Saturday, February 21, 2015

Missed Independence

 Nightcrawler is the type of film that the Independent Spirit is about: small and smartly made, not originally funded by a studio, edgy, taking risks in storytelling that the studio system wouldn't risk.

The success of  Nightcrawler has carried past the critic's reviews and on to acclaim at the Independent Spirit awards.

Attending the awards director Dan Gilroy and his wife (and Jake's co-star) Rene Russo were the biggest representative of Nightcrawler.

At the awards Nightcrawler won two:

BEST SCREENPLAY - Dan Gilroy Nightcrawler

BEST FIRST FEATURE (Award given to the director and producer)
Director: Dan Gilroy
Producers: Jennifer Fox, Tony Gilroy, Jake Gyllenhaal, David Lancaster, Michel Litvak

Sadly Jake was not there but back in NYC with Constellations which ends its run in mid March.

While Jake was able to attend the Golden Globe in January,  it is interesting that he was unable to attended the biggest weekend in Hollywood.  For all the talk about him making film choices to position himself back into the award race, his absence is notable.

If he was really campaigning wouldn't he be in LA? ( Check this out about Oscar campaigning)  Maybe not presenting an award since his movie wasn't nominated, at it would be a bit awkward, but at least a part of the Academy scene.

Even more so the Independent Spirit award.  They are Jake's sweet spot, he came up an indie darling, and it is those films and that indie spirit where he really shines.  Jake's success is wrapped in independent films, and it is there where he could have the freedom both on and off screen that could bring him work-life balance.

OMG catch up:

So what's Jake been up to?

And Austin?

 I woke up early to finish The Goldfinch, by Donna Tartt. Impressive woman and writer from Mississippi. Wow.  - AUS10

 Although the painting by Carel Fabritius would have been far more interesting if the Goldfinch was chained to an actual fish (perch). - AUS10

Sometimes it's easy to forget that there is a reason for OMG a bit bigger than just a little blog that friends stop by to talk about Jake and Austin.

OMG wants to keep the reminder of their story from past to present.  So to that point OMG's going revisit and keep posting all those pictures, that seem to be getting "lost" out there in the big gossip round up.

First up for OMG's Picture This:

And as for the winter of Special's discontent:

Who knew there were Alps at MIT -  but this winter there is:

Dang Jake you could've filmed Everest right here and with REAL snow.


  1. Dang Jake you could've filmed Everest right here and with REAL snow.

    Boy, no joke! Those are some scary snowy pictures. Just incredible. I bet you all are so tired of that snow, Special. I know I would be.

    OMG wants to keep the reminder of their story from past to present. So to that point OMG's going revisit and keep posting all those pictures, that seem to be getting "lost" out there in the big gossip round up.

    Amen to that.

  2. Oh my god. That snow is incredible. So glad I don't live back east.

    We watched Nightcrawler 2 nights ago on pay per view. jake was fantastic and the weight he lost added a lot to his character. That said, I agree it was not an Oscar level pic. Good though.

  3. Those snow pictures are amazing. Boy, I tell you, I'm tired of this cold winter, but I can't even imagine dealing with all the snow you have up there Special.

  4. I know when I looked at the tickets early this year, before the Oscar nominations were announced, there were no showings of Constellations scheduled for this past weekend. I don't know if that changed at some point, it is now too late to see if tickets were sold for this weekend.

  5. Jaclyn Renee ‏@dubnoxious 3h3 hours ago

    I'll still never forget all those blind items on Toothy Tile... probably Jake Gyllenhaal.
    4:06 PM - 23 Feb 2015 · Details

    Aaah the memories

  6. Well, well, well...this was a nice little nugget-ito, hee hee:

    Brian Udovich ‏@BrianUdovich
    6:56 PM - 21 Feb 2015 · Details

    Silver Lake/Eastside friends: what's the best Mexican food near by?

    Landon Zakheim ‏@LandonTweetsNow
    6:59 PM - 21 Feb 2015

    @BrianUdovich why that would be @Guisados sir.

    Devin Faraci ‏@devincf
    7:00 PM - 21 Feb 2015

    @LandonTweetsNow @BrianUdovich jake Gyllenhaal eats at Mexico City

    Brian Udovich ‏@BrianUdovich
    7:01 PM - 21 Feb 2015
    @devincf @LandonTweetsNow True, Jake is my yard stick which I do measure everything.

    Landon Zakheim ‏@LandonTweetsNow
    7:03PM - 21 Feb 2015

    @BrianUdovich @devincf then he hasn't heard of Guisados

    Interesting side note:

    Brian Udovich

    Producer: Bad Turn Worse, All the Boys Love Mandy Lane, The Wackness, South of Heaven. ROUGH & TUMBLE FILMS.

    You can see this conversation right here:

    Twitter conversations overheard

    Los Angeles


  7. Jake Gyllenhaal eats at Mexico City

    I haven’t enrolled in an English class lately, but the last time I checked I do believe the word, "eats" is the present tense of the verb “to eat”. Hmm. Kind of takes away from that New York-centric image Jake works so hard to maintain?

    Let’s see, if I remember right, Austin sure does love that Mexican food. And, funny how the last twitter sighting of Jake in LA was on January 3 at another Mexican restaurant, The Red Onion. Poor Jakey-poo. Guess they don’t have Mexican restaurants in New York. Because that’s the only reason I can think of which might compel Jake to fly all the way to LA on a regular basis. :-)

  8. Guess they don’t have Mexican restaurants in New York. Because that’s the only reason I can think of which might compel Jake to fly all the way to LA on a regular basis. :-)

    BWAH! Poor Jake. Racking up those frequent flier miles because he needs his Mexican food fix and has to go to LA or Texas to get it.

    That is awesome.

  9. Well, I bet the ol' Weinstein board has already held some conference calls/meetings with an agenda focused on that now-annual, national holiday, aka Austin Nichols' birthday - April 24.

    And because the budget has had to be extended beyond the purse strings due to extravagant expenditures for paid twitter and Tumblr accounts, there's a wild rumor that now there's not enough in the 2015 budget in the business travel category to send Austy overseas for his 35th. Cuts have to be made.

    And so maybe Austy just may be stuck stateside? Aw, for shame......


  10. Stay tuned for the deets!

    ...there's not enough in the 2015 budget in the business travel category to send Austy overseas for his 35th. Cuts have to be made.

