2012 saw Jake leave CAA and Austin leave the Crazy Tree and all that came with the job behind.
With January came LA for both of our fellas. With OTH in the can, Austin was back in the city of Angels with Jake out and about and back to his old haunts (ie the Doctors) and juicing it up. Jake started 2012 out for sushi with friends and smocking it up and playing pap peek a boo. While Austin was MIA at the OTH premiere for it's last season in LA. (Foreshadowing ahead!) Jake left CAA for WME, and once again was name a presenter at the Golden Globes. Breakfast with Busy and family. And don't forget about that late night Pinkberry run with Austin. We also found out that Austin or is that Julian loves coffee cake.
Soon Jake was grabbing not one or two or three juices but five juices out on a morning juice run driving a truck that wasn't his, but looked very much Mr. Nichols and later did one better than be seen with Austy's truck but the tall Texan himself as they shared a sushi lunch with friends and hopped in the car and took off together. And before the month was over there was a little review of the big photoshoppin' job that covered more than Maggie's pregnancy.
Then Jake was back in England bespectacled and pushing the dark side making a video for the The Shoes. Then off to be a juror at Berlinale 2012 with a clean close shave and something even bigger. His big tall Texan, who was spotted on his way in Heathrow by former co-star Dana Delaney and then soon tweeted he was in Berlin enjoying the film fest. But we didn't only get the tweets but the peeps when pictures from Berlinale showed that Austin was enjoying many of the events right where he should be right by Jake's side, including a reception with President of Germany. At Berlinale Jake was his ever charming self, and we learned of his obsession with the number 5 and stories of being a bad influence from legend Meryl Streep. While Austin was showing some of his best acting he's done on OTH, the final shave came to Brulian as well.
While Austin lost his beard, Jake grew one that seemed to stay for the rest of 2012 during March. Austin got the role of Tommy West, the A-lister with the habit of hooking up with chicks with dicks on Showtimes newest show Ray Donovan. Rumors of Jake doing Motor City that didn't get of the start line and Jake popping back up in New York. Then headed back to LA at the end of the month before he started filming The Enemy. OTH was in it's final days on The CW and Austin talked about his love of directing and about get a chance to direct one more time before the show ended.
April kicked off with Jake back in NYC and doing some host duties for his late godfather Paul Newman's charity at Paul Newman's Dream at Lincoln Center. There were some crazy revisionist history of Ellen Pompeo and Jake meeting before Moonlight Mile by Pompeo herself. There were some fun with photos when Jake's beard grew and changed color from one day to the next. Jake sightings were all over, San Francisco, Portland, Toronto, while Austin went to Coachella and never got seen. In April we heard that Jake was going to hit Off Broadway in the fall, with Austin tweeting a big neon LIVE the day after the announcement. Austin hit the big 32 and we found out that Jake's distance cousins include beard inspiration Ulysses S. Grant, FDR, Shirley Temple and the Bushes.
May had sneak peeks at EoW at early screenings that got great audience response. We got the first real look at EoW with a trailer and LOL finally opened (and closed quite quickly). Austin spent time on set watching Todd Haynes work and shared it through a tweet. Jake and Austin are out for a late night bite at In - N - Out in Cali. Jake reported to his set for The Enemy in Toronto, and continued to wear the black Yankees hat and was reported hanging with Beyonce and Jay-Z as well as out with his mom and bounced between NYC and Toronto.
But the big thing for May was the 10th anniversary for our guys who met at the casting of The Day After Tomorrow in May 2002.
June saw another beard trick of Jake's or was that just a little photo swapping and playing with dates for cover as Austin arrives back in the Big Apple. The hunt was on to Spot the Jake in Toronto with Where in the Sprawl is Jake Gyllenhaal. Jake got spotted at Rufus' show in Toronto hanging with K'Naan almost 5 years to the day he was on the stage with Rufus in NYC. Austin filmed Ray Donovan in LA. Jake couldn't get a date and the Minka story came around again. Austin started tweet his travelogue of 2012 as he was back in Austin after LA. Jake was seen out with Rufus and his fiancee as second time in just weeks in Toronto.
Austin tweets another connection to Jake with a tweet about Kayne and Jay-Z Watch the Throne while he heads to Comic Con in Paris as a special guest with fellow OTH co-stars and creater Mark Schwahn for three days. Jake goes of the radar and then pops up all over the place including NYC, Toronto and three tweets of him Austin TX. And Austin throws out another shout out about Jake wearing a Yankees camp his last day in Paris. Austin goes missing and Jake pops back up on Mom's set in NYC. Can we just get them both chipped and run real time GPS on them? The first picture of Jake and the cast of If There is...comes out and Jake's all about the Details (magazine). And there was a ripple when Jake was seen at Frank Ocean's show, shortly after Ocean came out to the public. LOL came out on DVD.
