We're 4!!!! Four years old!
When you start something you never no how long it will go on. One thing about OMG - is how much it keeps giving back.
Whew! Being three was busy!
Discovering that Jake and Austin together before TDAT at Club Lotus, Austin going to a the Motor City, and getting Rocky Mountain high in place called Leadville with his favorite runner.
Family trucksters and scruffy drivers wandering the Hills of Beverly.
Backpacks, backpacks, backpacks. Surf's up and suits (halfway) down, Frequent Fliers,
Jake - Ambassadorship of Food. First Performances in Pajamas on the front lawn. Austin worrying about his boobs and before we found him to be a Triple Nipple threat. Just Julian and The J Bra. Bobble.
It was Purple not Pink. "Sprinted down the red carpet ... giggling."
Getting hard on LaOD and taking it all off. The Crazy Tree keeps going.
OMG'ers see Jake in New York. G-man grows a beard, loses it, gains a beard and dumps it. Putting on the dog, epic high -fives.
Jake going Bananas, Austin grabbing them. Running around and running (half) marathons. Awards and nominations Green for Austin - Gold for Jake.
Mystery matzo and Shalom Sesame. Giving back through charities. Bikes with pedals, bikes with power.
Austin in DC, Jake in Austin (Texas that is), both in LA - at the same time! Bathrooms are not places for a pictures.
Source Code rolling to success, Beautiful Boy breaking ground.
Indonesia and Iceland. Austin directing tv and another movie for screen. Photoshopping for posters
switcheroos Bonnaroo.and Photoshoped or not? (oh Grace!)
Runaway Railroad Tours with horns. Taking it off, walking the beat, and watching the Watch. Farmers Markets. Grand Marshaling and moving mishegas marketing.
Men and their fondness of Anchors.
Burning bridges and making dates (nights).
Palm Springs and things Jake loves to lick. Baby, Baby, Baby. (sing it Beiber)
Jake goes Wild,
PoP popped, Drugs dropped and Source Code beat the hop in DVDs.
Haircut 100 (well maybe a little less between them). And the Twitter talking Texan with naughty hardware, threesomes, Brazilians, TSA screening, tees, shout outs, breadcrumbs and anvils.
For four years, there's been OMG, everyday there's been a new post, a new song but one thing remained the same - Jake with Austin - Austin with Jake.
Thank you to all of you friend who come and share and helped make OMG little bit older and a little bit wiser. And definitely a lot of fun.
Aug 12, 2007
Ready Set Go
"Jake seriously, I don't think that's what they had in mind when they said beard."
Overheard in Chilmark
How else do you celebrate but with Strawberry Shortcake.
4 years of loons and still going strong. Congrats <3
^And you're still here. Who's the loon now?
Question : How long are you willing to wait?
I'm ashamed. I'm ashamed that the first comment on Special's 4 year anniversary post is from an internet troll.
Sorry, Special. You deserve so, so much better than that.
Congratulations, Special! Still going stronger than ever. I bet you can't believe it's been 4 years. 3 for me!! Cannot believe it.
You're incredible.
We all should be ashamed of ourselves for that first stupid comment. And am I about to go on a rant? Yeah, I am.
Because this lady is doing us a great service but do lurkers give any acknowledgement? Any word of thanks even just once a year? No, everyone just keeps looking, getting on every day or every other day, all year round, checking in, seeing what's going on, reading the Out Spotlights, reading the daily posts, getting their information. And then getting off and going on to the next.
And leaving absolutely no tip on the table.
Some people have no idea, no idea whatsoever the amount of work, the amount of dedication Special has given to this blog. Do we ask her to? No. But do we all partake in it? Better believe it.
How hard is it to pop in, use a made up name and say thanks just one time for 365 days of putting up a daily post that we all can enjoy. Thanks for letting everyone speak their mind and unload. In a cyber world where people purge their blogs/journals all the time and they're gone forever, just a word of thanks for keeping it alive.
Until you try to put together a post like Special does every day, writing it up, uploading the pictures after searching & searching for the right ones, typing the links, and monitoring for nonsense & vulgarities, you can't have a clue how much work it is.
Special will shove you off the phone just so she can work on the post in the midnight hour, LOL. Yup, she sure will. There's no day off. She's bound & determined to get one up every day, not taking a day off. She lets people (like myself) rant & go on a verbal bender and while she may rant & rave about it in her house, she doesn't do it here on the blog. That's how classy she is.
