Remember Austin describing Julian's and Brooke's relationship like the story The Notebook and wondering what the he..? Because from what you saw, you thought what notebook is he reading?

Well there may be a reason he mentioned The Notebook and it has nothing to what's happening on screen but off involving a co-star. Now before the discussion returns they aren't dating vs. they are dating, it has nothing to do Sophia.
Who is it? Bethany Joy Galeotti. She and record producer Ron Aniello, wrote music based on Nicholas Sparks' 2004 tearjerker. They workshopped the musical in a small black box theater in October in front of Broadway producers and investors, and with the feedback overwhelmingly positive.

And who was in the audience for the workshop? Austin. Just another time we see him supporting a fellow cast member in their other creative pursuits. “It's amazing to think she wrote all that music”, saying he truly enjoyed the production. “It was great".
Update and clarification: The workshop/blackbox performance was in Wilmington. Thanks OTH.
And new from Ted:
Dear Ted:
Now that Jake has broken up with Reese, I would have thought his good friend Austin Nichols would be spending some quality time trying to cheer Jake up. But if tweets leading up to a well-timed photo of Jake just flying into L.A. this week are to be believed, these two amigos are never in L.A. or any other place at the same time.
—Twitter Skeptic
Dear East Coast Lovin':
They cheer each other up more often that you think.
Austin in New York in October? Or some where else on the East Coast? hmmm. And not one picture? Who else did that happen to?

Now a little OTH spoiler
Sportsarc is casting male and female tennis players for an upcoming episode of One Tree Hill... Call offices at (213) 613-2750 for more info.
Think Austin will get to show off some of those Wimbledon skills?

Very interesting find SK. You are truly amazing.
Austin is def a people person. There is no doubt about that. I see him as a guya friend could really count on. Its great having friends like that.
I love that picture of Austin in the mirror. It is very very Hottt.
Jake Gyllenhaal Takes the Back Way
Jake Gyllenhaal snuck into the back entrance of a medical building yesterday in Beverly Hills as he chatted on his cell.
Oh no back to the Doctor. My newest guess is speech therapy. Got to macho that voice up even more:-)
Gemma Arterton:
“On one of the movies, I’d just done this big comedy scene, and all they said was, ‘You need to work on your arms!’ ” she recalls, looking down perplexedly at her own arms, as if to say: “Hey, when you’ve had 12 fingers, everything else looks OK from here.” She continues: “And I said, ‘But what about the acting?’ And they said, ‘Don’t worry about the acting, worry about your arms!’ I just wanted to say, ‘Screw you all! I’d rather do a play!’ ”
Enter, stage left, The Little Dog Laughed. A scathing Hollywood satire from the playwright and screenwriter Douglas Carter Beane, it marks Arterton’s West End debut, and only her second time on the London stage since playing Rosaline in Love’s Labour’s Lost at the Globe in 2007. “It’s daunting, and it’s scary,” she admits, “but it’s something that I have to do.” The play, she explains, is an exorcism of sorts, for it is allowing her to explore the kind of Hollywoodian duplicities that she has experienced recently in the studio big leagues.
Her role, for example, is that of Ellen, the occasional New York girlfriend of a rent boy called Alex (Harry Lloyd). Ellen’s dreams of settling down with Alex are seemingly scuppered when the latter falls for Mitch (Rupert Friend), a rising Hollywood movie star who is suffering, according to his ferocious agent Diane (Tamsin Greig), from “a slight recurring case of homosexuality”. Naturally, the tension, the humour and the biting commentary reside in Diane’s attempt to sanitise Mitch’s private life for the sake of his career. It is, Arterton says, an eerily accurate representation of real movie-star dilemmas.
“I have worked with people like Mitch, who face these issues every day. I have gay actor friends who can’t say that they’re gay. There’s even people who we all know that are gay but they can’t talk about it. As soon as [she gives the name of a high-profile actor] says, ‘I’m gay,’ then people will see him only as gay. It’s so strange, and it’s why the play is fascinating.”
The Little Dog Laughed review
January 10, 2006
What has garnered the most advance attention for "Little Dog" has been the promise that it would be about a closeted gay actor who knows his homosexuality is incompatible with being a matinee idol. Sure enough, the character of Mitchell (Mr. Huff) is suggestively familiar enough that certain contemporary male stars (names withheld in view of possible litigation) should probably stay away from this show if they want to avoid sleepless nights. (Diane muses wonderingly on her client's naïve idea of taking his mother as a date to an awards ceremony "so that no one will know he's gay.")
Certainly the play's basic plot hinges on the professional problems of such secrecy, after Mitchell begins an affair with a young prostitute named Alex (Mr. Galecki) while visiting New York. Diane has secured the film rights to a play in which the lead male character is gay. And as she observes: "If a perceived straight actor portrays a gay role in a feature film, it's noble, it's a stretch. It's the pretty lady putting on a fake nose and winning an Oscar."
