Joe D's tweet gives OMG a great reminder to flashback to look at Daddy on Duty.
Handled it like a pro. Who'da thunk. ; )
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Hop on Pop
Posted by
Special K
4:26 PM
Labels: Austin, Daddy, The Crazy Tree
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Well now... isn't that just more than enough to warm the cockles of your friggin heart!!!
You don't just pick up the natural ability to know how to handle kids like this, without some practical experience.
Thats hot. I wanna get dirty with daddy:-)
found the original and the sighting that accompanied it said...
Psst, OMG, that's not Austin in that pic with Jake in Paris taken through the cafe window.
How the h$ll do you know. Were you there?
Jake and co-star Melanie L. on set
Just Jared Post
From Ted's Awful Truth:
Adam Levine on the cover of Details
"There's two kinds of men. There are men who are f--king misogynist pigs," Adam bluntly reveals in the interview. "And then there are men who just really love women, who think they're the most amazing people in the world. And that's me."
"One of my theories on why I'm so capable of understanding women is that after my parents split, my mom moved in with her brother's ex-wife—my aunt—who was also newly single," Adam tells the magazine. "Plus my cousin, who's more like my sister, and my brother, Michael, who we eventually find out is gay. Just the estrogen alone...You know when you're 14 and terrified to talk to a girl? I didn't suffer much from that. It seemed very natural to me to talk to girls."
What was that again, Levine?
Hey, Adam, here's an idea. How about taking out some billboards now to proclaim your immense love for women?
lol. You know what? In all my years of going to school/college with, being with, working with, hanging with straight men, I just don't recall any of them making a point to make sure I understood that they just loved women! I don't recall any of them poking me in the chest and saying "Hey! I LOVE women!!! And do you know why I just absolutely love women? Well, here's why..."
They didn't have to tell me, you see. They just went about their business and it was obvious. They didn't have to tell anybody. Get the drift?
But you know, you could write a song about it instead, Latrine. Oh wait! You're already a songwriter. That's what you do. **slaps forehead**. I forgot. Silly me.
How the h$ll do you know. Were you there?
Go on, click on it, make it bigger if you dare. That's not Austin.
The date of that pic was May 19, 2007, at a place called La Fromagerie 31, 64 Rue de Seine, Paris. The folks that took that picture blogged about it:
We hung around the 6th and had lunch at a resto called Atlas and then later had cheese at La Fromagerie 31", where we had a celebrity siting. Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal were eating there too...
While the blog has since been deleted there are still traces of it around the internet.
Go on, click on it, make it bigger if you dare. That's not Austin.
"If you dare"?? What is this, grade school? LOL, good grief. if you dare
Jaustin does not ride on one picture. Jake and Austin are still married. Jake and Austin still have children. I'm sorry. I don't need to click on this picture to know what I know.
Yeah who the heck cares if that is Austin or not. I dont remember any big noise being made about that being Austin. Lets go with what we know. Ain't no doubt in H@ll that was Austin in Leadville. Just blow the picture up and take a bite out of that sexy earlobe.
By the way, Jake was never seen in Paris with Reese in 2007. But, we certainly know Jake and Austin were very much a couple back then. Jake was not deep in the closet at all.
Hey PG,
I got a question for you... you had mention the boys of One Direction the other day...I know nothing about them...
What is the theory about them, if you don't mind explaining it to me?
Reese was not with Jake in that Paris pic. You can click all you want. Enlarge it all you want. Austin was over in Europe at the same time as Jake was in Paris and he was not working at the time. Same was true one year later in 2008. Austin made sure to be seen at the Espy Awards on July 15th, but no one saw him right before or afterwards. In fact, he was not seen again until September 2008. Another coincidence was that Austin was in Italy at the exact same time Jake was filming in Morocco. Embiggen that one.
I remember PR was leaking stories in May 2007 that Reese had snuck over to Paris to be with her honey. Yet, no pics at all. Not one. That's because Austin was over there with Jake and they wanted to distract. Make sure everyone thought Jake was "normal."
Hey PG,
I got a question for you... you had mention the boys of One Direction the other day...I know nothing about them...
What is the theory about them, if you don't mind explaining it to me?
I'm sorry but I'm not sure who you are and yet you call me Hey PG. My alarm's going off.
Why is your alarm going off?
Thanks for the info. I did not know anything about them. It sounds interesting, at least the tidbit you gave does. I will check out the link that you provided.
SK turn off the darn Celtics game and delte :-)
Why is your alarm going off?
Thanks for the info. I did not know anything about them. It sounds interesting, at least the tidbit you gave does. I will check out the link that you provided.
I'm sorry, I just have to be careful. If you're truly sincere, I hope you do check out their story. There is just a ton of information out there on the internet. Thanks for asking. I wish I didn't have to be so suspicious all the time now but I do.