This woman is incredibly witty, talented, and clever. She has a memory of a steel trap.
And I don't know that Austin & Jake realize how lucky they are to have Special in their corner. Someone who will bare their teeth in their defense. I think Special would defend these guys to their own mothers! Believe me, I think we all have felt the brush of those teeth. lol
Cheers to you, Special.
lol. She doesn't exactly shove you off the phone. She very politely, albeit a little harriedly tells you that she needs to get off so she can work on the post.
Goodness me PG, you make it sound like someone is holding a gun to Special's head and forcing her to do this blog. Get a grip. If Special was insulted by that first comment she could have, you know, deleted it.
Congratulations Special!!!!!!
Thank you for four years of hard work, interesting Out Posts, and most of all, the laughs.
Hey I have a lot of fun doing the blog, and just like the postoffice - thru rain, sleet, or snow .. or even bad internet connections there will be a post. Although sometimes you don't want to get in the way of me getting a post out. : D
Now for some fun - Has anyone seen John Stamos' Guide to Cuddling?
John Stamos' Guide to Cuddling
Goodness me PG, you make it sound like someone is holding a gun to Special's head and forcing her to do this blog. Get a grip. If Special was insulted by that first comment she could have, you know, deleted it.
First of all, it's Prairie Girl.
Second of all, note my sentence:
Do we ask her to? No. But do we all partake in it? Better believe it.
Please keep up. Oh, and don't dig down in the pockets too far for that change either.
LOLLLLL!! Oh man, that video was hilarious. It took me a long time to realize that was Bob Saget.
Cracked me up when he had his arm pinned behind his back. And his huge boxers. LOL
I bet Jake & Austin could probably do their own version of a snuggle/cuddlefest.
You know I've been just waiting for this one, Special.....
Dear jake gyllenhaal, can you please come into mcdonalds more often? thaaanks, love ryan.
54 minutes ago
This tweet is good tweet too.
Hélène Loiseleux
@AUS10NICHOLS I'm still looking for one of my favorite actors here: Jake Gyllenhaal, do you know if he has a twitter account ?
24 Jul via Twitter for iPhone
Happy Birthday OMG! Special is a class act, for sure, and I do love and appreciate her humor, creativity and patience, and rose colored outlook. She never misses a day's post, and Iook forward to the Out Spotlights every Sunday. Great pics and memories of the past year, and boy, I love that Vanity Fair cover of Jake's!
If nothing else, Love & Other Drugs gave us great nekkid Jake screencaps. I'll give it that. LOL!
I love all of these pictures, especially the two of little jake & little austy.
But my favorite, I swear, is that little green elf/sprite that looks just like Jake!! LOLLLL!!! I love that little guy. He looks just like Jake. I think it's the glasses.
Agree, Borealis! And has Good Times by Chic ever sounded better?
Is there a borealis tonight? Isn't that an astronomy occurance?
I am dogsitting this weekend and am keeping watch over crazy little Maizie and Kirby, the wieners. So right now I'm working on my story and I needed to mention that Alma is dating some "fella by the name o' Monroe or somethin'." And I wondered what Monroe's last name was in the movie or if that was his last name but everyone just called him Monroe.
Anyway, I can't find anything other than his name is just Monroe. lol. And so in IMBD, it mentions Monroe's big speaking part and he's in the store when Ennis comes in looking for Alma and Monroe tells him that she's in the condiment aisle. And Ennis says "What?" And Monroe tells him she's where the ketchup is. LOLLLL!! I never realized that. Of course, no surprise since I usually tuned out any scene with Alma in it. lol.
That's funny.
Yes, but it's not in the sky tonight, if you can stay up, tonight is peak time for the Perseid meteor shower. I always miss it every year, and I'm going to try again to watch it at 2 am tonight! :)
I'm not sure about Monroe's last name either, I don't know if they mentioned it? I like that scene too, very cute (at first, anyway), with the girls in his arms.
4 years? It seems like just yesterday I made it to this wonderful site. Can't begin to explain how much fun I've had here. Could not live without it. Thanks so much Special for all your hard work and the friendships that have evolved from it. Special, Destiny, PG, Tom, M&M and Roma count as close friends now, even if we are 1000s of miles apart.
As for the troll, I look at the glass half full rather than half empty. she or he is here every day, every minute actually, and hangs on every syllable. That spells success to me. OMG has had impact. Major impact. When people hang on your every word. Ted, Jake and Austin have all displayed signs of dropping by. What more could you.want? Well, maybe for them to come out finally. And some more deviled eggs .