    The budget is a bit strapped too because, after PR's massive fail last year, they've decided to spring for at least one cone of that CVTSoftServe ice cream for FauxChlo's special day. Imagine trying to sell a romantic couple, by forgetting to celebrate the woman's birthday. Everything was about Austin. I guess it pays to be gay and in the closet in Hollywood.

  11. Everything was about Austin.

    LOL! I know, remember? There was a cake at the studio and then yet another one at that restaurant, where they pretended it was on Austin's birthday, but really like the television shows they're both used to being on, the "filming" actually took place before the actual holiday - I mean, birthday.

    Cakes were everywhere!!! Except on ol' Chlo's birthday.

    Which they forgot. Poor Chlo. Maybe she had to make herself her own Betty Crocker cake or something since Mgmnt forgot her day.

  12. If all the Season 5 chatter about The Walking Dead last night is any indication, Management will also probably save some money by putting Austin to work this year. Funny how TWD begins filming in April. I'm sure that was just a coincidence.

    *sniff* Where's Marcus when you need him?

  13. Great to see The Imitation Game get one of the big Oscars last night. Best Original or adapted Screenplay. Not sure which.

    I got a feeling we will not be seeing Jake do a lot of filming this year. His schedule is going to be jammed packed with promotion of the 3 films he has coming out in 2015. I am sure he will be attending some of the big film festivals and other big functions. I expect to see him in LA a lot this year. Who knows maybe Austin will get a job.

  14. Still following Toothy and Goose storyFebruary 24, 2015 at 8:36 AM

    I think that's what Methodical Muser and Prairie Girl are suggesting. That Austin is going to get a part in The Walking Dead. That's the rumor on the street anyway.

    I'm smiling because doesn't Jake's Broadway play end in mid-March or something? Now, Austin is going to start working on a steady basis for the first time in how long?

    And, it's going to be in April which gives him a ready made alibi to be away from Jake around his birthday. Or, that will be the cover story anyway.

    *sniff* Where's Marcus when you need him?

    lol Whatever happened to that British hillbilly, anyway? You guys suggested he was in a sham marriage with Carey Mulligan and point out that Jake used Mumford for three years in a row to cover for Austin's birthday and then suddenly he stops touring and you hardly hear about him. Not many coupley photos of him and his "wife" either.

  15. Loved Imitation GameFebruary 24, 2015 at 9:04 AM

    The Imitation Game won for Best Adapted Screenplay.

    Great storytelling. And, Benedict Cumberbatch was amazing. I recommend this movie highly.

    This is another Weinstein production too. He was involved with distributing A Single Man and he's worked with prominent closeted actors like Bradley Cooper and Jake. His agenda seems to be using gay themed movies to make money, but he works hard to heterosexualize his products. I remember there was some big controversy about him putting Julianne Moore's pic on the poster for A Single Man to give the impression that it was about a heterosexual romance.

    The Imitation Game and Discrimination

  16. Stem Cell BreakthroughFebruary 24, 2015 at 11:19 AM

    Looks like same sex couples will be able to have their own babies in the future. Jake and Austin are becoming dinosaurs in more ways than one.

    Same Sex Couples A Step Closer To Having Their Own Babies

  17. I don't know what is up with it, but there is something up with Weinstein and gay closeted actors. There is something going on there.

    Because for however crude looking Southpaw is and oh, how things have changed for even the worse ever since Jake signed up for one of his movies, Jake has agreed to do another one with him. I don't know, I guess because the guy is successful, for one thing? lol.

    But besides that. Look how deep Jake and Austin have had to go ever since Jake agreed to that Southpaw. Austin and the kids are separated from the other patriarch of their family - Mr. Jake.

    Jake has become a weekend dad.

    So the trade off to go with Weinstein - there must be something to it that just is irresistible, I guess, in order to give up the time with his family and SO in the way that they've been doing since Broadway happened.

  18. I think Jake is very focused on his career right now, including doing Broadway, the latter meaning he would have no choice but to be in New York most of the week.

    Glad you liked Nightcrawler M. The film itself may not have been Oscar-worthy, but that never seems to stop a lot of actor nominations. Films like Fox Cathcher and Alice were not as well-reviewed and did very little box office, but the performances still got attention and Oscar nominations (and an award for Moore).

  19. It'll be interesting to see what happens with Walking Dead.

  20. What bothers me most about Jake's career right now is how there is so much exaggerated promotional material surrounding the professional image that's being projected.

    The basic thrust of the story that we're being sold is that Jake's the greatest actor who ever lived. Why didn't he get nominated for an Oscar? Jake Gyllenhaal was ripped off. He's the bravest, the most fearless, the most dedicated actor working today. I have always watched his movies and there's no doubt he's good (like he's always been), but the superlatives surrounding him are really annoying.

    Same goes for his so-called preparation for a film. First the stories were about him losing 15-20 lbs. Then 20. Then 25. At last count, I think it was 30lbs. Look people. I lost a lot of weight. Give me an Oscar. His cut hand in NC had the same kind of floating numbers. First it was "numerous" stitches. Then it was 40. And, recently, the injury clocked in at 44! Now we hear from Gilroy that Jake "sliced" the ball of his thumb. Really? That's all. Just a lot of blood? Oh, he was hospitalized. Then it was ER. A neurosurgeon worked on him. Staaaap!

    I remember the photo posted on Just Jared from when he was on the Ellen Show and that certainly didn't look like a gash worthy of 44 stitches. And the up close pic was not of the ball of his thumb either.

    Basically, Jake has been lying about his sexual orientation for so long that I guess it doesn't bother him to lie outrageously about his acting too. Anything to keep his name in the headlines so that people never forget he is being overlooked and under appreciated. Poor Jake. He apparently likes to portray himself as being victimized too. Another distasteful aspect of his career these days.

    Injured Hand on Ellen Show

  21. Destiny said...

    I think Jake is very focused on his career right now, including doing Broadway, the latter meaning he would have no choice but to be in New York most of the week.

    Glad you liked Nightcrawler M. The film itself may not have been Oscar-worthy, but that never seems to stop a lot of actor nominations. Films like Fox Cathcher and Alice were not as well-reviewed and did very little box office, but the performances still got attention and Oscar nominations (and an award for Moore).

    My bet is that Jake just missed out on that 5th spot at the Oscars. You can bet he is gonna go for it big time next year and a lot of voters may vote for him just because they feel he might be owed one.

  22. My bet is that Jake just missed out on that 5th spot at the Oscars. You can bet he is gonna go for it big time next year and a lot of voters may vote for him just because they feel he might be owed one.

    I actually think that's part of the "I've been robbed campaign" still being waged.

