We all know that Austin is one charming man. But has he been showing of a
different kind of charms all together.
And no not this kind. Talk about a merkin moment.

But these charms.

Austin has said in interviews that he really doesn't have to prepare for Julian, he pretty much shows up and plays him like he is in real life. Wonder if he not only brings his Austin sensibilities to Julian but his style as well and wears his own jewelry. Maybe he won't be ringing it in, but can see him wearing his own chains and charms.

The newest one looks like something seen before. Not exactly but there is a similarity.

"Family Affair"
Nathan tries to keep the Real Housewife and Singing Sensation who's not tardy for the party Haley calm after "hey little sister" Taylor shows up at their house with their sister Quinn’s ex-husband David as her bed buddy. OH NO SHE DIDN'T MAURY!!!
Julian sticks up for Alex on the set of their movie, while Brooke Davis (TM) leans on Alexander to ease her heartache. But wait for it because we know that Julian will be going back in one... two...three...four episodes because Brooke Davis (TM) would never come down for any man. And will they back together just in time for sweeps!
Meanwhile, Feats of Clay gets a chance to prove his commitment to Quinn by helping her through a dinner with her "future Jerry Springer guest" of a sister and her ex-husband David. Seriously is this a new OTH or a retread of an old Knots Landing episode? And once again from codependency corner, Mouth comes back to Milli but has she really changed?
Nathan tries to keep the Real Housewife and Singing Sensation who's not tardy for the party Haley calm after "hey little sister" Taylor shows up at their house with their sister Quinn’s ex-husband David as her bed buddy. OH NO SHE DIDN'T MAURY!!!
Julian sticks up for Alex on the set of their movie, while Brooke Davis (TM) leans on Alexander to ease her heartache. But wait for it because we know that Julian will be going back in one... two...three...four episodes because Brooke Davis (TM) would never come down for any man. And will they back together just in time for sweeps!
Meanwhile, Feats of Clay gets a chance to prove his commitment to Quinn by helping her through a dinner with her "future Jerry Springer guest" of a sister and her ex-husband David. Seriously is this a new OTH or a retread of an old Knots Landing episode? And once again from codependency corner, Mouth comes back to Milli but has she really changed?

We know what Buffy and Jody think but what would Mrs. Beasley think of this hot mess? And don't even asking Mr. French.
Pictures: Austin Screencaps - ANJ, Jake - IHJ,
destiny said: "They are doing ti for one reason: money."
I think it's not only about money but that they won't have the same career opportunities as their peers. It's believed that once an actor comes out, he is relegated to supporting roles. No matter how unfair it sounds, up to now, no actor dared to challenge this belief. Before someone site him as an example, no matter how hot Matt Bomer is, he is not totally out. I give Matt and Zach Quinto credit for not bearding of course but they are neither totally out nor leading men in movies. I so hope someone with an A-list potential dares to be the first and prove everybody wrong.
I have no problem with actors who are not out.
However, I do have a problem with bearding, and I have an even bigger problem with having a child and then hiding him or her.
If Jake and Austin didn't have the balls to come out, they shouldn't have had a child. Being a parent means making sacrifices for your child.
And don't even go there with the "they needed money" to raise their child. I've known plenty of people who've raised their children on very little money. What matters to children is love, acceptance and attention and time from their parents.
bbm films from last post,
we get your point. You want us to believe that Jake is bisexual and that his "relationship" with whatsherface wasn't bearding.
So that the lines don't get blurred:
the point of it all is:
The women were not called gay, bisexual, in the closet, hiding and NO OutRage. No Gays Upset.
filmed a sex film of he and his (wife and another women) having lite sex.
we get your point. You want us to believe that Jake is bisexual and that his "relationship" with whatsherface wasn't bearding.
^^ NO. I personally don't care what Jake's sexuality is. I have my beliefs. Just pointing the double standards and the anger that follows these double standards. There should be no anger toward Jake or Austin.
Not trying to change anyones opinion. it is what it is.
what women and their possible bisexuality have to do with Jake and Austin?
Now let's flip the script.
If the guy was having lite touchy feely sex with another male celebrity what would happen? He would not be on Grey's Anatomy anymore. There would be outrage from the straight community "how dare he" and outrage from the gay community, especially the Gay Male community. There would be outrage about him coming out of the closet and that he is not and could not be bisexual and his wife is a beard or a prop. How could he be bisexual most gays would say. The gay community would be out to lynch him. The same gays who watched and just turned their heads while the actors wife and another woman did their thing.
Forgot to mention: since some poster here, mostly women can relate to this, (SLASH) you should be able to understand.
You're babbling and not making any sense.
You also forget this is a Jake and Austin blog. When other actors get talked abou it is in comparison to Jake and Austin.
