Friday, August 16, 2013


No matter the project or the length of his shooting schedule, anyone who works with Austin talks about what a great guy he is.  The fella makes friends everywhere he goes.

 He really is really one of the nice guys.

Austin was on the LOL's set for what  a week?   And check him out.

Happy Austin Friendly Friday.


  1. I wish I could say I still have hope for Jake and Austin but I think it is too late. Without being mean the only word I can think of when I see true heros is pathetic for them. It sure would take a miracle to save face for them now as they follow people like Travolta and Cruise. We can forgive men like Tab Hunter and Rock Hudson because they came from a different time and world but today there is just no excuse. HW just as well should be considered the same as other hate based right wing organizations that exist in politics and religion:-(

  2. Is that the world they want their kids to be brought up in???

  3. The WWE and HW is about entertainment and fantasy. The real people and it's stars need to let go of the fantasy themselves and join the real world.

  4. Actually, these past couple of weeks from Jake and Austin have been some of the nicest I think we've had in a long while. I've really enjoyed it when I've had my online time which hasn't been as much as I'm used to.

    I'm not going into all the details on OMG why these past 2 weeks have been nice because their management does nothing but react to what is posted.
    It's a shame that some of us have to share so much away from the blog but that's just the way it is.

    I'll take what little Kibbles 'n Bits the guys will give at this point and they have given/shared these past 2 weeks. You just have to look for the Bits and they have been there.

    It can always change at the drop of a dime but right now, I'm just taking it a day at a time. Work is pounding me into the ground right now these last two weeks have been he**, sheer he**, lol. Geez, I've been dead to the water and it's not over yet.

    I'm not giving up. You know, we all get do-overs in life, we all get so many second chances and I'm still working on all of mine, lol. I've got crap in my life, too, I'm sure not perfect as everyone here has witnessed plenty of times. God doesn't ever give up on us until we take our last breath. If I don't want people to ever give up on me, I'm not giving up on them.

    Anyway, I've loved L.A. Jake & Austin, enjoyed every day of the past 2 weeks of them.

  5. Aw geez, I've got a huge run-on sentence in there. LOL. That's bad.

    I feel like I've been clinging onto a thread for the past few days; it's been just awful. If I can just make it through to Wednesday, I think I'll make it. But very exciting - these have been some of the most fulfilling, challenging and exciting times at my job for a long time but man, I'm dyin' at the same time. It's fun to be invigorated at your job, you know?

    Living for the vacay!!! Will probably be too exhausted by that time to enjoy it, lol. But hey, listen to this. Where I'm staying at, the lady says to be sure and bring bear spray!!! Bear spray!!! Because there are a lot of bears.

    Where in the heck am I going to get bear spray in JoCo Kansas? lol

  6. When you discover things, then, you don't post them on the blog? Should others refrain from doing so?

    Like the fact that we're to believe Alyssa was in California when she wasn't, and there's plenty of evidence to suggest she wasn't? Or that Austin posted a fake address on his fake fishing ticket so everyone thinks he lives in a regular little house and not at Jake's, when no celeb not even a drunk Lindsay Lohan would post their actual address on twitter?

  7. Tom, I am seeing more stories and articles about the wrestler as the days pass so I think it will get more attention over time. He was not that well known so it is taking a little longer for the stories to appear.

    Careful PG, the bears seem to be in a prticularly bad mood right now. Guarding their young. I am scared of bears any time of the year. Never a fan of camping to being with, but the few times I was even near a camping area, bears seemed to be hanging around.

  8. Like the fact that we're to believe Alyssa was in California when she wasn't

    Yes she was

  9. Careful PG, the bears seem to be in a prticularly bad mood right now.

    Oh no, don't tell me that!! Okay after now having just read about 4 bear attacks around Yellowstone, where I'm going to be visiting for a couple of the days, I have now decided we are not going hiking!!!

    No hiking. I want asphalt around me, lol. Asphalt and cement.

  10. Don't give up the hiking. You just have to be careful and not carry food when you hike. Just take water, no snacks in your pockets, etc. Bears usually only go after food--or blood, so if it's time of the month .....

  11. If Alyssa had gone to LA there would be photos, and I've not seen or heard of any. Starting with the photos of him at LAX.

    I don't see how Austin could have faked an address, wouldn't he have had to show his driver's license when he got the ticket?

  12. Alyssa was not in LA. We would have received loads of pics if that were the case.

  13. It's a fake ticket or a house he owns and rent out?

    The house # may not even exist - 536 is in between two actual houses, per both google maps and 836 (the other possibility given the handwriting) is a multi-family (2 unit) house that is a sober living house (though one with a Pride flag out front - this is WeHo after all). Really. Which given Austin's DUI and the fact that he's a closet case is not entirely beyond the realm of possibility but why would he put that out there.


