Tuesday, February 25, 2014

It's Awarding

While Jake is busy in Rome a bit of news for Jake's recent work.

Prisoners was nominated for the monthly British film magazine Empire's Jameson Empire Magazine Award.

Prisoner is nominated for Best Thriller  along with Captain Phillips, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire,Now You See Me and Trance.

You can vote for this and other film catagories at Empire Magazine's site.

But it just wasn't Prisoners getting some recognition, Jake's performance in Enemy has too.

Jake was nominated for Outstanding Male Lead Actor at the Canadian Screen Awards for his role in his and Denis' other collaboration.   The awards will be presented on March 9th at 8pm EDT.

 Speaking of Enemy - while is already available to watch on pay-per-view, the movie will be premiering in theater in March. And with any movie coming to theaters there has to be trailers. This is the Red Band (read probably NSFW) teaser trailer.


  1. When I saw the Jake in Rome post I knew it would generate a slew of PG comments. And, they came as usual. lol

    3 comments is a "slew" of comments? If you want a slew of comments, I'll be more than happy to give a slew. But I really don't think you want that so be careful what you wish for. If you didn't like Tom's comment about the way Jake looks, you really don't want to see what I think.

    But what a wasted breath it would be. The ironic thing is, Jake has been taking all these steps to hide his and Austin's children and their marriage in order to earn the kind of big money it takes to financially support a family as large as his is now, but the steps he is taking are actually killing that very same career and image.

    An image he built so unconsciously for years and built that fanbase to the size which bought his DVD's, put butts in the theater seats, and created the online following. For some crazy reason, he followed the advice of WME that said he needed to lie like Pinocchio to his fans, he needed to look like Festus, grunt and scratch like some kind of cartoonish image of the ideal single, "straight" man and become just another tabloid ne'er do well who goes around taking the virginities of Girl Scout-like girls and then leaves them "crushed and devastated" in bed like some bad country song and on to the next conquest before the sheets have even dried.

    Successful businesses listen to their customers. I know my business does. We listen to customer complaints and pay attention because the customer you lose is one you are most likely not going to get back and in this day of fierce competition for the almighty thin dollar, who can afford to give up their slice of the pie?

    But Jake, his people, and Austin (because Austin is part of this equation) think they are above listening. They aren't listening and they're making a huge, prideful mistake. They are and have been for the last several years dismantling that money paying fanbase they so desperately need.

    Thanks for the invitation to speak.

  2. Just to clarify, when I speak of listening to the fanbase, I'm speaking strictly of the dissatisfaction of the tabloid headlines and the Festus look. For the person who says "it's for a role!", no it's not. This has been the look for the last several years with the exception of when?

    When he's bearded with A Miller. And so for a JIS fan, you have to ask yourself, why did he suddenly clean up and shave during that time period and that time only.

    Heyyyyyy which reminds me, since he and Miller are back together, seems to me we should be due for some big reunion pictures just as soon as filming is "officially" over. I wonder if this is why Miller isn't flying across the pond to visit her guy and piggyback in Rome? Could be the risk of beard burn was too high? She may have an insurance policy taken out on her epidermis. I didn't think about that, lol. Not that those two ever got cheek to cheek for the camera anyway but..

    Well, either way, you would think there should be some splashy reunion pics if there is to be any credence given to the latest headlines, so hopefully......could that mean a trip to Walgreens for a pack of Schick 4's.

  3. I like this new interview of Jake's. It's not real long but what he says is very smart, seems to me. I do believe Jake is spending a lot of time with his family and I sure won't knock him for that.

    In fact, I love that about him, that he is preserving and has preserved so much time with his kids while they are so little. I just don't agree with how he & Austin are going about hiding the truth.

    But regardless, here's a link. This story just appeared online today and it's got some nice pictures of him.

    It's too bad people don't know the truth because I think they would love it, buddy

  4. A Federal judge has just ruled the ban on Gay marriage in Texas unconstitutional and illegal. Gay marriage soon in Texas. Woo Hoo :-)

  5. Thank God the governor of Arizona has vetoed the horrible bill the Assembly passed last week. Thank God these people didn't get away with what they tried to do. Many people came to bat for the Gay community.

  6. I am so excited that people in this country have stood up to racism and homophobia. Feels awesome.

  7. Great news about Arizona and Texas. Things are really changing at warp speed.

  8. You know that real progress has been made when Texas is one of the states moving forward. I never thought I would see the day. One of my gay friends refused to even set foot in that State. I'll have to ask him now if that will change.

    Glad to see Jake finally filming a scene. I was almost convinced he had dropped out of the film.
