sasquatch :
Bigfoot: large hairy humanoid creature said to live in wilderness areas of the United States and Canada.Let's see Jake talked about going to the Steelers game with Sasquatch.
Would you call this big foot?

It's ok Austin being a Sasquatch is cool.
There's the Olympic thing.

The t-shirts

Even Trucker hats
Then you've got the action figures
Even the Gentleman Sasquatch Bachelor Edition
And the seltzer

and breath mints

Then there's the whole Elvis thing.

And then there's the Music Festival, Memorial Day weekend.
(The launch party with this year's line up is Feb 4.
And you might have one more thing in common with the guy with the big feet.
I'm headed to Dallas to drive the fatal JFK motorcade route. Dark and sad research for a beautiful movie. Eerie....
10:16 AM - 27 Jan 13 · Details
Full tweet:
January 27, 2013I'm headed to Dallas to drive the fatal JFK motorcade route. Dark and sad research for a beautiful movie. Eerie. Interesting. Haunting. Inspiring.
^^^ lol. Why not just say or use Twitlonger? Why not put it into two tweets? Why do I have to open another window to finish reading a teaspoonful of additional words. #Fail, Austin! lol.
Let's practice Green with our tweets. Conserve energy.
You know what, I used to follow entylawyer on Twitter but I just quit this morning. He can be just as big a tool of Old Hollywood as someone like Lamey or Ryan Seacrest. Posting some ridiculous, slimey story about one of the 1D boys like Zayn that just reeks of plant.
Why do they have to make these boys out to be some of the biggest whores that walked the planet? Their management would rather they be portrayed as being literally led by their divining rods from bed to bed to bed to bed, then as being serious about their careers. Sure they would have their sex lives behind the scenes but do you really have to spill every single lurid detail as what their mgmt is doing?
This is how you know.
I don't follow these boys anymore but all I have to do is look at a tweet from entylawyer this morning and I can see that mgmt is hiding something.
Enty Lawyer @entylawyer
One Direction's Zayn Malik cheated on his g/f. The waitress he had sex with took photos of him while he slept and sold her story.
10:02 AM - 27 Jan 13
If you have to trumpet your guy or gal's bed habits and whorish ways via public social media, then you're hiding something else.
Plain and simple.
Same goes for the mgmt operator who has access to Austin Nichols' twitter account and is also probably behind the commenter on the blog next door who is pounding the sidewalk trying to sell that Austin is straight and just a real hetero playboy.
They've got this whole thing backwards. If you're straight, you don't have to sell that, am I not right?
My love goes out to The Brazilians. I heard about the fire and I am thinking about all of you.
10:36 AM - 27 Jan 13 · Details
Austin can be a class act. He tweeted that after learning of this fire.
julianne @keepitlovato
@AUS10NICHOLS did you hear what happened in Brazil? Night club fire left 245 dead. ): #PrayForSantaMaria
10:18 AM - 27 Jan 13 · Details
Marina Kool @marinakool2
@AUS10NICHOLS please pray for the victims and their families ):
10:20 AM - 27 Jan 13 · Details
Lucilla Turrini @LucillaTurrini
@AUS10NICHOLS Pray for the families of 230 young people who died this morning in a fire at a nightclub in Brazil. #PrayForSantaMaria
10:44 AM - 27 Jan 13 · Details
Very proud of Austin for taking time and such quick action to tweet to his Brazilian fans.
Seems like the story of Jake rolling with a baby in tow brought out the troll. Panic at the thought of reality making an appearance.
Why do they have to make these boys out to be some of the biggest whores that walked the planet? Their management would rather they be portrayed as being literally led by their divining rods from bed to bed to bed to bed, then as being serious about their careers. Sure they would have their sex lives behind the scenes but do you really have to spill every single lurid detail as what their mgmt is doing?
You mean you don't believe Harry Styles slept with 410 women in one year?! C'mon PG. Stop being such a wet blanket.
On the other hand, there are lots of female examples like Anna Paquin, Drew Barrymore or Evan Rachel Wood (but notice how even those actresses are all married to men now) so their personal declarations are not exactly cutting edge/revelatory stuff.)
^^ humm, What a good observation you have there. Guess what, it's only because in our society "ONLY" Women can be and ARE accepted as bisexual! Oh, forgot one other thing, they have to be pretty feminine women at that.
Those women are married to the opposite sex (Men) because they want to be married to men. They have a sexual attraction to women also and have or (may have) acted out physically/sexually with another woman in the past or, when they feel the need, by themselves or with their husbands. This (IS) what bisexual people do.
In our society they can be NO bisexual Man. Everyone here on this blogs claims to be open, tolerant and accepting of a person's sexual identity but, not anyone here accepts a bisexual male. Thus the reason many, not all, but many stay closeted, get married, have familys and do the dirty sneaking around with men. These masculine non feminine, non stereotypical men know that they all will be cast as gay and only gay by 99% of the masses if caught.
They do exist, trust me on that.
Yes, some may be gay, but if they have sex with women most of the time, what is that? The actress known to be bi have sex with men most of the time because they are, What - (Married to them). So, why is this so hard to phathom when it comes to men doing the same thing?
But, it is (their fault) to be catagorized by others because they Won't Stand UP, Speak out and be proud like their bisexual counterparts, or just as totally GAY people have done. So until then, the bisexual male will stay underground and deny everthing while still being put into the gay in the closet catagory by straights and gays.
They've got this whole thing backwards. If you're straight, you don't have to sell that, am I not right?
Exactly! When it comes to 1D the only one that Modest! does not constantly plant outrageous stories about their sexual exploits with women is Niall Horan. That might just be significant in and of itself. It would be funny if 4/5s of One Direction are gay.
Okay, I'm not sure what that bisexual nonsense is about. The whole point is that if you are a bisexual male in Hollywood you don't need to play the game because you can easily date starlets, get married have a traditional family life and enjoy the peen on the side. If, however, you are gay, your PR team needs to go out of their way to portray your image as that of a womanizer, a sex addict, someone who has to be splashed across the TV screen and tabloids constantly as a reminder that they really are straight.
