Jake was out and about and full of smiles yesterday and at the Dr's office no less. Can you ever get enough of that smile?
Some times you think getting rid of something tiny doesn't make a difference. Kind of like a teeny tiny splinter that finally works its way out, it annoyed you and it took a while to get rid off, but now that it's gone, things are so much better.
Must have a good visit at the Dr's or maybe he got to see those X-rays of Gregory Peck's molars again at the dentist, right? Yeah that must be it.
There's just something about that grin, that gets ya.
Speaking of Jake's smiles.
Austin joined other members of The CW in a PSA for Haiti. Bethany Joy Galeotti speaks for the crew from OTH in this one. The CW produced several PSA's that will be running on the network over the next few weeks.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Pic'in' and a 'Grinnin'
Posted by
Special K
10:58 AM
Labels: Austin, Help for Haiti, Jake, Killer Grin, OTH, Pic'ing and a 'Grinnin', Smiles
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Jake is looking really good in these new photos.
Dear Ted:
What's the deal with Will Smith? First, he refuses to play a gay man in Six Degrees of Separation. Then rumors persist that he and Jada have an open relationship. Plus, there are those gay rumors. P.S. I think it's funny that a photo of Jake G. is featured in the January edition of Glamour with the heading "The Man You Thought Was Gay But Wasn't." Interesting choice of actor, no?
Dear Funny, Indeed:
But isn't Glamour largely for women who aren't all that sexually active yet? Doesn't that kinda make sense? As far as Will and Jada goes, look, said it before, I'll say it again: for somebody who screams on press lines what great sex he and Jada have, well, talk, talk, talk.
Dear Ted:
Is Joshua Jackson Toothy Tile's hubby Grey Goose?
Dear Goosey Guesser:
J.J. is not Toothy's lover, but wouldn't that have made a totally exciting episode of Dawson's Creek?
Dear Ted:
I think you said that Toothy's now-ex "GF" had been in a bearding situation before. Does that refer to her most famous ex? Also, have you noticed how horrible Brangelina look? They were both so good-looking a few years ago, but now they look like homeless drug addicts!
Dear Heavy Bearden:
You know what I like to say: once a beard, always a beard. And speaking of beards, with Brad's scraggly ass facial hair gone awry (and Angelina's withered sour pout to match), it's hard to miss the once dynamic duo's...radical change.
Dear Ted:
I wonder who sleeps better at night—Jake or Reese?
Dear Lunesta:
The really cruel one. Like a baby, darling.
The Awful Truth
Ted said: "...Toothy Tile's hubby Grey Goose"
and he included a 'baby' reference in the last Jake question.
The question calls Austin hubby. Ted refers to him as Lover
That "hubby" went right over my head. woohoo, yeah!!
This is, I imagine, my final post here. I’d like to erase everything I ever said here, but since I can’t do that, I’ll leave you with this to mull over instead.
Folks often come here, throwing out scathing remarks about OMGers, saying we don’t have a life, we care too much about what goes on with Jake, etc… They say we focus too much on his sexuality, micro-analyze his every move, demand that he come out, complain because he’s not doing his duty to the gay community, etc. I have always disagreed with folks criticizing us, because I honestly didn’t think it mattered what we said. We are such a tiny microcosm of the fan community in general; most folks don’t even know we are in the world. How could what we say possibly matter to him or anybody?
I’m beginning to rethink that now. It’s so easy to minimize small efforts as unimportant, but I don’t believe that anymore. Every good and kind thing we do matters to someone, and so conversely, every unkind thing we do matters as well. I’m not going to throw stones at anyone here except myself. I originally came here with a huge ax to grind because of what I wanted to believe about Jake vs. the life he was willing to show me. I bitched and moaned louder than anyone here, without any concern for why he was doing it or where he was at in his life. All I cared about was what I wanted him to do. I didn’t give a rat’s ass about him at all.
But the truth is, Jake is a real person. Yes, he’s our favorite movie star (or not), and a definite hottie boy who’s willingly posed for pics and let his image and select parts of his life get splashed all over the media a thousand times over. But he’s also still a real, live person with thoughts and feelings and needs that we know nothing about, and I think we sometimes forget that.
Jake has never said that he’s gay and he’s never volunteered to take up the gay cause, so it seems rather unfair to berate him for not living that life. He’s never said that he and Austin were/are in a long-term relationship and he’s never even hinted that he has a child, just said that he’d like to some day. So it seems extremely presumptuous to berate him for hiding all this, just on the basis of a gossip columnist’s long-running rumor, plus a few pictures that could add up to anything or nothing, based on who’s looking at them.
Jake is an actor – at least for now – and he’s trying really hard, imo, to salvage a career that has suffered from both his own actions and poor management advice, but also from thoughtless, uncontrolled gossip. I fully admit to participating in that, and I’m very sorry. For a while, I lost sight of the fact that I really liked him. Once that happened, I stopped acting like I liked him and eventually talked myself totally out of liking him. I may’ve even talked a few others out of liking him as well. In so doing, I cheated myself out of the simple pleasure of admiring a handsome and talented young man and I contributed to the giant pile of Jake-negativity lying around the world for other folks to stumble over and be influenced by. tbc...
the rest of my post...
The bottom line is: We don’t KNOW that he and Austin are a thing now or that they ever were. We don’t know for sure that he’s gay and we certainly don’t know if he has a child. Pushing the baby tile story and accusing him of being a neglectful and irresponsible dad is really over the top. All of this is guesswork based on a few pictures that prove nothing. Until some of this information becomes fact instead of rumor, I think folks who really like him could give this mess a rest. Give HIM a rest from the relentless, non-stop hammering he gets about things we don’t have any hard facts about.
I suppose I sound like a Sunday school teacher, but oh well. Jake isn’t living in a bubble – that was just a movie too – and I truly believe all the negativity that we spew on the internet hurts him, and I’m ashamed of my part in it. I know that when I read something bad about me, even if it’s true, it still hurts. I can’t imagine what it would be like to wake up every day to whole sites feeding off innuendo and rumors and devoted to destroying my image.
In the end, that’s what we’re doing. We’re either building him up or we’re tearing him down, and I just can’t be a part of tearing him down anymore. He doesn’t deserve it, especially when the ammunition is a 3 year old rumor from someone who has zero accountability. Many of us have gotten Ted confused with a real journalist. He’s not one. He can walk away from this at any time and it won’t change his life one bit. He doesn’t get paid to write the truth. He gets paid to titillate and entertain. There’s a huge difference, but lots of folks here seem to have forgotten that.
