Saturday, August 17, 2013

Locking it up

With a little over a month before Prisoners opens in the US the press is starting to amp up.

This coming Tuesday Jake will sit down with James Lipton of Inside the Actors Studio and tape an episode that will likely air the first half of September.

Prisoners is one of the quickest post productions for any of Jake's movies, hitting theaters less than 6 months after wrapping. 

Another preview of Prisoners with a few more scenes you haven't see yet and a lot more tension.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. The first number of the address was quite legible and it was a "5". No doubt about it. You can try to twist and turn this fact all you want, but it doesn't change the first number on the fishing citation.

  3. 536 does exist.

    But this discussion on the house number needs to stop and it needs to stop now.

    There comes a time when privacy and safety of the children become a factor and we are hitting that point. Not only that, but you guys, we do not need the guys' management reacting by making one of the guys do something to counteract discussion.

    I am going to go ahead and request the administrator to use her discretion in monitoring discussion about the house, house number, etc. It's been covered sufficiently now and it's time to move along.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Er, I can say I won't be going to see Prisoners either nor ever on cable or whatever. Not my kind of movie and I'm tired of kidnappings and children being scared, abused, injured, etc. There's so much of that in real life, why do I want to spend my R & R time seeing it? Nor do I want to watch somebody slamming another person's forehead down onto a table in some kind of machismo power move. Not my idea of entertainment at all.

    I cannot for the life of me figure out why they styled Jake's hair that way except that since he's supposed to be a cop, he needs to look tough and not handsome/beautiful. Typical male-ordered stereotype. In order to detract from Jake's natural good looks, film makers went all out to make him as unattractive as possible.

    Well, if Jimmy Smits could be good looking as well as a cop, I have no idea why Jake couldn't have been too.

  7. You know what you can do with your indisputable, don't you, 00:32?

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. I think any comments that have the house number and street on them should be deleted. Too dangerous to have that out in public.

  10. If there was any doubt 1:12AM just revealed himself.

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  12. Where are the photos of them in MV?
    And despite dozens of sightings we only have two sets of paps photos in NY, but we have a lot of photos taken by ordinary people of them being cozy, photos never used by IHJ, Just Jared, Us Weekly, etc.

    The situation have been talked about some years ago that there is some rule/law on MV about paps. I think I read that paps are outlawed on the island. Thus only personal picture photos or tweets with no pictures. No PR/pap photos. Correct me if I'm wrong or if someone knows the actual law.

  13. You know, if these are the rules of MV, and you have "something to sell" do not go there, but in a place where the paparazzi are allowed and encouraged, not to mention that Jake, as a frequent visitor of the place, knows these rules

    So we deduce that Jake and Alyssa have chosen to avoid publicity

  14. So we deduce that Alyssa stayed the hell home with her real boyfriend.

  15. Actually I don't deduce that at all.

    Yes MV is very strict about paps and pictures. You never see pictures from MV and Nantucket. That's why it was so out of the ordinary to see Jake at the Chilmark Store that summer in a Pro looking picture. It had to be arranged for that to happen. And if you notice the pictures of Reese at that time were the same way.

    Pap picture are essentially non-existent if paps do try it is very much frowned upon.

    Now instagram pictures - they will happen. As we have seen.

    At that was exactly why Jake did go there with her.

    It seems to me he was under some contract obligations to be seen with her (the number of times, activities etc). And I think them being seen somewhere outside of NYC, management felt would make it look like they were serious, serious enough to take a trip together. Just what they wanted to sell.

    But Jake sure wasn't going to take her to LA - no way- that's were the hubs and the homestead is, and he wouldn't take her somewhere where he had to spend all his time alone with just her, and he didn't want tons of evidence of the trip splashed in every gossip rag and internet.

    MV was the perfect choice. He knew the only pics would be instagrams and wouldn't get sold by photo agencies. It was out of NY but not too far, and he was surrounded by friends that he could spend time with and minimize his time he had to spend with her.

    Think of this - Jake chose to work at Chris' restaurant rather than take his "girlfriend" there for dinner. He would rather spend time working in a hot kitchen than having a relaxing dinner with his "girlfriend" ie. spending any additional time with her than was contractually obligated.

