Monday, August 4, 2014

Turnabout is fair play

Early in Jake's career he talked about how his parents would give advice about his movies, and how he would seek their professional advice (not just what Mom & Dad think)

It's now come full circle when the child is giving the parent advice.

For Naomi's new movie, "All the Good Girls" , Jake gave his two cents on mom's first directorial project.

"Jake was in the editing room frequently. He was the one who pointed out that Boyd's character was like Clarence in 'It's a Wonderful Life,' who comes in and tells them something they need to know," she said. "He gave me some great advice during the making of this."

You wonder if Jake has done the same thing with some other's directorial projects? 


  1. Last I checked, the movie is getting extremely poor reviews. Not one that appeals to me given the nature of the script so I'll have to rely on others to say if the reviews are valid or not.

  2. Let's party tonight!August 5, 2014 at 9:03 PM


    Austin, TX y'all Let's have a ball Feels right Let's party tonight!

  3. BOOM!!

    But is Jake wearing the circus tent shorts on the LA sidewalk? THAT is the question

    ilana newman @_newmansown · 4h

    When you're walking around LA and you see Jake Gyllenhaal>> #favactor ����
    8.05.14 17:01 CT

  4. And NOW we know why Austin is putting himself in Austin TX today.

    They set this Austin TX tweet up yesterday with this tweet:

    S. (@S_Arangoo)
    8/4/14, 1:03
    So just wanna let everyone know... Me and Carlie met Austin Nichols today ✊😍

    S. @S_Arangoo · Aug 4
    Yesterday I went to Barton Springs, swam, kayaked and jumped off a bridge... Not thinking about how I was gonna feel this morning at work 😩
    8.05.14 19:21 CT

    Barton Springs ring a bell for anyone??????

    Fellas, fellas, about Christmas in July.

  5. uhm too bad jake is working in Pittsburgh from FB today:

    I totally just seen Jake Gyllenhaal on Brownsville!

    Jealous!! Lol are they still filming up there?!

    Hoff Ya, they left then came back. I drive super slow past everyday, hoping to catch a glimpse!

    I might have to go drive by...very slowly lol ######jake's pic yesterday in Pittsburgh

  6. Oh wait, it's not July anymore.

    It's Leadville August.

  7. Awwww, look at the little monkey cake. What's that name in green icing to the side? Ah, yes. Baby Hugo. A good Swedish name, don't you think? ;-)

    #HappyBirthday #BananasForEveryone

  8. Oh, it's a boomer all right, buddy.

    You're talking yesterday. @_newmansown is

  9. August 13, 2010: I remember that whole Birdie birthday party with the procession of Jake, Maggie and Ramona. Austin was supposed to be at the Breakthrough Awards with Soapy, but he never appeared. This was the same time that Austin's parents gathered in North Carolina.



  10. And, Stephen Gyllenhaal magically showed up in LA to have lunch with Jake on August 16th. I remember the photo op because Jake was doing his manly motorcycle rides and he received a parking ticket.

    All probably gathering for the "covenant of circumcision."

  11. Methodical Muser said...

    Hmmm. I wonder why Austin follows Stephen Gyllenhaal on his Twitter account? Oh, that's right. Jake has already said that he doesn't do Twitter so it must be AUS10's only way to stay in touch with his favorite BFF.
    September 25, 2010 at 7:41 PM

    Austin sure isn't following him now, though.

  12. Don't forget that the actual date of Jake, Ramona and Maggie's "celebration" of Birdie's birthday was August 15th. That's when the pics were posted. We discussed at the time how odd it was that her birthday was not being celebrated on Friday or Saturday. Instead of that Sunday. Maybe because the family gathering was not about celebrating her birthday at all.

  13. Ana-Marcela Lopez @ana_marcela13 · 3 h

    Thanks to @AUS10NICHOLS for making a regular Tuesday night at Shady Grove memorable! #comebacksoon!