I’m very sorry that it took me this long to figure it out. I see other fans posting similar messages and getting called troll or babbler or haus fraus all the time, and so I realize that the ruling mentality of the board will not consider my message any differently. That’s okay. I know you are too far deep into your own fanfic to see what you are doing – I’ve been there myself. However, I was asked to make a plea for Jake, and so that’s what I’m doing. All I ask is this: if you really like him, just be nice to him. It’s a small start, but I think it might help him.
All this gossip… you think it doesn’t matter, but it’s kinda like a thousand different people stoning him with little bitty rocks. When it’s all said and done, in the end he’s still dead.
"The question calls Austin hubby. Ted refers to him as Lover"
Ted always includes hints and info in the questions too. He had a reference to Toothy’s "hubby” in the past too
October 7, 2008
Dear Ted:
Who is the most loving, sweetest and hottest hubby: Toothy's or yours? Is Baby Tile old enough to walk?
Dear Tile-icious:
Mine. No.
So it seems extremely presumptuous to berate him for hiding all this, just on the basis of a gossip columnist’s long-running rumor, plus a few pictures that could add up to anything or nothing, based on who’s looking at them.
A few pictures?! You forgot about 5.000 reeking pictures?
You ignored his ref. to cruel: Reese, she is sleeping better like a baby, meaning she is happy it's over.
Yesterday Ted had a post on Reese saying she looked fab and she acted like a great weight was lifted and wondered why?
It wasn't posted here because it would imply that Reese was happy it ended and she ended it which would make sense to me, i bet she is thrilled it ended.
Fangirls like to think the opposite because it fit's their agenda.
Babbler, you can bet that Reese isn't happy about being dumped by her fake boyfriend.
Solo Exit
Jake Gyllenhaal showed off his beard as he left dinner in LA on Friday.
no hard feelings, but was it necessary to use so much troll "arguments"?
just on the basis of a gossip columnist’s long-running rumor
we don’t KNOW that he and Austin are a thing now or that they ever were
hard facts
3 year old rumor from someone who has zero accountability
many of us have gotten Ted confused with a real journalist
Jake isn’t living in a bubble – that was just a movie too
When a gay man in HW beards he doesn't dump the beard. If a contract is involved then it's done. If they had a 2 year comtract: 10/07-10/09, then it ended and was announced until Nov.
IMO an attempt was made to extend it which would explain why his rep was the first to deny it and why he made that GF comment a few days later, but she wasn't interested. She doesn't need him anymore, now he has to shop for a new one.
Reese is happy she dumped her fake BF. sleepimg like a baby and has a weight lifted off of her shoulders as Ted has said, she is more than thrilled.
Silly gasbag, Bubble boy has to get a new blonde beard!
Silly trolly, since you decided to trust Ted you should remember his BV from October (Jake can't stand the beard anymore) and yogurt pictures from September.
All this gossip… you think it doesn’t matter
Don't worry about it, after years and years of gay gossip Tom Cruise, Hugh Jackman and George Clooney are still true A-listers.
You have summed up things pretty well sienna.
Sienna, I respect your opinion. If you really feel that way, then choosing not to come here anymore is enough. I feel you are making unnecessary judgments of posters here who have a different view of things. You think that the truth is what one public figure choose to show us, then it’ s fine. We can argue all day about freedom of speech and beliefs about what is fact and what is fiction. You choose to buy what Jake and Jake’s PR is feeding you, then fine. Everybody as a consumer is free to buy or not buy what other people are selling. We are not stalking him or hurting him, we are just giving our opinions in a public forum about information in the public domain. How could that be hurtful to anyone?
I have always said that there are there are all kinds of places for Jake fans. Each is unique and have their own perspective. It's having all these different places that let everyone have a place to find what they are looking for.
Many people have found OMG, not because OMG went looking for them, but because they found OMG in the course of their Jake journey.
Jake sure is smiling at whoever is in that van. Perhaps someone little in the backseat who we can't see????
My W-2 is here! My W-2 is here!!! I'm somebody now!!
lol. What's that line from that Steve Martin movie?
We always get our W-2's the last weekend of the month. Friday or Saturday, you can bet your paycheck on it. grrrrr.
That letter to Ted wasn't entirely accurate: the picture in Glamour was of Jack Twist, not Jake.
I saw it in the hair salon! ;)
January 29 - Leaving A Restaurant In Hollywood
Special, you are a great person. :)
Sienna, I tend to agree with the constant drone of negativity and criticism. I'm feeling the same way - I doubt I'll ever quit OMG entirely because there's a lot of good things here.
^^sorry, that should read "about the constant . . ." not with. :)
Is that the real sienna? I have a huge feeling it isn't, because the writing style, spelling and punctuation is not the same that we've seen in the past. sienna, if that's really you, please post the same message under your google or LJ account name. Otherwise I will believe it was posted by a troll.
However, I was asked to make a plea for Jake, and so that’s what I’m doing. (sienna-who-could-be-anybody-that-filled-in-that-name)
What?! By who, a babbler?!
Did you notice that Jake's mom in the background?
Dinner with Mom?
Hmmmm, Jake leaving the restaurant. Looks like takeout that evening, maybe? Wouldn't that a change?
Also looks like the same shirt he had on in the medical building pics.
It was her, beware.
I missed her, Special! Maybe that's dessert, then, in the sack. Awful lot of leftovers, lol.
he is taking food home
Looks like takeout that evening, maybe?
Leftovers for Atticus.
Jake and Maggie Gyllenhall decided to crash my girls night with @TheMeganWard.
about 13 hours ago
Had a moment with Jake. He is officially forgiven for crashing girls night.
about 11 hours ago
Location Los Angeles, CA
Hey, and thanks, Glamorama, for the tip on that Glamour magazine. I for sure wasn't going to be checking that one out at the Borders stand, lol.
Who is the blonde near the car, another PA?
Maybe the blond girl is that twitter Megan.
It was her, beware.
How do you know? Did she send you an email or confirm to you that she wrote the comment? I just want to be sure, because that comment sounded and looked like, in syntax, more like it was written by UV/FL, not the sienna I've been reading here for the last two years. Not to offend the real sienna, but she misspells quite a bit, doesn't capitalize the first word in sentences and accidentally leaves words out. This comment above had none of that, it had no mistakes.
Special we see Mom in the background along with the blonde near his car. Looks like he had dinner with more than Mom.
He doesn't look too thrilled.
Looks like takeout that evening, maybe?
