Friday, December 6, 2013

Sweater up

It's that time of year again when people break out the sweaters and celebrate.

And Austin is doing just that in a Nordic snowflake knit number with some of the Donovan boyz at Showtime's Holiday Party.

But can it even compare to this stunner he wore to one of the OTH holiday parties?
 Total sweater-iffic!

And kudos to the Ray Donovan crew who scored a Writers Guild Award nomination!

 Happy Austin Friday!

OMG Cooking Klatch - If you have some great recipes for main and side dishes come and share.  We will be collecting the recipes and putting them together in a post.


  1. Sort of like when someone gets 100% on an exam, but there on red marks splashed all over the page, which completely contrasts with the superior rating. The bottom line is that Hollywood has corrupted conventional and social media, the awards process, as well as critic reviews with a variety of quid pro quo deals and promises of other kinds of "rewards" and paybacks.

    Loved your comment, Marketing Jake. You took so many words right out of my mouth, only you did it so much more eloquently. This was one of my favorite sentences.

    I cannot emphasize enough how much Jake's people manipulate Twitter and Facebook, filling his Search with overt gushing over his movies and old pictures of Jake that don't look anything like him anymore.

  2. Austin looks too much like Vincent Price in that picture. I'm not a fan of his new dark, sinister look.

    He looked good in that picture with his friend Dan Keyes but now there's been too much filling in with the black Sharpie.

  3. Did he hit his head as well? Spaced out Jake Gyllenhaal gives Ellen DeGeneres a very confusing explanation about his recent mysterious hand injury
    PUBLISHED: 02:10 EST, 7 December 2013

    Jake Gyllenhaal still sees the funny side of his injured hand... but we're not sure if we get the joke.
    The Prisoners star filmed an upcoming episode of The Ellen DeGeneres Show on Friday, where he gave a very confusing explanation of how he got the deep cut on his left hand.
    The Oscar-nominee, who turns 33 later this month, appeared spaced out as he told concerned host Ellen, 55: 'A mirror broke in the middle of the scene, I hit a mirror and it broke. And it cut my hand.'

    Asking what everyone is dying to know, the curious talk show host inquired: 'Did you punch it?'
    'No, I looked at it really hard,' replied Jake, with a sarcastic smirk. 'It broke and then my hand was hurt.'
    Determined to get a straight answer, DeGeneres asked once again: 'So you punched it?' And while she didn't get an honest reply, Ellen did at least get a personal viewing of the Brokeback Mountain star's hurt paw.
    'Do you want to see it? It's gross,' he said, as he revealed his palm to the audience on the episode that will air on Monday, who then made a loud outburst.

    'That was a mixture of excitement and horror!' laughed Jake as he collapsed into giggles.
    'That's what I like to give my audience here - they come for the excitement and stay for the horror,' responded Ellen, without missing a beat.
    The injury in question occurred on November 14, while filming an intense scene for his new thriller, Nightcrawler, in which his character punches a mirror, the glass shattered in an unexpected way, wounding the Donnie Darco actor.

    Gyllenhaal was rushed to the emergency room of a local Los Angeles hospital, where he received numerous stitches, but then returned to the set the next day to complete the scene.
    Wearing a white shirt and tweed suit jacket, bearded-Gyllenhaal went on to make up a crazy tale about how the cut really happened when he was banging on a gate and calling for Ellen, like a deranged fan.

    'I had lost oxygen in my lungs because I was screaming so hard. Then I was injured so I don't remember most of it,' he mumbled, seemingly lost even by his own tale.
    'I was in the middle of a scene and then I cut it and had to go to the hospital,' he went on to reveal truthfully.
    'Did that work for the character? Did you stay in character until they yelled "cut"'? joked Ellen, making a bad pun.
    'They followed me all the way to the hospital, it's all in the movie,' claimed the actor-producer, who plays Lou, who stumbles upon the underground world of freelance crime journalism.
    'I produced the movie too, and I thought for a moment that we might be able to get an insurance day out of it too. But yes, it is going to be in the movie.'