Besides, what in the heck do bisexual and gay women have to do with closeted gay men.
By the way, Jodie is another one who never hid her own children. It was wrong not to acknowledge Cindy, but at least she tried to do right by her children.
bbm films, you need to speak in hausfraunese
Talking to yourself again trolly.
Clang clang clang.....
you need to speak in hausfraunese
Awww, now I know for sure what we have here is the self-loathing gay man who wants all of his idols to be "super straight" "masculine" and in the closet. Needs women for cover, but deep down hates them, probably because he needs them. Has mother issues and is therefore particularly loathes older women.
You're babbling and not making any sense.
You also forget this is a Jake and Austin blog. When other actors get talked abou it is in comparison to Jake and Austin.
No. just calling you out on your double standards when it comes to gay and bisexual men. You talk about all men who in your eyes are all gay, not once talking about the women who do what they want sexually. My talking about other actors is in comparison to Jake and Austin and them possibly being gay or bi, but there is not one possible idea of Jake or Austin or any HW male being bi in your book because you know them personally, don't you. You will also easily tear down the possibility of any HW male being bi, but overlook and seem to except any female vast sexuality. And the point was, let me remind you was about bbm and the 2 men having sex with women and men in the film. One having sex with both sexes while married. The other having sex and an interest in only ONE man, but having sex with women also during marriage and divorce. Your point is that they were gay and no possibility of anything else. Period. While so many think just like you and overlook the same scenerio if it were a female situation.
No. I did not forget that this is a Jake and Austin blog, but a double standard again, Only you get to change the focus and talk about anyone or about anything your heart desire. Okay.
da couch frau is making up fiction again to suit its own reality, just like frau thinks Jake & Austin are sekret lovers, with two BT's stored in the pantry
Baby footprint, baby dribble, ultra sound picture, baby stroller being loaded into a car in London, a picture of Jake with a baby's coat next to him, Jake on a playground in London.....
bbm ffilm,
stop beating around the bush and "double standards". What is your opinion about Jake's sexuality? Gay, straight or bi?
Today's blog topic: Charming
Weird babbling convo, trolls, namecalling: not so much
Straight as a rainbow
Jake Gyllenhaal - The Straight Man: test
Test results
Nobody ever subjected me to a straight man test.
Special, be sure & check your email when you get a chance!!!
hops up & down!!!
I am gonna leave the specifics of sexuality up to those educated in the field of human behavior.
Why is someone giving Destiny a hard time. She herself has said she is bisexual. I dont think the argument has to do with bisexuality. As for myself and I believe most other regular posters what we are saying is Jake and Austin are not bisexual but Gay. No double standard there.
"...Plenty of people were paying attention inside Leno's show, however, in which the denim-loving funnyman talked Jake Gyllenhaal and Leonardo DiCaprio ("not macho men"), Paris Hilton (apparently making major strides in outreach for the "Make a Bitch Foundation") as well as some of the current crop of reality trainwrecks."
Some pretty amazing pics on WFT2. Big time BT dicussion. Pretty remarkable stuff.
I was just going to say the same thing Tom! Everyone should check out the photos and discussion. I really think they're on to something!
Someone else figured out the stroller wasn't for Deacon?
Excellent discussion over there! There's some very fine detectives at work over there and they should be applauded.
PG I got your email. I have always had the suspicions that Deacon was a little to big for a stroller even then.
Deacon was 4 years old in 8/08, he was not to big for a stroller. It's very common for parents that are travelling with kids to bring strollers. 4, 5 and 6 years of age is quite common.
You must see this when you are out and about SK and PG.
Deacon was 4 years old in 8/08
His 5th birthday was 3 months away, in October.
It's very common for parents that are travelling with kids to bring strollers. 4, 5 and 6 years of age is quite common.
Really?! Please provide a pic of Deacon in a stroller.
LOL most of the answers were at age 3, with 4 and 5+ following.
Big Deal, 4, 5, 6, it's common to put a kid that age in a stroller. I see it all the time in the city.
When parents are traveling wih kids that age or out shopping in the mall for instance, they bring a stroller because they know at some point the kid will get tired and it's a lot easier for them.
Reese or any other celeb/mom would make sure that their kid would never be papped being pushed around in a stroller at that age, too haus frau.
Deacon reminds me of the type of kid that begs to be picked up or put on the shoulders of an adult because he doesn't want to walk anymore.
s, give me a few minutes to read your comments and if I have time I'll get back to you.
Don't have pics of the brat in a stroller bu there are a few of his parents carrying him around when he was 3-4.
more parental discussion:
PR's response to BT's discovery
I live in New York City, and I don't see kids much past the age of 3 in a stroller, maybe 4. But never 5 and 6 year-olds.
I've never seen a Reeke-era picture of Deacon in a stroller.