  14. I don't see how Austin could have faked an address, wouldn't he have had to show his driver's license when he got the ticket?

    He would have had to give his legal address for the citation to be written up. Otherwise, he would have been cited for giving a false address too.

  15. probably the same reason that Austin tweets where he is to make it look like he is in a different city from Jake - to squash the rumors. Austin is the patsy. That's probably part of what Ted was talking about when he went off on how much Gray Goose puts up with.

  16. I can see Austin living in a recovery house.. I have thought more than once that he might have a problem:-(

  17. Just came across this photo of Jake on facebook.

    I can't help it. The way Jake is leaning up against that wall he's looking so much like some hot sexy street hustler waiting for his next paying trick. LOL!!

    I love me some Jake Gyllenhaal but there are times I enjoy thinking of him as a male whore! LOL!

  18. It looks more like Jake is taking a call outside and trying not to disrupt people inside the restaurant.

  19. Hey Jack is beautiful day out, why don't you go chase a ball.

  20. How do you know "Jack" isn't outside and posting?

  21. Bye bye Jack. Go chase that ball.

  22. 14:41, you really think you're fooling anybody as to who you are? Not real happy by the past two weeks, are you? I think there are several people not real happy about these past 2 weeks. Why? Because for the past two weeks, it is looking like these 2 guys have what we've been saying they have.

    Sure they're in the closet. Sure they are doing some things that are hard to understand. But it doesn't change what Jake & Austin are doing in a family way.

    And that was a lamea** attempt at 14:41 to try and discourage people from seeing Jake as a family man and seeing that Jake is with Austin.

    Sorry!!! No dice. We know what we know.

    They're together.

  23. Sure they're in the closet. Sure they are doing some things that are hard to understand.

    Like living in a gay-friendly transitional recovery sober treatment home that proudly waves its rainbow flag outside? Do the munchkins live there, too, do you think?

  24. Besides some of the pics of Austin with Soapy (who frankly would make any one drink), Austin seems to me to be a classic introvert. Having a few drinks to loosen up is not a drinking problem. Colleagues and other folks who have worked with Austin, think he is a consummate professional and besides the 2007 DUI incident, there has been no other evidence of Austin having a problem with alcohol or drugs for that matter.

  25. she was in Los Angeles, there are sightings and photos, your friends here know this, but they decided to ignore it

  26. Why are you trying to deny that Alyssa was already in LA from August 11 to 15? There are photos and sightings
    and why do you pretend to ignore that Jake is in LA for the movie? As demonstrated by photos and reports twitter and facebook

  27. Someone(s) is suddenly trying to paint a different picture of Austin, aren't they? Now it's time to trash who is clearly the SO.

    It's all in the timing, you know. Since the bearding started, the interested focus on OMG has been obsessed around Jake and the beard. Now that there's been a two week break and Austin has shown that he's in L.A. at the same time as Jake, here come all the attempts to dump a bucket of slop on what we're seeing.

    Well I'm sorry but it's way too late. Where've you been all winter and spring? Now you want to focus on Austin? Take it elsewhere. You're not raining out this parade. Too much has been discovered now.

    Your energy is wasted and take that dark cloud with you.

  28. Why are you trying to deny that Alyssa was already in LA from August 11 to 15? There are photos and sightings
    and why do you pretend to ignore that Jake was in LA for the movie? as demonstrated by photos and reports twitter and facebook

  29. and why do you pretend to ignore that Jake is in LA for the movie? As demonstrated by photos and reports twitter and facebook

    lol. What? Who's ignoring that Jake needs to be in L.A. for the movie prep?

    Go home, J. It's not our fault you chased everyone away over in that swamp you created.

  30. Why are you trying to deny that Alyssa was already in LA from August 11 to 15? There are photos and sightings


  31. Who is J? What are you talking about?

  32. And, why do you think Jake took Nightcrawler in the first place? It was so he could have a pretext (plausible reason) to be in Los Angeles through the holidays. Interesting how Jake arrived back in Los Angeles just in time for the start of the school year. Who knows, the beard may have been the trade off, for him being able to be back home for 4-6 months.

  33. Jake took Nightcrawler because that's what he was offered, we are not playing with dolls, life is not that easy

  34. Jake is producing Nightcrawler, which means he proactively selected to do that film. That's right he chose to do Nightcrawler.

