Looks like Julian has found the pair he lost while working on his movie with Alex. After taking a break, Julian's back in Tree Hill and reconnecting with Brooke and this time wants Brooke to step up.
It's good to see the fire back in Julian, and this little glimpse you get to see what most have missed in Season 7. Let's hope he keeps it and doesn't back down and go all Ross on this.
Do you really want another Ross and Rachel? Do you really want to see how many times they take a break and make up over and over again? This is number 2 for them. Like they say in baseball 3 strikes you're out.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Posted by
Special K
11:19 AM
Labels: Austin, Brulian, Julian Baker, OTH
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Nice to see Austin showing a bit of range for a change. Let's hope this Brulian split continues a while longer.
As for the privacy, hiding Baby Tile issue. Of course they can hide what they want to hide. Just look at WDW today. They talk about how Jim Sheridan first met Jake while he was hanging around the pool with Heath. We heard, but never saw much evidence of Jake and Heath's friendship off camera until this comment years later. And even though we know of Romona, we seldom see her pictured with Peter and Maggie.
I think the privacy argument also ignores the fact that Jake just isn't that sought after by the paps and fans. Yes, there would be a short flurry if he came out and was seen with a child, but it would quickly die down, unless Jake chose to do what other celebs pushing their kids do. See TomKat, Jennifer Garner and Reese.
Another example. We know David Burkha has kids, how many photos have we gotten of them with NPH?
but come on, I'll never lie. Or mislead. Some people are upset about something I'm not even implying!
^^^ This says it all. Ted has mixed and nixed his BI's to the hills and he now has his biggest BI ever, and he's gonna keep it running like water. I agree, I think some have taken Ted and his rants too literlly.
I'm with the group that Jake or Austin is not that stupid to do something like this. It's a great responsibility to raise a child. Anyone going into it know this, well most do. To much of their lives ahead of them, not to mention their careers, to take on such a responsibility.
So I guess if you believe that Jake is Toothytile, then you have to believe that Jake and Austin has a baby or two? Well I say it's bS.
So I guess if you believe that Jake is Toothytile, then you have to believe that Jake and Austin has a baby or two?
No. Jake is gay because he was born that way, not because Ted said so.
And that's fine, Questions Asked. No one is saying anyone has to believe one way or the other. No one is saying that if you believe Jaustin is still together that you have to believe in BT, too.
Everyone is just giving their side of an argument here.
I will say this. There have been several really long periods of not seeing these guys; take for instance post Christmas holidays. Absolutely no signs. What are they doing then? You can't tell me they aren't walking the streets of either N.Y.C. or L.A.. That they're staying indoors 24/7. Of course they're not. Yet we don't get any pap pictures of them.
Hello everyone,
I hope you are all fine. The weather is more "sweet" today but I suspect the freezing days back soon.
I think the baby issue is getting a real "state affair" lol
Hollywood stars can hide childrens and so keep some privacy if they want, I am absolutely sure of that.
Nevertheless some if not all , talk about it from time to time, mention them at least once because they are proud of them and even they aren't public, they exist and don't need to be ignore in conversation since their parent have nothing to hide.
A boy like Ricky martin decided to show his babes despite the rumours about his orientation. Everybody know he is likely gay/bi but his life remains a mystery and he doesn't influence any part.
For Jake and Austin things aren't same. Whatever you believe, they aren't neutral and so it's the problem.
Good point Elinor. Jake and Austin arent neutral. They are playing it strictly Hetero. So they cannot be seen together and most def cannot be seen with kids. I like to think that Ted is an honest man. Being said if a BT or BTs exist time for keeping them hidden is running out. In the USA we do have laws that say kids must get an education. Home schooling and tudors are great in certain situations but going to school and learning social skills is the best way to get an education.
Sorry 2:08 pm is me Warm Florida Tom
Don't know that Henry VII or VII would be the best educators, Tom.
And don't even get me started on Mary!
Great News from DC!
A D.C. Superior Court judge ruled Thursday that same-sex marriage opponents do not have a right to hold a public referendum on whether those marriages should be legal in the District.
The ruling, a major victory for gay rights activists, makes it more likely that the District will start allowing same-sex couples to marry in March.
Washington Post
hey it's a great new Special K!
I am positive, mentalities are changing, slowly yes but surely.
I ain't teachin' nobody! ;)
Also, before I lose my head, don't let me forget to give feedback on the Spesh's Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie - got nothing but raves about it over the holidays - delish!
Wicked is thrilled about the news in DC. I also hope we get good news out of California.
i have to say, about everything destiny says, i agree. glad you are such a strong person because it seems to me you just say it and you know what feels right or wrong to you. i agree with you about all the time, though i`m not as strong as you.
i can accept hiding you`r kid for safety. i can accept no photos of baby-tile because of the reason above and to not exposure a kid or kids to the media.
i can`t accept the ignorance of baby tile in interviews.
you can aknowledging you have a kid withouth exploring him or her.
i`m a mother of three, and to never go somewhere with them public is beyond my mind.
i hope jake and austin are not fathers, if they are ...think about someone else than yourselfs, please.
today, our oldest daughter had to go to the doctor. she`s almost ten. she had gotten something that really worried us, thankfully it wasn`t something serious.
my husband, our two other kids and i was there with her.
it turned out to be nothing serious, thank god!
the reason we all went is because she wanted us, and she means the world to us.
hope jake and austin can do the same for their kid if the situasion comes up. the kid is the most important in you`r life!