    It just may backfire though. If I'm aggravated, I'm sure a whole lot of other people, who are actually in the industry working hard to get any recognition at all, may be too. Guilting or pestering people to do something is never a good idea.

  23. Not sure how Jake is going to approach his Oscar campaign next year but at this point he is among the favorites to win. Most talk is about his role in Demolition. The movie also has an excellent release date.

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. Jake fan, I can tell you are a close watcher of Twitter because I can just tell you are seeing the same stuff I do every day. First of all, I'm going to repost this love letter, I mean this interview that director Gilroy gave in homage and devotion to- I mean, to Empire. I had sent this to M & M early yesterday morning because it was hitting his twitter search Of course, the 44 stitches!!! twitter headline caught my eye. I thought, boy, this snowball just keeps rollin', doesn't it? It's about Boston Strong sized now, that's how big it is.

    It's quite the article.

  26. Writer / Director Dan Gilroy Reveals 8 Nightcrawler Secrets
    On Jake Gyllenhaal's hand-slicing mirror smash and more...

    Brother to both Tony and John, Dan Gilroy knows the movie business backwards, writing a variety of scripts over the years, from the infamous Freejack to the curious The Fall. He also wrote his first feature film as director, Nightcrawler, a dark tale of an ambulance-chasing vigilante news reporter - Jake Gyllenhaal's Lou Bloom - whose unwavering self-belief and twisted morality sets him on a crash course with news channel producer Nina Romina (Rene Russo) and the rest of the "If it bleeds, it leads" Los Angeles media maelstrom. With the film out on Blue-ray, DVD and steelbook on March 2, and Gilroy up for a Best Screenwriting Oscar this Sunday, we spoke to the man himself about eight key moments from the five star film. Warning: the second page of this feature contains details on some scenes you may not want to hear about until you've watched the film. So consider this a spoiler warning - you have been warned of spoilers.

    The Mirror Smash
    "All of the scenes inside Lou’s apartment were funneled down to one day. We had to shoot everything there in just one day. Actually, it was less that one day because our schedule got tightened up. So Jake, our director of photographer Robert Elswit and I knew that we had a shoot quite a few things in the apartment, but it wasn’t scripted fully. We knew we needed him watching the TV, but we needed him watering the plants, going to the kitchen, going to the bathroom, that sort of thing.
    So when we got the bathroom, it was very late at night, and we’d been shooting at that point for 14 hours. Jake was in the bathroom, and his character at that point in the story was upset because Nina (Rene Russo) had just yelled at him and Lou was going to react to that to some degree. So breaking the mirror was not planned – Jake just slammed the mirror, and I didn’t think anything was wrong, but he came out and he’d sliced the ball of the thumb on his left hand, cutting off some skin, maybe an inch and a half long and an inch across. It was extremely bloody.


  27. cont.

    The Mirror Smash
    "All of the scenes inside Lou’s apartment were funneled down to one day. We had to shoot everything there in just one day. Actually, it was less that one day because our schedule got tightened up. So Jake, our director of photographer Robert Elswit and I knew that we had a shoot quite a few things in the apartment, but it wasn’t scripted fully. We knew we needed him watching the TV, but we needed him watering the plants, going to the kitchen, going to the bathroom, that sort of thing.
    So when we got the bathroom, it was very late at night, and we’d been shooting at that point for 14 hours. Jake was in the bathroom, and his character at that point in the story was upset because Nina (Rene Russo) had just yelled at him and Lou was going to react to that to some degree. So breaking the mirror was not planned – Jake just slammed the mirror, and I didn’t think anything was wrong, but he came out and he’d sliced the ball of the thumb on his left hand, cutting off some skin, maybe an inch and a half long and an inch across. It was extremely bloody.

    "It was now 6am, and we were heading to Cedars-Sinai hospital. The neurosurgeon took 44 stitches to sew up Jake’s hand, and seven hours later we were back shooting the last night of the whole shoot. The last two scenes that we shot, with his hand in a cast, were the scenes in the salvage yard, and if you notice he has his hands behind his back.

    The Opening Salvage Yard Scene

    "Jake learnt the script like a play, he knew whole monologues backwards. So I was the beneficiary of Jake’s full commitment. He’d started to memorise the script two months before the shoot started, and I checked in with him every couple of days, and he would start reciting these long monologues. I was so heartened and, well, excited, to learn that just a month before shooting Jake had memorised the whole script. That allowed us to do so much: to play on the set. All you’re trying to do when you’re shooting a movie is buy time for the actors to do as many different things as they possibly can or desire to do, and if you’re not worrying about the actor remembering the lines, you can start going through these scenes in a time-efficient fashion. Jake gave us that ability. Jake gave us that gift, that gift of so much more time to experiment and explore.

    "The line 'My motto is if you want to win the lottery you've got to make money to get a ticket' has taken on a life of its own. I think that’s in part because of this viral trailer, which was Jake’s idea. Making the film, he loved that speech in the salvage yard, and he said, ‘If we ever have a minute or two, can we shoot me doing the monologue in different places? That way we can use it in the marketing…’

    So after the movie wrapped, we edited together this viral trailer for YouTube, using five different versions of Jake doing that speech in different locations.

    Lou Entering A House Illegally For The First Time

    "It was Jake’s idea to lose 27 pounds. Two weeks from shooting, we were talking about the hair for the character. I always imagined the hair would be short, military, but Jake said, ‘I’ve got this longer hair, why don’t we keep it?’ Then a week before shooting he said, ‘What if every time I do something larcenous, I put my hair into a little bun?’ It all makes sense now, and it might even seem like a clever choice, but there were people at the time who were very against it. ‘It looks absurd, it looks stupid, what’s going on?’ And since Jake was so respectful of my script, as I say, I was extremely respectful of Jake’s creative process. This is an actor who is bringing a very unique character study to life and I wasn’t going to put the brakes on.


  28. cont.

    Joe Loder Offering Lou A Job

    "That scene where Joe (Bill Paxton) offers Lou a job was a lot of fun to write. I loved the character that Bill played. I always imagined that Bill’s character, Joe Loder, was T1, and Lou is the evolutionary new model, T2. Here’s Joe Loder in all of his own nastiness, and we’ve seen this new creature that’s come to usurp him. So I saw it as an evolutionary thing. He doesn’t understand how far Lou can go, it’s beyond comprehension, [and] he’s literally blind to it.