Leftovers for Atticus.
Who is now known as Fatticus. *licks chops*
Good evening wonderful OMG fellows,
Presently I am dying of cold and I am still sick which pisses me off seriously. I refuse to swallow tons of remedies I don't trust. I have been, for long time, a natural medecine adept and want to remain it so herb teas fit me perfectly. lol
I love this pics of jake and feel relaved to see he looks good. The last photos worried me , he seemed thinner and pale, don't know maybe my imagination or a special preparation for his new movie.
Still 3 days before Brothers release, the reviews are still positives despite few divergences. One or two thought the scenario is a bit too " déjà vu" but in general the performances were praised.
Now I pray for a miracle at Cannes.
Tim burton will be the new president of jury and I would want badly "Nailed" to be shown, even unfinished lol, this movie seems so atypic, perfect for the festival.
Sienata, I glad you feel secure enough to be honest with others members. I am agree jake is above all an human and I can't feel exagerated feelings against him since I don't know him and at the end never will. All that is clear in my head!
But here is! when you are a fan, you tend to expect something from the object of your attention. Something which fit with the perception you have of him, it's often passionated and irrational.
Wathever the team you belong, the schema is the same for every fans.
If not, you can only apreciate the actor for the work he produces. 90%of people on this hearth aren't fans,they just love actors or singers like their bakers lol
PG, I clicked on the meaganward twitter and she is an actress, 40 years old. That blonde looks younger.
I thoght that she was just walking by but she appears to be standing right behind him when he is getting in his car, then she is gone along with mom.
Mom didn't go near Jake's car, that girl is some random civilian.
Thanks, fan! Hmmm, female valet? lol
Aw, poor Atticus, No, you know what? Knowing how Jake is forever at Whole Foods, he probably feeds Atticus organic, totally healthy, very expensive dogfood. Only top of the line for Atti.
Who is the blonde near the car, another PA?
LOL first of all she has brown hair. And she very well could be the valet; she is in the typical valet stance and position of when they hold the door open and shut it after a customer gets in the car. And yes, there are female valets.
Emony: Watching The Day After Tomorrow on TV just because Jake Gyllenhaal and Austin Nichols are in it. @theawfultruth - I blame you ;P
15 minutes ago
random civilian. lol. that just kind of sounds funny.
((beware)), you must be one of our great detectives, and I mean that in all seriousness. You're better than you know. We need people like you on our team so don't be goin' anywhere soon, ok?
Okay, I have to go. Gotta go meet up for a second visit with my dog people where I'm going to be for 3 weeks. Mr. Curly, the English bulldog. Wish me luck!!
Hi Elinor!!! I'm tired of this cold, too. And how about some chicken noodle soup?
Megan Ward plays Kate, a fashion magazine editor on General Hospital.
Megan Ward's description of Jess Melnick's "moment" with Jake at the restaurant:
@jessmelnick @tanika_lee let's just say, they were intimate. ;)
^^Maybe sweet married Jess gave Jake a blowjob in the bathroom?!
All very good points Sermon, Special and Elinor about what Sienna had to say.
Jake is a public figure, it's a life he chose knowing very well what it would mean. That includes fans, paps, gossip and rumors about his life.
I think Ted is one of the few trust-worthy gossip columnists. Does he get everything right? No, that's why it is gossip, not news. But Ted is not beholden to PR. But the reason I think Jake is gay goes beyond Ted. It's the clip of J&A on the set of TDAT, some of the things Jake and Austin have said in interviews that are ambiguous, it's the Lakers photos, the smile on Jake's face when he is with Austin (the only other one I've seen him smile like that for is Ramona), Jake in Austin around Austin's birthday, the trailer story from TMZ (also a very reliable source, and one that did not run with all the Reeke stories), Jake's tongue practically hanging out at the site of Paris Boy, and yes, three years of Reeking.
If I'm negative about Jake and Austin, well, it's because I don't like being lied to, and having a phony product pushed on me. I do think there is a baby, and I think it is wrong to hide him or her and to pretend your beard's children are like family at the same time.
And it's not just us talking about Jake. Its Gawker, Dlisted, Datalounge, ONTD, etc.
And while you say we don't know, well, by that reasoning, you can't know either. I guess you think no one in HW is gay, except those few brave enough to be out.
at the site of Paris Boy
Thank god I'm stretchy.
Sienna, like everything else, you are entitled to your opinion, and if you feel that it is wrong for you to post here, that is your choice.
Just don't expect us to follow. Reading your post I feel a bit like an agnostic being talked to by a born-again Christian who is telling me I'm going to burn in hell if I don't repent my ways. Not to mention it sounds like someone else has done the same to you--made you feel guilty about your own opinions and posts. Yes, people change their minds, but it just sounds like someone is trying to make you feel bad and "convert" you to the Jake is Straight crowd. And its funny too, because something like this happened in the early days of the original WFT. Someone who claimed to have inside sources--which turned out to be the crazy Cantera.
But at the end of the day, it is your life and your right to believe and do what you want. I wish you well.
But it is our right to believe and do what we want too.
And Sienna, I do know both in my heart and my mind that Jake is gay, with Austin, and has a baby.
Oops, that should be sight of Paris boy.
About Reese sleeping well at night, a couple of thoughts.
One, could be saying that since it wasn't real to begin with, she's not upset about it being over.
Another meaning could be that she has no conscious when it comes to scheming, fauxmances, etc. to keep her up at night.
It also fits with her having moved on to her next phase as Ted has said in other recent posts. Reeke accomplished what Reese wanted.
Jake not sleeping, agree about the baby reference. But also maybe because it did him more harm than good to be in Reeke, and that maybe it did bother him to beard. That last thing I guess we'll only know for sure when we see whether Jake gets a new beard. i
I can't tell anything from pics. He might just have gas for all we know. The only pics that ever spoke to me were the Lakers I pics. So I do think there's something to that relationship, and that there could be a baby. But I don't know. I don't think just because some of us question, we have to automatically be in one camp or the other - the gay side or the straight side, or a troll. We can still be on OMG's side. We could be in the couldn't care less about his sexuality side. Special and Wicked have made that very clear, that differences in opinion are encouraged. What I don't like is being browbeaten, as Destiny does bringing in religious fanatacism to make an argument, because we may or may not agree 100%. Again, she has no proof of what she is saying, she is begging the question.
There's nothing wrong with discussion, but sometimes it's just plain over-the-top. Yes, some of it comes with the territory for an actor - but I disagree with Elinor in that we don't have a right to expect anything from our movie stars except a good performance. If they dissapoint, that comes with out territory.