I am most definitely sincere. I have heard about One Direction but never thought anything of them. I thought your comment about them was interesting. Everything I seem to be reading now is very elaborate.... Just trying to figure out the information about their Paris trip.
They seem like the genuinely like each other.
I had heard of them and all I knew was that they were a popular boy pop group, very hot right now. That was it.
And then a friend happened to mention the story behind Louis and Harry to me and sent me a few tumbler links and wow.
Then I searched on DataLounge and you can find a 600-comment thread about them. You've got to dig through some early misgivings on the thread but as you get through it, a lot of the attitudes start to shift and there are people on there who seem pretty familiar with what's going on.
I'll just say this as people draw their own conclusions. I think what I'm seeing is love in its earliest, purest form. You see the way these two guys look at each other and it just makes me smile. That's the best way I can put it.
And it is sad to read about management stepping in and trying to come between them, tone things down, and bring in what sounds to be a beard.
Well, time to hit the ol' hay. Big busy day at work tomorrow, gee can't wait.
Oh, and let's have a safety moment. No, it's not Jake this time, lol.
It's his female co-star in the JJ pics. Eyes on path, people! Eyes on path. See how she's intently staring at her phone screen. What's worse is she's not even on flat pavement. She's walking on earthy ground, which could be uneven in spots with divots or there could be a twig or some other kind of trip hazard. I think she has on wedge heels which even further facilitates the risk for a moment of imbalance.
You're just asking for a slip, trip or fall. I know we're all tempted to stare at our phones all the time but you've got to watch where you are walking. Is it worth a sprained ankle?
Eyes on Path!!!
Jake and Austin are still married. Jake and Austin still have children. I'm sorry. I don't need to click on this picture to know what I know.
just as jerseytom asked the poster, Were YOU there PG? NO! You have never been there. What you think you know is a mirage and wishful thinking on YOUR part.
I'll say it again, NO you were not there in any of the sitings you claim to know about of J/A being together, hell, most of the time the time line of J/A being together is (made up) with conspiracys and wishful thinking by you and SK. Then, the choir takes the baton and runs with it then start *Singing* the "Truth Song":. Goodness gracious.
Talk about seeing thru Rose Colored Glasses with tunnel vision. Whewwwww
Besides, your choirs hymms are getting predictable, calculating and boring with you and Special alternating as lead vocalist.
Can JerseyTom sing lead sometimes?
Again, No you were not there and have never benn there PG.
Those One Direction guys aren't gay and in love with each other, they are young and British and feel no shame about being affectionate with each other. It's the exact same thing that happened with the Lord of the Rings cast. Attractive guys get a large female and gay fanbase and a subsection of those fanbases interpret their affection as proof that they are in a relationship.
And just like the LotR tinhats before them, the Larry Stylinson shippers have headed over to Datalounge where they can be anonymous and pretend to be secret insiders and angst out at the evil PR/management forcing the boys to be apart. It also allows them to hate on the girlfriends under the guise of being pro-gay. If it hasn't started already you can look forward to hearing that they're being gay and in a relationship is an open secret in Hollywood/England/the record industry, that they are wearing special rings/T-shirts/ties/socks that secretly indicate they are in a relationship and that one or both of the guys are reading the Datalounge thread and are gaining strength from the support of their "true fans". Expect a minimum of 8 Livejournal communities to spring up all with insiders who know the truth about their forbidden love, which will over time collapse in on themselves as the popularity of the band declines and the guys keep on dating women. Eventually you'll be left with a small handful of hardcore believers who will cling to their ship despite any and all evidence to the contrary up to and including numerous reports of them sleeping with women, marriages to women and even fathering babies. John Travolta and Tom Cruise will be mentioned frequently despite the vast differences in their situations.
Oh yes, I do know, 23:10. Sorry!
Now talk to the hand.
On the way home tonight, friend and I were stopped at the light and this she points and says look at the little goose family. Proud Pop was standing guard and Mother Goose leading the way. And then one of the littlest geese tried to catch up, we were both squeeing over the cuteness of it all. And she knows nothing about the family Goose.
Those One Direction guys aren't gay and in love with each other, they are young and British and feel no shame about being affectionate with each other.
Boy, according to the trolls around here nobody is gay. Jake and Austin are a no brainer and so is this Louis and Harry pairing. Men do not go googly eyed over one another. Nor, do they touch intimately like these guys do.
A large portion of people in the arts are gay or bisexual Yet, somehow, there is always an excuse why someone is not gay. Jake was just experimenting. Harry and Louis are just British. John Travolta really did just want a rub down. Geesh. You give yourself away every time, Trollie. I'll call it what it is. You are a homophobe. There's been no wishful thinking over these past five years. It is obvious that Jake and Austin are together. Whether you like it or not. The only question left is whether they will have the guts to come out of the closet.
