What was Jake thinking wearing too big jeans and that big blue schmata to the Dr. office? He looks like he wearing someone else's clothes. Maybe there wasn't much left in the closet to wear.
Clearly he doesn't want the photographers to see what he is saying in his phone. Maybe he was putting the death blow to Reeke 2, death by gravy boat.

Here's Ted's Lastest:
Gyllenspoon Round 2 Not Happening
As if there was any doubt.
Just thought we'd just make super-duper sure, ya know, just in case Jake Gyllenhaal changed his mind at the last minute before the press-crazy Prince of Persia premiere. Thinking, I dunno, maybe he'd want to take Oscar-winning ex Reese Witherspoon as his date. Instead of his sis, Maggie, the rents, BFF Austin Nichols, or even that that octopus from Sesame Street Jake bonded with recently.
"It's not happening," insisted a source close to Jake. "No way."
But you do know how pushy publicists can be in situations like this, don't you?
Just look at WWK's fab scoop on Supernatural star Jared Palecki's engagement to his costar Genevieve Cortese, if you don't believe me.
Now, let's see, it was only secs ago Jared was engaged to what's her face, right? Sandra McCoy? Lasted for about as long as this one will, probably, or about as long as Reese's rumored engagement to Jake did, for a better example. Point is: These stars have product to sell, and part of the selling is the personal.
To witness, who gave better bike-ride and mocha latte photo-op love than former Rendention stars, Jake and Reese?
Clearly he doesn't want the photographers to see what he is saying in his phone. Maybe he was putting the death blow to Reeke 2, death by gravy boat.

Here's Ted's Lastest:
Gyllenspoon Round 2 Not Happening
As if there was any doubt.
Just thought we'd just make super-duper sure, ya know, just in case Jake Gyllenhaal changed his mind at the last minute before the press-crazy Prince of Persia premiere. Thinking, I dunno, maybe he'd want to take Oscar-winning ex Reese Witherspoon as his date. Instead of his sis, Maggie, the rents, BFF Austin Nichols, or even that that octopus from Sesame Street Jake bonded with recently.
"It's not happening," insisted a source close to Jake. "No way."
But you do know how pushy publicists can be in situations like this, don't you?
Just look at WWK's fab scoop on Supernatural star Jared Palecki's engagement to his costar Genevieve Cortese, if you don't believe me.
Now, let's see, it was only secs ago Jared was engaged to what's her face, right? Sandra McCoy? Lasted for about as long as this one will, probably, or about as long as Reese's rumored engagement to Jake did, for a better example. Point is: These stars have product to sell, and part of the selling is the personal.
To witness, who gave better bike-ride and mocha latte photo-op love than former Rendention stars, Jake and Reese?
Our inside Gyllenhaal source would not comment, either way, regarding the source of the split—a disagreement over decaf or regular frappacuinos, maybe? They only assured us Jake ain't goin' back there. Ever.
Read the rest of what Ted said here - Awful Truth
I'm with you Tom. I feel mo' happy and content with THIS announcement than i did with the official one(s). I know that Ted isn't in the middle of everything, and i'm still totally not convinced there really is a BT (altho i would never knock anyone who did believe it), but i do think that Ted is in the know here.
Two questions:
I didn't know they were ever rumored to be engaged. I thought that the Go To rumor was that he popped the question and she shot him down, X 3. Did i miss something crucial.
I forgot my other question. Grrrr
Here's a diff one instead. I missed all the discussion about the event Jake supposedly attended in NY that was in support of Gay Issues. Did we ever find out for sure if he was really there? I found it pretty interesting that he's barely free of her clingy little fingers and he's already getting into trouble doing Gay Things. Poor Boy. Seriously, hiding is not his style at all. He needs to just take a chance and come out and see if he can make it that was, because being in the closet really seems to be a serious issue for him, especially when he doesn't have a woman to keep him out of trouble.
If i remember the other ?, i'll be back. :)
OK! I remember the other ? now. Has Ted said anything about Toothy and Shafterella breaking up too? S!
I don't think Ted has ever linked Toothy to Shafterella.
From WDW:
Jake pulled out of the Ping Pong tournament.
The official site for the charity event made an announcement today: 'Yesterday, Jake Gyllenhaal pulled out of our ping pong tournament. We wish it weren't so, but unfortunately, a last-minute scheduling conflict has gotten in the way.' However, unnamed sources close to WDW revealed today that emails had been sent to aspiring ping pong contenders with the news that '"Yes, it's true- Jake Gyllenhaal has rescinded his offer to participate in our charity fundraiser" and "Jake had to pull out of the tournament yesterday. We're doing everything we can to get him back in, but it's not looking great, which is why we've taken his name off of the site".
