Austin might not have made it to Derby Day, but could have fooled some people with Tom Brady.
And it isn't the first time someone saw the resemblance.
"we do remember meeting Nichols at the premiere of his most recent flick, "Glory Road." We stopped to talk to him because he was so tall and handsome, and for no other reason. He admitted to us that he was the only person in the movie who wasn't good at basketball.
"I lied and told them I was a basketball player," he giggled, as we swooned. "I am a terrible basketball player."
We then told him that if they ever made a movie about Tom Brady, he should play him in the lead role. This comment thereby exhausted all of our sports knowledge.
We eavesdropped as he chatted with someone else nearby, who asked him what his favorite recent movie was.
"Brokeback Mountain," he grinned. We gripped a nearby publicist for support. "I can’t think of any other love story that got me so..." and then he trailed off." Source
We always knew Austin was "fashion forward", but is he so ahead that him years ago is he the fashion inspiration for Tommy now?
Last night at The Met Ball Tom's hair looked a lot like Austin's 'do in Italian Vogue.
And then some fashion in black & white.
And how about a tall one this Two Wheel Tuesday?
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Fashion Derby
Posted by
Special K
7:24 PM
Labels: Austin, Brady Man, Fashion, Fashion Sharped Dress Man, Funky Couture, Tom Brady, Two Wheel Tuesday
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So sad to hear the Maurice Sendak passed away.
Here's to all who still let the wild rumpuses start.
I loved Stephen Colbert's brilliant interview with M. Sendak back in February. Very funny. Based on the inspiration of the exchange, Colbert wrote a children's book entitled, "I Am a Pole (And So Can You!)" On the cover is a quote from Sendak, "The Sad Thing is, I Like It." Tom Hanks signed up to do the audio book. All proceeds to be donated to, for homeless veterans.
Colbert: Every Celebrity is out there cashing in on children's books and I want in. What does it take for a celebrity to make a successful book?"
Sendak: "You've started already by being an idiot."
A wonderful cumudgeon who will be missed for his candor and his creative gifts, both in narrative and visual form.
Jake needs to pay his PR team more money:
Brad Pitt Saves An Extra on the Set of world War Z – August 27, 2011
Ryan Gosling Saves Woman From Getting Hit by NYC Taxi – April 4, 2012
Jake Gyllenhaal Saves Drivers From Parking Fines – April 11, 2012
Mila Kunis Saves Man After Seizure – May 8, 2012
Dustin Hoffman Saves Young Heart Attack Jogger in Hyde Park – May 8, 2012
I loved that interview too Special. Priceless!! It's also the first thing I thought of when I learned he had died.
Interesting about John Travolta, wonder if he'll wiggle out of this one.
Well, sadly NC has passed the anti-gay marriage amendment, it's so broad that even unmarried couples won't have rights. Not that it would have made a difference, but it would have been nice for Austin, who spent so much time working there, to say something against the amendment.
Hard to believe Travolta would be that stupid. Not sure where these two massage guys worked but normally most men for men massage ads mean one thing SEX. So why would they be so upset and if they were escorts I think they would be afraid of being arrested. I am sure that could be easily proved. If the guys were working for a legit massage compamy no way Travolta would do what they said he did.
Nationally, roughly half of all Americans say they support allowing same-sex couples to marry. A newly released Gallup poll puts the split at 50% in favor, 48% opposed. A Pew Research Center poll released two weeks ago had a similar 47%-43% division.
Both of those national surveys, as well as polls done by other organizations, reflect a sharp jump in recent years in support for same-sex marriage. In 2004, for example, Pew found Americans opposed gay marriage by a nearly 2-1 margin. Such a large and sudden shift in public opinion on a fundamental issue of social policy is extremely rare and reflects two trends that have overlapped -- younger Americans are far more supportive of same-sex marriage than their elders, and middle-aged Americans have shifted their views.
Actually Dest that was M&M who brought up the interview Sendak had with Colbert.
Does anyone remember the NY Times article about Sendak soon after the loss of his partner. He really was affected by that.
I believe where there's smoke, there's fire.
All it takes is one time to mess up. All it takes is one time to let your guard down, one time to have too much to drink, one time to choose the wrong person to do it to, that's it. That's all it takes.
And look how long it took for someone to speak out about the coach of Joe Paterno. There are assaults/battery that happen all the time which go unreported for various reasons.
Just a simple question, is there never a case of a gay man being assaulted or having unwanted attention from another gay man? Is it always taken for granted that sex is a given? Is it always consensual? Does rape never occur between gay men?
I guess we won't know in theses case until they go to court, if they do.
But I'll have to wait for further details before drawing my own conclusion. Hard to believe John T would do it twice but like I said, you just don't know. The kind of closet he is in? Who knows what it might do to a person.
Oops, sorry M and M and Special for mixing you up! Long day.
Amazing how much Austin and Tom Brady look alike. Handsome men for sure.
Travolta has probably been getting more careless. A second masseur? Likely just the start of many more to follow. I feel sorry for his wife though. The loss of a child and now this.