I disagree - bisexual men need beards. Asexual men need beards. Gay men need beards. Even unattached straight men need beards.
If you are an actor and want to be an A-list leading man, you need the minivan mom drivers in Ohio to clamor to see your movies and lust after you. That means your life needs to have a certain narrative, and straight + committed is as good as that narrative gets for a leading man in his 30s-50s. Throw in some kids and you've got an Oscar campaign.
Otherwise, what are you going to talk about in all those promotional interviews - your "craft?"
Jake lacks the narrative at the moment, but oh he aspires! Does he ever aspire. Still looking for that perfect woman, still can't wait to have all those kids.
If the narrative doesn't exist, you have to improvise.
^^ good point 8:02. I agree.
Okay, 20:02, you've had your say. You've been allowed to speak your thoughts.
Now it's probably time to move along and go find a blog where there are more people who share your enthusiasm for CallMeMaybeBi Jake searching for the perfect woman.
You have worn out your welcome here and I have bitten my polite tongue for far too long.
8:17 is 8:02 is the same horn that was blowing yesterday.
All the same person. Now go home.
Wow, does Neil Patrick Harris ever age? Geez!
And has Alec Baldwin colored the top of his hair for a role or is he serious? lol
I think Alec's new wife, might have had something to do with him tweaking a few things.
The whole Bi thing has come back around I see. Looks like someone who used to bring that argument here to OMG more than a few years ago.
After all this time and all the mentions of Jake/Toothy - all then allude to him being gay. There would be no reason for all the smoke and mirrors over the past 7 years, or 10+ for that matter.
Nice try - but I think it's time for you to go bye. (No pun intended)
"tweaking". lol. Special, you're always so perfectly diplomatic, love it.
So he was trending on twitter and some of the comments were pretty funny.
Tonight I realized I've been mispronouncing Liev Schreiber's name. I've been saying it like it's "leave" but the announcers are pronouncing it like it's two syllables. I like how he rushed down to help Julianne Moore up the stairs.
That is most definitely a very unsafe situation the SAG awards have with those stairs and no railing to hold onto. With so many ladies in long, tight dresses and high heels, why don't they install a ramp instead?
A ramp would be so much safer instead of slippery steps. Why invite a possible accident when you don't have to? #SafetyFirst
A truly bisexual man who is in a committed relationship with someone of the opposite sex is not going to need some peek on the side. Bisexuals are attracted to both men and women, but it doesn't mean that they are incapable of settling down with one person.
If you are comparing bisexual men and women in Hollywood, the only difference really is that the men are not admitting it, but like the women they arein relationships with the opposite sex.
Only gay men would need a man on the side.
I agree with the belief that an ambitious and bisexual Hollywood actor doesn't need a beard because he is attracted to women and can settle down (settle for) a marriage of convenience, without having to deceive the public. He can also easily hook up with women who he is attracted to and look believable doing so because he actually is attracted to women. The plain fact is that Jake does not fall into this category at all.
I also agree, that if he wants to, a bisexual man can still fool around on the side with another man (on the down-low) and satisfy himself that way (if he feels the need to) while also keeping his career in order and continue to move up to bigger and better roles.
Someone who is gay, however, has to sell his soul to climb up the latter so he needs a beard by his side to make people think he is something he's not. Frankly, very few ambitious people in Hollywood are monogamous regardless of their sexual preferences so the argument that bisexual men don't have to fool around may be technically true but, in practice, is far from reality.
Okay, 20:02, you've had your say. You've been allowed to speak your thoughts.
Now it's probably time to move along and go find a blog where there are more people who share your enthusiasm for CallMeMaybeBi Jake searching for the perfect woman.
You have worn out your welcome here and I have bitten my polite tongue for far too long.
Um that is the only comment I left today. Yesterday I made a comment about the PR-planted hints I have noticed lately that Jake is dating civilians which wasn't responded to by anyone.
I did not say, nor imply, nor do I personally think that Jake is bisexual. I presume Jake is gay. I don't have any idea if he is married to Austin or how many children he has and I don't have much of an opinion on that.
My comment was mostly sarcastic and entirely about how the game of putting out a particular narrative to please the masses is played in entertainment. I brought Jake into it because even though he is not in a bearding relationship these past few years, he is still careful to keep up that narrative by dropping tidbits in interviews about looking for the right woman, etc.
I have no idea how my comment was so misconstrued, but whatever. All I know is that anytime I participate on here I am shut out and told to go away.
SO back to lurking...
10:04, you know PG likes running things and loves to spew out demands and chastise others. Must be something about her past, well, she is who she is.
Nobody's is saying or has said that Jake is bi. So the Jake is gay crew should really calm down, this especially means you PG.
They are the ones that yell "Somebody's gettin nervous". LOL
Every time the word bisexual or someone thinks Jake or Austin may (God forbid, Like a Woman, Female, person of the opposite Sex) the troops come a running to put out the fire and dispell any idea of such a thing.
^^ the above comment was for 10:24
Just for the record, my comment was not directed at anyone in particular. But, someone's pretty darn defensive, I see. Although, now that you mention it, I do not agree with this statement at all:
In our society they can be NO bisexual Man. Everyone here on this blogs claims to be open, tolerant and accepting of a person's sexual identity but, not anyone here accepts a bisexual male.
Seems like you are the one making ridiculous and incorrect assumptions about bloggers here.
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