Monday, August 11, 2014

Last round

It's a wrap and Jake's got hat in hand (in this case, back pocket)


Scenes from Southpaw's wrap party so it looks like Jake is done pulling the punches.

A little summer vacation before back to
school  Broadway?


  1. Robin Williams has always been one of my heroes. And he always will be. Love you brother.

  2. That was a pretty interesting Out Spotlight, Special. What a career Ivy Bottini had.

    I'm still just stunned beyond words over the passing of Robin Williams. Don't even know what to say. He was a brilliant talent.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hey Tom did you see this?

    Philly Meteorologist comes out and as a daddy too!

    It was an emotional roller coaster today for fans of popular Philly meteorologist Adam Joseph. The local TV star came out as gay, coupled and a new father all in one Facebook announcement revealing his beautiful family to the world

    Instinct Magazine

  5. Safe journey fellow space man! Hope to meet you out there somewhere. #RobinWilliams

  6. Wow no I did not hear that SK.. That is wonderful news. Adam is for sure a cutie :-)

  7. When you hear about Gay couples coming out after the birth of a child it makes you realize how awful and how sick it is to be able to hide something like this. Seriously very sick and cruel.