What is it with Jake and charities? I hope it is for work, maybe the Duncan Jones movie, and that he isn't afraid to be seen in NY after what Ted said yesterday about east coast lovin'.
Why he would be afraid?
Playing stupid doesn't make you look smart.
Do you thing he is afraid of Ted and his "report"
No pics of jaustin in NY, no sightings, even no tweets. No doubt Jake want out with sis letting Austy alone with BT in their lovenest. How cute.
Ok he should be afraid of Ted.
Personally I think Jake and Ted have a mutual respect for each other. I think Ted likes Jake and I think Jake also knows that Ted has nailed him as Toothy.. I def think Jakes little finger action at shafterella was aimed at Ted and his counterpart MK. Jake was frustrated at that point that most folks had it figured out that reeke was not doing what it was meant to do.
Hopefully Jake has thrown his hands up in the air and said F$#@ this. I also agree with Destiny. I pray he is not looking for a better beard. I wouldnt believe it like I didnt believe reeke but damn it would be awful. I want my hero back.
Special, I just got on here and I still hear "Everywhere".
I'm glad, though, because I really like that version. I loved that song anyway by Fleetwood Mac. Sorry, I know I'm a day behind.
I've been at home today - I got stuck in our street here in the complex. The blade guy made two paths on either side of the street and I didn't see that he had done that. I was just trying to follow him and the big high pile of the snow in the middle got caught under my car and I got stuck.
Luckily I have tow coverage under my auto insurance so hopefully I won't have to pay much out of pocket for that deal. But when I got back inside after trying to shovel my car out, the whole bottom of my pants were so frozen, they were like cracking. That's how cold it is here. Tomorrow, it's supposed to be a high of 2 degrees. That's our high.
Anyway, Big Boss told us yesterday that we could use a vacay day if we needed to so I took them up on it.
Keep warm and safe PG.
Thanks PG for the heads up. Everything is now fixed. The Supremes now will play.
Tom - remember, Who's the Boss? Diana Ross.
Just wanted to send Happy Belated Birthday wishes to Tom. :* I thought that AT message was about you too, Tom, when I quickly read it.
Take care PG! :)
Texas vs. Alabama tonight for the National College Football Title.
Go Horns beat Bama.
Wanna make a bet the tall Texan will be watching. (at least part of it)
Longhorn Reese!
Ted did not mince any words, did he. And he mentions Jake and Austin again, no bones about it. (I actually typed boner first but fixed my typo. Not sure if it was freudian or the result of my slash addiction, that word being used quite frequently.)
Not surprised jake pulled out of the ping pong deal. I was skeptical of that even when I first heard it. Its his brother in law that is the ping pong champ. Peter has talked about having a ping pong machine for excercise in his home in various interviews.
It sounds like Ted picked up the Jake gossip last night, but it may have been sooner as the trolls were on high alert, which seems to happen before a Ted scoop. I am guessing some significant event pissed jake off royally or was the last straw to end this bearding. I am already on record that I think he plans a change in handlers, sooner than later.
I am guessing some significant event pissed jake off royally or was the last straw to end this bearding.
Bitchface doing phony engagement ring flashing at paps: September 25, 2009?
October 2, 2009
Blind Vice: Toothy Trading Coke for Cracking Up?
This is not a joke: Poor closeted movie star Toothy Tile, last caught pitifully fooling around with blow and broads, is more recently causing his friends to worry something fierce about his head.
And I don't mean the kind he prefers getting in West Hollywood parking lots.
As our beloved Mr. T's same-sex desires (and née partnership) have been cast as far back in the closet as Kevin Spacey appears to be, Toothy's extremely tight band of friends are fretting for the fella's emotional well-being and rightfully so.
"We're wondering when he's going to crack," said one of the slightly lesser-inside chums to the notoriously private actor. "I keep hearing from everybody else that he's about to pop, but it's weird, whenever I see him, he acts like everything's cool. I think he only shows that side of himself to a couple of people."
And those people are telling other people who are telling me:
Toothy's current and arranged girlfriend is starting to "really get on his nerves," particularly when she cleans up after Toothy, who's apparently a bit of a clumsy eater.
Toothy's getting fed up with having to keep his (currently reinvented) relationship with Grey Goose in the dark and is threatening his publicists and hangers-on with outing both himself and Grey which would then, ironically, ruin Grey's own beard relationship, not that anybody really cares, so never mind.