Aquaman Austin gives us a video of how long he can hold his breath and backflips off the cliff into the water in August. Jake got spotted at Mumford and Sons (and months later a photo of Austin there too). Austin tweeted an Olympic caption challenge, challenge accepted Mr. Nichols. OMG turned 5! Austin's all about Shark Week. Jake was rumored again for another movie, this time Mississippi Grind about a gambler, but that rumor folded as soon as it was dealt. Jake supported Generation Food and sent out a message online to help them reach their goal of over $50,000. EoW had it's first premiere at a special screening at the Hamptons and we found out that Jake is such of friend of Jerry Seinfeld that he bunks there after the party. If There is... opens. Jake goes back to see Dave late night, and was as charming as ever.
Jake relives his first Broadway show, Patti Lupone in Anything Goes, and Austin runs his first triathalon any which way he can and gets 7th. (Great job Austy!) EoW premieres at TIFF with the whole cast there (including a late Jake, delayed at the airport). The Nanny named Fran did a backstage visit at If There Is... Jake on Anderson (no not that way, get your mind out of the gutter) and Jake ALMA's too. Jake does Live with Kelly & Michael, Conan, and Jimmy... but once again no Jay. EoW ended up #1 at the box office after a tight race. And at the end of Sept Jake was lending help again at the Global Citizen Rally in NYC.
October finds Austin LOVES up NYC. Jake play gets extended till Dec, and we find out it will be Watching the Detective next year when Jake stars with Hugh Jackman in Prisoners. Austin once again told us where he with with a KISS of Back in the New York groove and then gets back to his roots at ACL. Someone else turns 5! Jake goes on The Chew and cooks with chef pal Mario Batali. Scheduled to be feted by New Eyes for his work, it gets postponed by a Super Storm named Sandy. Austin gets Rex'd for Halloween.
Austin gets spotted outside the subway doors that Jake is on, and later is seen walking with Jake and an assistant that gets reportedly mistaken for a new gf for the third photographed sighting of them together for 2012. Jake joined others for Arts in Armed Forces for a performance for active military, veterans and their families on Veteran's Day. Austin tweets a song that gets many thinking which is what he wants them to do.
Jake receives his tribute from New Eyes at Colicchio & Sons, while continuing to help raise more money for them. Austin heads to Chicago to do some work for Mob Doctor on The CW. Brulian pops up again but just on a ranking of screen couples. Jake heads to England to promote EoW and when asked what kind of drink would he be he said "A Ribena. Next to a tall glass of water..."
Jake does BBC1 and Graham Norton and not only survives Graham but Joan Rivers and charms them all and definitely is the old Jake we've seen and loved. EoW comes back to the theaters in the US for a limited engagement hoping for a little nod or nom during award season. Austin is back in Chicago and doing some road trips and shows off he's Wheelin' ways in the trailer for Ray Donovan. Jake helps raise money with ICAP, and then joins the cause and helps out with 12-12-12 the benefit for Sandy Relief, including giving 10 grand if Brian Williams put on a Firefighter helmet. He also introduces an EMT from Long Island with ends the year of a thread of connections to Long Island all during 2012. Jake turns 32, the world doesn't end, Austin shows up on Mob Doctor the last night of 2012 and another year is wrapped up OMG style.
Thanks for sharing another year with us and here's to see more of our fellas in 2013.
Monday, December 31, 2012
2012 Rewind
Happy New Year!
Posted by
Special K
11:56 PM
Labels: Austin, Happy New Year, Jake, Year in Review
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Happy New Year one and all!
More good times with good friends in 2013, with plenty of revelations and discussion.
Had my share of rum tonight... hope you toasted it too. Cheers!
Huh. So did the juice pictures actually take place the same day as the sushi pictures? **wink**
When you see a time travel like this, you realize how often the guys were around each other that was caught on tape. That subway picture was excellent.
It was an interesting way to spend so many hours and days out of 2012, wasn't it?
Happy New Year, Seaweed. Dogsitting gig ends for me today and I'll be back in my own humble abode with some back pocket replenishment after the Christmas draining. LOL
Happy New Year everyone. Some great pics this year. I so wish we could see if Austin had his dessert boots on in that subway pic.
Such a great year-end review from Special. I appreciate the benefits of perspective when it comes to stuff like this... it helps to sort out some of the stuff the guys get up to and sharpen the focus a little.
Hoping for more good images and joint events for our guys, and a continued friedships here at OMG.
The heck with Alabama. Lets go Irish!
Tom I don't see ads on the page. Does anyone else see them?
Happy New Year everyone. Spent the evening killing a couple of bottles of red wine with my neice.
Still in Colorado for the foreseeable future as my mom hasn't been well. She's been in the hospital for a few days but should be going home in a day or two.