Two thoughts about the Dr's
Jake has to get medical clearance for insurance before shooting begins for Source Code in Montreal in March
Also, if the timeline is right. BT2should be needing their very first annual check up.
Very interesting comments from Gemma indeed.
Dear Ted:
Now that Jake has broken up with Reese, I would have thought his good friend Austin Nichols would be spending some quality time trying to cheer Jake up. But if tweets leading up to a well-timed photo of Jake just flying into L.A. this week are to be believed, these two amigos are never in L.A. or any other place at the same time.
—Twitter Skeptic
Dear East Coast Lovin':
They cheer each other up more often that you think.
^^ :)
^^^ :) :) :)
^^^^ :((((((((((((((
Ted uses East Coast Lovin' to answer the question. Sounds like cheering may have been up and down the coast.
Oh yeah..................
January 5 - Jake At A Medical Center In Beverly Hills
TT said...
xravenmoonx: @theawfultruth don't care what you say about about Tooty..ern Jake Gyllenhal, I think he's great. Amazing actor and very funny, actually.
about 1 hour ago
xravenmoonx: @theawfultruth discovered over the holiday that Tooty...shit...I mean Jake has great sense humors and hope he finds the right person for him
5 minutes later
xravenmoonx: @theawfultruth Happy New Year, btw, Missed you during the holiday break ;) How's your bronchitis? Still have it?
1 minute later
What does everyone make of this. Why does Jake need to find someone when he already has someone.
So, Ted is confirming that they spend they get together on the East Coast. :-)
Were there two workshops for the Notebook? One in NY and one in NC?
Never mind. The workshop took place in the black box theater in Wilmington, not NY. They got feedback from produceres via podcast.
"So, Ted is confirming that they spend they get together on the East Coast. :-)"
East Coast is a reference for austin and OTH I think.
"What does everyone make of this. Why does Jake need to find someone when he already has someone"
not a jaustin believer then.
I think East Coast lovin' is a reference to where the loving is going on. You have to read it in the context of the letter about Jake and Austin never being seen in LA at the same time.
Easier to hid in NY, and a much shorter plane ride from Wilmington.
Yes maybe!
I just wonder if Ted really know something or pleases his fans.
I'm sure Ted hears gossip about Jake, even if it is not exactly detail-filled. After all, we just got TT's straight male friends blabbing to Ted about TT's real relationship.
Just Pleases his Fans.
It's smoke and mirrors. Ted is full of it.
All of his comments are timed with the 2 blogs. If Jake and Austin fans weren't so desparate about it,
The TT life would die out. And it's the same fans asking Ted the questions. Even if Ted knows for a Fact the Jake is gay, he's probably been shut off on info and knows absolutely nothing, but he will continue to float this boat until there are no waves.
All for his public. Anyone not mesmarized by the fantasy gay romance would see and smell this a mile away.
So Ted is throwing the dogs, sorry I meant to say his readers some bones.......! What a surprise!
"@iamclintmansell wish I were there! In Toronto airport right now, heading up to Montreal. Will be coming to LA soon though.
Jan 3rd
Thanks for the Montreal ski tips, everyone! Now just need to find time to go.. LA tomorrow. More meetings! Grrr.
about 1 hour ago Duncan Jones
@EmmaK67 Great taste! Mr J is a big time director now, you looking to be whisked off to erm Montreal? He's there now with Jake Gyllenhall.
about 1 hour ago
The UK's leading entertaiment PR company."
Maybe some Sasquatch and Sacajawea cheering in Pittsburgh
Is austin working in pittsburg again now ?
Montreal is no more than 90 minute flight to New York. Wilmington is less than 2 hours to NYC.
Maybe some Sasquatch and Sacajawea cheering in Pittsburgh.
I meant it is very well likely that they did some cheering for those Steelers games, or at least one of them.
Maybe Jake did purchase a home in Pitts. It is a lot more private than NYC or even Phila or DC. Still just a short flight to Wilmington. Where is Atticus?
Good news today - love this version of Everywhere! :)
Jake lives in Venice, CA. Atticus stays in a kennel when Jake is away for a long while or his father keeps him, his father lives in WEHO
Jalke has damily on his fathers side that live in PA. Someone posting on ontd said that Jak visits family there and has for years at least 6 times a year all away drom nosy eyes.
Jake live in Venice you silly, overheated fangirl and his mutt stays with crazy papa in Weho or a kennel. He visits his family on his fathers side in PA frequently and has done before he started filming. Away from the glare as it should be since they aren't in the biz.
I guess you think he lives under your bed.
I'm sure Jake let you know his new Venice address and his plans for Atticus. How often do you talk to Jake?