I do think it is quite possible that it is Baby Tile in the picture/video over on wft2.
LOLLLL!!! at PR's response to BT story. That's awesome.
Hey, I loved that movie. It was so campy.
I can only imagine what PR will really do. Let's hope its not Reeke 2.
Man, I got home late and am too tired to plow through the comments at WFT2. I will make time for them tomorrow. I could not sleep last night but learned today that my laid off buddy got 90 days medical + severance so I feel much better knowing that. He already has an interview lined up. I should sleep OK tonight. Sounds like some good detective work happened over on WFT2. I've said before, sometimes you just have to let things ride and eventually the loose ends get tied together.
s, give me a few minutes to read your comments
LOL, great gif!
m, it was quite an explosive night.
WFT2 posters did do some great work.
Special has been trying to tell us some of this stuff since the beginning and has been hung out to dry for it. It took guts for her to put it out there and take the jabs and the ridicule.
All I can say for myself is that I've always said I'm a Show-Me girl. I need to see something. Guess that puts me in the same boat as Thomas, who had to feel the wounds in Jesus' side to believe even though He was standing right there in front of him. I don't know, Special, as some of this I'm sure you mentioned, put up a picture of, whatever, and I blew it off or just didn't take time to look. But it took that video last night to seal the deal for me.
Then once I saw the video, so many other things come back to memory and piece together.
Sorry, Special. You have said alot of this all along. You and the WFT2 posters last night deserve great detective and eagle eye rewards because all of this stuff just pfffft!!! went over my head, past my eyes, right over my heart.
Now there are still some things that seem unexplainable or what if, what about, but, but, but....
But yeah, I believe in BT. Probably 2 BT's. And oh yeah. I definitely believe the 2 guys are still together.
And Dest, you have a good point. The only bad thing from all this discussion could be if the guys think they need to take some kind of further step to squash the BT talk. I really hope not.
Okay, I need to get ready for work.
Guess that puts me in the same boat as Thomas, who had to feel the wounds in Jesus' side to believe even though He was standing right there in front of him.
BT is the 21st century version of the immaculate conception
Certainly has been a total mystery, hasn't it?
I will say one more thing regarding my comment @ 0650.
If I was honest with myself and everyone else here, I should say that for the most part I didn't exactly blow it off or ignore it. I just didn't see some of this stuff or choose to see it.
Why?? Because I was always so blinded & focused on Reeke! So focused on those 2 and being mad all the time.
And remember what Special has said from the beginning. Sometimes you have to go big to hide something big.
So you go with a big A-list actress like you know who and sit in restaurant windows and the like to distract away from things that are going on in the background. And I bought it hook, line, and sinker.
Exhibit A? That's me. lol.
I am not 100% tb believer but i say close to 75% now. There is def some evidence out there that makes it seems true along with Teds strong persistence.
I wonder why someone like s comes along and tries so hard to make his/her case that there is no bt. I wont call her any names and respect her opinions but dont understand her need to try and convince us. I thinke she has to keep convincing herself
I am still share Destinys opinion when it comes t bearding and the idea of hiding a childs exsistence. There is def pressure. We know how HW works as far as J and A's careers go. I dont know how hiding a kid from the public would effect a very small child but at some point the kid would pick up on the parents pressure to do so. My problem is that it is so totally homophobic. After BBM I hoped that Jake would break the barriers but it hasnt happened. That feeling will never change for me.
^^^ tb = BT believer
The person yesterday who had an issue with a double standard when it came to bisexuality was off base on several issues. In the str8 world there is no condition where a man can have sex with another man even if it is for his wifes pleasure. On the other hand women who have sex with other women for mens pleasure is not seen as bisexual at all. It is all done in order to please the man. That where your double standard lies.
In the gay community if there is a double standard it may lie on the mens side. I think most gay men including myself have a hard time excepting bisexuality on the mens side. The cardinal rule seems to be if you have had sex with a man and have enjiyed it you are gay period. If gay men have sex with a women it is because they are either fooling themselves or want a family. And i far as i see most gay men who go ahead and have that family will return to being who they are later in life. It happens all the time.
The person yesterday who had an issue with a double standard when it came to bisexuality was off base on several issues. In the str8 world there is no condition where a man can have sex with another man even if it is for his wifes pleasure. On the other hand women who have sex with other women for mens pleasure is not seen as bisexual at all. It is all done in order to please the man. That where your double standard lies.
In the gay community if there is a double standard it may lie on the mens side. I think most gay men including myself have a hard time excepting bisexuality on the mens side. The cardinal rule seems to be if you have had sex with a man and have enjiyed it you are gay period. If gay men have sex with a women it is because they are either fooling themselves or want a family. And i far as i see most gay men who go ahead and have that family will return to being who they are later in life. It happens all the time.
