Saturday, October 11, 2014


Gotta love all the contributions that have come to OMG all these years day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, people have shared to help make OMG.

Back in August of 2010 a running blog posted that Jake was seen at Leadville CO, for the 100 mile run with his brother in law Peter.

And then 4 years ago, this month, the 9th in fact Prairie Girl helped figure it out that it wasn't  just Peter that was there with Jake but Austin too.

 And because you just love those red arrows and circles.

 Jake was even snapping pics with fans who spotted him.

Now we get to see Leadville for ourselves.

Thanks Tom!


  1. It is easy to see that that man wasn't Austin.


  2. Just like clockwork, Special posts. Then the troll swoops in to refute. That is definitely Austin. And, PR can't stand that even though lots of distractions and diversionary tactics were used at the time when that blogger (Brandon Fuller) posted his sighting of Jake being there, six weeks later one of our very own, found the reason why.

    I remember Austin was sending out signals in August and September to back up the photographic evidence that PG later identified when she blew up the pic. This was one of my all time favorites:

    New Obsession. The Leadville 100. Anybody want to train with me?
    Friday, September 03, 2010

  3. It's not him. You can keep wishing your life away for it to be, but it's not. But I do appreciate how these photos come out of nowhere whenever Austin isn't playing your game. Like clockwork.

  4. But I do appreciate how these photos come out of nowhere whenever Austin isn't playing your game. Like clockwork.

    What in the hell are you talking about, Troll? What "game"?

    Jake and Austin are so far removed from OMG at this point, it isn't funny, so what a laugh you make to even suggest something like this.

    Bwah! doesn't even cover it, as a matter of fact. Your boy Jake is too busy playing Brutus and Austin is too busy playing Mr. Mom to pay attention to what we're doing or not doing here.

    And keep crying your river of tears over the Leadville pic. It's just ripping me up, lol. Sorry I'm fresh out of Puffs for that little snifflefest of yours.

    lol. smh. Ahhhh, I remember that day so fondly of blowing that pic up and seeing Austin's face before me. One of the best days ever.

  5. Great pictures, Tom!!! Just super. I recognize that one building as one of the ones from the Leadville pics.

    I told Tom he was walking around on sacred Jaustin ground. :-)

  6. It's Austin. Austin was floating out a bunch of tweets at the time about babies too and Mathew Katz-Frost cryptically tweeted Austin at the end of August 2010 saying that he misses Austin’s ass and that he [Austin] has too many [asses] already. His co-star from John From Cincinnati, Luis Guzmán, called him Papa in one of his tweets that same October.

    Oh, yeah and Austin also tweeted around Leadville time about HUGGIES under his alter ego of Julian in August 2010 and twitpic'd within a week a T-shirt for a newborn from 0-3.

  7. There is something about Leadville that really sets people off.

    And you would believe how many view the Leadville posts have gotten. 3-4x the average number of views a post gets. You gotta wonder why. ; )

    Run Around the Turtle - August 25,2010

    Missed it by that much - October 9, 2010 - Putting Austin's tweet together with the picture per PG

    And They're Off - November 18, 2010. Jake talking about Leadville to David Letterman

  8. watching and waitingOctober 12, 2014 at 9:10 PM

    Austin isn't playing your game.

    Why would Austin be playing any game with OMG? It's pretty clear that he's hidden behind a closeted brick wall of spineless submission. WME and whoever represents Austin are the people ruining the guys' reputation by portraying the guy as nothing short of a too much time on his hands pedophile.

    Guess Austin's mother is okay with her son looking like a reprobate, stalking underage kids on the Internet. Of course, anyone in their right mind knows this is all PR created because no paid professional would allow their client to openly go on the Internet and stalk young girls for sex. Frankly, he would probably be in jail by now.

    That's how you know how desperate Jake is to get that nomination. He probably would sell his own kids to get the nod. Although when you think about how he has denied them for so many years, I guess maybe Jake already put his career before his family.

  9. He probably would sell his own kids to get the nod.

    well then it is fortunate that he did not have children!

    also "watching and waiting" aka PG please stop writing with other nicknames, is pathetic, we all know that it's you

  10. Sadly, I have to totally agree with you, watching and waiting. Word for word.

    Totally right - there's no "game playing". Both guys have said and done all they can to show they have no fondness for, no desire to see OMG continue to exist. OMG is the last tie-in to Toothy that the guys and WME have to get rid of and they can't shake us. It's got to just burn at them. They have tried and tried to get rid of us with various stunts and all we do is laugh at them.

    Like they think pedophile Austin is going to make us turn and run. Like they thought Tony's hottie was going to make us cry and cling to our Jaustin blankie. Like they think interview denials of being fathers is going to make us stomp in the middle of the floor and turn our backs on our mission here.

    Well, they can just keep knocking themselves out. As they can all see, we aren't going anywhere despite everything they're throwing at us.


  11. also "watching and waiting" aka PG please stop writing with other nicknames, is pathetic, we all know that it's you

    Read it and weep, Troll. Wasn't me. And it's not us who's posting some of those on-target comments on the latest Just Jared Jake threads. No, these are just other followers who are seeing through the obvious.

    Hurts, doesn't it?

  12. watching and waitingOctober 12, 2014 at 9:50 PM

    That's right. I am not a regular, but I know all about Toothy and Goose and still follow the story. Lots of us still out there. I bet that just chaps Jake's *ss. Or, frost his balls. Whatever piece of the anatomy you prefer.

  13. censorship is not coolOctober 12, 2014 at 9:53 PM

    oh look, Jake in Leadville with David Modigliani, how nice!

    let's see what "" is doing

    well it's true he's too busy grabbing his girlfriend's boob to pay attention to what you're doing or not doing here.Ah these spirited men of the south!

    also the "too many asses already" tweet was Referring to how many followers on twitter Austin Had Already, always the same habit of not carefully check the facts MM.

  14. That's right. I am not a regular, but I know all about Toothy and Goose and still follow the story. Lots of us still out there

    Sure! LOL

  15. watching and waitingOctober 12, 2014 at 10:00 PM

    You're still here, aren't you? That about says it all.

  16. You're still here, aren't you? That about says it all.

    oh please!

  17. LOL at the troll going to David Mag like he's some kind of .222 batting pinch hitter.

    Funny that this "argument" hasn't been used by the Troll until just recently. If I recall correctly, the big argument back in 2010 initially was that the ear wasn't matching. I know where the Troll got that idea about David M and it came from another Jake blog.

    Very sad. smh

    October 12, 2014

  18. also the "too many asses already" tweet was Referring to how many followers on twitter Austin Had Already, always the same habit of not carefully check the facts MM.

    LOLLLLLLL! It took PR 4 years to come up with that lame explanation for Frost's tweet to Austin. You need to take another course in PR Subterfuge 101. That doesn't even make sense. #Epic Fail.

  19. Here's another fond memory from August. This time in 2013:

    Kristi Mahé (@KristiMahe)
    8/14/13, 12:36

    @AUS10NICHOLS --Sorry I was awkward yesterday at Ralph's when you were beside me, but was that adorable kid your son? Nice to see ya. Cheers

    Oh, and look who else had been in LA at the same time:

    Ja©k M©Mahon (@jackpmc)
    8/19/13, 0:22

    Also jake gylenhall was on my lax to jfk flight, gave him the 'go f*** yourself' eyes