Jake does have family in Pennslyvania, as well as in North Carolina, Florida, New York and Massachusetts on the east coast.
He has family in Russia, Poland, Sweden, England, Nashville, the North pole and Mongolia!!!
LOL!! I saw the tweets from Florida/Miami and from Long Island and remember years ago hearing about scattared family, it sures makes it easy and cheaper for him to visit, no hotels!!
Jake lives in Venice and the mutt stays with crazy papa in Weho.
Yes troll, you know everything.
Jake does NOT live in Venice, BS. If you even remotely know anything about LA you would know Jake DOES not live in that place.
Just wanted to get on here and wish JerseyTom a belated, but very ecstatic Happy, Happy Birthday yesterday.
Tom, I felt awful when I found out it was your b-day yesterday.
Happy Birthday, buddy! I love you.
lauraweir: Oooh sitting near Jake gylenhall (sp?) at Shima in Venice. Cutie!!
about 22 hours ago from Echofon
What the fuck is wrong with Venice?
Ahhhh Thanks PG.. I am an old hoot.
By the way PG glad to see you back and I love the avatar. I need to get me one.
How cool is that.
Happy Belated Birthday Tom.
Finally some good news about #Jakegyllenhaal in AT tom! I could cry, he has his cajones back...
about 1 hour ago
sitting inside peoples choice awards, how thinks twilight will be a winner? kellan lutz is looking hot a few rows in front of us
34 minutes ago
Happy Birthday Tom!
It's very possible Jake lives in Venice (or even in nearby Marina del Rey) since he's been seen there at its shops and restaurants many many times. RDJ has a huge house there (a converted warehouse) that is extremely well hidden. Venice used to be really downtrodden; a place for druggies, surfer slackers, weirdos and the homeless, but kind of like Brooklyn NY it's seeing a new younger hipper population take over and enjoying a new better reputation (although it still has some undesirables left over). I wouldn't be surprised if Jake was living in Venice especially seeing that actors like RDJ are there. Depending on the layout a Venice property could have far more privacy and security than a Hollywood Hills house on a public street for everyone and their brother to know about. Jake is free to move and change houses if he wants. He's not chained to WW Drive.
I wonder who wrote that. What a wonderful belated birthday present.
That was so sweet for someone to do.
I have been going through some hard times that most dont know about here. I need a few smiles. Been out of them lately:-)
Thanks for the birthday wishes.
I do have a birthday wish. Guess I cant say it cause it wont come true. I think a lot of people have the same wish here. Starting to feel like a family again.
Happy Belated Birthday Tom, I had no idea it was your birthday yesterday.
Does McBongo live in Venice?? Wasn't there a sighting of both him and Austin on the beach around where McBongo lives??
Can't wait to see what Ted has to say about Jake, although I wish he was saying that about Toothy.
Happy Birthday Tom! Even if i'd known it was your birthday, i woulda forgot or bobbled it somehow, so this wish is pretty much on time for me. i'm hoping you get your wish! i'm pretty sure it would make me happy too. :)
I was all over Venice a few days back actually, very unlikely a movie star would live there! Go there once in awhile to the beach or restaurants? sure! But leave there? Don't think so! More seclusion that BH or the hills? You got to be kidding.
A lot of the houses in the HH are not very family-friendly. Limited parking, and no place on the street for people to park either. You have have a couple of adults living in a house, plus possibly a nanny, and well, the HH may not be the best place.
BV is expensive and stuffy. Lots of paps too.
Happy birthday Tom. I look forward to another year enjoying your comments.
I'm late to the party today- miserable day. One where everything I wanted to do got side-tracked by other events that sucked up all my time. I even hit every red light, at one point being the only car in all 4 directions.
Thanks to Ted for reaffirming that Jake & Austin are still together, just still on the down low. I'll take any confirmation Ted hands out. Of course he has an intern or whatever monitor this site and WFT. It's his job to know what people are saying about Jake/Toothy. I am happy that he does and responds to our concerns. Also glad to see him at the award ceremonies. He can pick up more gossip in a party/business setting with tongues lubricated by alcohol than by picking up the phone and asking around.
Forgot to say, good catch on the reference to East Coast Lovin. Definitely a clue that that is where they now meet up. Nothing in the letter mentioned the East, just Ted's reply and Ted chooses his words for a reason.
As if movie stars with their mansions need friends to park their cars on the street, LOL! Yeah sure Venice is great, BT can run on the beach all day long ...with the druggies? So family friendly!
"insane" - you really need to learn how to comprehend written sentences and stop skewing the words to fit your ridiculous agenda. Also it would help if you were born and raised and lived in SoCal all your life and knew the areas intimately like I do.
happy belated birthday tom:*
Thanks everybody again for the birthday wishes. Sounds like the snow from the Midwest may be headed east. If Jake wants to buy another place he can buy mine because I am ready to head South.
