Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Red White and "Bleu"

Exactly how long does it take to get to "Pari"?

Because the way Austin was selling it , he was going to be tweet the moment he touched down.

Guess Austin just soaking up some of the sights like

The Arch de Triumph
Or maybe the Eiffel Tower ; )

Because what else is Jake doing?

Because it's another day he's not shooting Enemy and not to be seen.

French it up fellows!

Fireworks translate in any language.

 Happy Happy 4th of July!!


  1. Happy 4th of July!

    Hope all of those celebrating are having a relaxing enjoyable holiday.

    It rained a little early this morning here with the Sun out since, let's see if the good weathers stays that way for the fireworks here in Boston.

    Jennifer Hudson is headlining the celebration.

  2. Ha! Cute post today.

    Happy 4th!

  3. Frank Ocean proves Ted C is a liarJuly 4, 2012 at 7:50 PM

    The Frank Ocean coming out is a prime example of how gossip bloggers exaggerate and mislead about blind items. A blind item about a hip hop artist started about the same time as Frank's music was leaked, there were songs where he alluded to having a relationship with a guy. The gossip blogs had a field day by making it seem as if the hip hop artist was a major player, when they knew in fact that the true identity of the hip hop artist was a virtually unknown artist. My point, Ted C is the biggest offender when it comes to leading people to the wrong conclusion about a blind item. Toothy Tile is a minor actor who has never had a starring role in movie. Toothy Tile in fact has not been in a movie (besides tv)in over 5-6years. Ted misleads people to the wrong conclusion to keep people tune in to his blog. The fact that he promotes the lesbian and the white ghost as couple should tell any person with a brain that Ted is about keeping his job. Yes Toothy exists but he's a supporting actor in HW. You all know this but you can't seem to let go. It would not surprise if Toothy was in fact Austin but its not Jake, Its straight and has been with many women famous and non famous. Sorry girls but you are just going to have to deal with it.

  4. Why the heck would someone take the time to write that. That is so funny. Don't think Toothy is Austin he was not born in LA. Take the time to read before you make a fool of yourself. That is always a good idea.

  5. You all know this but you can't seem to let go.

    Look who's talking. You can't let go of OMG, you keep coming here with your trolling.

    Its straight and has been with many women famous and non famous.

    Here's an English speaking tip. People are referred to as 'he' or 'she'. Not it's. The pronoun, 'it' refers to an object. Unless you are referring to Jake as an object, of course, perhaps your own personal object?

    The rest of that sentence is even more laughable than referring to Jake as an object.

    Get out of here and get over us. You are a Troll. Pure and simple. You are a Troll. We don't go to where you reside. We don't preach to you. You come here. You come here and preach to us, knowing that some of us have views which you don't like or believe in, yet you persist in coming here, ridiculing, patronizing and taking swipes. That defines you as 100% Troll.

    Here's news for some people. Ted no longer defines who Jake is.

    Jake hasn't been "Toothy" for years now, anyway. His personal life is for no one's sight. He flies under the radar when he needs to. He gives no interviews unless he's plugging a movie. He backs out of public events. His photo ops are all carefully orchestrated and geared towards covering his movements. He closes his movie sets, including "An Enemy" which was shut down as soon as a certain event occurred in mid-June.

    He's covered in facial hair. He wears the same clothes over and over, day in and day out. He says no to pictures in public except during the first couple of weeks of An Enema filming when he wanted to push an accessible image. He has been photo shopped into family pictures. He uses people and places to place a stamp of residency and lifestyle. Farmers Markets, anyone? Yoga? Pilates? Busy Phillips? Mumford & Sons? Whatever happened to Spin Cycle? What has happened to the kale fetish? Now it's Teroni's and JayZ. Every 1/4, every season it's going to be someone or something new, bank on it.

    This is Jake Gyllenhaal now and has been for several years. He is now as reclusive as a turtle in its shell.

    And now not one soul knows what he has been doing over the 4th of July. He has successfully pulled the wool over everyone's eyes on this one, I tip my cap to him.

    Toothy Tile is no longer imperative nor important in defining who Jake is today. Ted Casablanca is no longer important nor needed as far as figuring out what Jake is about these days. Jake is so far removed from what he was 5 years ago, it is 100% undeniable.

    So chew on that, Troll. Your Toothy Tile/Ted and Austin hate is wasted rot here on OMG.

  6. Jennifer Hudson just did 'And I Am Telling You' from Dreamgirls for the Boston 4th of July. She killed it. Incredible!!!

  7. Well put PG.

    And I sure the heck don't see how what other people are gossiping about blind item-wise has anything to do with Ted.

    And by the way, Frank Ocean may not be well known, especially as a singer, but he is a big deal because he has written a lot of hits for other people, including a lot of Justin Beiber's songs.

  8. Just sweated my brains out watching fireworks outside.

    And actually, I have no personal doubt Jake has been in Paris. But just can't tell yet if he's back already or en route or what. No matter. If it hadn't been for that ridiculously staged photo op with the Unknown One-Stop Friend, it would have been the first perfect under the radar outing for him.

  9. I see the troll is desperate again. Afraid that Jake may be the next one to come out are you? Also, I suspect there is more than 1 hip hop artist staying mum about his sexual preferance.

  10. Who's expecting Jake to pop up in Canada today like a little gopher?

    Pops Up. Looking around. Yup Yup Yup I'm here. Back to work. Back to work. Where was I? Oh just busy. Then pops back down.

  11. Unknown One-Stop Friend

    Who was that or do you have a link please?

  12. He really is over there!

    ♥ Love is Louder. ‏@Alison_OTH4ever

    Stephen, Robert and Austin at the Comic Con (Paris) ♥ Austin at Comic Con

    from Quibou, Manche
    6:23 AM - 5 Jul 12 via web · Details

  13. Thanks PG for sharing!

    Austin shaved! Woo!

  14. Sophia'sLittleVoice ‏@fella_bentoumi

    @AUS10NICHOLS @robertbuckley @StephenColletti at comic con, look at my man AUSTIN <3 Look Mom, No More Countdowns!

  15. He looks great!

    Great to see you, buddy.

  16. Fine words for our rantin' troll, thanks PG!

    Eiffel Tower Indeed Special! Love contemplating the wonders of man and nature.

    Havin a lazy day here, overcast and rainy, much needed rest.

    Cheers everyone.

  17. What the f...! Check out the Awful Truth today. Ted says he is moving on and posted his final words. He's too young to retire so I am guessing he has another gig lined up but is not allowed to say where he is going. I am going to miss the column, though I am sure we will be able to track him down wherever he is going.

  18. Wow! Ted is leaving the Awful Truth. Wonder what that means for all hiz Blind Items?

  19. Austin looks great and I love that he's taking Comic Con by storm by all the tweets he's generated. Tres Bien!!

  20. WOW, that is verrrrrry interesting about Ted. Something is up with that.

    Who's the Troll going to blame now?

  21. Here is Ted's last column.

    Thank You

    And yet one thing - did anyone else notice he couldn't go without a Toothy mention.

    PHOTOS: People Who Are Not Toothy Tile

  22. As our real m suggested, I'm sure we'll hear more from Ted in the coming months and weeks. He's far to popular and marketable to take such an early retirement. The abscence of any details is the clearest sign that we'll be informed in due course... likely with a major publicity splash to launch whatever new venue he will parter with or kick off.

    E! will be at a loss to replace him don't you think?

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Love the Toothy mention at the end as well Special....

    Would his BV creations remain his property I wonder???