Total Bullshit. It is what it is.
A Double standard! And the Gay community, especially GAY men hold tight to this notion and won't let go of it. And it seems more like a controll issue. "He's one of us, deal with it" mentality. I'm not a sex or human behavior specialist, but I know that society, and this includes the GAY community especially (Gay Men) have put restrictions on the male sexuality while ignoring the female variations as "it's just gonna happen, so what" type of attitude. And Gay mean are a part of this hypocricy.
In acient Rome and Greece before the Religeous crusade, bisexuality was common place long before the word "GAY" meant sex with the same gender.
I know some men like to see two women having sex together but guess what, little do most know, there are women who like to see ((two men have sex together)). How about we keep that a secrete just among US.
I was not blind to a BT, I just didn't want to believe it because I don't want to believe that someone like Jake and Austin could hide their child like this.
And if Jake and Austin have bearded to cover up the existence of their child, that is a double shame on them. Especially for Jake, who allowed people to think he was like a stepdad to Ava and Deacon.
I'm even more certain than ever that Disney insisted that Jake beard because they were scared that with a child he would come out. It would be the human, and right thing to do. So to assure the suits he wouldn't do it he bearded big time. You're right about going all out like that Special, but I know we disagree as to the whys.
For all that we make fun of how fucked up Ava and Deacon are going to be because of how Reese has used them and seems to only see them as props, you can bet that is going to go double for a child who has been hidden away in the closet.
I am not an expert either. I see things trough a gay mans eyes. I myself dont spend a lot of time analysing the female view of sexuality. I def do think men and women view sexuality different. I think each individual views sexuality different. Their is so much room for dicussion when it come to the topic of sexuality. Everyone views sexuality different. The most important issue form me is that there must be a line drawn when it comes to right and wrong. That line should be a standard that exists for us all.
I think a double standard is not set in what an individual feels but a double standard comes in to play when an individual tries to control what other s do and pry into others lives.
A male boss who may look to fire a male employee because he is gay and a male manager who gets off on a female employee who he thinks may be bi is a double standard. Another double standard is a man who sees a masculine womens sexuality as a turn off vs a very feminine and pretty womens possible bisexality differently and treats those two women differently.
Same poster,
what is your opinion about Jake's sexuality? Gay, straight or bi?
I'm also sure Disney did everything it could to help him hide. The oh-so-private housing, and Bruckner probably flew Jake and BT to and from London in a private jet. We know Reese supposedly traveled to London that way with Bruckner, so you can bet they'd do it for Jake.
The most interesting thing about those who are interested and a little obbsessed with Jake and Austin lives is that we all are for a different reason. Whether we love the idea of them being together or whether we come on trying to convince others that they are not together.
I know exactly what my reason is and I think by now pretty much everyone knows it. I have been angry before at regular members who see things differently than I. It has been a good learning experience for me and I hope to learn to respect more those differences. No one is right or wrong. We are all just different people who have lived different lives.
I think a double standard is not set in what an individual feels but a double standard comes in to play when an individual tries to control what other s do and pry into others lives.
Yes exactly: Example, the notion that Most Gay men and women think that men are ONLY, Gay or Straight.
There is No room for a man to be Bisexual. But for women, who cares, they will do anything once or twice attitude. Gays and Straights have excepted this idea and it has created more openess for females towards sexuality.
And because of this, the male cannot even think about trying or being interested in both sexes because of societys attitude. And gay men have the same attitude.
Thus the in the closet bi man, dl man, married man. But don't let a gay man find out about. Your goose will be cook. The women: " don't care, I do anybody at least once".
more bbm films/Same poster,
what is your opinion about Jake's sexuality? Gay, straight or bi?
There is No room for a man to be Bisexual.
Bullshit and you know that.
I think Tom has made it pretty clear he thinks Jake is gay.
I know you were not asking me, but I think Jake is gay--and I think everything about him screams gay.
I do think there are some men who are bisexual, but I don't think there are as many as there are women. And it is all in how you define that term. I use it to mean someone who can be equally attracted to both sexes. Not someone who slept with someone of the opposite sex out of curiosity, fear, opportunity (Dan Savage has joked that high school boys are like men in prison when it comes to sleeping with girls), or to try and prove they are straight, or someone who does it because they love someone and think that they can make it work even though they are really gay.
I think Jared Leto and Ed Westwick, who both have reputations of sleeping with anything that moves, are probably both bisexual. David Bowie. Possibly RDJ--haven't decided if he is bi or gay and bearding.
