Sunday, March 8, 2015

A Familiar Face Poppins in

Great discussion about that familiar face that has been seen over the years, and her connection to Jake and possibly to a little tile or two.

Yes there was another odd picture with the familiar blonde (thanks for the request PG).  It was in Montreal, and Jake was taking in a movie.  To his right  you find the familiar face and topic of discuss.

But in front of him, there is a quite  small hand. And small little head.

If you remember someone tried to come on and say it was Jake's manager.  But unless that is a pocket manager, Jake audition for Alien,  it looks more like a tiny traveler.

Funny how that she appears many times she appears with tiny travelers over the years.  Makes you think .... tiny travel agent or....


  1. I've never seen that photo before. Where the heck did you get that one? That is the same blond that was seen in Paris and the one many said was Jake's nanny. Oh, wow! When was this photo taken? It had to be before Jake signed with William Morris Endeavor. That is a little kid with him and he's smiling. I'm impressed.

  2. If I am not mistaken. This was the April before the release of Prince of Persia. So it was definitely before WME.

    This was a movie theater in Montreal. And the conversation was Jake possibly seeing Alice in Wonderland who was running the trailers for PoP before the movie.

  3. Baby Tile in MontrealMarch 8, 2015 at 8:20 PM

    I am almost speechless. Jake's haircut does look circa Source Code time, and he did film there until the end of April 2010.

  4. Thanks for reposting the theater picture, Special.

    You know, I'm sure wherever that picture came from (do you remember, Special? I sure don't), it's likely not there anymore.

    Jake's people are cleaning up all over the place. But the Paris pics are there; however whatever link it was where someone on WFT2 said was a blonde woman with Jake in Morocco no longer takes you to that picture.

    That picture is a missing puzzle piece. I don't even know what they were doing in the picture. It's referred to a couple of times in that thread but no one really says much about it except she's the "blonde woman with Jake in Morocco". So it's a continuing mystery.

    And how much do you want to make a bet that she's no longer a nanny of Jake's? She couldn't be - too easily identified, stands out too much.

    But like M & M has said, she didn't stand out as much when he had Reese as his beard. They were both blonde and so she didn't stand out as much and might even be mistaken for her in a vehicle.

    I had never seen that DL drop about Jake, Austin and a baby in Malibu. That was an awesome contribution. Big thanks to that person as well.

    I'll post some more of that conversation later. What is interesting is that someone posts the video, the video which now no longer exists on Splash's website. That is a real killer.

    But that video was totally fascinating. It was fun to go back to OMG's threads and read everyone's comments as they watched it.

  5. Boy, I don't remember this picture either!

    Such a shame that video and some of the pictures have disappeared, but it doesn't change the fact it happened.

  6. Wow amazing Picture. This will sure stir things up big time. Where the heck did you guys find this.

  7. I don't ever remember seeing this photo.

  8. I was at Constellations this past Saturday march 7 after I was waiting for jake to come out & sign & then I got the shock of my life seriously not even 5 mins before jake came out Austin came out the door before him. I knew it was him & someone yelled isn't he an actor also? I remember the stories about Austin & jake from years ago but I thought the didn't hang out anymore cause you never heard or see anything about them but he was there at jake show of constellations this past sat so the still hang out. Does anyone know anything else? I thought Austin had a girlfriend?

  9. March 8, 2015 at 10:15 PM
    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    I was at Constellations this past Saturday march 7 after I was waiting for jake to come out & sign & then I got the shock of my life seriously not even 5 mins before jake came out Austin came out the door before him. I knew it was him & someone yelled isn't he an actor also? I remember the stories about Austin & jake from years ago but I thought the didn't hang out anymore cause you never heard or see anything about them but he was there at jake show of constellations this past sat so the still hang out. Does anyone know anything else? I thought Austin had a girlfriend?

    March 9, 2015 at 4:12 AM

  10. not even a nice tryMarch 9, 2015 at 3:52 PM

    Ted Casablanca
    March 16, 2007

    Turns out T2, so blab our mutual amigos, plans on swirling up his love juice, right alongside his boyfriend's procreating protein...

    That would make BT only 2 years and few months old (or younger) in April 2010. This kid is much "older".

    Sorry OMGers!

  11. BT was born in October 2007. That would have made the toddler, Jake is holding, 2.5 years of age. And, that child is easily under three years old. Sorry, Nice Try.


  12. In fact, that toddler could very well have been BT2 who was born around the first week of January 2009. That would have made them 16 months old. The child Jake is holding could easily be that young.

    Your Toddler at 16 months

  13. I think it is amazing that you've acknowledge that is a child. The last time we discussed this picture back in 2010, someone was claiming Jake's agent was standing in front of him.


  14. I think it is amazing that you've acknowledge that is a child. The last time we discussed this picture back in 2010, someone was claiming Jake's agent was standing in front of him.


    LOLL!! Oh, there's some backtracking going on. And what I find funny is this person (and we know who it most likely is, let's face it) is using Ted for their argument.

    LOLLLLL!! That's just as funny.

  15. I have just a couple of observations which are not meshing right.

    I'm curious as to why the "sighting" of Austin wasn't brought over until 2 days later? I find that rather interesting.

    Let's say I was a casual "fan". And I saw Austin coming out of the Constellations door (which I do find really hard to believe because what a risk that would be at this stage in the game). And I remembered the rumors. So I jump on the computer and Google Jake and Austin and I find OMG.

    So then I come to OMG and I take a look at the blog and especially at the comments on this particular post and the day before and I don't know, but I find the question "I thought Austin had a girlfriend" rather an odd one to make to OMG'ers.

    And if someone said "Isn't he an actor?", surely at least one of those waiting fans might recognize Austin then or at least ask someone else or ask Austin himself and he would've gotten stuck there. And we would have gotten a picture or a tweet. Because there are quite a few people waiting for Jake. I've seen the pictures.

    I'm sorry, I'm pretty skeptical of this sighting.

    And I do find it interesting that this comes right on the heels of our discussion about Baby Tile(s), the nanny and Malibu.

    The more and more I look at all of this.....I think we were being baited.

  16. For me I am guessing that child is a little girl. So the coat next to Jake when he was dining with RDJ looked a little girls coat. I wonder if the time frame matches with that coat fitting this child.

  17. MALIBU!!!!

    lol. Sorry, I am feeling a bit ornery right now with things blowing up in the SN fandom.

    Jake and Austin are a walk in the park compared to Jared and Jensen. Those boys and that fandom will kill you. They will.

    Jake and Austin just make me shake my head and laugh.

    I've come here to relax.


  18. Let's say I was a casual "fan". And I saw Austin coming out of the Constellations door (which I do find really hard to believe because what a risk that would be at this stage in the game)

    I agree. These guys are deeply closeted right now because of Jake's Oscar ambitions. The "story" might have been more believable if someone thought they saw Austin across the street. But, coming out of the same door? Highly unlikely. Even in the more glass closeted days (pre-2008), Jake would come out the front doors of a restaurant to distract the paps while Austin would exit out the back. #WeinsteinWouldKillBothOfThem

  19. Yes, I believe that's a little girl, too, Tom. That's why I think the toddler is BT2 who we think was born in early January 2009. The child's coat sighting in the London restaurant was in 2008 so it would have to be BT1.