    As for actually shooting the scene, Bill Paxton had a problem laughing after takes. He’d come up to me and say, ‘Oh my God! Jake is acting totally crazy, this is wild!’ Literally, probably half a dozen times. ‘I’m having trouble keeping a straight face!’ He’s a funny guy, Bill.

    Edited for endurance purposes.

    The Car Chase

    "Jake did a tremendous amount of the driving in the film. He’d say, ‘I want this on tape, keep shooting, keep shooting.’ He’d be going 80 or 90 mph down a closed road in Los Angeles. The scene at the end of the chase, when the red Challenger crashes, and the car spins around? That’s Jake driving. He’s a great driver.

    The car chase was a big part of our budget. There was a stunt man in that black SUV who is actually driving that car when it smashes into that parked car at 65 mph. This guy, Mike Smith, who is a second unit director, and did all the work on Need For Speed, he has this incredible group of drivers - Jake, in this case, being one of them...

    Dan Gilroy Speaks

  29. There's a part of me that thinks this 'talk' about Jake doing 90 mph in a wild car ride and witnessing people bleed out and getting carried away in the ring with 50 cent or whoever it was, and he's slashing up his wrist in a blowout with a mirror - that it's to make it look like Jake has no dependents.

    That he's a single guy without any wee ones counting on him coming home safely at night (or on Sunday evening actually). That he only has to worry about himself and therefore, he can be this Fast & Furious guy, spitting in the face of danger.

    So there's one of two things going on here: either alot of these stories are greatly embellished or Jake really is all about himself and could care less about his kids and Austin.

    And much as Jake hacks me off alot these days, I give him credit for having some brains and consideration of a family that he has gone to great pains to have.

    And so I would hope that alot of that PT Barnum bellowing Gilroy is doing up there is something that he's getting a return on.

    Gilroy sounds like someone who is a bit removed from normal, everyday life. To crash into a parked car at 65 mph is stupid beyond belief and nothing to gloat and fanboy about. Not impressed, Gilroy.

  30. So sad about Leonard Nimoy. I've been a fan of his and Star Trek since I was a kid. In the past year I've started watching all the old episodes again, it's on WE TV every Saturday night. One of my all-time favorites.


  31. I was quite saddened to hear of Leonard Nimoy's death. Spock is such a famous character and it also sounds like he was a man of many talents.

  32. I have to say that after looking at the utterly ridiculous photos of Jake on J Jared which were posted yesterday, lol....that if there's one thing I am enjoying this winter with regards to him is that he has got to be miserable in that NYC winter. BWAHAHAH!!!!

    Knowing that he's had to get out in that stuff when you knew he'd rather have been in that 70 degree LA weather does give me a quite a bit of pleasure. LOL! It's gotta be hard to board that plane on Tuesdays, doesn't it buddy? Knowing you're headed back to that cold weather? Aw, spring's around the corner. But until then....


  33. Woo Hoo Nebraska. Hopefully the battle will come to an end in June :-)

  34. Ha ha ha ha, keeping the Randy Parker avatar going just a bit longer because NYC has been getting a bit of snow today and looks like the low is getting down to about 11 tonight. Stay warm, Destiny.

    But as for Jake? LOL! Add another layer, buddy. ;-)

  35. So, here's kind of a lil' funny. I love this kind of stuff. Some of us live for this kind of stuff on OMG. It's not huge per se, but it's satisfying enough. lol.

    So I think it was last week, Mgmnt went on a social media Jake rampage, putting him here, putting him there, whispering him here, flag waving him over there. I think Jeannie may have blinked him around a few times, he was so many places. #worldtour

    Anyway, last Saturday the 28th, this tweet appeared and you'll have to take a gander at the pic. It's a real laugher:

    Amanda Fett ‏@amandafett 34m34 minutes ago Manhattan, NY

    SPOTTED: Jake Gyllenhaal casually taking the subway with Ruth Wilson. #celebspotting… Austin's arm? wink
    11:59 AM - 28 Feb 2015 · Details

    So after he was seen having a spot of brunch, I guess the next logical place to be seen would be the train, right? Oh he must be headed to his 2pm showing of the play. what am I thinking?


  36. So, you see that picture, right?

    That was done on purpose that way. They floated that on the 28th hoping we would jump on a photoshop!! kick or something like that.

    Because then they were going to hit us with this one the next day. Check this set-up out:

    james peterson @jamesh_peterson · Mar 1 8:21 AM - 1 Mar 2015

    Sup jake gyllenhall on the C train
    Hey you two doesn't matter if it was the morning of the 1st or on the 28th

    lol. See that? They were trying to set us up.
    We're onto their crap now though.

  37. But this guy, he was unaware of that game. He went to see ol' Ruthie at the show on the 1st and then he wrote an article about it. And he got some nice pictures of Ruthie at the stage door from that same day.
    In a navy coat.

    Paul LaRosaVerified account ‏@paullarosa

    A Broadway star in the flesh….. You forgot you were supposed to have the green coat Ruthie

    Just a slight wardrobe miscue, that's all.

  38. LOL! I love it. Looks like that subway pic was taken on a different day than was being presented. *Gasp* I can't believe PR would lie to us!

    Tsk, tsk. I'm sure PR would prefer to manipulate every last molecule in the universe if they thought they could actually fool people into thinking that Jake and Austin were no longer together.

    Alas such a wish is a mere pipe dream. When there are still actual people in the actual world contradicting all the deceptions and misdirections. Maybe next time fellas.


  39. #DoneDeal
    Looks like Hollywood doesn’t need to release any more films this year
    In fact, from the phrasing of that tweet it looks like Southpaw doesn't even need to be released either.

    Jake really should be embarrassed with this never ending, heavy-handed, over the top campaign to finagle an Oscar out of the powers that be. In fact, I've completely lost count of how many "tweets" I've seen just since the Academy Awards a few weeks back where Jake is presented as an aggrieved party to the abomination of voters daring not to have nominated him this year.

    What's even more cringeworthy is how Jake doesn't seem to care one little bit how manipulated, crude or crass this whole "I deserve an Oscar more than anybody else alive" campaign is. Talk about hutzpah.

  40. As far as moving Southpaw to 2016 I think it is an attempt to get Jake an Oscar nom two years in a row. His Oscar bait for this year will be Demolition. He is very much a strong contender for this part but at this point DiCaprio is a very heavy favorite for this year and it may be awhile before the Oscars can award Leo again because he is taking time off after this year. Leo is certainly due. So moving Southpaw to 2016 which Jake is also getting a lot of hype for may be pretty smart.