^^oops, that should read "comes with our, the fans', territory."
Sienna I respect your feelings but the comments you made remind me of a poster we had a couple years ago named Sarah. Someone got to her and made her believe we were hurting Jake becuase they didnt want Jake to be Gay and that was long before BT. I am not sure what goes on out there in the internet but people can influence our feelings very easily. I dont think we are hurting Jake at all. If he has talent he will survive and make a lot of money just like Crise, Jackman, Travolta etc.
I dont think either reese or Jake ended the relationship. The contract ended and I feel they are both probably glad it is over.
ncguk: My favourite scene in 'The Day After Tomorrow' is the one where Jake Gyllenhaal makes beautiful love to a wolf.
30 minutes ago
^^must be on the Special Edition National Geo Directors Cut
LOL Whut.
I think you may be right Tom about them both not wanting to renew the contract. At first I went back and forth on who didn't want to renew, but I think there are plenty of reasons why neither one wanted to do it.
"Hi Elinor!!! I'm tired of this cold, too. And how about some chicken noodle soup?"
Oh you are in the "cold" team to lol
Chicken noodle soup ? Never tried! I will if you garanty me it's effective lol
The idea of a contract on paper between reese and jake sounds too "cold" to me lol I mean it's good for strangers but I don't see these two, who have known each others for long, embarass themselves with such formality.I prefer to see this affair like a frank camaraderie.
"but I disagree with Elinor in that we don't have a right to expect anything from our movie stars except a good performance. If they dissapoint, that comes with out territory."
someway I guess you are right.
But things are more complex in reality. I think for many here, jake or austin don't represent only an beautiful image on a cover mag, it's deeper than that and you can't judge or condamn what people feel inside their heart, that's belong them.
A Poet from Hollywood
Chapter Eight: “You Are Kings and Queens of Your Own Lives”
Cantara book excerpt
“He said that we shouldn’t be wasting our time thinking just because Jake and Maggie were movie stars they were better than we were. He said, ‘You are kings and queens of your own lives!’ or something weird like that. Cantara, I’m an adult. I’m out of college. I’m an office administrator. Stephen had no call to talk down to me like I was a child. Susie and I started JakeWatch for fun. She wanted something to take her mind off working on her thesis and I wanted to meet new people. But it’s getting to be no fun anymore. This battle with WFT is really taking it out of us. We’re thinking of calling it quits.”
A Poet from Hollywood: Love, Literature, and Stephen Gyllenhaal
lol said...
Jennifer Aniston and Jake Gyllenhaal — Future Couple Alert???!!!
IF it all goes to pot with Gerard Butler, Jennifer Aniston has an even sexier fall back guy — Jake Gyllenhaal, insiders say.
The Brokeback Mountain star — who recently split from girlfriend Reese Witherspoon — apparently has his eye on Hollywood’s most famous singleton. “Jake’s had his eye on her for a long while, but the timing’s never been right,” a source close to the actor told American tabloid the National Enquirer. “The chemistry’s been there for years but, in the past, either one or the other has been in a relationship.
“They really have so much in common. He’s aware of Jen’s reputation for being unlucky at love, but he feels he has a lot to bring into her life. More importantly, he is sure they could make each other happy. “Jake even describes her as being hot, intelligent and spiritual — the perfect package!”
And sources close to Aniston — who has previously dated singer John Mayer, 32 — insists the star wouldn’t be fazed about dating Jake, who at 29, is 11 years her junior. “Jake’s obviously a good looking guy and she couldn’t care less if she’s viewed as a cougar for going out with him,” said the Aniston source.
Showbiz spy
January 30, 2010 6:16 PM
Its nice to see Jake looking cheerful for a change. He looks great. Let's hope it continues and that the stress he has been under is dissipating now that the bearding is over.
As to Sienna's comments, I don't feel like much needs to be said. She is entitled to her opinion and to change it if she wants. My own opinion is that each job comes with pros and cons. Being a star means being fodder for gossip. You put yourself out there for big bucks, you have to take the good with the bad. And any actor who strives to be a "star" knows that his life is open to relentless scrutiny. Jake is free to change professions, life style or city of residence if he doesn't want the heat. He has also demonstrated the ability to not be seen when he wants to avoid press. I'm here to stay.
Re Reese, I really hate mention of her, but I guess that will die off over time. As a fellow Aries, I can attest that we never look backward. Once we make a decision, we don't give it another thought.
Gosh, last time we checked in on Seymour Plow-Me-More, he had not a care in the world—other than how to nab his latest gay conquest.
Gotta admit, I've always liked that about Seymour—he's like a little kid. He just wants his boy-toys, lots of cookies, his home life with the fake wife and his career...in that order. He's never really pretended otherwise, unlike so many other grasping, closeted gay stars in this town.
Until now.
Recently, Seymour had an unfortunate incident in his life go down, and it rocked him to his very still-handsome core. So much so, that Mr. Plow-Me-More has taken drastic measures:
Seymour found himself more than a bit put out by this nasty occurrence in his life; he decided it was time to break free from the organization that was most instrumental in his creative zenith and career.
S.P. realized, post-hard knocks, that life's just too damn short to put up with folks who are trying to micromind your every move, which is what Seymour decided the organization was doing, and most offensively, too.
But get this: The outfit that helped create Mr. P as one of Hollywood's biggest stars wasn't havin' it. No way were they at all agreeable to the notion of releasing Plow-Me-More from their Big-Brother-type biz ways, and that's the reason they brought out "the files."
And Seymour knew exactly what this meant.
Message received loud and clear: If Seymour proceeded with his plan to bolt, his former minders would see to it that every media organization within its reach would be enjoying the contents the Seymour Plow-Me-More dossier of debauched gay behavior (is there any other kind, in stupid America's mind?). Now, keep in mind, these questionably gathered documents on Seymour are as impressively detailed as they are extensive. Pretty damn daunting, all put together.
Which is exactly why Seymour has changed his mind—for now.
I dare say he'll revert back to his original desire, which is to ditch the goons who keep watch over him and break free. But when?
Before Toothy Tile comes out, I guarantee you that.
What Jake and others need to realise is that the haus fraus are not true fans - JG is really just the play thing of the fraus.
When their "pet" is doing as the haus fraus want, the fraus build him up ad nauseum.
But watch out. When their "pet" misbehaves, or does something that doesn't fit in with their suburban fanfic, then KAPOW - they tear their "pet" apart. The haus fraus are relentless when on a mission, and nothing will stop their vendetta.