Not only do Austin and Tom look alike, they are built alike. They are both 6'4" and are broad built. Although Tommy does weigh more at 225. And yes Brady admits he has broad hips too.
I do love the quote I put in the post, because of Austin's choice of favorite recent flick.
We eavesdropped as he chatted with someone else nearby, who asked him what his favorite recent movie was.
"Brokeback Mountain," he grinned. We gripped a nearby publicist for support. "I can’t think of any other love story that got me so..." and then he trailed off."
That got him so ??? Oh don't you want to know what the end of that sentence is?
Glory Road had several premiere in Jan 2006, so it was right before the Lakers.
LOL:The Movie didn't do so well.
Miley Cyrus had a movie come out this past weekend. Unfortunately, it had to go up against Marvel’s The Avengers. So how much did it make? Maybe $8 million, like Think Like a Man? Nope. It made $46,500 total, which equals out to $440 per theater.
The Avengers theater average was $47,698. Yeah, let’s just say it’s quite fitting that the film is called LOL. The movie got lost in the shuffle at Lionsgate, getting buried beneath The Hunger Games and What to Expect When You’re Expecting on their priority list. The film was also made back in 2010, so it’s pretty easy to forget about it. And although Lionsgate picked up the 2009-made Cabin in the Woods and released that earlier in the year, LOL didn’t have the word of mouth and critic-love that that film got.
But hey, at least Miley Cyrus is happy
Hey, Al Roker is Live! in Kansas City at the Nichols Fountain!!!! I wish I was off today and could go see.
Cool!!! Him & Stephanie Abrams are talking about the Home City!!!! So neat.
We eavesdropped as he chatted with someone else nearby, who asked him what his favorite recent movie was.
"Brokeback Mountain," he grinned. We gripped a nearby publicist for support. "I can’t think of any other love story that got me so..." and then he trailed off."
That got him so ??? Oh don't you want to know what the end of that sentence is?
That was when those two were still dabbling with coming out. Very sad what they ended up doing. And, I agree with the person who said Austin should have tweeted something about that whole North Carolina legislation to use the State Constitution to openly discriminate. Austin's silence tells me he is very much a coward. And, to think he's doing all this so he can have that thriving career he's got going. I mean not everyone can make $440 per theater for one of their movies. *Snark intended.
Special, every Tuesday now you're hurtin' me. Austin has given up that Two Wheel Tuesday business. He's dropped that like a 50 lb bowling ball.
And it hurts me right in my pocketbook after spending $26.00 + tax +shipping for my #TwoWheelTuesday tote bag. Which I will add I do use practically every day, for what? It carries my stuff to work and also it comes in very handy to carry my ordered office supplies up to their storage destination.
I was carrying it on my shoulder about a week ago and one of our whse supers was right behind me and he was trying to read the name out loud. "Two Wheel what?" I said "Two Wheel Tuesday". I didn't expand any further on it since it is now an obsolete, discontinued, irregular, clearance, Fire Sale, Day Old Bread, Out of Code Date, Red Tag Sale, Expired Product, Everything Must Go tote bag.
I guess he did #TwoWheelTuesday just for the show because boy as soon as OTH was over, boom! That was it for the ol' poor #TwoWheel.
I wish I had known he was going to ditch the PR campaign before I spent my $27.
lol, I'm not bitter about my bag. Not at all. I'm just another sucker'd customer.
Awww. I still love it though. It's extremely sturdy & well made. Attractive.
Now I'm all sad.
Well the good news is he also dumped the fake girlfirend as soon as the show ended too :-)
Not only do Austin and Tom look alike, they are built alike. They are both 6'4" and are broad built.
Since when is Austin 6'4"? He's not. And neither is the guy in that Leadville pic.
Well the good news is he also dumped the fake girlfirend as soon as the show ended too :-)
LOL, you're right on that, buddy!
That is the good news. The bad news is my tote bag is Day Old Tote Bag!!!
And hey, thanks for the doughnut offering up there! LOLLL! Can you make that a Dunkin Donuts Plain Cake, please???? Haven't had one of those in awhile. Loooooove them.
Love today's song, especially the "listen here, cuz" part. :)
E! Online: Is Jake Gyllenhaal Hooking Up With a Twilight Star?!
Gee, a twofer there. I actually don't mind this kind of gushing, to me it's more about the screen appeal.
WASHINGTON -- In a nod to a dramatic shift in public opinion, Barack Obama on Wednesday became the first sitting president to announce his support for same-sex marriage.
In a sit-down interview with ABC's Robin Roberts, Obama completed what has been a markedly long and oft-mocked evolution on the matter.
"I have to tell you that over the course of several years as I have talked to friends and family and neighbors when I think about members of my own staff who are in incredibly committed monogamous relationships, same-sex relationships, who are raising kids together, when I think about those soldiers or airmen or marines or sailors who are out there fighting on my behalf and yet feel constrained, even now that Don't Ask Don't Tell is gone, because they are not able to commit themselves in a marriage, at a certain point I’ve just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same sex couples should be able to get married,” Obama told Roberts, in an interview to appear on ABC’s “Good Morning America” Thursday. Excerpts of the interview will air Wednesday night on ABC’s “World News with Diane Sawyer.”
