We know Mr Nichols it's all about the accessories that take your All-American prep boy ensembles and give them a little funkification.And we know you've worn some interesting socks.
So here's a suggestion big guy... why not get a little Soxy.
You've rocked the stripes before, but how about these light brights?Or maybe some argyles.
If anyone could bring back argyle it's you A-man.
A flash of color teasing out from the bottom of those long pants, and serious suits.
Afraid you might show too much calf? No worries we've got you covered. There's some bright knee socks to make sure that doesn't happen. And the striped ones might give a little optical oomph to those slender stem bases.
But what about for everyday and all the things you do:
Zombie hunting?There's a sock for that.
Movie night?
Popcorn socks.
Coffee date?
Sock it up.
Show you're versatile. Comedy and Drama that is. ; ) You want Texas ?
Well you've got ' it.
And one that shows off that you like to hook'em horns.
In the ring with Mexican Wrestlers? Or enjoying some hot sauce?
and Done
Or one when you just want everyone to know how awesome you are?
Or maybe about your colorful vocabulary?
Out for sushi with that grinning guy?There's a sock for that.
Show off your Wild Turkey side?
Or maybe a little Duck Duck Goose?
Sock off!!!
Or you might want to just let them know who you've got a sweet tooth for and flash these.
And of course Tuesday's covered
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Sock it to me
Posted by
Special K
7:15 PM
Labels: Austin, Get Socky, Rock'em Sock'em, Socks, Two Wheel Tuesday
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Austin is quite the cutie in that school pic.
A little more about Joanna Johnson in a interview with TV Guide, she shared that she's married to a female club promoter and has two adopted children.
Very cute post SK.
I love the Toothy pair.
I love the Toothy pair, too. And the hook-em horns. And the popcorn. And the calf-enhancing stripes.
Think my favorites are the dark socks shout-out to Jim Dark Socks Toth that he wore to the gym. LOLLLLL. Those are just classic.
Those aren't even workout socks. There's no dark socks in gym workouts, those are like dress socks that you wear with slacks. They still make me laugh today, over a year later.
Me like the bike socks too:-)
We should all get a pair of cool socks to wear when PG comes to NYC to see the play with us.
It's funny, I love looking at wild socks, and giving them as gifts, but when it comes down to putting on a pair, I always go for plain old black.
So cute. Where did you find all those socks?
Saw mention of Jake and Jay Z partying together on a few websites today. Interesting timing since he's just made some statements about being in favor of same sex marriage.
They start our new roof tomorrow so the noise level around here is going to be off the charts. And now that I work from home I may have to make phone calls while sitting in my car for the next few days.
You wouldn't believe all the kinds of socks that are out there. If you think it up there's a sock for it.
Don't know if anyone has taken notice, but now there are tweets indicating that braless women are now making sure to cycle in front of Jake at Soul Cycle while he's instructing. Guess being seen with Austin in California means PR has to up the absurdity. Including the Jay-Z partying that never ends.
Love the socks SK and the post. Below is news gathered while up and about...via Tumbler Gyllencrazy... I shared everywhere,FB twitter and here...
Gyllencrazy tumbler the shoes time to dance among the best music videos Hope he and the Shoes get a prize...fingers xed.
The MTA is sucking...loudly... the sand off the underground subway tracks with a vacuum hose. That loud noise starts at 0700...arrr...The told me they would finish this past Monday. *sob*
Guess there's nothing like a couple of flappers inside the ol' tank top while you're bent over a bike, eh Lame?
Who's writing this stuff for WME anyway? lol
And when I say writing this stuff for WME, I am fully aware that these are "people" who are tweeting some of this nutty stuff. What I'm referring to is who are some of these twitter accounts that they've got working for them.
Article about Hollywood closeted gay actors in Cosmopolitan UK June: page 1, page 2, page 3.
Jake on the “Sexy singles” list: OK! magazine
Pretty predictable about the "Time to Dance" nomination for "best" music video at the upcoming Worldwide Short Film Festival in Toronto. First, the production has an A-list actor in the lead, secondly it has Daniel Wolfe directing. Thirdly, it has senseless violence. A surefire formula for popular culture success. Who cares if the music is a pile of excrement. It has 8 and a half freaking minutes of awesome blood-soaked mayhem!
In my opinion, the production, although slick, is still a pretentiously self indulgent and unrelatable mish mash of disjointed imagery, simply meant to shock from beginning to end. The video may meet the minimum standard goal of leaving a lasting impression, but for what purpose? A parody of slasher films with a psycopathic Jake Gyllenhaal murdering hipsters for the fun of it while leading a mundane, pointless existence? Okaaaay.
I wonder if the lead character was some unattractive nobody, if folks would be squeeeeeing and gagaing over how wonderful this "artistic" performance was? Or, if Gyllenhaal had been slashing up puppies or babies with the same exact script and visual content, would that be alright too? I mean, why not? The music/lyrics had no relationship to the imagery of the video anyway so why not be completely outrageous and bash a baby otter's head in? Let's just say that a vacant, glazed stare burning throught the screen reflects upon the audience as well.
I love the over the top hype for this "performance" when we know that a crudely made video of penguins dancing on a tight rope can get a million hits in an hour. Ah, the wonders of the internet. It seems that all marketing has to do is hire an A-list actor, then write exaggerated reviews that suggest that this is a rhapsodic, hypnotic exploration of modern day society and the buzz begins. Throw in a heap of blood and guts and you got the masses wanting more.
I noticed the quote from that bastion of the truth, OK! Magazine, (about Jake's abs) is recycled from something he said 2 years ago during his press run for Prince of Persia. Kind of inappropriate to use a quote that is not even contemporary for an article that is supposed to be about Jake's current marital status. His public status anyway. Then again, the whole thing is made up anyway so there you go!
I think the video did what it was supposed to: it got someone to write four paragraphs, four lonnnnnng paragraphs, on why they hate it so much. I'd say well done to all involved in the video!
Ah, another thoughtless fangirl (or boy). No, I don't think that was the purpose of the Shoes' music video at all. The purpose was to get Jake's name out into the world again, as cheaply as possible, so WME could try to keep him relevant. That's what happens when you live in the closet and have a secret life that you're hiding from the world.
And, by the way, lol, I am actually commenting on the absurdity of the video being nominated for an award. Learn to read.
Thanks Cosmo for the link.
I wonder if they have different editorial policies at Cosmo UK than at the US magazine, because it's kind of ironic to read an article like this that in the end seems to think it would be better if things changed in Cosmo UK when a month or so back the American Cosmo ran a bit on men whose hotness was rising or falling. And guess what, the had Matt Bomer's hotness rating dropping just because he came out of the closet.
It's pretty clear to me that the public basically doesn't care whether an actor is gay or straight. It's the power brokers in Hollywood who love the power and the ability to control these closet cases. It's easier to bully, blackmail, harass, intimidate, and subjugate somebody you have convinced to lie about who they are. Once they begin to live true, that power goes away.
Another thanks for the Cosmo link. Of course reading the intro to the article, my mind started to compile a list of who could it be.
Talk about ridiculous fluff in OK magazine. Somebody didn't sell enough ad space this week.
Just invited to Comic Con Paris. Should I go? How many of you will come see me?
4:08 PM - 16 May 12 via WhoSay · Embed this Tweet
"Guess being seen with Austin in California means PR has to up the absurdity. Including the Jay-Z partying that never ends."
The new spin now is that Jay-Z wants Jake as a brother in law and introduced him to Beyonce’s sister Solange playing matchmaker at the party: more absurdity here
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