Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Lucky 7!

Seven days a week, for seven years, OMG has continued to post and make their presence known.  Sometimes in big way,  sometimes in small ways but always there.

And it all started with this :

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Ready, Set, Go!

"Jake seriously, I don't think that's what they had in mind when they said beard."
Overheard in Chilmark 

And it's given us all this

After all these years, and all these post and comments some might say we might have a seven year itch.  A seven year itch?  Not us.  The only itch we've got, is itching to see them live the best genuine, joyful lives they can have.

And we'll be here making our way every single day.

We celebrate 7!   in our own special way:


  1. Happy Anniversary to OMG! Seven years. That is quite an accomplishment, isn't it? Love your selection of pics today. PG will be particularly happy that you included that Twirly Coat image too.

  2. Oh, my. Has it really been that long. Time flies when you are having such a good time. So many wonderful posts, and good friends. Thanks for keeping us all together, Special. I hope to see some of you in 2015 if Jake sticks to his plans to do another play. Cheers and best wishes for another 7 years to come.

  3. CONGRATULATIONS OMG... with many thanks for seven great years of conversation, friendships, intrigue, detective work, imagery and discussion. And who can forget those regular as clockwork Out Spotlights!

    With Love and thanks...

  4. Happy Anniversary OMG !!!!!

    Although my admiration for Jake and Austin is no longer there I still do check in everyday to see what is going on. Plus still care a lot about SK and the other friends I have made here.

  5. Seven years, amazing. And some of us have been around since 2006 before OMG got started.

    Congratulations, and thanks as always Special for all the creativity and hard work you put int o this blog. Also amazing.

  6. ♫ Happy anniversary, baaaaaby,
    Got you on my miiiinnnd. ♫


    Happy anniversary to OMG. 7 years. **WOW** Incredible.

    A big salute and congrats to the Grand Poobah, Special K. I don't know how you do it. I don't know how you get posts up day after day after day as well as the great Out Spotlights.

    7 years.

    And the main core is still all here. Isn't it funny, many of us have gotten into other fandoms or other celebrities but we still remain loyal to Special and the story of Jake and Austin, following it through thick and thin.

  7. M & M was right - loving the Twirly Coat picture!!! Thanks, Special, for including Twirly Coat in your wide array of treasured J&A picture memories.

    I am thinking I need to make up some lyrics and create the Ode to Twirly Coat song, perhaps to the melody of the Dream Light song.

    If I could, I would make a video, using the slow mo Stevie Nicks Twirl special effect. Except instead of Stevie in her cape and heels, it would be Jake in his sassy twirly coat whirling 'round and round, sharp-toed black shoes shining brilliantly under the flash of camera bulbs.....

    Yeeeah baby. That would be awesome.
