preview before I posted.

  4. some further speculation and suspicionJuly 24, 2013 at 8:30 AM

    This relationship has been heavily documented every week since it started. That's how you know it's fake. (Besides the obvious fact that Jake is gay.) Jake is supposed to be Mr. Private, yet we have tweet after tweet, pic after pic, tabloid story after tabloid story since the relationship was put together in mid-June. A real relationship would be developed out of the public eye. Jake isn't working so he could be anywhere with her to ensure there would be no paps or publicity. But, we are lead to believe he stays in NY for no apparent reason. I bet he's not even there. In other words, all of this is to promote his straightness as well as the fact that he is not in New York at all. Kill two birds with one stone.

  5. Rawlicious SoHo @RawliciousSoHo 15m
    We were so excited to have Jake Gyllenhaal dine with us yesterday!!! What's your favorite Jake Gyllenhaal movie? http://fb.me/6oACStyC5

  6. I agree that a real relationship would be given time to develop in private first.

    Look at Johnny Depp and Amber Heard, they've been rumored to be dating for over a year, but it's only been in the last month that we've really seen them out together. And seems like I remember reading someone saying you know Jennifer Aniston is seriously about the current boyfriend because they weren't all over the place in the tabloids, etc.

  7. I keep looking at your avatar PG and thinking about your trip and getting jealous. I love Wyoming and Montana, if it wasn't so cold and windy up that way I'd be sorely tempted to move there. I'm glad you're getting to go on your trip, you're going to love it.

  8. The concert photo that surfaced last night with Jake's hand on Alyssa's hip is 100% expected at this point. Just yesterday, reading through the comments on Just Jared where there were numerous different but similar sentiments about Jake looking bored and not into it, I thought: next up, cuddling. I even thought of the Reeke photo from the Jenny Lewis concert. And here we are! Hand on hip!

    April, just so you know, your reaction to that photo yesterday - "I thought it was fake, but wait maybe it IS real" was exactly the objective of the photo op. Jake (and Alyssa probably) got the message to steam it up at this concert. And it was an exclusive, intimate celebrity-mingling-with-common-folk concert. There are probably more twitpics of them there that we haven't found yet.

  9. I would agree. PR has told him to turn the frown upside down - they are constantly reacting to what is being said. I still think there's an angle issue with his arm in the concert pic but I'm not going to nitpick over it, whatever. We're likely going to get a real NYC tour for the remainder of the summer from stockpiles of file photos while Jake is actually spending time with the family while a few of the kids are out of school. I wouldn't be surprised if, while he was sent into town for the Sunday paper brunch photo op, that he and Miller spent time in front of a hired pap camera for several staged "outings" for the sole purpose of being used for the weekends ahead.

    I will say that I saw not one tweet sighting of them at that concert last night - only 2 Facebook write ups. I could've missed something but nope, didn't see one. I find that very odd. When he's at an NBA game, Twitter lights up. So if there was a camera there last night, why is it attendees didn't tweet about it?

  10. I'm glad you're getting to go on your trip, you're going to love it.

    Thanks, Destiny! I am really excited - it's a dream come true. There's 3 of us going and we're combining driving with flying so that we'll be able to enjoy our time over there. The Tetons and Yellowstone are on the agenda, plus I'll be in Utah and Idaho as well. We're staying in a condo so that we can cook and grill, have the fireplace going and hopefully have some good views!

    As we draw nearer, you guys can follow me on Twitter because I'll be live tweeting often!!

    Wow, Ray Donovan is on right now - I missed the first 10 min. but I forgot to DVR it. Liev Schrieber is sooooo intriguing. He can really rock a suit.

    Sorry for the mess above! It took me 3 tries to do it right, lol

  11. Hey wow....so what's up with the ending of Ray Donovan???? That caught me by surprise.

    And what's going to happen to Tommy Miller? I feel bad for Ray's wife. But it's like she's married to the mafia. It's always going to be like that.

  12. I will say that I saw not one tweet sighting of them at that concert last night - only 2 Facebook write ups. I could've missed something but nope, didn't see one. I find that very odd. When he's at an NBA game, Twitter lights up. So if there was a camera there last night, why is it attendees didn't tweet about it?

    Couple of reasons. The Sharpe gig last night wasn't an announced gig - one of those surprise gigs for fans and there weren't a lot of people in attendance. Second, concerts and sporting events are different in that at concerts most people are looking ahead at the performers on stage while basketball games are in the round, or rectangular, so you see who's sitting across from you and it's usually well lit whereas concerts not so much.

  13. Ray Donovan seems like it's has legs to stand and will be around for awhile. Just saw the 1st and 2nd episode.

  14. Breaking: Same-Sex Couples Begin Marrying In Pennsylvania As Clerks Defy Ban

    The New Civil Rights Movement

  15. Couple of reasons. The Sharpe gig last night wasn't an announced gig - one of those surprise gigs for fans and there weren't a lot of people in attendance.

    How convenient. Yet, somehow Jake and the Beard knew all about it.

  16. I'm not sold they were really at that concert, sorry! Nope.

    Found this comment interesting, btw, on that Rawhide photo. Another entry for my Negative Encounter folder, SuckAPuck:

    Marzena Dulczewska Brokeback Mountain, Donnie Darko and Prince Of Persia. Thx for sharing. Cute picture! Lucky you! He's not too eager to pose with fans in private time.