Not seeing any ads here on my feed Tom or Special.
Wishing you well Destiny, and hoping for an improvement in your Mom's health.
Was into town today and watched the crazy folks at our local Polar Bear Dip... more than I could handle I'm afraid. The air temp was just above freezing but the wind was brisk off the ocean ... Brrrrrrrr.
Sorry to hear about your mom, Destiny. I hope she gets to feeling better soon and gets back home.
Good to be home although I do miss my two charges. It was tough leaving them. It is freezing here today, whew!
Never get tired of watching Sleepless in Seattle. So funny and I love the music.
I'm not seeing any ads.
Sorry to hear about you mom Destiny, sending good thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. I know how tough it is after my dad had a serious health scare this past year. Glad that you are able to be with her.
As for what I toasted in the New Year Seaweed, I had a shot of Drambuie that was part of a New Years tradition taught to me by charming Scotsman a while ago. Still have the same bottle since it only comes out on NYE and it has gotten very mellow over the years and now is smooth as silk.
I dont know why but I have ads at the top and bottom of the comment box. Not sure why or where they came from. Maybe something to do with facebook or the games I play which are linked to facebook. There is a pacman games ad on the top of the box. Oh well.
Sorry about your Mom Destiny. I am glad she is doing better.
Katie Holmes and Jake Gyllenhaal 'secretly dating'?
Tuesday 1 Jan 2013 9:00 pm
By Andrei Harmsworth
All eyes will be out for a first sighting of Katie Holmes and Jake Gyllenhaal in 2013 after it was claimed the pair are secretly dating.
Friends allege the former Mrs Cruise has been slinking over to Jake’s West Village apartment in New York for dinners.
According to Grazia, the pair were introduced by Katie’s former Dawson Creek flame Joshua Jackson.
Holmes was spotted in the audience watching Jake on stage at his Broadway play If There Is I Haven’t Found It Yet back in September.
‘Josh has been the mastermind behind this romance,’ a source told the magazine.
‘Katie says that they have tons in common and Jake has already been to see her in Dead Accounts, plus she has been over to his apartment in the West Village for dinner.’
Holmes is a free agent after leaving Tom Cruise last year.
Jake’s other famous exes include Harry Styles’ girlfriend Taylor Swift and Kirsten Dunst.
Now it's Katie
Thanks everybody for the good wishes.
Katie Holmes, now that cracks me up.
From Gossip Cop:
8:54 pm, January 1st, 2013
“All eyes will be out for a first sighting of Katie Holmes and Jake Gyllenhaal in 2013 after it was claimed the pair are secretly dating,” says Metro.
Picking up a story from the tabloid Grazia, the site reports, “Friends allege the former Mrs Cruise has been slinking over to Jake’s West Village apartment in New York for dinners.”
The two were supposedly “introduced by Katie’s former ‘Dawson Creek’ flame Joshua Jackson,” with a so-called source claiming, “Josh has been the mastermind behind this romance.”
Adds the tipster, “Katie says that they have tons in common and Jake has already been to see her in Dead Accounts, plus she has been over to his apartment in the West Village for dinner.”
Wow, so are Holmes and Gyllenhaal set to be the first hot new couple of the New Year?
A rep for Holmes tells Gossip Cop that it’s “not at all true” that the pair are “secretly dating.”
Gossip Cop Responds
I hope not but this sounds like a story that could gain a lot of PR for both. I am sure Katie wants PR for Broadway and Jake wants PR for his new movies..
Guess it will be one of those 'wait and see's' but I love this tweet:
BradmanTV® @BradmanTV
I just saw a rumor that Katie Holmes + Jake Gyllenhaal are a New Couple, if is true, now we know Katie Holmes' type... "Closeted Gay"
8:05 PM - 1 Jan 13 · Details
I am an actor and comedian who moved back to small town Iowa to teach kids theatre. I love social media and I love just having a great time out with my friends.
New York, Iowa, Chicago, USA · http://WhoTheHeckIsBradman.com
And then I want to ask, "But what about the girlfriend?! What happened to her?" LOL! Someone please get me a scorecard.
Austin was on television last night on that new Fox show. Very briefly, I understand, a lead in to the next episode. Hacks me off though that he didn't tweet about it - I would've had my DVR set! Grrrr!! Now that's what a celebrity's twitter can be used for. To plug your stuff. Mark Wahlberg just did it. Al Roker is doing it to plug his book (over and over, lol). Come on, Mr. Austin. Maybe give us a heads up next time, would you? I don't subscribe to TV Guide and I never watch Fox.
Guess it will be one of those 'wait and see's'
Didn't we just get a denial by Katie's people on that? Seems like 'nothing to see here, move along.'
You can swallow all you want, 2305. I take time to chew my food.
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