    Sat in front of a roaring fire surrounded by festive Christmas decorations, Ellen asked: 'So when we see you bleeding in the movie, we'll know the story now?'
    'Maybe...,' speculated Gyllenhaal in his odd tone. 'That won't have anything to do with the movie but hopefully you will be engaged enough that you won't worry about the story.
    'It is called Nightcrawler,' he said, in the most truthful statement of the whole interview.
    For the part of the aspiring crime journalist, the Zodiac star lost 20 pounds, which altered his usual fit appearance, thinning-out his face and body.

    1 of 2

  4. 2 of 2

    Keen to move on from the false confession, Ellen went on to ask Jake about his upcoming birthday celebration, but even that seemingly simple topic garnered a bizarre answer.
    'Is it your birthday next week? When is your birthday?

    'I think so... It's December 19th,' he replied, seeming lost at what he was going to do. 'Something, I have no idea, I am not really - I try to keep low expectations for my birthday, almost, totally low. Almost nothing. I have no real plans,' Jake rambled.

    At least Ellen was on hand to give Gyllenhaal a surprise for his 33rd milestone, as she slapped a birthday bracelet on his wrist. 'How did you just blow my mind?' he marveled, which doesn't seem hard to do.

    Nightcrawler co-stars Bill Paxton and Rene Russo, wife of the film’s director Dan Gilroy. It is set for theaters in 2014.

  5. Resident troll's head will explodeDecember 7, 2013 at 8:07 AM

    Jake Gyllenhaal's Hand Injury (Ellen)

  6. What the heck was that all about. Sometimes it seems like Jake is uncomfortable talking about reality at all. That is happens when you make deceit such a huge part of your behavior. I guess you have to be on guard every second. Jake likes to make it seems that he is so big on privacy and not having to reveal anything about his life. Just a front to what he really hides. Very sad.

  7. What is interesting is to see Mgmt's "messengers" sent to try and set the positive spin on the story:

    DailyMailCommenter, London, United Kingdom, 4 hours ago

    "spaced out" ?? He was totally normal. Jake always has a very relaxed and slightly quirky sense of humour. He always has done. Also if you like quite a dark and gritty drama/thriller you have to see his latest movie Prisoners. Both Jake and Hugh Jackman are incredible in it. One of the best movies of the year. It is very dark though so make sure you are aware of that before you go and see it.
    Click to rate

    PLUSH16, London, United Kingdom, 4 hours ago

    See now, this story is a really good example of journalistic exaggeration of the truth. I read the story and concluded that Jake might be under the influence of some drug. Decided I'd view the video and saw instead that it was quite the opposite, he was just trying to be entertaining and humorous. Reminder to self: do not believe everything you read.

  8. I'm sorry but Jake's people were not planning on this outcome. Because this is the tweet being sent out over and over and over this morning:

    Ellen DeGeneres News (@DeGeneresTNews)
    12/7/13, 2:20

    Spaced out Jake Gyllenhaal gives Ellen DeGeneres a very confusing ... - Daily Mail: Daily MailSpaced out Jake ... http://....etc etc. (edit)

    That is not what they wanted. I find it really interesting that the Daily Mail totally slams this interview. If you read some of their other stuff, i.e. on Reese W., they're just like Jared Eng. In other words, they write the perfect scenario and tell you what you are seeing.

    It's mindboggling that they just called Jake out on this interview. I'm really shocked.

  9. Hey we're in the single digits this morning. It's now a balmy 4 degrees.

    I'm enjoying a morning at home and not having to go into the office. Still brought the laptop & some work home but at least I can do it when I want to.

    Most of you probably don't remember but the shout-out comment was made yesterday morning about the boys re-hooking back up on sandy ground. Who would have thought that Mgmt would not have liked that.

  10. Not only is this interview causing angst among Jake's protectors, but so is Dana Delany's tweet from yesterday. She placed Jake in Los Angeles when his people were trying to put him back in NYC. Even more disturbing was that he was back at that Beverly Hills Medical Center.

    Dana Delany ‏@DanaDelany

    In other news, just saw Jake Gyllenhaal at the Dr. The nurses were swooning.
    2:40 PM - 6 Dec 13

    Interestingly, enough someone who doesn't even follow Dana comes on in 3 minutes (LOL! That has to be a world record} and tries to plant the idea that Jake is in NY. But, I love Dana. She responds quickly with BH=Beverly Hills.

    Peter L Brown ‏@PLBthetoonist 16h

    @DanaDelany Was that the A-List Celebs Medical Practice on 5th Ave?

