Thursday, August 21, 2014

Night Might

After a little shift for its opening weekend Nightcrawler is giving another sneak peek.

Jake is transforms in the role of Lou Bloom and off kilter sociopath who is hungry for work and finds himself falling into the sketchy dark side of run and gun after dark LA crime journalism.

Lou: Intense, yes. Off kilter , yes. Creepy, yes  Dark, yes. Scary, yes.

And Jake captures it all.  And well.

Lou Bloom and Nightcrawler might not be everyone's cup of tea, but it is another great performance from Jake.  When a actor's performance crosses that place where you only see the character and not the actor - that's when it is a great and that's what Jake does here. 

Nightcrawler will premiere next month at the Toronto International Film Festival. It opens in the US,  October 31st.


  1. Trailer looks good. This may sound mean but Jake needs to do more work on the voice. His voice is so not macho :-)

  2. Wow, the trailer looks good. Intense. We'll see how the reviews shape up.

  3. Wishing I could just take a run up to Toronto to take in some TIFF and do my own private Jake stalking...

    I agree with Tom and M, that the trailer looks pretty damn good. We'll see how the movie is received in T.O.

    Matt Bomer's ALS icebucket video just warms the cockles of my heart. Bravo Matt and the munchkins!

  4. I agree, the movie looks promising.