Toothy's been heard complaining to his advisers that the Biz angle they've chosen for him is not exactly panning out, so "what has it been for?," as Toothy has cried.
Toothy's so frustrated by being a nonperson, as it were (and how he deems it, quite unlike many other fellow Hollywood celebs who are perfectly happy to sell their empty souls to the tabloid devil), he's become unnaturally obsessed with his abs, a subject years prior, when he was happier with Grey, he didn't give an ef about.
Toothy, Toothy, Toothy!
Please give up this hideous fake life while you can?and before you turn into one of these six-packed prima donnas who have about as much to say in life as does Kristin Cavallari. We know the real Toothy's dying to come out.
Let him!
(Hey, Neil Patrick Harris still has an OK gig, ya know).
It Ain't: Kevin Spacey, Bradley Cooper, Robert Pattinson
Blind Vice: Toothy Trading Coke for Cracking Up?
Wow m I hope you are right. Jake sure could use new handlers. His current team has given him horrrible advice. He has also been much to loyal to them. I also dont see how he can stay with the same company and people who handle reese PR. No way!
Motown is incredible Spesh. The Supremes, The Four Tops, The Temptations, Smoky, The Jackson Five, Martha and the Vandellas, The Isley Brothers. Great music and I still love R and B today.
LOL, Jake's rep Carrie what's her face is a friend of his Mom's, he will never ditch her!
PG damn sure sounds awful out there. I saw you on the weather channel and man that is a huge front. Sounds like it is heading East and will hit sometime tonight or tommorrow. Doesnt sound like it will be as bad though.
Spesh no music for me today. Darn I love "Baby Love"
lol! said...
LOL, Jake's rep Carrie what's her face is a friend of his Mom's, he will never ditch her!
I also think it is time to cut the apron strings. Jake needs to make his own decisions and be at peace with himself.
Thanks for dedicating Baby Love to me Spesh. Not quite sure why I dont have music today.
I have it now, Tom. Try again!
Thanks, netb, I decided it was at least a good time to wash my coat which was starting to get a little sniff sniff um...stinky.
So took advantage of the day off and let the dryer kind of heat up the apartment.
You look outside and all you see is white. Check out the new avatar.
Your avatar is funny and sad at the same time PG.
Totally agree with you Tom about Jake needing to cut the apron springs and get new handlers. They got him in this mess and I have no confidence that they will do right by him.
AWWWWWWWWWW PR I liked the rings.
Where is :-)
Still no music fo me. Darn!
Got it now. Yessssssssssssssssss.
That pap always catches Jake trying to sneak into that Drs office. I wonder how he knows when he is coming? Never figured that one out. He cant be there everyday waiting for him to come.
Wonder if anyone has heard from TR. He/She always had some nice insight into Reese's actions and motivations. I wonder what they make of Reeke coming to an abrupt end and who they think ended it.
TR did comment the end of Reeke.
PoP, Brothers and Nailed - all postponed for a year or longer. I think Jake dumped the beard during November because:
1. after two years of official bearding Jake could dump Reese without breaking the original agreement.
2. Jake didn't want the beard to use promotion of his movies for her self-promotion and more tabloid fiction. Cheap and greedy publicity whore was the last thing Jake needed around when he finally got a chance to promote his new movie. The same will be even more true for PoP promotion.
fyi said...
TR did comment the end of Reeke.
Sorry, I must have missed it. What did they say? Or tell me when it was and I'll look it up. Thanks.
TR said that the showmance ended as he/she expected, making Reese look good.
Wanted to let everyone know that the heavily Democratic Senate in NJ voted down a bill that would have legalized gay marriage in the state which outgoing GOV. Corzine would have signed. My guess they didnt want to lose their jobs either like Corzine the tax machine did.
Also tomorrow the big court case which looks to overturn the vote to end gay marriage which took place in California in November begins. This is a HUGE HUGE case that most likely will wind up in the US Supreme Court. This is a big deal and will be closely watched and could determine if Gay marriage will or will not become legal in the USA in the future. The aim is to prove in court that keeping same sex couple from being able to marry is unconstituional and a violation of Civil Rights.
Jersey Tom said...
That pap always catches Jake trying to sneak into that Drs office. I wonder how he knows when he is coming? Never figured that one out. He cant be there everyday waiting for him to come.
Tom maybe Jake is trying to divert attention away from who is going in the front door.
Thought the same thing, I Wonder
I thought that medical building was one of the places paps hang out? He goes too regularly for it to be related to BT. Still think its probably a shrink, or maybe a dentist for whitening the teeth.
