And in sync
Not sure it was Austy waiting for the train?

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Well, that's interesting that Gossip Cop is saying that Jake denies it's a girlfriend.
The mystery deepens.
Awesome editing, Special, just awesome. I didn't realize how close Austin was walking to Jake. Great pictures. I enjoy those much better.
Wow. 10 years later, you guys. 10 years. And look at Austin's smile. I don't think it's his helmet cam doing that. LOL!!!
I find it extremely interesting that most of his OTH twitter followers have tended to totally ignore when he's been seen with Jake. Granted though, alot of them aren't going to know about this one because all the websites edited Austin out of the pictures! He also didn't get near the enthusiastic RT's on his Same Love video that he has always gotten on his other tweets. Aw well, Austin's day will come when everyone will know who he is, won't they? Someday.
Raining this morning here.
Now that is the way the photo should have been cropped! I too find it odd that all the other Jake sites are ignoring the fact that Austin is there. Like the Republican Party, ignore the facts staring you in the face and make up your own.
How does IHJ media work? Do they purchase the photos? I can't imagine a site like that would have the funds to purchase all pap photos of Jake.
One conspiratorial thought I had is that this was a pap setup exchange. We've speculated that Jake and Austin get accidentally papped once in awhile, together or perhaps even with their kid. And that in exchange for the photo not being put up for sale, Jake will give the pap a clear shot that will sell. Jake in a hat/jacket and scruffy beard won't sell for much. Jake holding hands with a mystery woman will sell for much more. Hence, the setup. But Jake and Austin's dig is to have Austin walking alongside them.
The thing is, eventually someone is going to get a pic of Jake that is too juicy to just sell back to him. Like what happened with Kristen Stewart and her married director. Apparently, US Weekly was given the opportunity to buy that exclusive from the pap without the pap agency having gone to Stewart's people first to offer a deal. Kristen Stewart has long been a little creep to paps, but maybe Jake maintains a good relationship with his regular paps so that he's never caught without the opportunity to buy photos or bargain a deal. Still, the day will come...
I didn't know he was with Austin. Just Jake and the NEW girl. So, He say he is not dating. Wonder who she is? Or do we really care. LOL. Thanks for the info.
I don't mean to feed trolls. I just want to comment on this.
Just watched the video of clip where Jake says he doesn't have children of his own. I just think that is so sad. To have said that once in the past, I gave him a pass for it being an ADHD slip-up. An impulsive denial that he would later regret when he realized that his child could see that quote someday. But to do it again is pathetic. For one thing, it signals that he and Austin plan to raise their child in secret forever. I mean, the kid is five years old - he's had five years to adjust to the idea that his Jekyll and Hyde life will eventually kill him from stress if he keeps this up.
He an Austin are obviously still together. So even if their child is biologically Austin's, they are raising their child as co-parents. If he feels he has a pass to say "I don't have kids of my own" because Baby Tile is biologically Austin's, then he is just a total jerk. When you adopt and raise a kid, it is yours, your own.
I want to support these guys, but they make it so hard. I want them to stop living a total lie. The world is ready, why aren't they?
Hi jfaulkin!! Good to see you, welcome again!!
You guys, be nice to my friend!! jfaulkin is friendly fire.
No one seems to know who the girl is. It is interesting that like Destiny said, Gossip Cop says quite emphatically that a source close to Jake says she is a long time friend.
A gauge that I always use as well, is that while Us Weekly has a lead story on the NYC Stroll with MG2, People does not.
And when People doesn't do a piece on it, that always catches my eye.
Reality is Jake and Austin have been together all over the country and even Europe. They are a couple. I don't see how anyone can deny that. Friends dont travel like that together. They just don't.
I want to support these guys, but they make it so hard. I want them to stop living a total lie. The world is ready, why aren't they?
I hear you. Maybe they are in the midst of taking some small steps that way. I don't think it is happening in the very near future but hey, this is farther what they did than one year ago today.
jfaulkin said...
I didn't know he was with Austin. Just Jake and the NEW girl. So, He say he is not dating. Wonder who she is? Or do we really care. LOL. Thanks for the info.
Hi jfaulkin. Nah we don't care who she is. Jake and Austin have been a team for a long time. Chime in more often. Nice to see new blood. The best is yet to come.
Great to see lontontb also yesterday. Something has to give london.
It is hard Owlgirl but it can't go on forever. Hang in.
Hat alert!!
Jake in his Bosox cap!! Yea for Jake!
Bourgie Banton @BourgieBanton
Reason 43649 why I love living in NYC: sitting across from Jake Gyllenhaal on the Q train randomly on a Sund Enjoying these train pictures lately
11:40 AM - 11 Nov 12
Jesus some of you people are seriously weird. Where do you guys get this idea that these two have children?