The way I see it personnally is that men who are bi for the most part dont live the way most gay men live. I feel that most bi men tend to be involved with more family type issues and live a str8 life style. They are also on the down lown. They are all over the interent looking for hook ups. Much easier for them than sneaking into a gay bar. Myself i do have a problem with that but it is none of my business. I know someone who does it. He is the friend of a friend. He is a nice guy and I dont treat him any differently when I see him. I also think his wife knows it and is willing to except it. I am not sure sometime that she may be bi herself. If that is the way they choose to live their life than so be it. Everybody is different. If you ask me what I think I would say the man is gay but chooses to live a str8 lifestyle. So be it. Not for me.
Dear Ted:
Are True Blood co-stars Alexander Skarsgård and Stephen Moyer secret lovers Toothy Tile and Grey Goose?
Dear Hopeful:
I wish I could tell you that these two hot vamps hook up on the DL—but remember, Toothy has been on the scene way longer than either of these two actors, if you add it up.
Dear Ted:
There are several sightings of Jake Gyllenhaal doing yoga shirtless lately. I wonder if he is really into yoga or if he is just showing off his body. Do you think there is any chance he would also bike shirtless with his cycling partner, Austin, for our viewing pleasure?
Dear Sporty Spice:
Been there, done that. Austin and Jake and Matthew McConaughey and Lance Armstrong all have never exactly shyed away from the Naked Cyclist Book Club, membership in which has its very special privileges.
Dear Ted:
Has Toothy Tile ever been associated with Glenn Close?
Dear Det. By Numbers:
Darling, everybody’s been associated with Glenn Close, at some point—that bitch works so much, she's the Kevin Bacon degree of separation around town. Toothy has, too, of course. Not gonna say in what capacity, though!
Dear Ted:
Love your column, dude! Question...how do the gay Hollywood hunks keep their previous BF's and flings and what-have-you quiet? I would think they could go to any gossip rag and get tons of money for spilling the story about their hot night with some hottie. I can't imagine they have everyone sign a non-disclosure, confidentiality agreement before they get busy.
Dear Think Again:
Uh, most of gay Hollywood does have non-disclosure forms sitting around next to their condoms, hardly unusual anymore. But, just as a prophylactic can break, so, too, can these zipped lips, but the public's pretty stupid about believing the truth, which these boy-on-boy stars bank on big-time.
The Awful Truth
Ted said: "everybody’s been associated with Glenn Close...Toothy has, too, of course. Not gonna say in what capacity, though!"
Both were announced together as presenters of last years' Golden Globes. It comes up on imdb as their 'joint venture'.
"Glenn Close, Jake Gyllenhaal to Present 66th Annual Golden Globe Awards"
aceshowbiz (with pic)
Possibly RDJ--haven't decided if he is bi or gay and bearding.
Who's bi or gay?
I really think Disney was out of the whole bearing decision. Why?
The suggestion of a relationship was Reese was started back in November 2006 with that one picture on the set of Rendition for costume fitting.
More suggestions of them together did not start until the early spring of 2007, and looking the media story of the relationship points back to that early spring as well. But why is that significant?
It was just around the time the first trimester would be over for BT who has a birth date of Oct. They bun was in the office and first hurdle was past. Now there would be a need for a cover.
The continued suggestions and mentions continued through the next six months. The run up for Rendition was coming. Rendition definitely needed press too.
Early Oct. 2007 Jake was in NYC, promoting Rendition and it was then Ted basically outing them walking around the Village doing the digital dance. But that did not happen until the date that it was suggested that BT was born by another gossip columnist Jonathan Jaxson. Jake and Austin were in out of NY by then.Remember the word was that a scheduled delivery. A quick trip for Jake who didn't have much time before heading over to Italy.
Reeke did not go into overdrive until Italy. It went from a mention to full on piggy back rides and awkward handholding. This was less a two weeks after BT was born.
Jake returned to shoot Brothers and it was the first time he had a closed set. And that was before Heath's passing. Even Sheridan slipped in the recent PR interviews saying Jake was up with the baby, then said Maggie's baby. It seems more like that Jake was up with his own child and Austin while working in New Mexico.
Bruckheimer and Disney did not announce Prince of Persia until May 20, 2008 The baby would have been 7 months old, as was the active bearding. I do not think there were seven months of negotiations between Bruck and Jake regarding PoP.
Now some could argue Jake bearded to get the part but it looks like from the time line that Disney did not tell him 7 months before the announcement that they were making him do it for the part.
Now Bruck and Disney may have agreed to accommodate Jake's particular needs and requests during filming PoP regarding his family but the argument that Disney is behind it really loses ground.
It seems like Jake and Austin made a decision to take this route more for personal privacy than for professional reasons. I'm not saying that they haven't had success professionally during that time but it looks more likely that was secondary and not the primary reason for their decision.
And thanks PG, appreciate it.