Off topic, but I watched Beginners this evening. Very touching movie, sad but hopeful. Great performances. We don't do movie discussions anymore, but that would be a good one to discuss sometime.
I hav enot heard One Direction sing - just havent taken the time to listen, but I love the way those two look at each other. eye contact means everything.
Some new pics on IHJ from the set. In some Jake has just a t-shirt on and there is a pulling right where his hidden ring lies.
A large portion of people in the arts are gay or bisexual
Come now, You know dang well men are Never bisexual.
(wink wink) lol
There have never been any acceptance of any male star being bisexual by fans, male or female, and deffinately no acceptance by gay males.
Note: If so, the male stars who marry, have girlfriends, had girlfriends, when the rumors start about the bisexual thing, there would be no backlash. But we know how that works. Every man who with bi rumors always have to be gay but the masses. Nothing else. Then gay males will always throw out, "I can tell a gay man - we know one when we see one - there was always rumors" etc. etc. You know only women can be bi and accepted. You know that.
So real M, please think before you type and make bisexual statements that pretain to the male gender.
DOMA Ruled Unconstitutional by Federal Appeals Court
Proud Pop was standing guard and Mother Goose leading the way. And then one of the littlest geese tried to catch up.
This is the cutest thing, isn't it? Like little children. Mom or Pop nudging them along is adorable too. :)
please think before you type and make bisexual statements that pretain to the male gender.
Why don't you take your own advice and think before you type? Your comment lacked basic sentence structure.
If you're going to come here and argue, you're going to have to be able to present your comment in a comprehensible structure.
I think when a man falls in love with another man and decides to have children with them, it's a pretty good cinch that they are gay. Jake is gay. No ifs, ands or buts. Why you find that so hard to accept says something more about you than Jake. If Jake were truly bisexual he would have found himself a woman and started having babies by now. And, certainly, would not need beards.
So by your deffinition 1:59, a bi male cannot stay single, date and have sex with women and men?
Read the deffinition of bisexual then we can talk.
Do bisexual women have to find a man and have children? NO! They can and most do, they even get married to men, but they don't have to.
Ofcourse you believe every women Jake or Austin is seen with is a beard because it helps with your argument. Are you with them 24/7? NO!
My point axactly.
Your argument is: Say it is, and it's truth. Don't work like that, Sorry.
Please don't entertain the troll.
This exact same argument, complete with capping at people, has been conducted time and time again on WFT2.
OMG will not be turned into WFT2.
Please don't entertain the troll.
This exact same argument, complete with capping at people, has been conducted time and time again on WFT2.
OMG will not be turned into WFT2.
Still want to be the lead vocalist of the choir huh PG?
Running things abit huh.
Oh, I knew the plenty of the anon postings over there were from you. LMAO They can pinpoint your writing style anywhere. Not fooling anyone.
Since I have nothing new to offer about Jake and Austin, I thought I would chime in about the One Direction boys. My youngest niece adores this new boy band and there is no doubt that the homoeroticism is not lost on their young fans. Many are very upset with what they see as the Music Industry trying to kill off any hint that they are lovers. Just like with Jake and Austin, Management would rather their clients be considered shallow serial daters, sluts, promiscuous cads, and immoral reprobates than, heaven forbid, GAY! I love how the handlers are trying to suggest that kissing, sleeping in the same bed while cuddling up to one another, spending Valentine’s Day together, and holding hands while out in public are all just “bromance” things that British guys do. *Rolls eyes twice* These young fans are not stupid and I hope they can keep the pressure on to prevent this band’s blood sucking entourage from turning them into something unnatural and wrong. They are beautiful to watch and like my niece says, “I’ll never have a chance with them anyway so who cares?" She went on to say that just knowing this kind of love is possible, is partly why she thinks this group is so great.
Like some have suggested this is déjà vu all over again and I hope this younger generation refuses to buckle like Jake and Austin crumbled. My niece told me that One Direction’s Management is trying to buy up photos and videos as well as try to edit compromising interviews that appear out of nowhere on the Internet, but they can’t keep up with social media, the great video capability of cell phones, and YouTube. As we might suspect, so many of their female fans simple don’t care and, in fact are actually turned on by Larry Stylinson, thinking that the boys are a breath of fresh air in a pretty stale and manufactured world.
Just for fun, here’s a quick video I thought I would share with everyone. It brought a smile to my face when I saw it. Unlike with Jake, where fans and the press are unable to ask him any kind of meaningful questions, these guys are still able to truly interact with their supporters in an honest way. The young girl simply asks Harry, “Are you and Louis dating.” The look and answer is beautiful to see.
Larry Stylinson Romance
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