Friday, December 19, 2014


Jake - it's the big 34!

While a magic number in physics, it also is connected to a Miracle that happens around this time each year, all about believing.

And just like for Kris Kringle, we believe about you too.

So despite all the different looks this year:

The one that capture us most was the most genuine of grins returning

The delight of those dimples

And the hope of things to come.

We wish you a yearful of miracles, and hope for a future that lets you show off that genuine you that still shines when you let it.

Happy Birthday Jakey!!!

Don't worry Birthday Boy - we know it's Hanukkah too.

So for OMG's special fella a combo  Hanukkah Birthday Gift


  1. Happy Birthday Jake!

    Here's hoping you had a wonderful day with family and friends, celebrating your day!

  2. Anyone notice the new couple alert about Jake with his new beard and co-star (how convenient), Ruth Wilson? Another example of going for the gold. He had to dump the model because another actress is much more tabloid worthy. Particularly, when you're performing in a mediocre two person performance that you would have to be bored to tears before wanting to see. Jake really does not look to put much effort into his fake relationships. Kind of like his acting.

  3. I can not wait to hear how Jake spent Christmas with his nieces :-)

  4. Glad to see the menorah tradition at OMG!

    Happy Birthday, Jake!