    Dana Delany ‏@DanaDelany 16h
    @PLBthetoonist BH


  11. Most of you probably don't remember but the shout-out comment was made yesterday morning about the boys re-hooking back up on sandy ground. Who would have thought that Mgmt would not have liked that.

    Translation: California beaches!

  12. If you're befuddled by that twitter conversation, what is going on is this.

    Dana Delany tweets that she saw Jake at the Doctor's office.

    A guy named Peter L Brown tweets back at her 3 minutes later and asks her if she was at the A-List Celebs Medical Practice on 5th Avenue.

    Dana Delany tweets back at him "BH". i.e. Beverly Hills

    What's interesting about this exchange is how did Peter L Brown see her tweet so quickly? He tweeted at her 3 minutes after she tweeted. And he doesn't even follow her on Twitter so how did he see it so fast? If you follow someone on Twitter, you will see that person's tweets on your homefeed. But if you don't follow them, then you're not going to see the tweet unless you're searching that person or topic.

    When Peter didn't get the answer he was wanting, he tweeted again at Dana and told her a mundane remark about being glad that she was taking care of herself, have a nice day, blah blah.

  13. Exactly, PG. Thanks for elaborating further to make my point more clearly. "Peter" had to have been monitoring Jake's tweet to respond so quickly (i.e. within 3 minutes). And, he immediately tries to plant the seed that Jake was visiting a medical practice on 5th Avenue. Note too how he associates Jake as being an A-List actor. Definitely, PR.

    Peter L Brown ‏@PLBthetoonist

    @DanaDelany Was that the A-List Celebs Medical Practice on 5th Ave?
    2:43 PM - 6 Dec 13

  14. What's funny is that after the picture of Austin at the Ray Donovan party appears online and comment about the boys "re-hooking" back up, here comes the following social media "sightings" of Jake or postings that appear to try and make it appear that Jake is back already in NYC:

    Lorna Allen (@Lorna_L_Allen)
    12/6/13, 9:27

    Jake Gyllenhaal Gets His Hands Dirty at an #EdibleSchoolyard in #NYC via @Inhabitat @gyllenaaljakey

    Shariq Mian
    12 hours ago via mobile (12/6/13 @ 12:39 CT)
    Checked in Jake Gyllenhaal !!! Very Humble — at JFK (John F. Kennedy) International Airport.

    MJ Campeau ⚓ (@MelCampeau)
    12/6/13, 22:05


    PL∆T∆NO M∆N™ (@PlatanoMan)
    12/7/13, 1:11

    I see you on the train slip'n Jake Gyllenhaal! #lmao #strugglingtoread #sufferingfromsuccess #celb… Ridin the Train

  15. 1. That Edible Schoolyard story is old. Yet she doesn't say "Throwback" or "Remember when?" or anything to make it clear that is an old story.

    2. Shariq Mian's Facebook is interesting in that the time of his post greatly conflicts with Dana Delaney's tweet of just seeing Jake at the Beverly Hills doctor office/building.

    3. MJ Campeau is in Canada. Either misidentification or a tweet to confuse and muddle where Jake is

    4. Mr. PlatanoMan clearly is trying to make it look like he just saw Jake on the subway train. Problem is, that's an old picture of Jake from December of 2010 (credit to M&M for her immediate recall on this picture). I think they picked a picture of him in his puffy coat so that it would help to make people think it was current.

    Sorry but it couldn't have been more evident.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Our visitor can keep trying to interrupt and stop the conversation, the efforts are futile.

    Go home - you're treading water against an overwhelming current.

    Boy, you can sure tell when you're nailing it.

  19. So when tweets get repeated over and over that are positive for Jake, it's his management masterminding them, crowding the news feed to hide unflattering tweets or Jake sightings. But when tweets get sent over and over that are negative for Jake, it's just legit tweets. Do I understand that correctly?

  20. Looking at the cut on Jake's palm it looks like it is a straight line cut down his palm. When a mirror breaks it doesn't shatter in such straight edge pieces, they're more jagged, and even more so if it was punched. It almost looks like it was slice open with something straight edged and sharp.

    And inside the palm really isn't the first place you would think of would be hurt if you punched something. It looks like more like he accidentally sliced his palm open on a knife.