    Film producer: A film producer is someone who creates the conditions for making movies. The producer initiates, co-ordinates, supervises and controls matters such as fund-raising, hiring key personnel and arranging for distributors. The producer is involved throughout all phases of the film-making process from development to completion of a project.

  35. You know, if Jake had been offered roles such as Batman, there would have been no Nightcrawle or any other low-budget independent film.
    His choices like those of anyone, depend on its possibility

  36. Nobody would give a rehab facility as their address.

    And there is no evidence that Austin has any problems. The one DUI he was right at the dividing line, and the behavior was the type of things a lot of people in an unfamiliar place at night might do and probably had nothing to do with the alcohol.

    We all know you're spinning like crazy with all the stuff out there the past couple of weeks.

  37. there is no evidence that Austin has any problems

    Yes there is

  38. Austin shows no signs of being an alcoholic and there has been zero gossip that he is an alcoholic. As has been said many times, his DUI was for a BAC level that would not have even triggered a DUI ten years ago - it was right at the threshold. And there has been no repeat of that incident.

    What we do know is that celebs don't put their real addresses on twitter, and that celebs often pull the 'post - oops - delete' when they want to get something out there. I think it was a fake ticket and had an intended purpose.

  39. Wow. I step away for a minute and the comments go nuts. What idiot thinks we would believe random twitters. Almost always false plants and lies. I think someone tried to put Jake in Martha Vineyard and in London too, but got caught out when pictures of him in LA kept showing up. We did not fall for that either.

  40. trolls are desperateAugust 17, 2013 at 5:46 PM

    I have to laugh at the desperation of the OMG trolls. You show one pic of Austin looking either tired or maybe after a few drinks and suddenly he has a drug and alcohol problem? Geesh, you people are laughable.

    Also, I love how once Jake was proven to initiate his involvement in Nightcrawler (not as someone tried to assert that he had no other choice) an idiotic argument is put up about Batman, which relates to absolutely nothing.

    I agree with those who have stated that Jake chooses where he wants to work very carefully. Dare I say, strategically. The fact Jake wanted to be in Los Angeles for several months was something he wanted to do. Not some last resort option that he had to do because no other choices were available to him.

  41. yeah nice rant 5:46,too bad the laugh is on You1

  42. Hate to tell you that picture of Austin was from February of 2008.

    Whoever is stirring the pot about Austin and bringing up about Alyssa is desperate.

  43. Yes, and notice how they always say they just come here for a laugh and a giggle. But we did not give out any address. The only way they would have a clue is if they were following him on twitter themselves. And why follow him if they dont care about him and how important he is to jake. Showed their hand.

  44. You want to see the pictures?

  45. East Coast BeardingAugust 17, 2013 at 6:33 PM

    We all know that Jake's fauxmances have been plastered on IHJ, Just Jared, Us Weekly, etc. Therefore, if these sites did not show pics of Jake with the Beard in LA along with an accompanying story with a suggestive headline, then any photo you produce is suspect from the get-go. The point of photo ops is to make a splash with them. To show Jake with the beard. Not a pic of her with a friend at the beach or something similar.

  46. Try to use your head, if Alyssa is in LA, and there is no photo op with Jake, it means that she is there to be with Jake privately, and not to end up on IHJ, Just Jared, Us Weekly, etc., and this,makes them a real couple

  47. What idiot thinks we would believe random twitters. Almost always false plants and lies.

    ^^ Oh but you do, You do when it's the ones you like, like say, someone tweets Jake is with a tall guy who was on OTH, then you'll believe it without question. Let someone say Jake was with a girl, dealing with some unknown man, etc etc. then everything comes under questioning and harsh scrutiny. You're transparent and everyone knows this about JIG fans and OMGf regulars!

  48. The purpose of a beard is to be seen. She is a beard, a prop. Not seen, then on personal off the clock time. Everyone is entitled to time off work.

  49. following your "reasoning" if the purpose of a beard is to be seen, but Jake and Alyssa despite being in the same city do not care about being seen together means that she is not a beard

  50. Try to use your head, if Alyssa is in LA, and there is no photo op with Jake, it means that she is there to be with Jake privately

    LOL! Sure that's the purpose of a beard. To hide away and not be seen.

    Sure is funny Jake had no problem with "privacy" in NY or MV. You really are amusing.

  51. Wow! Doctor Spock needs a course on syllogisms.

  52. Jake and Miller a real couple? LOL! I need to sit down on that one, too hilarious.

  53. "privacy" in NY or MV

    Where are the photos of them in MV?
    And despite dozens of sightings we only have two sets of paps photos in NY, but we have a lot of photos taken by ordinary people of them being cozy, photos never used by IHJ, Just Jared, Us Weekly, etc.
    Pretty stupid, for someone who is trying to sell something
    looks like Jake is worried about privacy in NY, MV as in any other place

  54. the world of make believeAugust 17, 2013 at 7:34 PM

    Where are the photos of them in MV?