  41. One thing I believe for sure is Jake is upset about not getting nominated this year and he desperately wants to win an Oscar. The girls are right though he can't afford to get too cocky because if he plays nicey nice there will be sympathy from many that he was left out this year.

  42. It's sooo difficult keeping track of what you need to wear without a wardrobe mistress.

    Unfortunately all actors have to put up with the campaigning for awards, and actors that don't apparently get "punished". Lee Daniels said as much in an interview about Octavia Spencer, and essentially said that's why she hasn't been able to get good roles since doing The Help.

  43. Oops, my bad, I meant Mo'nique and Daniels' first movie.

  44. Tribeca Film Festival will be April 15-26 this year and Austin tweeted his short will be shown there. I have to laugh because you guys called it. PR is putting him and Chloe in NY during both their birthdays. No doubt Jake will not be in NY. Can't have the two of them in the same city when you're desperately trying to get an Oscar.


  45. I have to share one of those “memorable” quotes from another “Jake is the bestest” article. This time the earthquake moment has to do with “Southpaw.”

    The movie is now in the can and being edited, but Gyllenhaal doesn't plan to put down the mitts any time soon. "I will box for the rest of my life.

    Do we see a theme here? Every time Jake makes a movie we learn from him that the experience changed his life forever. That he will continue to meet with incarcerated juveniles because of his role in “Brothers”. That his closest friends are cops because of “End of Watch”. Guess we know what that means after his experience with Brokeback Mountain. ;-)

  46. If anyone would like to see the source for the "I will box for the rest of my life" quote which shall now live on in infamy, here you go,

    Oh the source is Men's Journal imagine that

    You know, M&M found a nice little nugget-ito this morning. And there's a couple of things we want to bring up today because there is such a dearth of inside info on Jake (and Austin) except for what PR wants to feed everyone, it's important to go back and look at what has gotten us to this point and why some of us stubbornly remain loyal to what we believe in.

  47. The video under discussion in this Jake thread has been taken down (of course), but the original text that accompanied the video is still there. The chatter is from May 2006. And the topic is about Jake's new house in Malibu. That was the new construction project that back then was openly being chatted about on Jake threads, but, interestingly enough suddenly dried up. This is another reason why Jake was told to do a splashy send off to that Hollywood Hills “home” last year. Or, what was perceived as his home.

    Did anyone else read the text that was posted with the video? Here it is:

    It must have been a very proud moment for actor Jake Gyllenhaal to show his father and mother on Mothers day the site for his new multi million dollar Malibu beach front house. Jake who arrived at the site with his mother Naomi and his dogs Atticus and Boo Radley (puggle) were met by his father Stephen and together they walked down the stairs and along the beach before climbing the rocks to reach the site. Jake was seen motioning with his hands to show the shape and dimensions of the upcoming house much to his parents delight. Not much is known about the lot or the upcoming construction except to say that similar lots can sell for upwards of $10 million dollars and locals have been whispering about it for weeks. Afterwards Jake who sat and enjoyed his future view with his mum and dad walked about 1 mile up the beach to discuss plans and to exercise his dogs before heading back to his car and speeding off.

    Very interesting... Jake's going to build a house on the beach

  48. This is another reason why Jake was told to do a splashy send off to that Hollywood Hills “home” last year. Or, what was perceived as his home.

    Would make a lot of sense now.

    A new home being built in 2006 just prior to the beginnings of their family. A new home with a view of the beach? That's got Austin written all over it.

    Makes me remember that time my twitter buddy saw J/A at brunch in Malibu. And so now I wonder if that place might be close to where the house is?

  49. I have lived in the Los Feliz area for many years and can tell you that it takes well over an hour to get from the Hollywood Hills to Malibu. Yet, Jake was known to hangout in the Malibu area quite often. Austin too. Malibu and Santa Monica. I had heard the same rumors about Jake having a house there too. When Ted started talking about Baby Tile back in 2007 I thought that’s why Jake doesn’t want people to know where he lives. Secret life. Secret family.

    Interestingly enough, Matthew McConaughey bought a Malibu home around the time BT was born (October/November 2007), and Jake used to be seen with him often back then. I don’t know if this provides any GPS to Jake’s place, but Matt’s home was on Wildlife Road. Lance Armstrong used to stay with McConaughey when he was stilling renting in Malibu.

    The Three Amigos and Malibu connection


  50. Makes me remember that time my twitter buddy saw J/A at brunch in Malibu. And so now I wonder if that place might be close to where the house is?

    It is. Coogies Beach Cafe is located at the following address:

    23750 Pacific Coast Highway, Malibu, CA 90265

    Btw: Wildlife Road and Coogies are only 10 minutes apart (6.6 miles).

    It’s a Small World

  51. Wow Biking Buddies, thanks for that information and link. This is suddenly getting very interesting.

    You know what I think? I bet Lance and McBongo were a couple and then they were throwing protection for Jake and Austin.

  52. Yup, I think that's what was going on. I bet Lance and Matt were having a fling. Talk about homoerotic - you see that barechested pic of those 2 guys in that link?

    Jake was kind of giving those 2 guys cover and in return, Lance & Matt gave Jake & Austin cover.

  53. What is it with that troll that you have to keep deleting. Is he or she or whatever it is the same person you think has taken over WFT? I don't know why the name of that blog isn't changed. It's all about Chloe and Austin now. I wonder what the PR budget for that is?

    Jake is hellbent on three things. To extirpate the gay rumors. Eliminate Austin from his life (publicly, because I think they are still together and raising a closeted familly), and win an Oscar.


  54. Austin Nichols is gay, gay, gay!

    Chloe Bennet also pings for me. They are probably helping each other out. Although I do agree that this fauxmance is also about Jake and his career.

  55. What is it with that troll that you have to keep deleting. Is he or she or whatever it is the same person you think has taken over WFT?

    Same species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, same kingdom - Team Gyllenhaal.

  56. The video under discussion in this Jake thread has been taken down (of course)

    Let's toss this football around for a few minutes.

    Because there have been some things taken down which are incriminating. Buckin, anyone? (I'm still extremely bitter over that one) It's not surprising at all that the Buckin video can no longer be found anywhere, is it?

    Well, guess what else has been taken down? The video of who appears to be BT's nanny carrying him with the stroller and walking in front of Jake and Reese over in Paris. Can you believe that was in 2010? Pfft! Gone. It's gone now. The website which it appeared on is still in business. But the video? The dreaded "404".