Bitch please
They bun was in the office
Uh oh don't drink the water at work
Even if it wasn't for PoP, it was still for business reasons, i.e., Jake figured he had to beard to prove to producers he was not going to come out. No one hides a baby just to have their privacy. What they do is move out of LA or NYC. Matt Damon moved to Florida to give his family privacy. He's one of the biggest stars there is, in terms of box office success, you don't think there would be pictures of him and his family if he lived in LA and allowed them to be taken and used?
And wasn't it in the summer of 2006that we got that bit from Ted implying Jake slept with someone to get a role? I also seem to recall someone posting that the script for PoP started kicking around in 2006. It can take years for films like this to be developed, and Jake was probably in the running for it long before it was ever announced that he got the role.
Wow, who knew, there is a wiki entry for PoP. I googled POP, 2006 and script, and it came right up. It says Bruckheimer set out to purchase the rights in 2004, and that Disney hired someone to write a script in February of 2006.
Wiki PoP Entry
I'm sure that in 2006 agents were already angling to get their clients the lead role in the movie, including Jake's.
I think they tried to straighten up Jake's image with Lance and McBongo, and when that failed they turned to bearding.
Yeah and the bearding was such an improvement!
It seems like Jake and Austin made a decision to take this route more for personal privacy than for professional reasons. I'm not saying that they haven't had success professionally during that time but it looks more likely that was secondary and not the primary reason for their decision.
I totally cannot agree with you on that Special. I think it was most def a professional decision.
I think what s is trying to tell us is that she believes Jake is Bi and may have even had a fling with Austin. But now believes both are with women. She thinks we have a problem with bisexuality. I dont they I or most regulars have that problem at all. We believe that jake is gay and still onvolved with Austin and that reeke and sophin are the definition of what bearding is.
^^ they = think
that was weird how we never saw jake with LA and/or MM before, then all of a sudden they are everywhere, then reeke starts and they are totally gone, like he never knew them at all. quite odd behavior for REAL friends. s.
Sienna, did you see all the baby tile discussion and evidence on WFT? What do you think?
From Ted today: "Jake...with his cycling partner, Austin"
I no longer think it was all for professional reasons.
I see Jake's reactions in a couple of instances (especially in that one car) and I see fierce protection.
I did not read all the comments and i didn't see the pictures of the stroller, but i read some of them, and my opinion is: there is no baby tile and jake and austin are not in a longtime loveship like some folks here believe. that is strictly my opinion and i'm not throwing any stones at anyone who differs.
I do think that J/A had a relationship and i am not totally out of the notion that it is still going on, but i don't see it as the pseudo-marrige that many do. Again, just mho.
I do not see how they could possibly hide both a child and their own connection so successfully all this time if they actually had one. I think getting a baby would be a decision they would make in conjunction with accepting the need to come out and deal with their careers differently.
I agree that Jake is gay and the bearding was all in an effort to protect his career. The article about him getting caught having sex with someone in a parking lot also came out about the time the bearding kicked in. He had a lot to lose if he didn't get his act straight in a hurry. I feel that Reese had as much to gain from it as he did and they both went into it fairly cheerfully, but it wore out long before they let it die and probably ended up doing them more harm than good.
S! =D
Like I said you may think he did it for business reasons but it looks like less and less that it was degree by Disney that he must.
And the arguement about McBongo and Lance? Come on Matt had his own gossip after his nude all male bongo duo in Austin TX and he and Lance were doing their own buddy thing. One thing that is not remembered that Jake and Austin did have a brief break up during that time as well.
I don't think this had anything to do with him deciding to beard with Reese. He did not even the suggestion of bearding until they were looking at planning to have the child, and then after the first trimester it became more than one note. It was only really stepped up after the child was born.
And the argument about Bruck and 2006. Jake would have known then what Bruck wanted him to be get PoP, if he was that driven about his career, as you suggest, he would have put having children on hold. The one thing about Baby Tile this was an oops we're having a baby, this child was wanted and planned.
If it was all about the career for both Jake and Austin, they would have put the career first and decided to wait to start a family. But they didn't, and that to me lends me think that the actions to beard were not driven by their careers but for protecting the personal life they want to have together.
Good pick up Partner, and agree PG you can see flashes of a parental protectiveness in those pictures.
While you and PG see parental protectiveness, I see the fear of a man in the closet.
Yes there was chatter about McBongo, and then Lance when they started hanging out, but I think they thought with three of them you couldn't "couple" them up. If it wasn't part of trying to change his image, why did they drop it all of a sudden? They may still see each other, but not where the paps can see them. I still remember that time when Jake was on the same show as Lance, he ran out of there before Lance came out like his pants were on fire. And lets not forget all that borderline homobophobic chatter at the ESPYs, the kind of stuff guys say to prove how straight they are.
That was all the summer of 2007.
Then in November of 2007 we get the beginnings of Reeke. As we have seen with other showmances, they follow a pattern, and part of that pattern is playing these littel games at the beginning, the are they or aren't they stuff. Plus it would have been too soon after the divorce was announced to be so public.
