Friday, May 9, 2014

Common Threads

Austin and Despicable Me star Miranda Cosgrove are teaming up with Oceana to celebrate the group's mission and successes in protecting the oceans and restoring marine life at the Marion Davies Guest House located next to Santa Monica Beach next Friday, May 16th.

Austin and Miranda will be serving as host and will be sharing their experience working with Oceana and encouraging others to become involved in joining the group in protecting and restoring the oceans and water ways.

Nautica, a corporate sponsor of Oceana, is teaming up with LA Confidential Magazine for the 2nd Annual Nautica Oceana Beach House party.

This is not the first time Austin has teamed up with Oceana, just this past November Austin was out to show his support for the environmental group.

Back then OMG pointed out that it seemed like a family connection with Oceana.

The environmental group merged with Jake's longtime family friend Ted Danson's water conservation and protection cause, America's Ocean Campaign back in 2002. Jake had supported America's Ocean Campaign and continued his support with Oceana. And years of supporting Oceana, Austin is now lending his name to the cause.

Just like Global Green, it is another cause that guys become involved in supporting.

 Maybe Jake will get back to his Cali roots and show off his surfing skills for Surfrider in the future.

Do you think he can do the advanced handstand though?

But it's not all good causes that link these two.

In the past Austin traveled to Israel and many wonder what was his interest in the country, people and culture. Could it be that he wanted to understand more about Jake's heritage?

And then Austin's tweet today is another example thread to Jake

Novice Buddist Monks in Thailand - AUS10

No doubt he has more pictures to share with Jake who majored in Buddhist studies at Columbia.


  1. Great news!

    So looking forward to adorable Austin and Chloe photos.

  2. Run along troll I saw a ball rolling in the street.

  3. Did anyone else notice that Austin spelled Buddhist without the h?

  4. Not until you just pointed it out, Special. Maybe his phone doesn't have spellcheck? Huh, well you would think he would know how to spell that. Although I didn't catch it, lol.

    I'll tell you one thing that those 2 crazy kids need to work on and that's in talking to each other on Twitter. You know, Austin and Sophia didn't hesitate to @ each other. They knew each other's Twitter names and they used them.

    For whatever reason, Austin can't seem to get himself to talk to this one on Twitter. He can't seem to be able to upload a picture of his own current "girlfriend" onto his Twitter.

    But he sure talked to Soapy and he tweeted directly at her on his Twitter.

    And FauxChlo can't seem to be able to type @Aus10Nichols. They're making her do all the grunt work by posting the pictures and marketing it, but she'll do everything BUT tweet directly at him.

    He's tweeted at JFC co-stars. He's tweeted at OTH co-stars. He's tweeted at Ray Donovan co-stars.

    Well, isn't he a co-star of ol' Chlo? I'm not sure why the shy act.

    Sticks out like a sore thumb to me.

  5. Yeah, guess he is too lazy to use spell check

  6. For anyone with HBO, Prisoners debuts tonight at 8pm Eastern, 7 Central.

  7. But I know what Seaweed will be watching the same thing I am right now.

    Go B's!!

  8. Congratulations Michael Sam!

    The college football star who came out this year has been picked by the St. Louis Rams in the seventh round of the NFL draft, becoming the first openly gay player drafted by a pro football team.

  9. ESPN video of Michael Sam and his boyfriend hearing the news on national TV.

    Michael Sam Reacts to Being Drafted by the Rams


  10. Did anyone else notice that Austin spelled Buddhist without the h?

    I did. Hard to believe an English major would do that, isn't it? More than likely the post was made by an intern. Like with so many of Austin's Twitter activity these days.

  11. More than likely the post was made by an intern

    lol, well hit me over the head with a mallet. Now it sinks in. ha ha ha. Yup, and since Jake has/does practice Buddhism, you would think Austin knew how to spell it.

    ha ha ha ha. I know you ask those questions for a reason, Special, sometimes it just doesn't sink into my slow head until someone else points it out.

  12. That's so great about Michael Sam. Truly historic, as is the video of him and his boyfriend celebrating the moment.

  13. Darnit, my avatar didn't work right. grrrrrr. He had on some of THE nicest flip flops - they were like a denim topped flip flop, coordinating perfectly with the Levi's.

    Congratulations to Michael Sam on being chosen in the NFL draft - what an historic moment. Wonderful.

    Thinking of the many who will be celebrating Mother's Day tomorrow and those who will be experiencing a feeling of loss or having longing memories. It can be tough. My mom is in Vegas right now living it up so it will be a quiet day.