The statement constitutes an act of political bravery on the president's behalf, as well as a major victory for the gay rights community, which has been pushing him to declare his support for marriage equality for several years. With the issue back in the news this week, the pressure intensified.
You beat me to it, Tom - hooray!
Obama Endorses Gay Marriage
WOW! I really didn't think he'd do this before the election. I just hope it doesn't hurt him come this fall, I'd rather wait a bit than see Romney get in office.
Couldn't be happier about your President's decision regarding support for Gay Marriage!
As soon as I saw the news break on the internet I wanted to come here and share the great news. No doubt this could be a bit of a challenge for him with this November's Election, but once the far-right get their heads spinning, it will become clear through all their hate and sputum how increasingly out of touch they all are with human progress.
I believe this is the right time for all Americans to share in the prospect of equal treatment under the law for all couples, hetero, and gay, and a realization that this is progressive and very much a human rights issue, not something to be decided upon or subject to biblical fanaticism, or religious stance.
For those State Governments that have succumbed to the religious right, and the homophobes, your trampling of basic human rights and dignity, by outlawing gay marriage, have put in place backward legislation thats days that are numbered.
Barak Obama is not a "quick fix" President... no human could be; but this man is the best hope for the USA in my humble Canadian opinion.
LOL about the Kendrick story. Jake is very predictable. Got to give him that. She was one of the trio he used last September to minimize the damage of that whole Las Vegas, Labor Day "romp." The comments on Eonline show how most aren't buying it. Here are the last 4 posts:
Nar Nar Wed, May 9, 2012, 12:44 PM
I heard he was hooking up with Taylor L.
js123 Wed, May 9, 2012, 12:48 PM
Jake hasn't had a "beard" in some time. Now, Kendrick is gushing about their chemistry. Yeah, right. Wouldn't have anything to do with selling tickets would it? Use to like him, now I think he's one of the phoniest people in Hollywood. Where's Grey Goose, Toothy? He must be suffocating in that deep closet of yours. Slow news day is right!
Sims Wed, May 9, 2012, 1:19 PM
Lol the way these stars think they have to beard up to sell tickets. The media is sitting back laughing at another bomb.
Marisa Wed, May 9, 2012, 1:21 PM
After that Talor Swift thing, I will never respect him at all. He should just come out the closet.
Well it's not really a surprise those comments are on the E! site is it? Not the most neutral place to have a discussion about Jake or his costars.
whatever said...
Well it's not really a surprise those comments are on the E! site is it? Not the most neutral place to have a discussion about Jake or his costars.
I doubt there be much differnce in the comments on any site.
Destiny maybe Obama wants the election to be determined on social issues. Polls pretty much show his weakest numbers are on the economy. All in all a majority of Americans now support gay marriage. The only reason for the election last night in NC was that the only meaningful vote was a republican race for some office so a vast majority of voters were republican. The vote should have taken place in Nov. The repubs and the right had that figured out.
I doubt there be much differnce in the comments on any site.
Jersey Tom, Surely, was in This way a couple of years ago, no more now,dunno if people gotten bored or "incredulous"or both.
PS Mr Obama is the best!A Bless for America and the whole world.
Great news from Obama.
It's all of these things that add to great change.
Last week it was 15 years since Ellen Degeneres came out on her show. It is amazing how has happened in just such a short time.
WOW! I really didn't think he'd do this before the election. I just hope it doesn't hurt him come this fall, I'd rather wait a bit than see Romney get in office.
I really hope it does NOT hurt his chances for election also. I personally think he should have waited until after the election. Most people know he was for it.
Romney, the GOP, The Left, The TEA PARTY, CONSERVATIVES, will try to roll back any progress the gay community has achieved under Obama (IF) he's elected. Trust Me.
They lied touting Jobs in 2010 and did every F***ing thing but, create a job when they got in office. And some gays continue to vote for these prejudice bigot jerks.
Oh, and did you know that Romney save the Auto Industry and the workers jobs? LMAO
The article on E! Interesting it is Marc Malkin who has the byline for it.
Kendrick does have "What to Expect When You Are Expecting" coming out on May 18th, and EoW is the next of her 6 movies slated to come out this year.
Of course it goes along with the whole thing about Ringate thing.
Polls pretty much show his weakest numbers are on the economy.
^^ What?
The Republicans say no to every jobs proposal the president trys to legislate. Then they blame him. The Repub. do this all the time and the media does nothing or won't question them of why? There could be millions of jobs NOW if they were interested in jobs for Americans. They are not. They will tear down america just so that they can blame Obama for (IT) and they get into power. But if they get into power, most Americans and deffinately gay folks will be hurt by their cuts and roll backs. They also hope that Americans are so disappointed with politicians that they will not vote OR, vote Republican, push Obama aside because of frustration, then they will take over. And some gullible people will do just that.
Obama did not screw up the Economy! Everytime a Republican is in office they SCREW IT UP. Don't believe me, do the research. The Media is not talking about it though.
The sad irony of Obama's interview is that Roberts' in the closet.
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