    Anyway, I happened to be looking for that time on WFT2 when that big discovery was made and in the process discovered that the video had been removed. But it was good to find that out and I think it's good to go back and remember that evening when some brilliant posters over there discovered the nanny.

    It started quite innocently enough and there's quite a time gap between the first comment and the second but I like the first one because it mentions the time in Paris and fountain boy. It's so hard to believe this was WFT2 at one time:

    Anonymous said...
    I just finished looking at some old Jake pics I have in my computer, LOL at Jake's face at Paris Fountain Boy and a bigger LOL at covering his crotch in every pic trying to hide his hardon when he was working out at the track with Ryan P and the boys. He NEVER looked like that with the beard or any female for that matter, not the same expression in his face or with a woody in his pants. NEVER.
    January 25, 2010 4:17 am

    Anonymous said...
    Maybe Jake goes out with his kid in safe places. We know he can disappear for long period of times and go unnoticed. We only see what his PR shows us and twitter sightings are just isolated impressions of his routine that don’t give us the whole picture of what is really going on in his life. Matt Bomer has kids and we never see them photographed at all and there was only one ONTD sighting. If we haven't known the rumor that Matt has a family we'd think he is single. We haven't seen Clay Aiken's kid either after the first pic when he showed the baby. Ricky Martin shows his babies only when he wants to.

    I believe Ted. He had no reason to make it up. Baby Tile didn't bring him more hits and the Toothy story didn't need a baby to be more popular. It's even too crazy to make it up. I’ll remain a tinhat Baby Tile believer.
    January 25, 2010 2:11 pm

  57. cont. Waiting for Toothy 2 - Jan 2010

    Anonymous said...
    We don't know that Matt Bomer had the kids with his boyfriend, or if he is dating someone who already had kids. And the so-called father of those kids is out and does talk about his children.

    Ricky and Clay have also talked about their children and been seen with them, especially Ricky. I don't think Clay generates much interest by the paps, and he doesn't live in LA or NY, he lives somewhere down south.

    Jake and Austin do not even acknowledge they have a kid. I think it is shitty thing to do.
    January 25, 2010 2:27 pm

    Anonymous said...
    Is anyone else having trouble with IHJ? Everytime I log in and try to view a picture, it tells me I have to log on!
    January 25, 2010 2:28 pm

    Anonymous said...
    When someone says “I saw Jake at X place” they rarely describe if he was there with other people or doing what. They just report the sighting but not the situation.

    Just to give you an example, we got s tweet of him dining on Jan 11at Craft days ago but the person only said something like “I saw Jake at Craft” but later another sighting mentioned he was there with an old woman and another guy.

    We got a sighting of Maggie at the Radiohead concert yesterday with Kate Hudson. She was there with Peter if you see this pic, but he wasn’t mentioned in the tweet.

    We just discovered those pics of Nov 2004 that Jake is with Austin. If we see the whole set, he seems to be alone with Atti but in that specific pic we see he is with Austin.

    I wonder how many times there was a sighting/photo of Jake where he is with other people or a kid but it wasn’t reported/seen.
    January 25, 2010 2:30 pm

    Anonymous said...
    Moral issues aside, there is no way Jake has a hidden baby. It's just not possible to make it happen even if he really wanted to.Sorry.
    January 25, 2010 2:33 pm

    Anonymous said...
    2:33 PM, If you don't have any idea either,
    how can you tell IS NOT how 1:52 says it is?
    January 25, 2010 2:36 pm

    2:11 PM said...
    "Jake and Austin do not even acknowledge they have a kid. I think it is shitty thing to do."

    I agree with you. I am not discussing the moral argument of not acknowledging a kid. I am only talking about the possibility of Jake having a kid. I believe Ted and I don't think that because we don't see Jake with a kid, that kid doesn't exist.

    There was a time we thought Jake would never beard and he bearded worst than any other closeted actor of his generation. Ted said his family and friends know about the kid. Then maybe he has his reasons not to talk about him in public and keeping the baby private.
    January 25, 2010 2:39 pm

  58. cont.

    Anonymous said...
    But if there is a kid, it's not a baby anymore, is it? How old is "BT" suppose to be now? How can you hide a child in Hollywood without any sighting or insinuation by other people in the know (except for Ted).
    January 25, 2010 2:42 pm

    Anonymous said...
    "How old is "BT" suppose to be now?"

    approx 2 years old.
    January 25, 2010 2:47 pm

    Anonymous said...
    approx 2 years old.

    Ok, thanks.

    I guess, there's no way to know one way or the other if it exists or not.
    January 25, 2010 2:51 pm
    Anonymous said...
    Of course there is a reason for not seeing pictures of Jake with a baby--the explosion would be so big it would blow the hinges off that closet.

    I do remember when Reeke was in London during PoP there was a sighting of Jake with Reese, her kids and "another family"--at the time I thought maybe it could be a bodyguard, nanny and BT.

    Now if I can ever get IHJ to work, I am going to see if I can find any pictures of Jake with a baby nearby.
    January 25, 2010 2:57 pm

    ^^^^ It's fascinating to watch a thread develop as you look back on it 5 years later.

  59. Anonymous said...
    Babies don't talk, but scorned lovers do.
    January 25, 2010 2:57 pm

    Anonymous said...
    Ted is the only one talking. It doesn't mean others know too, but they are only reporting the PR approved line.
    January 25, 2010 3:01 pm

    Anonymous said...
    I don't remember if it was discussed before but when Reeke was in Paris, there is this pic of the set that shows the hotel staff taking out a stroller from their car's trunk. Deacon is too old for a stroller. I think it might belong to Baby Tile.
    January 25, 2010 3:11 pm

    Anonymous said...
    ^there is also the baby foot print pic on Jake's shorts when he is coming out of the doctors' office.
    January 25, 2010 3:14 pm

    Anonymous said...
    Deacon was too old for a stoller, I've never seen him in one when with Reeke, even on that family "hike" after Heath died.

    There's also the woman who saw and took a picture of Jake at a playground in London, but he's behind something, and it's possible BT was there.
    January 25, 2010 3:21 pm

    Anonymous said...
    There's the pictures someone posted at OMG of Jake at dinner with RDJ and what looks like a kid's coat next to him on the booth seat.
    January 25, 2010 4:07 pm

  60. cont.