Sad about New Jersey. :-( :-(
I thought that medical building was one of the places paps hang out? He goes too regularly for it to be related to BT. Still think its probably a shrink, or maybe a dentist for whitening the teeth.
Sad about New Jersey. :-( :-(
Children under three need vaccinations on that is very scheduled. I posted it back a while ago, but if you look at the the immunization schedule recommended the the Pediatric Academy, the visits sync up with the schedule. And with a second Baby T like Ted mentioned, they would be geting their first annual check up right around now.
Tom thanks for giving up the updates (really sad about NJ) about progress on the marriage equality proposals.
I would think that if there is a BT that they would not go to a pediatrician in a place that is such a pap draw.
Its a medical arts building with all kinds of Drs. No one would know who he's are going to and for what, especially coming in by himself.
immunization schedule
Ugh. Can you let me know about that schedule? I wanna have an "accident" from both ends all over Daddy and inside the car when we're on the way to the doctor that day.
So sad Colt McCoy got hurt. Gilberts did the best job he could coming in to play. But a freshman quarterback who's first game was for the national title, talk about really being in over your head.
Congrats to Alabama.
Over on the Daily Show fun interview with Maggie.
Dear Ted:
On a number of occasions in the past few years you've hinted that Toothy was on the verge of pulling the plug on his public persona charade and revealing his true persuasion, but to no avail. Toothy seems to have lost his nerve each time and his true identity still eludes us. Is 2010 the year where we will finally definitely find out who Toothy really is? Is Toothy any closer to coming clean? What about Grey Goose? Any chance he may decide on going public in the near future?
—Quickly Losing Hope
Dear Toothy Perplexed:
I don't see Grey Goose going public unless Toothy would. I think T.T. is calling the shots, and he has much more to lose. I'm with you, babe, I've been waiting and waiting, and really don't know what to expect anymore. But I still have stupidass hope!
Dear Ted:
I've been curious for a while if Jamie Foxx's Blind Vice has anything to do with Jake's. They are friends, but how close are they really?
—First timer
Dear Random Pairing:
Sorry, detective horny, Jamie and Jake have two separate B.V.s.
Dear Ted:
You've already made references to E! lawyers. Do they check everything you post? I'm mostly curious about closeted celebrities. I know you never out people, but I guess you must have some solid proof about gay actors, especially when you make bold statements. So how does it work?
Dear Good Q's:
Yes, everything that gets posted gets read first by our anal-retentive lawyers, most of whom wear mauve suits from Loehmann's.
The Awful Truth
Blind Vice: Young Gay Movie Star in Heat!
Gorgeous young stud Parrish Maguire is as crafty with publicity as he is shy with his fans. Trust us on this one: He's no tormented Toothy Tile, who can't decide which side of the closet door he wants to be on. Parrish has his feet firmly planted inside his walk-in closet (which holds an unfortunate assortment of Lycra, we're sorry to report), where he fully plans on remaining.
Especially since Mr. Maguire has such magnificent male company to keep him satisfied...
As in a hot boyfriend he's absolutely koo-koo horny for and has had for a while now. And this romantic situation was in full force long before Parrish's handlers saw to it to fix him up with luscious, multitalented celeb Priscilla Desert, who has a bit more experience with boys than even Parrish himself does!
The funny thing is, really, that Parrish's friends are even more cavalier about discussing his same-sex bent than even Toothy's buds are—which is really saying something. It's just that Maguire's personal pals think there's such a disconnect between their crowd and Parrish's suddenly gigantic fanbase, they figured word would never trickle down.
Well, isn't that what gossip columns are for?
Exactly. And let's just say Maguire's pro advisers have been far more clammed up in discussing their client's true sexual preference—and they'd like to keep it that way, and Parrey doesn't mind in the least. Ah, such fun to be young and have not convictions yet; it's so much easier that way! (Poor Toothy.)
By the way, this pretty-open life that Parrish led prior to his meteoric rise to hot-stud fame suddenly explains why he almost didn't get his current fab job. Makes perfect sense.
But so, too, does how Parrish's studio employers decided to get Parrish hooked up with Priscilla ASAP.
And the only difference between Parrish and Toothy here is that P-boy doesn't mind his fakey tabloid ride in the least; Toothy loathes it.
Hmm. Who's going to last longer, in the end?
And It Ain't: Justin Timberlake, Ryan Kwanten, Liam Hemsworth
The Awful Truth
Everyone at AT is guessing Taylor Laustner, but I would think he is way too young for this one, and too obvious. Plus Taylor and Taylor only lasted about a minute.
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