I think Austin and Jake are together, but unlike many of you I think they broke up for a while between 2007-2009 during the height of the Witherspoon bearding. They got back together in 2009. I actually think that was the reason that Witherspoon dumped him and moved on with record speed, because she was finally made aware of what we all already knew.
Other than that ridiculous one month publicity stunt with Taylor Swift (which you have to admit ended up being the gift that keeps giving for Jake) he hasn't been with another woman since. Not one woman since the end of 2009? Only four weeks of TS? And he and Witherspoon were hardly together towards the last year of that relationship as well.
The Austin bearding (with Sophia Bush) ended when the show ended. That was it. After that Jake and Austin everywhere. Jake and Austin all the time. I think they're on the verge of coming out too. I think Austin is willing and Jake is just working up the nerve. I think originally he was scared it would ruin his career, now he's scared to admit that he's been living such a high profile lie for so long.
But I don't believe anything about them having children. That's just weird.
That's fine, 14:11. Welcome to the blog. Glad to hear what you think!
Oh, and I don't mind at all being called weird. Meh, glad to be, actually!
There is quite a lot of evidence that they have children. At least one, likely two. Most of it from a couple of years ago so no one has the patience or interest to rehash it. But if you had been following them for as long as some of us, you would be more sure of it. You can count Jakes lifetime "girlfriends" on one hand and Austin's on the other. Yes, two handsome sexy men and the only constant in their lives is each other. I think they will be coming out sooner rather than later. Once they are out, then revealing children is a whole other step.
Well said m. I hope you are right about the sooner than later. The best thing about this is that we have seen them together a whole lot more this year. Happy:-)
Hi New Kid,
I am not a super regular poster, but I am a bit weird ;)
If you are truly in the dark about this, then I will take a bit of time to explain. One of the most reliable and funny gossip and celebrity journalists in the US is Ted Casablanca, who until recently wrote for E! and he wrote for Premiere magazine before that. He wrote these Blind Vices, and one of his most popular Blind Vices was Toothy Tile, an A-list actor who has been pretty much proven and revealed to be Jake. His boyfriend is Grey Goose, Austin Nichols. Toothy Tile and Grey Goose had a kid probably via a surrogate in mid-late 2007. The kid is a secret - the public does not know that Toothy Tile has a child. You can read all the archived blind items here, as well as a ton of discussion on them:
Even if Ted Casablanca made up the character of Toothy Tile out of thin air, there is no doubt that Jake is gay and Austin is his partner, or at the very least his steady on/off boyfriend.
However, there is also plenty of evidence outside the Ted Casablanca Toothy blinds that indicate Jake has a kid. For that, you will have to read a whole lot of the archives on this amazing blog. It is all here.
I would also like to extend a welcome to New Kid in Town. Us regulars are so used to each other and we don't see OwlGirl as often but we know and recognize her as well, just like others like long-timers LondonTB and NorwegianGirl. Always great to have new participants.
I think it's incredible that we've all been frustrated at various times and have seen so many valleys and hills and center of the earth plunges with these 2 guys, but we're still here. It's really a fantastic thing.
By "quite a lot of evidence" that they have children, you really mean no evidence at all.
If there is a lot of evidence, where is it?
LOL M, that's very funny comparing the other Jake sites to the Republicans. (Did anyone catch Rove's meltdown on Fox, truly amazing).
I've said it before, but I'll say it again. When people spot a celebrity, I think 95 times out of 100 they are not going to mention who the celebrity is with. They just want their friends to know who they saw, they're not gossip columnists. I also think that even after all those years on OTH, most people don't have a clue who Austin is. That said, I'm still on the fence as to whether Austin spends a lot of time in NYC.
Some theories on the photos:
Maybe Jake got nervous when he saw the pap and just grabbed the friend's hand, and then regretted in later.
Maybe he's having his cake and eating it too, knowing most people won't see the denial on GC, meanwhile he gets some straight cred, so to speak.
He was just being silly and playing with the paps (and maybe being with Austin put him in that good mood, usually he's cranky anymore with paps).
Considering that if it were not for 2 pictures making it on to IHJ, it's easy to see how simple it is to mislead the public. And we've seen obviously photoshopped photos over the years. Photos with either Jake or Austin erased to make it look like only a man and woman are in the shot, not the guys with a female friend. So I have no difficulty believing a deliberate effort to hide a family. In fact I think Ted said the plan was to keep the family under wraps right from the get go. I don't visit IHJ too often anymore but am so grateful they published the whole series of photos.
I don't visit IHJ too often anymore but am so grateful they published the whole series of photos.
Yup, me too. I think Special did an amazing job on the pictures for the post.
Thanks for the welcome. :D
Well, I know that I am new to the whole thought of Jake n Austin. I NEVER heard of him/them having a child together. There lives are in the open, Are there any pics of possible child siteing? Would like to know. Thanks for the info on Toothy. Will have to check it out later.