  21. Exactly, PG. Thanks for elaborating further to make my point more clearly. "Peter" had to have been monitoring Jake's tweet to respond so quickly (i.e. within 3 minutes). And, he immediately tries to plant the seed that Jake was visiting a medical practice on 5th Avenue. Note too how he associates Jake as being an A-List actor. Definitely, PR.

    Peter L Brown ‏@PLBthetoonist @DanaDelany Was that the A-List Celebs Medical Practice on 5th Ave?

    If @PLBthetoonist was PR or tweeting for PR, why would he tweet at DD twice? If he was PR he would know Jake was in Beverly Hills and tweeting the question at her twice pushes her answer which reveals Jake in CA. So by that rational this @PLBthetoonist is not PR because PR was trying to place him in NYC not confirm he was in CA.

  22. if you use twitter alot you know that your feed is full of people you don't follow. they are called RETWEETS.

  23. @PLBthetoonist is following Dana Delany duh

  24. @PLBthetoonist is following Dana Delany duh

    Not when I checked. The who follows who tweet site confirmed that neither followed the other. If "adjustments" have been made since then it's pretty obvious why.

  25. Something's being covered upDecember 7, 2013 at 12:57 PM

    But when tweets get sent over and over that are negative for Jake, it's just legit tweets. Do I understand that correctly?

    I've read the entire thread today, and I don't see where anyone is making that statement.

    Since you brought it up, however, I have to say that I almost never see negative robot tweets about Jake. The one today from the Daily Mail is really an outlier. In fact, I am very surprised that someone let that one slip through. It brings attention to a topic that many already find curious (the on the set injury/ER hand cut) at best.

    My speculation is that Jake looked so bad on that Ellen clip (looking like he was not telling the truth), that his team used DM to focus on him being giggly and unfocused, and then explain the behavior away by suggesting he was drunk or on drugs. Better for people to think Jake is a buffoon or substance abuser than for them to start wondering something else about the injury. We all know that PR staffs would rather paint a gay celebrity as either a whore, murderer or misogynist than, horror of horrors, gay. *Gasp*

    Now, I'm even more suspicious of how that injury occurred and why Jake's people fabricated a story about it.

  26. if you use twitter alot you know that your feed is full of people you don't follow. they are called RETWEETS.

    I'm a tweeting fool and I think the point that was made is spot on. No way would you see a tweet about Jake and respond 3 minutes later unless you are watching all twitter activity related to Jake Gyllenhaal.

    The other points, which were made, need to be repeated. Not only did the guy practically jump on her tweet the moment it was sent out, but he tried to plant the idea that Jake was seen in a New York doctor's office. Along with Jake being an A-List actor. I agree. Sounds like PR to me too.

    Very perceptive observations. I bet Jake's people just want to scream when you guys poke holes through all of their mistakes. You really can almost run a freight train through them.

  27. If you guys go on Steve veisel Facebook account he states jake was in LA eating dinner last night.

  28. Cleaning up Jake's MessesDecember 7, 2013 at 1:32 PM

    When a mirror breaks it doesn't shatter in such straight edge pieces, they're more jagged, and even more so if it was punched. It almost looks like it was slice open with something straight edged and sharp.

    Good point. So Jake must be lying, explaining his nervous, squirmy body language on Ellen when she pursued the topic of the hand cut. "Why?" is the next obvious question.

    Someone a while back thought it was because Jake was seen in Michigan the week before, which is where Austin Nichols has family. Also, he was still supposed to be filming Nightcrawler in LA when he was seen there. I would imagine that didn't go over well with Jake's hired entourage.

    I bet some fool came up with the bright idea of using his privately inflicted wound to not only stress that Jake was always in LA, working, but that he was such a dedicated actor he loss control for his art. The kind of guy deserving of an Oscar nod, perhaps. Wow! I really could see that too.

  29. So lots of efforts being made to place Jake in New York, when he is actually still in LA. Seems like more evidence that Jake's life is not tangled up with Maggie's as we have been (mis)lead to believe. Jake says he moved back east to be with his nieces. Naomi, Maggie and Peter. Yet, I never see them together. We saw more interaction of the family when Jake officially lived in Los Angeles. And, Maggie has practically relocated to England on/off since June. Sure she says she's working, but why would you be away from your husband and eldest daughter for so long, when you can work in the US?