I do agree that they probably ramped it up very quickly in Rome because Jake was afraid he was going to be outed by Ted's post. It didn't have to do specifically with BT being born, it had to do with the fear of being outed, and having to disprove Ted. Just like we got all that Sophin nonsense right after Ted too.
That was all the summer of 2006.
Then in November of 2006 we get the beginnings of Reeke.
One more thing, I'm with Tom, I don't think anyone straight really knows what it is like to be gay. In particular, I don't think most straight people would know what it is like to have that fear of being exposed as gay when you are not prepared for it.
I've been fairly open since I was in college, I'd say within a year or so of getting involved with my girlfriend. But I will admit that when I was younger, and things were a lot different than they are today, there were times when I did not want some people to know I was gay. And when topics would come up that would touch on that--be it personal questions about what I did on the weekend, or maybe someone talking about something gay-related, etc., your first reaction is fear. Fear of not knowing what to say, fear of being found out and losing friends, a job, having the guys hitting on you and your girlfriend and worrying it will get ugly if you tell them the truth so they'll just go away.
But again, things are very different now than they were 20, even 10 years ago. Twenty years ago people were still living under Bowers v. Hardwick, a case deciced in 1986 in which the Supreme Court said it was legal to make it a criminal act to engage in homosexual sodomy (and in case you don't know it, that doesn't just mean anal).
I have never ever heard in my life of anyone being afraid of someone finding out that they have and are raising a child on "privacy" grounds.
And I agree, Jake and Austin should never have had a child if it was about the work, which I think it is. Because it is always going to be a problem, at least if jake wants to do something like PoP.
Oops, you're right small correction.
Maybe the child was already in the petri dish when they had to change their mind about coming out and it would have been too late then.
No going back.
I don't pretend to try and know what it's like to be gay. Times like this, I wish I was so I would know. But I can't help it I'm straight.
I'm just trying to look at this purely from a love standpoint. I think Jake & Austin are in love and they wanted to have a kid together.
And I'm not saying I didn't get hacked at some of the stuff Jake did. I haven't forgotten. But I'm not hanging onto it any longer. Maybe he learned from that whole experience. I hope so.
I just can't hang onto anger any longer - I've got to let it go and if that's just because I'm straight and don't understand, then I guess that's what it is. I don't know what else to say to that except I can't help it. And I"m sorry.
And I agree, Jake and Austin should never have had a child if it was about the work, which I think it is. Because it is always going to be a problem, at least if jake wants to do something like PoP.
I didn't say thing shouldn't have had a child..
If it had been about the work they could have waited. They could have just focused getting ahead if they were as aggressive about their career you suggest and focus on nothing else.
But they choose not to.
Clearly it shows that their first priority was having a life together and having a family.
Sorry that I misread you Special. But my point about the time never being right because of work still stands.
PG, I was taking a wait and see attitude, and was prepared to forgive and forget if after the dust settled it looked like things were going to change.
But then we got Sophin stepping it up. That tells me the only thing they've learned is to be more careful about picking beards and how they orchestrate a fauxmance.
No glass closets, no end to the lying and faking it for the public.
I hope I didn't offend anyone with my comments, it was not my intent. There are a few things that always manage to push my buttons, and the biggest one is the privacy argument.
np, Destiny. Heck, I didn't like those Sophin pics either.
I just wondered if he didn't do it to 1) help take pressure off of Jake and 2) because of what Ted said.
But I'll say it again! If Sophia puts her paw on Austin's ass one more time....I'll be hacked. At her for having the nerve and at Austin for letting her.
And I thought last night was a blast. It was....it was...
It must have felt like how you guys felt back with J & A were spotted together.
It was kind of like the old days PG! The excitement of discovering something, everyone putting together their heads and coming up with different things.
I'll also add that I'm still holding out hope that things will change either after PoP comes out, or BT reaches school age. But I know those are some very long odds.
I think what s is trying to tell us is that she believes Jake is Bi and may have even had a fling with Austin. But now believes both are with women. She thinks we have a problem with bisexuality. I dont they I or most regulars have that problem at all. We believe that jake is gay and still onvolved with Austin and that reeke and sophin are the definition of what bearding is.
What would be the problem with this. Bisexual men and women do this. I'm not gonna say often or how many times, but the word speaks for itself. There have been some HW female stars who have done this. Why wouldn't some HW male star do this also. The difference is the men won't be open about as the women will. This has been discussed. And since you say that the regulars here don't have a problem with bisexuality, what would be wrong if Jake, Austin, and a whole host of HW men who date women in public were bi, but choose not to talk about in public?