EliNorton Elizabeth Nieves
Jake Gyllenhaal and Edward Norton should make a baby.
17 minutes ago
@jamiecarson Jamie Carson
Guess who's on the set of End of Watch with Jake Gyllenhaal? My fiancé!! So proud of him #he'snotevenanactor!!! (he's a firefighter)
42 minutes ago via Twitterrific
Happy B-day, fellow OMGers! I have only been around for a little over a year, but everyone has embraced me as if I were a part of the team from the very beginning. I have to say that a better group of people one could never find.
Like the Energizer Bunny, Special's posts continue on and on, and have remained consistently imaginative, incisive, fun, and without qualification, indelible. There have been beards, marriages, and newborns of all kinds. And, let's not forget Tortuga, Big Sur, Treehouses, necklaces, rings, watches, and most of all the great Big Love that has endured and expanded in many ways. A love that will hopefully never grow old and continue to bring us together.
Thanks, Special. Here's to many more years together as friends and inquisitive collaborators.
Happy Anniversary OMG and all OMGers. My buddies.
Great work SK. Your faith and persistance is amazing. Thanks for all your hard work. Hope your dreams come true.
Jake medical building
Just Jared
Boy, Jake looking very happy and youthful in the JJ pictures. He looks very "bright".
He always does look great in a white T.
Very happy for him on the Source Code dvd sales. I have one!!!! I haven't watched but about 15 min. of it but I have it!!! lol
I also want to say Happy Birthday to Special and to everyone as well! Prairie Girl's lovely heart felt congratulations and thank you card says everything we feel so beautifully. Thank you for that PG!
And I love "Hey Troll"'s comment too. It does boggle my mind that the negative posters here feel it is somehow their duty (as if they are a lecturing father or mother figure) to spend real time commenting and reading each post here carefully so's to make a sarcastic comment about persons who participate on the blog (which they may deny all they want but the trolls are participants here as well).
I and others wish Special would simply delete every single troll post but she is a big believer in freedom of speech. Drat that first amendment, article 19!
The contradiction and hypocrisy of the trolls, who give the blog far more of their energy and time than they'd ever be equipped emotionally or intellectually to admit, amazes. The thought to simply use their time elsewhere or to fully participate on other blogs that support their viewpoints does not occur to them I suppose.
If their posts were mindful in tone I think I and others would find them acceptable even if they did not support what the majority here believe. It is the unmindful tone that is inexcusable.
So let's raise our glasses of champagne to Special for never faltering and providing us with beautifully written essays and posts, many laughs and her precious time. And here's to her ability to detach fully from the trolls and negativists' slings and arrows in the name of freedom of speech to continue to do what she believes in.
I too am very happy about SOURCE CODE's success world wide. Hopefully it will lead to more interesting, more complex roles being offered to Jake.
For the :) commenter.
Because of strong freedom of speech beliefs that Special has such negative, sarcastic comments are allowed to be posted here.
It is a big more serious a consideration than your oft-sarcastic comments are taking in.
And anyone posting sarcastic or hurtful comments here can also, you know, not do so and also, you know, not post them here.
Yuri Lowenthal
My favorite part about this shirt? How wrong I feel when I wear it to temple. #contrastisthebetterpartofblasphemy yfrog.com/h3orxvfj
2 hours ago
Jason Charles Miller
@YuriLowenthal You should wear your fez with it, really throw people off!
2 hours ago
in reply to ↑
Yuri Lowenthal
@jasoncmiller But last time I did that, I humiliated myself in front of Jake Gyllenhaal... #andintheyesofthelord #thedarklord
17 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone
Thanks again for the kind thoughts and wishes!
From the tweets from Yuri you're not sure if Jake was in temple when Yuri donned his fez, or he was out and about with his chapeau.
Wearing his Jesus is my Boss shirt to temple reminds me of a friend of mine who got a Piggly Wiggly t-shirt when we were in South Carolina. I dared her to wear the "I'm big on the Pig" shirt home for Rosh Hashana.
I'm trying it again , how long are you willing to wait ? And what are you going to do when Jake and/or Austin are going to get married to women . Because that's what's going to happen.
From the tweets from Yuri you're not sure if Jake was in temple when Yuri donned his fez, or he was out and about with his chapeau.
Yuri was at the breakfast place same time Jake was. Couple of months ago? That's the fez incident he refers to.
Realist, why do you care?
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