    No doubt, since May, Jake seems to have one excuse after another to be in Los Angeles. And, I don't really care if WME now tries to suddenly flood the Internet with "proof" of the happy NY family. It's really too late.

  30. Whether or not @PLBthetoonist follows Dana Delany or not is irrelevant. The three minute response is what's beyond weird. Along with the guess of New York, not Los Angeles. Even though Jake is normally seen at the Medical Center in Beverly Hills.

    And, isn't she the same actress who tweeted about seeing Austin at the Heathrow Airport in 2012? Which then caused him to come clean and tweet that he was at Berlinale the same time as Jake. LOL! I bet Jake's people have been following her ever since. That was a huge "get" as I recall.

  31. I just checked and @PLBtoonist does follow Dana, but she does not follow him. Maybe the who follows who site wasn't working properly at the time it was checked. That's happened to me before.

    I think the comments that have been made are more important that whether he follows her or not though. Most intriguing is the jump to the conclusion of New York being the City that Dana saw him in, even though Dana lives in Santa Monica. Which if he follows her, should have been his first guess. Particularly, since Jake had been known to be in LA for the Ellen Show and known to regularly frequent the Beverly Hills Medical Center since 2007.

  32. ^ I think the comments that have been made are more important than whether he follows her or not though.

  33. Friday said...

    If you guys go on Steve veisel Facebook account he states jake was in LA eating dinner last night.

    Thanks. Another piece of evidence that Jake was in Los Angeles, when so many tweets and FB sightings tried to place him in NY instead.

  34. I just checked and @PLBtoonist does follow Dana, but she does not follow him

    Could have been a glitch in the software, that's true. I can only go by what I saw this morning. I agree. All the other factors related to this tweet, make the tweeter's involvement in the discussion highly suspicious. Never mind, the three minute response time.

  35. Anonymous said...

    I hate to sound mean. But I have been looking at the cut on Jake's hand and it almost looks like a fake injury. Like Hollywood type makeup was placed on his hand to make look like he cut his hand. This is only my opinion.

  36. you do know @PLBthetoonest tweeted with Dana Delany right before she tweeted about Jake don't you???December 7, 2013 at 5:29 PM

    Dana Delany ‏@DanaDelany 6 Dec
    At the beauty parlor & guess what song is playing?

    Peter L Brown ‏@PLBthetoonist 6 Dec
    @DanaDelany Dance Hall Days?

  37. you do know @PLBthetoonest tweeted with Dana Delany right before she tweeted about Jake don't you??? said...

    And your point is what?????

    You do realize you're trying to stop a gusher with a Dollar Tree Band Aid, don't you?

    Any conversation of theirs doesn't affect that whole Ellen 'hand' gaffe. It doesn't stop the NYC misleading tweets. It doesn't stop Mgmt obviously taking over WFT2. It didn't stop Leadville. It didn't stop The Club Lounge brunch with his daughter in May of this year.

    It isn't stopping a whole laundry list of Oopsies when it comes to the Secret Life of Jake Gyllenhaal.

  38. you do know @PLBthetoonest tweeted with Dana Delany right before she tweeted about Jake don't you???

    Great find. LOL, how many other holes can be found in the theories being made up.

  39. I have to agree with the consensus today. Jake has an obvious secret life. The lies and discrepancies are just piling up, if you follow Jake's career. He's got kids, alright, and Austin always conveniently tweeting around the holidays to place him away from wherever Jake is supposed to be, doesn't pass the smell test either. He also, hardly works, except for a few days here and there. His twitter account is a joke where tweeters masquerading as young girls who can't get enough of Austin Nichols surface for while and then I guess go right back down to the sewer they came out of. From what I always remember about Austin he is a gentleman. Born and raise. No way is he the type to post, lustful tweets to teens.

    Wake up. Jake is in the closet and raising a family away from the public, just like Ted said he was. Thanks for keeping this blog up so Jake's publicity machine does not get to have an open playing field to roll out their lies.

  40. So lots of efforts being made to place Jake in New York, when he is actually still in LA. Seems like more evidence that Jake's life is not tangled up with Maggie's as we have been (mis)lead to believe. Jake says he moved back east to be with his nieces. Naomi, Maggie and Peter. Yet, I never see them together. We saw more interaction of the family when Jake officially lived in Los Angeles.