Not even the realisation that they are tearing down a young man who they nothing about.
The last sentence in that BV doesnt sound good.
H how are we tearing Jake down. Is believing he is gay tearing jake down? Is thinking Jake and Austin are a couple tearing him down. Is thinking that Jake and Austin may have a child tearing hi m down? Is thinking that Jake may have been bearding with reese to help his career tearing him down?
I would like to know exactly what you think that is being said on OMG that is tearing Jake down?
Please I woul really like to hear your argument. I really would?
gossip and speculation, remember? said...
no hard feelings, but was it necessary to use so much troll "arguments"?
Pitiful frau troll, can't take it when one of their own wakes up and stops believing frau slash. LMAO
H how do people like Sarah and sienna come to believe what is being said on OMG is tearing Jake down. Please convert us here right on OMG. I am open to hearing your plea and why it is important that we stop. I will listen with an open heart.
Tom, "sienna" (real or not) said it all in their post. That's why you are tearing him down. Nuff said.
Jake is gay. You know that. You don't like it or you believe that we should forget about it because gayness could hurt Jake's career. Stop pretending, we know you since WFT days.
you are very presumptious about what I know ("You know that") and who I am ("we know you since WFT days"). More of your fiction.
Discussing anything with a rabid frau like you is as useful as pissing in an ocean of piss.
H I dont believe for a minute we are hurting Jakes career. I believe we are hurting the JIS people whose fantasy may someday come to an end. If Jake is Gay and his family and friends know it he is also not ashamed of being Gay. He is only in the closet because he believes it is better for his career. Again let me repeat I do not believe we are hurting Jake or his career. You go ahead and be a JIS believer and I will go ahead and be a JIG believer. Neither will effect Jakes career and he doesnt give a rats ass about either of us or what we say..
you are trolling WFT, OMG and WFT2 for years and you aren't fooling anyone.
I really believe Sarah and Sienna have or have had good intentions. I really do. But I would like to say to both what I just said to H. We are not hurting Jakes career and Jake doesnt care what we say. If you belive that you are fooling yourselves.
I have to say that Jake has never looked better. So much for the heartbreak. :)
This thing ended too coincidentally with J&R for there not to be more to the story, IMO.
I don't think discussing Jake is hurting his career, for me, I just wonder why so much nastiness. I understand the regular crew being disappointed with him, but some of the non-regulars who seem to get pleasure out of dissing him.
Sienna is a writer and a beta, so I have no idea why the poster above thinks her posts would be full of misspellings. If that isn't her post, I'm sure she'll let us know. She's not saying she doesn't think Jake is gay, she's not saying she thinks he's straight. To me, she's just wondering why there's so much ridicule and nasty comments about him, downgrading his films, wanting them to do badly despite evidence to the contrary, boycotting his films because of something you think he has or hasn't done. No, it probably doesn't hurt his career, but why would anyone want to cut someone down like that? I don't get it either. Fans talking about the possibility of something is one thing, but really believing it and getting angry about it without anything to go on but speculation is something else. Why put yourself through that?
Yes, some of us speak from the heart also, and we also should not be condemned like Sienna was.
I kinda see what whoever is saying about the fanfic - people seem too preoccupied with gay sex and not enough on the actual real gay person and life - and it borders on the homophobic to me. Same as the boorish men who slobber over the thought of two women getting it on, it's objectifying. Kind of like adult fangirls. JMO
Sienna I am so confused about what you did today. Was it for you or was it to hurt us. How can you let others who think being Gay is wrong and that we are actually hurting Jake convince youi into doing what you did. I know it hurts me. It really hurts that you did it. You are falling for people like H and they only want to hurt people who think Jake maybe Gay. It has nothing to do with Jake Sienna.
Sienna said
However, I was asked to make a plea for Jake, and so that’s what I’m doing. All I ask is this: if you really like him, just be nice to him. It’s a small start, but I think it might help him.
Sienna for you to have any credibility or for anyone to take you serious you need to tell me who asked you to make this plea. I am open to listen. If I am doing something wrong convince me here. You and whoever asked you to do this have a chance to change my mind and you can only do it here. I will listen. But you must be honest and have a real reason to think that I am hurting Jake. I am not trying to make you feel foolish Sienna I believe you are a good person. Convince me. I have an open hurt.
"Megan Ward's description of Jess Melnick's "moment" with Jake at the restaurant:
@jessmelnick @tanika_lee let's just say, they were intimate. ;)"
All of these people are in show business. I wonder what Jake did with the lady. It was more than a kiss but it doesn't sound like full blown sex. Although Jake does like public displays.
I don't know if Jake is gay, I don't think these women would get all teenage giddy over a gay guy, they work in HW. They have good gaydar.
Its not Ted hurting Jake, he has never said Jake was Toothy, the blogs have just assumed it. Maybe we are all wrong, while its not wrong to be gay and it can cost an actor his career. And thats not fair to Jake who I will assume is straight because its really none of my business. Until Ted outs Toothy, no one can claim Jake is Toothy, why he hasn't sued I don't know maybe because he's afraid to be label homophobic and if he keeps quiet or God forbid actual have a love life with a woman he's bearding and homophobic.
I go back and forth with Jake and his sexuality but that tweet from women who have no agenda and Sienna's post have freed me from the madness. I will just have to face the fact Jake is straight and the woman who ends up with him will be extremely lucky and I just hope she's a good person.
Call me a trolly, fangirl or delusional, I don't care because now I am going back to reality and I suggest you do the same.
Leave Jake's bedroom alone, get busy in your own.
hurt = heart
I should say some fanfic writers - not all.
I don't think most people would want to hurt you, Tom. We don't have to draw strength from actors or anyone else, we can get it from ourselves and others.
I do think some people here need to be more open about other points of view - just because someone has never seen or experienced something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist and others haven't. It's just as biased to think that way. I don't think because someone is gay or bisexual, that gives them the excuse for bad behaviour.
Sienna seems to be her own person, and I don't think could be swayed by anyone.
Fraulein Glamorama said...
I should say some fanfic writers - not all.
I don't think most people would want to hurt you, Tom. We don't have to draw strength from actors or anyone else, we can get it from ourselves and others.
I do think some people here need to be more open about other points of view - just because someone has never seen or experienced something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist and others haven't. It's just as biased to think that way. I don't think because someone is gay or bisexual, that gives them the excuse for bad behaviour.