The problem is that most posters on both sites are sticking to what Ted illudes to. Whatever way Jake or Austin is, I don't believe the two of them would be a part of bringing a baby into this world and act the way the are now, which is like a single man dating women ocassionally. I don't believe Jake is totally straght, but I don't believe TED either.
He's so fan into this BS he will never back away now. He has an audience.
He's so fan =
He's so far
Hello everyone,
I hope you are all fine and without any "winter desease" like me. I have a big big cold right now and an horrible headache without fever though, fortunately!
I fear being silent on the "hot" subject who seems to divide the jaustin community. Like Sienna I am not in the BT believer team.
I can understand a lot of things and I am enough open minded to handle some truth but here no way!
Til the end, unless Jake or Austin express themselves clearly on the subject, BT will stay a pure absurdity to me. I have faith in jaustin as a couple and hope everything is ok ( despite the circonstances) between them.
I don't doubt about their possible desire to have a family together but as long as they hide their relation I don't see that happen. You only can built something harmonious when you are honest with yourself and with others around, not playing hypocrite game. The stability of a child is precious and I firmly believe in jake and austin reason to be aware of that.
I don't know the craft of gossip columnist, it's strange activity if you want my opinion. I don't use to analysis gossip stories and maybe thinking there is truth on this one particularly is somewhat convenient for my belief but my credulity have limits... and BT is beyond limits I fear.
I give you pardon if I hurt you it'not my intention, I try to be honest as much as possible.
I think what s is trying to tell us is that she believes Jake is Bi and may have even had a fling with Austin.
s is our resident troll.
This is just another "Jake is BI, he had a fling with Austin, his relationship with Witherspoon was real, we can have a cake and eat it" trolling attempt.
Sorry. Jake bearded for 3 three years. Jake is gay.
s is our resident troll.
This is just another "Jake is BI, he had a fling with Austin, his relationship with Witherspoon was real, we can have a cake and eat it" trolling attempt.
Sorry. Jake bearded for 3 three years. Jake is gay.
this is the sign of a fearful person. I spoke my mind where I stand. If you have a difference of opinion then state it without calling someone a troll because it thretens your reality or your world. If you need for Jake to be gay to satisfy your well being, good. I hope it makes you happy and warm inside. My intellect tells me you are just like me, on the outside looking in and just speculating just like me. No real knowledge of Jake's real life and what's going on in his head.
Don't be threatened.
I'm standing my ground whether you like it or not.
Trolly give it up, you aren't fooling anyone.
Wow, this is great - everyone expressing themselves honestly and reasonably - I understand where some of you stand a whole lot better now.
What do I think? I don't know anything for sure - but I tend to think there is a BT, it's possible there's another child too, and that Jake is with Austin as his partner. Sophin? No way. It's too coincidental, and the way J&R ended is too coincidental as well. They almost had me though, I will admit. But I had always hoped for J&A. I hate bearding, but I also try to give the benefit of the doubt, but I can sure understand how those of you would be hurt by what you see.
I don't have a problem with anyone's sexuality or how they express it. I admit I could get caught up in heated arguments and annoyed by the pot-stirring trolls when I should ignore.
What do I think? I don't know anything for sure - but I tend to think there is a BT, it's possible there's another child too, and that Jake is with Austin as his partner. Sophin? No way.
You tend to think?
Don't know anything for sure?
It's Possible?
You are speculating just like everyone on all of the sites?
WoW I knew it all the time..
Ted you've got some Splainin to do.
Thanks Sienna, Elinor and Oh Ted for sharing your opinions on BT and J&A. I always like to hear what others are thinking, especially regular posters. I have no problem with people who have different opinions, even if I disagree very strongly with some of them.
But the difference between Elinor, Sienna, Oh Ted and similar posters and between you BBM. S. and similar posters is that they when they express their opinions they are not telling everyone else how ridiculous they are, that they need to get a life, calling them "house fraus" or saying things like "if you need for Jake to be gay." Regular posters respect each other, no matter how heated the debate.
Well Destiny, Some regular posters call posters with difference of opionions Troll, Trolly and whatever name their hearts desire and none of the regulars say anything at all.
And how is it that LOL is a regular poster?
This poster will throw the word troll out just because.
Nobody says anything to the LOL poster or chastise him/her for disrespect of others opinions.
Sorry, it was me
Trolly give it up, you aren't fooling anyone.
Oh, We forgot about Said.
LOL has morphed in SAID again.
LOL's alter ego who spews the word trolly very fast because she disagrees with others opinions.
How that respect from the regulars.
If the shoe fits Cinderella.
Like Destiny said above, if you call someone a house frau and say things like "if you need Jake to be gay" you are clearly a troll.
Next time try stating your opinion without the attacks. But I'm not going to hold my breath because we all know you could care less about stating a real opinion, you're just here to attack and stir.
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