Thursday, December 18, 2014

Sweet as honey

 Admin Note:  Yes today (12/19) is Jake's Birthday, so it will be a Three-for posting his 34th to catch up and celebrate.

Recently Playbill interviewed Jake and Nick Payne on how they came together to  work on Constellations (breakfast) and it seemed from all the gushing it would make you think they were sweet on each other.  Mutual appreciation club indeed.

Jake kidded that he was spending a lot of time with bees and honey to prepare but he did talk about the relevancy of his character, Roland, being a beekeeper.

"A beekeeper may see the elegance of the universe displayed in the lives of bees, but we're all driven by the idea of finding our purpose."

Jake also spoke of actors who he admired:  

"Actors that I really admire always find their way back to the stage," he says. "Denzel Washington, Liev Schreiber… my sister."

Interesting list.  We saw Jake recently with Denzel, who both share the same director in Antoine Fuqua, and well Maggie is Maggie.  But hmmmm... Liev....
how is that connection?

Oh yeah 

Happy Hanukkah!!

1 comment:

  1. Nice candid photo of Mr. Liev! That's pretty cool that he's in NYC as well. Makes me wonder how well the Gyllynichols kids might know the Schreiber boys by now?

    Boy, you hardly ever see Liev with Naomi though, you know? They're always separate.

    I like the T Rex menorah. That's great.