Sienna seems to be her own person, and I don't think could be swayed by anyone.
She states that someone ask her to make the plea.
I wonder what Jake did with the lady. It was more than a kiss but it doesn't sound like full blown sex. Although Jake does like public displays.
What?! LOL, what a joke! You must be desperate to hear about Jake doing anything with any woman.
... that tweet from women who have no agenda and Sienna's post have freed me from the madness. I will just have to face the fact Jake is straight ...
Thanks for the laugh!
However, I was asked to make a plea for Jake, and so that’s what I’m doing. All I ask is this: if you really like him, just be nice to him. It’s a small start, but I think it might help him.
All I got was that she, or someone, asks that we ease up a little with the negativity, that's all. He is a human being, after all. I don't think anyone is asking that we stop discussing.
Maybe if she stops by she can clarify it. :)
I believe Jake is Gay.
I believe Jake and Austin were and probably are still partners.
I nolw believe there is a good possibilitym that Jake and Austin are raising a child together.
I believe that bearding is wrong. It is Homophobic.
I believe that having a child an hiding that child in a kind of closet is wrong.
Now you know sienna and H what I believe tell me why I am wrong to believe or say it.
I don't think the encounter with Jess was more than some serious flirting, especially if he was out with his mom and sister. What did he do? Text her at the table to meet him at the bathroom, ditch his mom at the table and then come back to mom and Maggie for some apres cafe? Please.
Now I can see him doing an outrageous over the top snog. Especially if she said something about his kiss in BBM being ranked no. 4.
One thing you can say about Jake and Austin as well as they are huge flirts.
One other thing I believe. I believe that people who feel the way i do have evry freedom to express their dissappointment and anger with Jake.
Who are Maegan Ward and Jess Melnick and why should we believe them
you are trolling WFT, OMG and WFT2 for years and you aren't fooling anyone.
Hun, you're delusional. If you think it is just one person putting up a counter viewpoint (or trolling as you put it), then all I can say is keep believing that.
You are the one who pounces on anyone and everyone who posts something contrary to your beliefs. Today you're "lol", tomorrow you will be "silly babblers", "silly trolls" etc.
Sweet chops, I think you should just stick with "Sybil"
You are the one who pounces on anyone and everyone who posts something contrary to your beliefs.
Keep playing stupid, that is all you can do.
^Yes Sybil. I must applaud you though. You have refrained from calling Sienna a troll, although you did weep when you said 'but was it necessary to use so much troll "arguments"'.
BTW Sybil, do you happen to be Smiley :) who used to post around here? I just can't seem to keep up with your multiple names.
Can you make it simple for us silly trollys and call yourself Sybil. Thanks Sybil. kthxbye
Boring, you should work on your new material.
Megan Ward's description of Jess Melnick's "moment" with Jake at the restaurant:
@jessmelnick @tanika_lee let's just say, they were intimate. ;)
@tanika_lee oh it was a moment all right. @TheMeganWard 's description of it made me blush.
Jessica Melnick
Bio: wife, mom, friend, blogger, novelist, marketing guru, dreamer and karaoke addict.
^^IMO the "intimate moment" was a joke. At the most, she accidentally brushed up against him or something like that; at the least maybe she called his name and he ignored her and ran away. Either way, she and her friends are laughing about it. Do you really think if it was a big hot sexual encounter this conservative married woman with two kids would be putting it on Twitter?!! C'mon.
tanika_lee@jessmelnick Wow, from intimate moment w/celebrity to 8 yr old slumber party hostess in less than 24 hrs. Impressive variety ur life has ;-)
about 3 hours ago
Boring, you should work on your new material.
That's rich coming from miss multiple personalities who recycles the same mindless names:
silly trolls
silly babblers
and uses the same experssions OVER and OVER again:
Nice try
Don't play dumb
keep playing stupid
If you are trying to pretend to be a different person each post, at least mix up YOUR BORING expressions every now & again - if you have the capacity.
Like I said, just stick with Sybil, Sybil.
Go back to GB, UV is lonely.
Sweet chops, I think you should just stick with "Sybil"
^^ I agree!
You should just stick to GB.
There's something very special about Jake's smile at the Dr's office. I don't know it's like one I've seen before. Maybe a mini-me in the mini-van?
silly trolls
Nice try
Don't play dumb
keep playing stupid
^^Those names and expressions are pretty much universal in internetdom. You think only one person here, or anywhere, uses them?! Especially the names; "LOL" along with "wondering" are basically the Smith and Joneses of cyberworld. LOL you must really be small-minded and naive to think it's the same person posting. Wow.
Jake Gyllenhaal is eager to step into the void vacated by Bradley Cooper, John Mayer, and Vince Vaughn.
^^According to the comments they must think Jake is straight? Btw be sure to check out the comment from bdub @2010-01-30 10:15:42 PM.
Tom, It's been discussed before, and plenty of times. The attitudes that is relentlessly thrown Jake's way by posters, ( I won't call them fans anymore, because they are NOT) for not doing this, for doing that, is crazy. I've stated before Tom, If Jake accomodated one of your request, or (came out), you would have more request or should I say demands on this man's life. You seem to be looking for some sort of happiness from Jakes actions and this should be coming from you or people close to you, not Jake, someone you don't know. And Tom in the large scheme of things, It's all just to (please YOU). I don't know why you can't see this. Some others on this site have the same attitude. You have said yourself that you are not here for Jake the actor, but for Jake the (gay man). But you don't actually know if he's gay, you think he is. And since he did not come out as gay, you are upset. Now you have asked in your earlier post is it wrong to feel the way that you do. No, it's not wrong to have strong feelings of speculative thoughts that you feel close to. But what you fail to realize is that you state it as being truth and react to it, then become or seem to become HURT for what you don't actually know as truth. This is not rational and most who react like this to situations are not looked at in the best light. When posters relently ask Ted for info about Jake, then believe every word a gossip columnist writes, (in riddles by the way), does not make sense (to me).
Others say the are being lied to, that Jake is lying to them and they don't have to take it because he is a public figure. This make no sense. If you are not voting for him and he is not representing you or your cause correctly or incorrectly you don't have to deal with him or be bothered with him. He's not a politician promising something. You don't have to see his movies. Why bother? He's not for You. But again, the tearing down because he is not doing what the person wants or thinks he should be doing. It's wrong. As Sienna stated. Rumors and gossip hurts anybody. Some posters on this board seem very fragile and I would have a hard time believing many on this board can endure half of what he has. Tom, you also seem really upset that Sienna had a change of mind, as if she has been converted to the Jake is straight camp. She did not state that, and you seem to feel threatened by your assumption. I don't know why. Only you do. One's happiness comes from within, not from some star to make you happy. Like helping out other struggleing gay teens find there way and encouraging them with positiveness. But what I see from some here is tearing Jake down because something (seems) to be missing in their live.