  16. But what about when they were out in East Hampton. Seems it was just the two of them then.

  17. I believe that not only Alyssa was in LA with Jake, but also that she was at his home. When Alyssa, three days after she arrived in LA, posted the photos, her younger sister asked, via instagram, if she was in town, this makes me think that Alyssa did not stay at her parents's home, where the little sister would have seen her, but she went to stay at Jake's home

  18. I think that's a sharp take on how it's been handled up to this point, Special. I would say that with the exception of the 3(?) strolls, Jake has purposely done a poor job of making this "relationship" look authentic at all. I agree he was at MV but man, those few pictures in July were lousy at best.

    Everything else has been questionable or else just terrible quality to the point where you can even barely tell it's him. He's got his head down, the pictures are blurry around his face, someone's back is to the camera, you've got some object blocking a full view like a shopping bag, there was the musical instrument case or the subway train panel. And let's not forget the biggest obstacle of all - that big vending machine.

    Just a very, very ineffective & unconvincing effort up to this point on his part and he is to be commended, lol.

  19. I believe that not only Alyssa was in LA with Jake, but also that she was at his home.

    Would you just stop it. You have no interested or duped buyers here.

  20. All those who have seen Jake and Alyssa together, and I'm talking about random people, by the NY subway going to the beaches of MV to the farmer market in LA, refer to her as his girlfriend, his fine ass woman, etc., and this means a lot of PDA, and Jake is not the guy who shows his affection, if this love is not real,
    he can indeed be truly "cold" and unfriendly

  21. her younger sister asked, via instagram, if she was in town,


    And her sister has to use Instagram to communicate. She wouldn't use her phone to text? smh

    Please take this nonsense to other blogs which are buying this contracted relationship as the real thing. You are totally barking up the wrong tree in this neighborhood and you know you are. Just ludicrous.

  22. Tiger Beat mentalityAugust 18, 2013 at 8:33 PM

    Jake's in love, alright. With Austin Nichols. All you have described is classic bearding 101. Having tweets posted to make it sound like Jake and the girl for hire are having sex on the sidewalk is hardly convincing of a real relationship for obvious reasons. In fact, it's laughable.

  23. And her sister has to use Instagram to communicate. She wouldn't use her phone to text? smh

    Is the truth, check yourself, under the name Faithie22whatever, she is the little sister of Alyssa and she asked, for 2 times, if she were in the town

  24. The fact that Alyssa's sister didn't know she was in town pretty much only proves that this is a bearding situation. If this were a real relationship she'd have introduced her boyfriend to the parents and siblings! That would have been the main point of her trip, planned in advance. After all, she's had to suffer through brunch with Naomi twice already, and get carted around to meet Jay Z and Busy Phillips and Chris Fischer - all in front of the pap cameras and iPhone cameras and twitter to make sure the world knows, right. (But not Jake's good friend Austin - how very ODD). Loud and clear - Jake Is Serious About This One. She meets HIS family, HIS friends, goes to HIS childhood vacation island. The only person he's met from her end is her dog, who is really nothing more than a connect-the-dots prop in this whole charade.

    Honestly, I doubt Alyssa was in Cali at all. She was probably with her Baby Bjorn in New York, instagramming those pics of California from their apartment in Chelsea.

  25. Honestly, I doubt Alyssa was in Cali at all. She was probably with her Baby Bjorn in New York, instagramming those pics of California from their apartment in Chelsea.

    ^^^Sorry, but this sounds just desperate, and a little pathetic

  26. The trolls efforts to make anyone believe the beard is anything but a beard are laughable. Non existent pictures and phony planted twitters. Pretty, pretty lame as Larry David woud say. The bigger question is why on earth are they wasting their time here. Sometimes I think they do it so that Jake can get at least some comment counts on the internet. Comments on other sites are down to nothing so he rates no attention at all unless they stir things up.

  27. Actually, Jake collects a number of comments, even too many, go on JJ, where jake at the doctor (yeah exciting like that) Collects more than 40 comments, compared to 3 of Franco, the 2 of Colin Farrel or the 10/12 of Gosling, and no one is buying the gay thing any more

  28. You must be kidding. You call 40 comments a lot. I'm guessing 35 of them are made up by you.

  29. 23:13 is too unbelievable for words. They are also a total troll in dire need of attention and that quest for attention needs to meet a dead-end street.