    No doubt, since May, Jake seems to have one excuse after another to be in Los Angeles.

    All of your speculations may be true, maybe, but Still, It does not produce (1) child... Let alone 6 children. Hell, almost everyone who comes to this site believes Jake is gay or at least bi. Has been in a relationship with Autin for some time now. According to regulars here, all the time since 2005 and married to him. I don't believe that! But they have always been close and maybe a couple.

    Still, not 1 child in site.
    Show me a child!
    Maybe it's fun for some to believe this but, humm, have fun......

    Ps You can't hide 6 children.

  41. ^^^ You CAN'T!!!!

  42. Has been in a relationship with Autin

    lol. Well, well, well.....

    Then there was this one earlier this morning: ausbergs

    The paid visitor gives himself away. I hope Mgmt is throwing an extra big Christmas bonus this year into the ol' stocking because they've had him on overtime hours today, and not for the first time.

    I have now seen a commenter of OMG Thread Past reveal himself at 20:07. How many alternate egos have there been all these years? I bet we could fill an album.

    How funny to know that some of Jake and Austin's check writing is filtering down to pay for the likes of this All-In-One.

  43. Jake has an obvious secret life. The lies and discrepancies are just piling up, if you follow Jake's career. He's got kids, alright, and Austin always conveniently tweeting around the holidays to place him away from wherever Jake is supposed to be, doesn't pass the smell test either. He also, hardly works, except for a few days here and there. His twitter account is a joke where tweeters masquerading as young girls who can't get enough of Austin Nichols surface for while and then I guess go right back down to the sewer they came out of. From what I always remember about Austin he is a gentleman. Born and raise. No way is he the type to post, lustful tweets to teens.

    So wonderful to see others also observing what some of us have been seeing on a routine basis.

    Yeah, there's been some real scuz paid accounts appearing on Austin's search. They appear for a few days and then Pffft!! Gone. Never to be seen, or else like in the case of the Australian girls, they routinely appear when Austin needs some cover or diversion.

    It's pretty sad and what started out as a platform for some of his quirky, fun tweets has now become mostly the property of someone else. I really don't think Austin is involved much with his twitter account any longer, although the Paul Walker tweets did sound like him.

    He doesn't have time to be spending on his phone DM'ing all the time like the 3rd party would like people to believe. He's been the main family caregiver during that entire time Jake was filming and promoting Prisoners.

  44. Poor Jake. Does he and his staff not realize that inauthenticity is not recognized immediately. You can not hide like in the old HW days. He looks like an idiot on Ellen. Like he is trying to hide something. The question is what really happened. He just makes things worse by trying to hide his real life.

  45. So wonderful to see others also observing what some of us have been seeing on a routine basis.

    ^LOL! It's just one of the regular members of the choir. You're not fooling anyone

  46. Poor Jake. Does he and his staff not realize that inauthenticity is not recognized immediately. You can not hide like in the old HW days.

    So you incessantly follow a guy that you believe to be so deceptive and devious. Says more about you than Jake.

  47. Damn Dana Delaney sure has become a thorn in J and As side. I got the feeling she knows that her tweet spoiled the guys plans in Germany :-)

  48. LOL! It's just one of the regular members of the choir. You're not fooling anyone

    No, read it and weep, Jack. Not any of us. Just like on that now infamous Just Jared thread from September and the Blind Gossip thread on Jake/Katie Holmes, there are way more others out there than you like to think.

    It's Management's worse fear. That's why they took over the blog next door. That's why my personal twitter and @Goosestile twitter have been and are being watched.

    Keep on laughin', buddy. You're merely a reflection of Jake and Austin's need for protection.

  49. It's always so fun when the troll collapses in despair.

    Lost in all the discussion is the kudos to the writing team of Ray Donovan. The best written show this year. Right up there with Breaking Bad. I hope we see Austin again next season. That is if his parenting schedule permits!

    I saw a clip of jakes injury on Ellen. It looks real to me, but not like a mirror injury as others have noted. It took a couple of weeks for the truth about Zac Efron's injury to come out - he crashed into a coffee table while high- so I guess the truth will come out eventually.