Hi guys it's Special. I have been having all kinds of computer and Google problems all day. Glad to see new people here. Welcome.
The Spotlight is coming. But it will be posted here for now until everything gets fixed and it can be made into an official post.
When there is a will there's a way.
Here it is! I couldn't miss doing a post - despite Google.
Today’s Out Spotlight is a political journalist, social activist and commentator. Today’s Out Spotlight is Jonathan Capehart.
Jonathan Capehart, was born July 2, 1968 and grew up in New Jersey, attending Saint Benedict's Preparatory School, and later graduating from Carleton College in Northfield, Minnesota in 1990.
The Today show was Capehart’s dream, Bryant Gumbel his idol. Ten-year-old Jonathan Capehart absolutely lit up the minute the NBC morning-show banter began. At first he watched to spot his uncle, an electrician, whom Capehart recalls seeing entering the cohosts’ camera shot during a broadcast on the plaza.
As a noted wunderkind of his day, Capehart quickly became a key contributor to a New York Daily News editorial staff from 1993-2000 and won a Pulitzer Prize in 1999 for Best Editorial Writing for a series of editorials about Harlem's Apollo Theater. Subsequent to his high profile stint he became a National Affairs Columnist for Bloomberg News from 2000-2001 and left to work as a policy adviser to Michael Bloomberg during his first successful campaign for Mayor of New York City. Later, he returned to the Daily News as deputy editor of the editorial page from 2002-2005 and has since become a sought after television news commentator and interviewer, and contributor to MSNBC "Way Too Early," “Morning Joe,” "The Dylan Ratigan Show" and a daily presence on MSNBC dayside). His commentary is often sought at the Reporters Roundtable on ABC News's “This Week with George Stephanopoulos,” and he has been a substitute host on “The Brian Lehrer Show” and “The Leonard Lopate Show” on WNYC. He is also a much respected Opinion writer for the Washington Post.
A long time gay activist, and advocate for marriage equality, Capehart’s early association and understanding of the political process played a key role in the successful campaign to legalize gay marriage in New York state. He is also a former officer of a former officer of the National Lesbian and Gay Journlists Association and has been together with his partner for over ten years, the noted architect, Giuseppe Lignano, an Italian-born architect and co-founder of the architectural design studio LOT-EK.
But if you had been following them for as long as some of us, you would be more sure of it.
^^Sorry, been following since Danny got this stuff started on imdb then started WFT, the original. Is anyone here aware that's were WFT 1 started?
Then OMG then WFT 2. So I've been here before most of you following (the goings on of Jake & Austin). That includes the owner of this blog also. Like most I did believe the what Ted said about a surrogat baby, but I quickly came to my sense. Point I've been here, there, watching and nothing points to anything but the guys being in a relationship that seemed to have ended some time ago then back together.
Yes, two handsome sexy men and the only constant in their lives is each other.
And, what of it? Happens all the time. Nothing wrong with being in a relationship. At this point in their lives they're not open about it.
That's all I see!
No children!
If there is a lot of evidence, where is it?
I'm with you, There is NONE!
Hey Special Yup It's Me, YIM for short, I reckon. LOLLL
Where there is a will, there is a way. Nice job on the Out Spotlight! Sounds like the guy had really carved a great career for himself. I really don't know much about journalism but it looks like he uses his career to also help push things along in his personal life, how many people can say that?
Like most I did believe what Ted said about a surrogat baby, but I quickly came to my sense.
Let me just change that.
I wanted to believe there was a baby on the way but after nothing but false and far fetched hoping and reasoning with no Real Concrete Evidence of Mr. G and Mr. Nichols having a child, I cannot see them having or raising any child. Some say they're raising 5 or more, I say it's crazy and weird and far fetched.
Sorry, don't believe it!
Wow, it looks like the trolls are sniffing new blood and they don't like it. They do not like seeing new, curious and open minds joining in the mix, do they?
Lots of people have come here trying to convince us that Jake and Austin were not even friends anymore, but we could not be convinced. So arguments that they don't have kids don't hold much water with me. We've also learned that evidence does appear. You just have to be patient.
Exactly, m. That used to be the big argument, remember? That Jake and Austin never saw each other, when one was in one state, the other was in another completely different state. We never saw them together, therefore they no longer kept in touch.
Now that we've had at least three, count them now - three different sightings of them together, now the argument changes to "We'll, everyone knows they're friends! That doesn't mean there's something going on, though! Just two friends, just two buddies."
Keep back peddling. Keep changing colors to adapt to the season.
And all the name calling, all the old retread "intimidation" tactics of yesteryear, aren't going to change or undo anything. That is still Austin with Jake in New York City. In L.A. Oh, and in Berlin, Germany.
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