I choose to give to the people in Haiti and help someone who needs it. Maybe a gay Haitian teen will recieve my help. I'm gay, and wish Jake all the success and love in his life.
Jake was having a busy night last night.
Here he is hanging with Jamie Foxx at at a Pre-Grammy party at L'Ermitage.
And look how he works one shirt three ways with the cunning use of layering.
Others say the are being lied to, that Jake is lying to them and they don't have to take it because he is a public figure. This make no sense.
It makes every sense.
We aren't fangirls who believe that they must buy everything Jake is selling, we are free to say what we don't like - you can be a fan and not like everything about the actor.
But again, the tearing down because he is not doing what the person wants or thinks he should be doing.
You can spin all you want, but bearding is nothing to be proud about.
ewwwww did I eat leftovers that were sitting in a car all night while Daddy was at a party?
No, Jake is wearing different jacket!
Dear Ted
Is Joshua Jackson Toothy Tile's hubby Grey Goose?
Dear Goosey Guesser:
J.J. is not Toothy's lover, but wouldn't that have made a totally exciting episode of Dawson's Creek?
Comment on FCC.
Austin Nichols is in One Tree Hill, which is filmed in the same location Dawson's Creek was.
Michelle Williams played Jen on Dawson's Creek.
^^Those names and expressions are pretty much universal in internetdom. You think only one person here, or anywhere, uses them?! Especially the names; "LOL" along with "wondering" are basically the Smith and Joneses of cyberworld. LOL you must really be small-minded and naive to think it's the same person posting. Wow.
WOW indeed. That might apply on ONTD where there are 1000's of different users, but on this blog it is easy to spot the same village idiot.
C'mon over everybody! We're having a party in Atticus's intestines!
Yes, it is very easy to spot trolls posting the same crap over and over again.
Nice try trolly
UV is lonely trolly.
LOL, did Jake only pack one shirt to wear this entire time he's in California? Geesh!
First he has the white shirt on at the doctor's building. Then he had it at dinner with the fam.
Now he's got it on at the pre-Grammy party with Jamie Foxx. Although at the party it's the more formal black leather jacket.
lol. Come on Jake!! Open up that closet and find some more clothes. That white top'll be able to walk itself to the washing machine, lol.
He does look good in it, though. Jakey making the rounds, isn't he? Schmoozing. R & R'ing. Visiting the ol' dr's building. I think he may have been smiling at a dear one in that van. That was an awful special smile he was giving.
keep playing stupid trlly, posting same BS
Sam and Ella! Toe Maine.
LOLLLLLLL! That's pretty good.
I want to know the same thing. If those leftovers stayed in the car all day. If so, does that mean both jackets stayed in the car all day, along with a razor and Old Spice for touch up?
former Tb said...
You don't have to see his movies. Why bother? He's not for You. But again, the tearing down because he is not doing what the person wants or thinks he should be doing.
Trolly, i'm not going to see any of JG's films until he comes out of the closet
Excellent news today! I should have wireless internet access while I'm off on my 3-week dogsitting gig.
I had my second meeting with the family where Curly had on his slightly worn/faded KU collar in honor & preparation for the big KU/K State basketball game tonight. Curly's mama told me she would have wireless going and so on Thurs when I go over for the final pre-visit, I'll take my laptop to make sure I can get on.
Yessssssss!! I will be good to go! I'm so excited.
I'm excited that we got the new pics on IHJ today. It had indeed been a drought, hadn't it?
Now it's Austin who has been hiding. Are they back filming I take it? Austin worn out from that big weekend he had of Bearding Lite. He's had enough of the cameras.
And I will tell you what else is nice and that is to see Jake driving himself again.
former Tb said...
But you don't actually know if he's gay, you think he is. And since he did not come out as gay, you are upset.
We all know that trolly thinks JiG because you post on a JiG blog. stop playing stupid.
I'm here!! Who wants to talk all things Jake????
All things Jake & Austin?????
Let's talk about this hubby thing. What do you reckon Ted meant by this reference?
I'm excited because I believe he meant these 2 guys have had some kind of ....blessing? Ceremony? Ring exchange? I used to think that maybe the 2 guys just had a commitment between themselves but I don't know now. With Ted calling GG "hubby", that seems a mite formal to me.
How many days until Prince of Persia????
Who wants to talk Prince of Persia with me????????? Lego's?????
prairiegirl said...
I'm here!! Who wants to talk all things Jake????
Nah, calling everyone a trolly is so much more constuctive.
I just had a lightbulb idea.
I think Jake's in CA to avoid that bad weather in NY. He does strike me as probably one not fond of the winter weather.
We lost alot of what little snow that we had. It's still freezing outside, though.
I think I would be in California, too.
Now it's Austin who has been hiding.
Maybe Austin is in LA for the weekend. We know he does come back. Maybe someone was having some much wanted quality time with tiny Texans.
They have snow in North Carolina right now, so maybe they aren't working in Wilmington for a few days.
I heard that North Carolina was getting some of that nasty weather. I believe Oklahoma got it and so was Arkansas. The pink band was stretched all across just to the south of us and we had the white. I am so glad we missed that stuff. Now if we could just get some warmer temps back.
Which reminds me that it will indeed be rough to get up for 1st service tomorrow morning.
There is an awful lot of noise going on right now outside the alleyway right now. I can't imagine who would be up at this hour constantly making all this racket.
It was our neighbor across the way. Sounded like he had a kazillion bottles in that big garbage sack he was carrying (I had to peep out the peephole).
The really cruel one. Like a baby, darling.
I get the "cruel" reference: Cruel Intentions the movie Reese was in. And I sorta get the "baby" reference: reminder of BT. But WHY the "baby, darling" and not just "like a baby" ?? Why the "darling" ??
The only thing I came up with is an old movie called "Darling" with Julie Christie who was straight and two actors Lawrence Harvey and Dirk Bogarde both who were closeted and gay but who had 2 different ways of dealing with it in Hollywood.