    Anonymous said...
    Great catch on the Paris stroller pic 3:11. I looked up Deacon's b-day which is October 23, 2003. The Paris pic was taken on July 13, 2008 so that means Deacon was 3 months short of being 5 years old. I don't know anything about babies or strollers but I imagine 5 years old is beyond stroller age. Or is it, (playing devil's advocate here) if you're on vacation where you might do a lot of walking with the child? I don't know. Also the stroller in the pic, is it for a certain age/weight/size range? Can anyone tell if it's for a toddler or a 4 year old? Anyone want to give their opinion on this? (since I know nada about this shit!)

    Anonymous said...
    I think a 5 year old kid is way out of the stroller age. Any kid older than 3 is too old for a stroller. Also, we've never ever seen Deacon on a stroller since Reeke started. He was always walking.
    January 25, 2010 4:45 pm

    Jake said...
    The stroller was for me to put my penis in while we were walking. It gets so tired of being tucked in my shoe all the time.
    January 25, 2010 4:50 pm

    ^^ heehee sorry for that one, it cracked me up! I've edited a few out even though I saved the entire evening's discussion on to a WORD DOCUMENT for preservation purposes. Because now that you know the date, you can go look for yourself.

    Anonymous said...
    To sum up, there are many pictures and sightings that fit Ted’s Baby Tile info: The ultrasound pic around the first baby tile blind item, the baby dribble pic, the stroller in Paris, Jake photographed at a playground in London, the baby’s coat next to him at a London restaurant pic, a footprint stain on his shorts, sightings of Reeke with ‘another family’ in London, sighting of Reeke with Paul Rudd and two kids in Washington (when Paul has just one kid and Reese’s kids were in LA with Ryan), Jake’s excessive privacy requirements for the London house and threatening with a lawsuit if they publish his location in SC when he filmed Nailed...
    January 25, 2010 5:14 pm

    Anonymous said...
    That is a lot of evidence for someone who is trying to keep it on the hush-hush. I've always leaned towards believing Ted, but wow, really hard not to believe BT is real after seeing it all in black and white like that.
    January 25, 2010 5:18 pm



  61. Oops, my bad, I meant Mo'nique and Daniels' first movie.

    From my understanding, Mo'nique is being punished because she doesn't play nice. She refuses to promote her films and is just generally known to be a jerk.

    And, I've never seen anyone campaign for an Oscar like Jake (he comes off as a god on high, completely untouchable and without equal) and then use the Internet to cry about being robbed. Better to be more humble and promote your performance with a little humility.

  62. Good to see some comments from folks. Sorry I'm sandwiching you, oscar race, great to see you though!

    Don't mind me. I'm just re-posting alot of this thread from 5 years ago:

    Anonymous said...
    Please 3:25PM save the stroller pic on Splashnews with a nice screencap before it's removed! ;)
    January 25, 2010 5:55 pm

    3:25 said...
    5:55.. LOL..I did as soon as I saw it
    January 25, 2010 6:01 pm

    Anonymous said...
    Thank you 3:25PM! you are WFT2's official archivist :)
    January 25, 2010 6:05 pm

    Anonymous said...
    Will we ever see Baby Tile?
    January 25, 2010 6:15 pm

    Florida Tom said...
    I have never seen that picture of the stroller. I find it hard to believe that was for Deacon. I have never seen him in a stroller. He is a little big for a stroller.
    January 25, 2010 6:23 pm

    Anonymous said...
    Ok help me out here. In the stroller pic there's a guy in black pants between it and the car, holding it. Is he holding it upside down? I'm trying to figure out what the stroller looks like. I see it being all black with gray tubing and gray wheels and a black hood with red piping trim, or is it an all red hood? There's a lot of red there for it just being piping. Also what's the navy blue square thing below near a wheel?
    January 25, 2010 6:24 pm

    Anonymous said...
    Looking at the Paris pics on IHJ I agree Deacon is too big for a stroller. Height wise his head reaches Jake's waistline/Reese's bust and his girth is too big for a stroller. The top row pics show this perfectly. thumbnails

  63. cont.
    Anonymous said...
    I'm trying to figure out what the stroller looks like.

    Something like this?

    January 25, 2010 6:39 pm
    Anonymous said...
    I can’t believe we are analysing baby strollers but I think I found the model. It’s this lightweight for travel: pic lightweight for travel:
    This is the model
    January 25, 2010 6:40 pm

    Anonymous said...
    I can’t believe we are analysing baby strollers but I think I found the model.

    Looks good!
    January 25, 2010 6:48 pm

    Anonymous said...
    I can’t believe we are analysing baby strollers

    LOL either can I. Who says WFT isn't educational? Your stroller looks right. But what's the navy blue box/square at the bottom of the one in the Paris pic? A babywipe dispenser?
    January 25, 2010 6:58 pm

    Baby Tile was around 9 months in July 2008 and the specifications say it’s for babies from 6 months so it definitely fits :)
    January 25, 2010 6:40 pm

  64. Not all the comments are being reposted for space purposes.

    Anonymous said...
    "what's the navy blue box/square at the bottom of the one in the Paris pic? A babywipe dispenser?"

    Yes, it could be a babywipe dispenser or a small blue diaper bag inside the black net the stroller has below to store things.
    January 25, 2010 7:03 pm

    Anonymous said...
    "It’s this lightweight for travel: pic. This is the model"

    Great find. However in the Paris stroller the wheels come up to about where the top edge of the hood is and the inside of the hood looks to be all black with red trim, not all red. But I could be wrong..maybe the drawing was done to show more of the underside so they "moved" the wheels so it wouldn't block it, or the hood is turned away in the Paris pic. I'll feel like a fool if this is Eva's play stroller for her doll....thank god for Anonymous!
    January 25, 2010 7:10 pm

    Anonymous said...
    I can't believe you just saw this pic, I saw it on day one. Figured it was a doll stroller or a travel stroller for Deacon and yes five year olds are placed in strollers you must have seen it plenty of times , the kids usually are drsgging their feet are that big. Most of the strollers I see kids that size in look light-weight, almost like a doll stroller, but it's probably because it's easy to fold and carry.

    4-6 year olds get tired, missed naps when traveling.

    No way in hell Reese dragged her kids to Paris with his secret baby, such bullshit.
    January 25, 2010 7:21 pm

    Anonymous said...
    we'll have heavy trolling after all this baby tile talk. I am sure at this moment Reese must be placing 6 year old Deacon in a stroller so tomorrow we have the exclusive pic! ;)
    January 25, 2010 7:27 pm

    Anonymous said...
    How old is the child sitting on the ground in the background, in this pic? They both have red shirts but can't be Deacon. It's odd how the blonde in the long sleeved white shirt sitting next to the baby is never in the same frame as Reese who's in a long sleeved white shirt (and who's worn a white hat like that), could that have been Reese sitting next to BT? That's why I'm asking about how old the baby looks, and how old would BT have been in April 2008?
    January 25, 2010 7:29 pm

    whoaaaaaa, TIME OUT!