    Where have you been. That's how these two phonies introduced the charade in early July. Tweets can be manufactured and planted. It's done all the time by PR teams to sell whatever it is they want to. Pics can be photoshopped as we have seen with Jake before.

  55. I see people are trying to steer the discussion away from Austin and that family friendly neighborhood he lives in. My guess is that the guy doesn't make mistakes. He knew the address would be screen shot before he took it down. The big question is why did he want to send the message that he lives in a home that is probably large enough for 10 people?

  56. I was right here, your theories about the whole world in the service of evil Jake's PR, are irrelevant,
    He and Alyssa went to MV privately, media noticed weeks after the fact

  57. the world of make believeAugust 17, 2013 at 7:59 PM

    He and Alyssa went to MV privately

    Yeah, right. You are either completely clueless or earning your pay today. Either way, you're nothing but predictable.

  58. the world of make believeAugust 17, 2013 at 8:02 PM

    And, I suppose the beard just accidentally tweeted about being at The Bite. So much for privacy.

    1 month ago
    The Bite. YUMM
    9:37 AM - 6 Jul 13

  59. I am what I am, but you're not in a position to judge anyone

  60. I see people are trying to steer the discussion away from Austin and that family friendly neighborhood he lives in. My guess is that the guy doesn't make mistakes. He knew the address would be screen shot before he took it down. The big question is why did he want to send the message that he lives in a home that is probably large enough for 10 people?

    Which house number are you talking about... 536... 836... ???

  61. So what? where was the great article on JJ or Perez, who announced the landing of Jake in MV so that everyone could make the connection between Jake, Alyssa, and sea food?

  62. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  63. covering...for...anonAugust 17, 2013 at 8:18 PM

    So if they are a real couple why is she in NYC and he is in LA? It's not like she is working. Why did she end her LA trip early esp since it is the weekend. One more question what is the meaning behind her twitter post from John Balwin book Giovanni's room? They are not a couple.

    August 17, 2013 at 8:15 PM

  64. social media IS the targetAugust 17, 2013 at 8:25 PM

    It's naive to think that US Weekly and pap photo ops are the only target for all bearding.

    For one thing, many bearding couples have full-on relationships that are everything but the sex--John Travolta and Kelly Preston are the most obvious modern example. They are legally married and have children together. But word is that they are the best of friends, very close, which is the main reason Kelly has not left him even though they've basically been exposed.

    But also in today's digital media world, twitter and facebook and instagram are a main tactic for promoting PR relationships. Many of the articles and gossip blog posts we've seen about Jalyssa for example have borrowed heavily from social media for the details in their articles. The social media sightings add legitimacy to the fake relationship in a way that pap photos cant do alone anymore (see also: Taylor Lautner).

  65. She was working, shooting for @ freepeople
    and that is not Giovanni's room, but another country, and perhaps, to understand the quote, you should read the book
    and you know that Jake has, Inside the actor studio on August 20

  66. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  67. She was working last week for free people

    1)and that explains why she did not go to LA last week

    2)How do you know she is not working today or yesterday?

    3)because she is interested in different cultures in Greenwich ny?

  68. I see we have panicked PR because Austin let it slip, by mistake or maybe even on purpose about his living arrangements. Whoever said they are trying to change the subject is right on.

  69. Anonymous said...

    She was working last week for free people not this week. And jake is still in LA. She is in Nyc. According to twitter he was seen riding his bike. And that book from which that quote came from is about the different cultures in Greenwich ny. Again I ask why would she quote that?

    August 17, 2013 at 8:41 PM

  70. the real m said...
    I see we have panicked PR

    You have great insight m. BTW, what happened to Ted's bombshell?

  71. The big question is why did he want to send the message that he lives in a home that is probably large enough for 10 people?

    Which house? As posted above the two possibilities from reading the handwriting on the image he posted aren't really all that passable as Austin's address. One didn't exist and the other is a halfway house for alcoholics, not a permanent resident for anyone.

  72. You would be wrong, "confused". You should pay attention when clues are revealed. I'm not going to post Austin's address, but I saw it and know that it is a very large residential family home. Whereever you are getting that the "home" is a halfway house is amusing. I will tell you one thing though. The address was most definitely NOT 836 N Detroit St, West Hollywood, CA 90046.