Tooooo Cold.
Tom, Tom, Tom...
Hope you had a great Birthday and sorry I missed it. Many good wishes coming your way, we'll have to catch up soon via phone.
Really enjoying Ted's latest news and got a nice chuckle out of Special's update on the post making sure everyone saw it 'front and centre'... no apologies for the Cdn spelling eh! Ha.
My homespun advice for trolls in 2010 is "Don't get your water hot, it'll burn your kidneys!"
Hugs ...
Happy belated birthday wishes from me too, Tom.
Hope you celebrated nicely even if it's that cold.
I am so silly. I thought AT tom meant Ted was talking to me I sware to God. Tom means tommorrow. What a dreamer I am:-)
Tom, don't feel bad. When I first read it I thought he was referring to you too. In fact, I did not even get what he meant until I read it again this AM. Of course I was totally worn out last night so that is my excuse. Now I am anxiously waiting to see what tidbit Ted has picked up.
Dear Ted:
Been seeing some gossip spread around about my favorite demon fighter. Apparently Jared Padalecki is engaged? Is this true and is it true love? Much love from across the pond!
Dear Jackles 4 Life:
Engagements (particularly rumored engagements) are like press releases in this town. They're often whipped up with great thought as to how it sounds, rather than how it's actually going to come to pass. Jake and Reese? Casey Johnson and Tila Tequila? I promise you two things: 1) Had Casey lived, that wedding never would have taken place, and, 2), Jared Padalecki and his super-tight Supernatural bud, Jensen Ackles, will sooner marry each other than who they're currently rumored to be getting hitched to. If I'm wrong? I'll get Taryn Ryder a date with Ryan Gosling.
Bitch Back
Source: Gyllenspoon Round 2 "Not Happening"
Source: Gyllenspoon Round 2 "Not Happening"
As if there was any doubt.
Just thought we'd just make super-duper sure, ya know, just in case Jake Gyllenhaal changed his mind at the last minute before the press-crazy Prince of Persia premiere. Thinking, I dunno, maybe he'd want to take Oscar-winning ex Reese Witherspoon as his date. Instead of his sis, Maggie, the rents, BFF Austin Nichols, or even that that octopus from Sesame Street Jake bonded with recently.
"It's not happening," insisted a source close to Jake. "No way."
But you do know how pushy publicists can be in situations like this, don't you?
Just look at WWK's fab scoop on Supernatural star Jared Palecki's engagement to his costar Genevieve Cortese, if you don't believe me.
Now, let's see, it was only secs ago Jared was engaged to what's her face, right? Sandra McCoy? Lasted for about as long as this one will, probably, or about as long as Reese's rumored engagement to Jake did, for a better example. Point is: These stars have product to sell, and part of the selling is the personal.
To witness, who gave better bike-ride and mocha latte photo-op love than former Rendention stars, Jake and Reese?
Nobody! That's who.
Gyllenspoon was the utter epitome of syrupy, starry cutie-pie couple made in red-carpet heaven. Which is why, when multiple rumors circulated over the holidays that Jake was panting to get Reese back, we thought it best to check and make sure Jakey might not be getting splits-ville cold feet?
And trust us, our Jake source smacked down those rumors with sardonic chuckles.
Gosh, wonder if it's true Jake got tired of Reese's totally tight-ass ways?
My fave one about Reesey (and there are so many tales, really), is that she insists on buying two calendars for every year, should one get dirty and smudge-marked sometime around July. How Martha Stewart! How adorably vomit-inducing!
Our inside Gyllenhaal source would not comment, either way, regarding the source of the split—a disagreement over decaf or regular frappacuinos, maybe? They only assured us Jake ain't goin' back there. Ever.
Gotta say this is the best news I've heard about Jake, who I've always been fond of, since he put that miniskirt on for Prince of Persia. I mean, that move on top of being Reese's little bike-riding bitch, just made us true Jake jammers wince with embarrassment. The octopus may have been bad enough, but, being little Ms. Witherspoon's beck-and-call nanny and jogging mate was simply beyond the pale.
Welcome back to your manhood, Jake. We've missed you and we expect far more butch crap in the future, so, Starbucks is a no-go for at least six months, hear?
The Awful Truth
Didnt think it would happen but finally letting out big sigh of relief.
I dont think Ted would print this post un less he was very very sure that reeke is over. I am sure he would have some pretty good come back if he was double crosssed.
With matters of the heart never say never. reeke was certainly never a matter of the heart was it.
I hope Ted is right. Also hope that this is not just a case of the wrong beard. I wish he'd get another publicist.
Nice to see Ted working in Austin, and letting go with some nasty remarks about Reese.
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