  65. How old is the child sitting on the ground in the background, in this pic? They both have red shirts but can't be Deacon.

    whoaaaaaa, TIME OUT!

    Interesting you should post that part of the WFT2 thread as well as the link, PG. Because given today's conversation about Jake buying property in Malibu in 2006, this park is coincidentally called Malibu State Park.

    So Jake was having an outing with an unknown baby and Reese at a park in April 2008 which is only about 6.5 miles from the Coogies Beach Cafe alongside the same part of the Pacific Coast Highway where McConaughey bought property. Another cozy coincidence.

  66. I can't believe that park is in Malibu. You couldn't have scripted that any better.

  67. cont.

    Anonymous said...
    I can't believe you just saw this pic, I saw it on day one.

    It's not on IHJ in the pics, only on Splash.

    The only time I've seen a 5 year old in a stroller is when a younger baby is being handheld and the older kid plays in it. 5 year olds don't want to be "babies" and made to sit in a stroller.

    4-6 year olds get tired, missed naps when traveling.

    They had a nanny with them, that's her problem.

    No way in hell Reese dragged her kids to Paris with his secret baby, such bullshit.

    Reese doesn't own the world.
    January 25, 2010 7:36 pm

    BT said...
    October 7, 2008

    Dear Ted:
    Who is the most loving, sweetest and hottest hubby: Toothy's or yours? Is Baby Tile old enough to walk?

    Dear Tile-icious:
    Mine. No.
    January 25, 2010 7:38 pm

    Anonymous said...
    In April 2008 BT was approx 6 months. It could fit the size of the baby in the pic.
    January 25, 2010 7:38 pm

    Anonymous said...
    Wonder why the assistant wouldn't be carrying the stroller then in case Deacon needed it?

    Prairiegirl I think you're on something! I went thru all the Paris and Cabo pics and none have Deacon in a stroller or the nanny or the bodyguard carrying a stroller or Ava with a doll stroller.
    January 25, 2010 7:39 pm

    7:39 said...
    LOL, ONTO something. What a diff 2 letters make!

    Prairiegirl I think you're on something!
    January 25, 2010 7:41 pm
    Anonymous said...
    I took a close look at all those photos at the Gardens in Paris, and found this photo of a blonde woman and baby with a blue stroller walking right next to Jake and Reese.


    January 25, 2010 7:42 pm

    Anonymous said...

    Is this a serious discussion or are you all just having so fun?
    January 25, 2010 7:47 pm
    Anonymous said...
    Isn't there a vid of when they went to Paris, they came back from lunch or whatever in a small van, and when the valet or whoever opened up the back the nanny was sitting on the floor of the van? The valet was shocked that she was riding back there. There wasn't enough seats, or Reese didn't want the help sitting near her. Anyway I'm wondering if the vid shows anything else like a stroller or baby stuff in the back where the nanny was....maybe we missed it the first time? I'm really bad at finding vids on IHJ so if someone else wants to look for it and post the link that would be great.
    January 25, 2010 7:50 pm

    Anonymous said...
    Babytile is either a metaphor for a budding relationship with an adult or it's poison fed to Ted by Jake's pr (through an intermediary) in order to completely discredit the Toothy Tile saga. My hunch is that it's the latter, Ted knows it but he can't admit that he's been duped.

    The poison pill obviously didn't work because TT is as big as ever.

    Toothy doesn't need Babytile or Grey Goose to be gay. He just needs to grow a pair. Thank god that he dropped the beard.

    There is no baby, people. Stop wasting your time.
    January 25, 2010 7:50 pm

    See the troll beginning to make their presence known?

    Okay, I just have one more. I'll post some more tomorrow. This has been quite a bit.

  68. last for tonight:

    Anonymous said...
    I am sure at this moment Reese must be placing 6 year old Deacon in a stroller so tomorrow we have the exclusive pic!

    I bet you're right!
    January 25, 2010 7:52 pm
    Anonymous said...
    "this photo of a blonde woman and baby with a blue stroller walking right next to Jake and Reese"

    Could the blonde woman with baby in Paris be this same woman with Jake in Morocco? they look very alike.

    blonde woman in Morocco

    ^^^^ See that link? That was from IHJake. It's gone now.

    "Error - The selected album/file does not exist!

    Since when does IHJ delete pictures?

    If there is anyone out there from the old WFT2 and you're one of the ones who kept either the video or this picture of the blonde woman with Jake in Morocco and you have it on tinypic, could you share?


  70. Comparison...for old times' sakeMarch 8, 2015 at 9:16 AM

  71. Old OMG post - MailbuMarch 8, 2015 at 11:03 AM

    Anonymous DL said...
    This is DataLounge. We have FIRST-HAND KNOWLEDGE that George Clooney is gay and Jake Gyllenhaal is raising a love child with Austin Nichols!

    DL thread: Which Hollywood actors do we know for sure to be closeted homosexuals?

    as one of jake G's malibu neighbors. you will not only find out that he's gay, living with Austin, but there is a baby. i shit you not. (posted 01/22/2010 @ 05:20PM)

    February 1, 2010 at 3:35 PM

  72. BOOM!

    Thank you, Old OMG post, so this was reposted on our own blog? That's hilarious. Thanks for posting that.

    But it just goes to show you, that there's been so much information posted, it is easy to forget.

    Malibu seems to be our blog word of the weekend.


  73. Don't forget to vote for Austin's Darlin!!!

    ICYMI: "Who's behind the pepper?"

    Please spread the word and retweet!! My Darlin @ChloeBennet4 is nominated for a Teen Choice Award. Vote here!!

  74. The troll obviously does not like the subject at hand. Too bad.

    Now we know another hot word.


  75. Don't forget to vote for Austin's Darlin!!!

    You mean, don't forget to vote for Austin's beard!!!

    I sure hope Austin is being compensated for his Twitter being used as a PR tool to promote potty mouth's unimpressive career. BTs' college funds aren't going to grow by themselves, you know.

  76. Can't thank More, Nanny and Comparison enough for their reply and helpful links. Thank you so much.

    It is for old time's sake, but it is more than that.

    And we also had her at that theater in Canada, remember? I have that photo in my file, perhaps Special can link it for us or something?

    But again, huge thanks!!
