Saturday, December 7, 2013

Got 'im the palm of his hand

or How to put your interviewee into a spin.

Start the interview by asking about the project they're on to promote

Then ask innocently ask them about the injury they have that has been in all the papers and all over the internet.

What happened to your hand?

Watch the wind up and then the spin begin.
Now go in for the close up.

I'm with the audience on this one.  How to you punch a mirror with your palm?
 Watch them spin tighter than a top.
 Don't look dizzy while they spin.
 Nope! This is not my woozy face.


  1. Okay, this is a serious question and I need people's honesty.

    Who grew up calling Smokey, "Smokey The Bear" or did you grow up taught that his name was Smokey Bear?

    I have always known him as Smokey the Bear. Where did this Smokey Bear name come from?

    I follow Smoke on Twitter and he has really thrown me for a loop. He tweeted at someone, correcting them calling him Smokey The Bear. I was destroyed!!!

  2. Jake didn't punch the glass. Looks like he bitch slapped it :-)

  3. I figure everyone here knows all about Jake so I'm wondering if you could tell me the stage direction in the shooting script that caused Jake the injury to his hand. Thanks.

  4. A study of 16,000 women found that females with more curves are smarter than those who weigh less.

    9:31 AM - 8 Dec 13

  5. lol, Tom.

    I'm not understanding the question at 12:44.

    People are probably thinking that I'm kidding about the Smokey the Bear question, I'm not. lol.

    Boy, trying to put lights in the windows w/ suction cups when the temps are in the teen digits outside - it's going to be a chilly challenge.

  6. A study of 16,000 women found that females with more curves are smarter than those who weigh less.

    : ) Yeah right, like this what Austin is thinking about on Sunday morning - women's curves. BAH!

    Now before you roll your eyes at that tweet, let's look at something. I think this is another Management authored tweet. Why do I think that? I'll tell you why.

  7. It was always Smokey the Bear for me too, PG.

    Getting chilly here and it looks like first snow/sleet/ice of the season tonight.

    Hunkered down for the day and watching football. Go Pats!!

  8. PG, he was always Smokey The Bear, to me

  9. Look at the discussion yesterday on OMG. Mgmt was clearly defeated. They had nothing to argue against that Ellen/hand story. And once again, they saw that there are others out there who are reading OMG and are sometimes moved to comment. Those who see and use their brains? They are out there. They showed it on Just Jared in September and they show up here on OMG when compelled to voice their opinion and thoughts. Mgmt cannot stand that.

    Something happened last night.

    I'm going to go out on a limb and say that I think the boys were speaking last night. You know why? Because these happened last night.

    Excuse the lameness of these two following tweets. They're pretty bad.

    Alana (@alanalovee)
    12/8/13, 1:19


    Amanda Apgood (@amandaapgood)
    12/8/13, 2:19

    I'm an idiot. I saw @AUS10NICHOLS today and was too nervous to ask for a picture. But hey you're really good looking 😍

  10. Wikipedia says Smokey Bear is the correct name . The was added by some songwriters to make a song flow better, but the name is Smokey Bear. We learn something every day. About Jake and Austin too!

  11. Where is @alanalovee? West Hollywood

    Where is @amandaapgood? Los Angeles

    So after the alleged JFK airport sighting of Jake and the train and Edible Schoolyard tweets, suddenly it was 'okay' for Jake to be seen in LA again.

    Both of those tweets were pretty lame but then if they're manufactured or shipped out there for directional purposes, a lot of times there isn't the use of a lot of imagination.

    Were these two tweet sightings our 2013 Sushi? Were these two tweets this year's little Christmas stocking stuffer for Jaustin followers?

    I think it was. I look at the coordinated timing of the two tweets and I look at how Mgmt was reacting yesterday by trying to put Jake back in NYC after the photo of Austin at the Ray Donovan soiree was tweeted, placing him in L.A.

    Don't blink or I think you will have missed it. I think that was a present and if it was, I send a huge thanks & hug to Austin and to Jake.

    It doesn't go unnoticed or unappreciated.

  12. Thanks Special! Thanks, m! Although I do not like what Wiki had to say. LOL!!! So m, did you grow up with Smokey the Bear or Smokey Bear?

    Be truthful now.......
    ; )

  13. Okay, back to Curves.

    So after those two (rebellious?) tweets last night, suddenly we have Austin's twitter account once again this morning suddenly spouting out about the wonders of women and their bodies and/or sexual body functions.

    I think Management had to right the ship again, that's what I think. #1, that tweet fills his twitter action with all the OTH girls squeeing and all the fake accounts replying back with all kinds of provactive blather and come-ons.

    #2? It gives the WME-taken-over blog next door material for the Troll so he can pedal Straight Austin and blather on about all of that.

    Whatever. I see it for what it is and I can set my watch to it.

  14. It was always Smokey the Bear for me too, PG. Check out eBay, and the category is "Smokey the Bear Collectibles".

  15. So m, did you grow up with Smokey the Bear or Smokey Bear?

    Oh I see your answer, m! Okay, that's 3 for my tally now.

    : )

  16. Jake didn't punch the glass. Looks like he bitch slapped it :-)

    That's hilarious, Tom. The best description evah!