Many people believed Bogarde's refusal to enter into a marriage of convenience in order to cover up his homosexuality was a major reason for his failure to become a star in Hollywood. His friend Helena Bonham Carter believed Bogarde could never come out as gay in later life, after his movie stardom had ended, because he would not have been able to deal with the fact that he had been forced to live a lie during his career. At least he lived until age 78. Harvey, who had 3 Hollywood career marriages of convenience, was a heavy smoker and drinker and died of stomach cancer when he was 45.
Special K, were Lawrence Harvey or Dirk Bogarde ever a Sunday Spotlight? Bogarde sounds awfully familiar.
No I haven't done an Out Spotlight on either, I will make a note of them.
I think Ted or Ent lawyer once made some reference to the guys formalizing their relationship in some manner. Maybe not a wedding in a pro gay state, but some sort of contract (not bearding)re shared assets, power of attorney etc.
I chalk up the latest gobbledygook to two things. 1. the continuing efforts to make Jake look straight. POP is on deadline now, though for such a big movie, not all that much is being said about it. 2. we've obviously come too close to the truth with all the baby tile, nanny stuff. Panic ensues. Jake's career is not impacted by comments on a few websites. It is impacted by mediocre box office results. He has yet to prove himself to be a box office draw, the only thing that Hollywood money cares about. They are in it to make a profit, nothing else and whoever pulls in the tickets is the star. Pattinson is the one wanted for every film being made at the moment because he can sell tickets.
Lawrence Harvey, one of my favorites. I had such as crush on him. Terrific actor. I'd love to see him in a spotlight sometime.
Looks like my attempt at a serious dicussion brought out a group of pathethic losers tonight.
Nothing has changed for me. I will continue saying what I feel in my heart. Not sure who influenced sienna but so be it.
Jamie Foxx's Party
Jake Gyllenhaal (who made a cameo in Jamie's Blame It video) seemed to be doing just fine since his split from Reese Witherspoon.
Special alway says the blog is open to different opinions but when you try to start a serious dicussion all it seems to bring out is a bunch of nitwits.
Former tb I think your speech was very nice but just an attempt to make the posters here look bad. Thats not dicussion it is ridicule.
Did certain Management get to Sienna? Maybe she was targeted with the "Stalkers List".
Strange how she folded so easily.
former Tb said...
Why bother? He's not for You.
Does everyone C-O-M-P-R-E-H-E-N-D those words?
If you don't like what Jake is doing, or what you think he is doing, then why do you even post on this blog. Isn't this blog about being a fan.
Haus frau fantasys need to be kicked to the curb.
Haus fraus need to get off the sofa and stop tearing this young man down.
Former tb I think your speech was very nice but just an attempt to make the posters here look bad. Thats not dicussion it is ridicule.
Not to trying and hurt anothers feelings Tom, but that's the way I see it, and it's not ((speculation)) at ALL.
Jake does look wonderful. Such a great smile
You are all quick to say that because Jake is an actor, and is a public persona, then you expect certain things of him (not to beard, come of of closet, breastfeed BT in public).
Other side of the coin: why shouldn't Jake have some expectations of his fans - like not having his fans tear him down, post negative degrading shit about him, and ridicule his sexuality (gay or straight). This goes on non-stop, 24/7.
It's a two way street.
Before you chime in and say that he doesn't give a shit about what is said on some blog, I will remind you all that you constantly refer to his PR being on here, or reading the comments. So by your own arguments, if his own PR are reading it, why wouldn't he come to know about it.
As Sienna said, if you really like him, just be nice to him. It’s a small start, but I think it might help him.
@former Tb said...
Former TB thanks for your words - and the foreseeable reactions to your comments are proving you are absolutly right and you also obviously have pushed some buttons..:-))
Funny how Reeke ends and voila! no more 3x week pics of Jake getting coffee, no weekly pics of him leaving a gym, no 2x week pics of him shopping or sitting in a car.
Sales have dropped dramatically and now we have a huge surplus of coffee cups. Wtf?
Why do I get the feeling that the compliments and "agreements" on the trollish, critical comments are being made by the same troll that wrote them in the first place?
^ look beyond your tinhat and fanfic
Got one question to those who are here with Hall Monitor intentions -
Why is our opinion important to YOU?
We don't know Jake et al, and neither do you. Why is what we say worth the plethora of pixels and typing time expended days, weeks, months, years maybe, scolding and schooling us on proper fan behavior? How does what we say here reflect on your personal life?
Why is Jake so important to you?
Is it a sense of superiority, birthed by tabloid gleaned knowledge, stung and bruised when not heeded by unenlightedned ones? Is it a mission, perhaps, a goal, a self-imposed crusade of attack and insult against those with whom you disagree? A pact, even, an agreement, an understanding that compels your posting here, an obscure, worthless, by your own admission far corner of the internet blog, some perceived intimate connection to Jake that craves your passed judgement tirades, your oft times misspelled, mistyped and grammar mangled castigations, your duty bound homophobic, misogynist, vapid, vacuous, ad infinitum vituperations?
In other words, what's it to you what we say?
Seems the line crossing into obssessed territory, "honor" defending of flickering light and shadows on the screen and pap snapped moments against black words in a white rectangle, believing in Jake's grand scheme of difference making or noticed at all, occured to the illumination of some lonely laptop.
Give the thesaurus a rest.
You're still a deluded haus frau who can't see beyond your own purty prose (which should not be seen outside of your slash).
And you're still a misogynist who must type what you deem as insults anonymously in order to bolster low self-esteem.
Does any of the JIS crowd or GB people really believe they can bring an end to the rumors and dicussion about Jake being gay. Aint gonna happen ladies. Aint gonna happen. You are all wasting your time and u all look like a bunch of desperate goofballs in the end.
Misogynist? No, just despise people who under the guise of being a "fan" want to tear down this guy. Most of those people seem to be surburbanites who have never walked in a gay man's shoes - maybe you have in your fanfic. It's not really the same. That's why it's called fiction. I never get the sense that it is males who post the crap that appears like clockwork on this blog.
I'll leave you to your opinions. Bye.
Does any of the JIS crowd or GB people really believe they can bring an end to the rumors and dicussion about Jake being gay. Aint gonna happen ladies. Aint gonna happen. You are all wasting your time and u all look like a bunch of desperate goofballs in the end.
Tom, if I can make one observation. I assume you considered Sienna a friend (of sorts) as you said you were hurt by what she posted.
How can you just ditch a friendship over a difference of opinions about an actor that you both presumably don't even know.
Not much of a friendship in the first place.
Do you ditch your other friends if they don't like the same colors or TV shows as you do?
Just watched the CW PSA with Austin et al. Very nice, he's really a sweetheart. :)
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