Love the sneak peek of OTH, and seeing Julian back, and hope we get more of a strong Julian than the schmoopy one.
30 Rock that's on right now... the one with the arrangemed romance with Jame Franco.
"5 Dates a week, 1 fight a month, and a product deal with Jamba Juice where one of our fights will be"
Hey, ng! Glad to hear your daughter's doing alright.
And how is your weather? We are thawing quickly from our big snow and you can hear dripping everywhere. The problem now is that it freezes overnight and there's black ice everywhere. I just dropped a path of ice melt on my way to the garage so I don't go slicking out in the morning.
I just think BT is silly BS, plain and simple. I just do not find any good reason for J&A to put themselves and a child through all this. Someone please explain to me what is the F... point. There isn't ANY. Ted 's words mean little to me I am very well aware of the games he plays and that some of the stuff he says is based on truth and some is not. And, that's what makes it fun.
So I guess if you believe that Jake is Toothytile, then you have to believe that Jake and Austin has a baby or two?
No. Jake is gay because he was born that way, not because Ted said so.
Please stop being the Gay Police and try to understnad what the comment was about. I did not question if Jake was gay, I believe that Jake is the famous ToothyTile which is one of Ted's BI and creation, but I do not believe that Jake or Austin have two children from a surrogate mother if this is what Ted is implying. Don't believe Jake or Austin would be that shallow while trying to raise a child. Don't believe it. You can if you want to and if it makes you happy.
I find it disgusting for anyone to do what babytile supporters are insinuating J/A are doing.
Cheers DC! Let's go Cali.
Hi NG. I am so glad that you spoke and expressed your feelings as a mother. That is a viewpoint that seems to be largely missing here. I am only a mom to cats, but I hear and see people in my family and among my friends and co-workers who are parents and how they are with their children.
Also missing here, view points of celebrity parents. Not to mention Jake Gyllenhaal's own viewpoint.
Can we have this discussion without there being a slam against people?
There's a huge difference between being a BT Believer and a BT Supporter, Elle.
Does everyone here see loads of people jumping & down, frothing at the mouth ready to throw a baby shower or two?
Come on, let's get real.
I knew that's what this discussion would turn into and that was the moral issue of what Jake & Austin were doing.
Who would ever agree that if there is a BT(s), these are the best conditions to do it?
The fact that some of us may believe BT exists in no way does not mean, and I guess I speak for myself here, I believe what they are doing is right.
Dangit, if people could just state what they believe without slinging insults at those who do believe in something, it would be nice.
And does there have to be a point, Elle? Sorry but your comment hacked me off. If you don't like the point, scroll right on by and talk about something else that you think is more interesting or relevant. There's no need to be like that.
Everyone can just have at this topic today; I'm done with it, I know that. I wouldn't dare express how I really feel because I would be chastised to death and thrown into fire, I reckon. So I'll keep it to myself. I don't think there's any way to have a BT discussion without it turning into a bad discussion.
Everyone have a good day today; hey, it's Friday. Woohoo.
New 'Truth, Lies & Ted' video:
"Austin would sooner marry his BF Jake Gyllenhaal than Sophia"
The Awful Truth
Notice Ted says BF and not BFF. Thats Boyfriend not best friend.
Ted is naughty!
If you ask me, judging by the last comment (not this one) Ted made about Austin & Sophia, perhaps Austin & Sophia don't always get along so well after all.
Although, I find that really hard to believe because they truly look very comfortable with each other. Maybe I'm trying to read too much between the lines?
Slow going with the post. I really had my computer some days. Up as soon as possible.
Special, take the day off for a change. Your computer did! And who knows maybe Austin did too.
Ted has been so bold lately, and linking Jake and Austin using the term BF today tells me he feels very secure in defending any naysayers that may pop up.
With Reese out of the "pictures", what's the Complaint du Jour? Ah yes, Jake and Austin are terrrrrible parrrrentttts!!!
We don't even know if they are parents, much less what kind. How do we know if they aren't proud of them, won't acknowledge them, are hiding them, just because we don't see them? Sounds like the same old, same old - accusing someone of lying and bearding when you have know way of knowing for sure. There's so much we have no way of knowing. I don't know for sure if there's a BT and sibling(s), but I think there's a possibility of it. I don't discount it out of hand.
Yes, we are a pretty vocal group at OMG, and we all speak out about what feels wrong to us, and condemnation of someone we know nothing about is wrong to me. We all know how we would behave as parents, no need to be so holier-than-thou about it - we just don't know what's going on with J&A and family. We recently found out that Jake was Surprise! hanging out with Heath under the radar a lot, no pics, by the account of a respected director, Jim Sheridan, who was there at the time, not just speculation and anonymous sources. There's all kinds of things we don't know that could be going on. What I don't understand is such negativity and fixation on Jake when there are lots of closeted actors and lots of terrible parents we have facts about to vent your frustrations against.
I don't know if Paul Newman or Warren Beatty had children, they were just the first names I thought of because I don't know who their kids are, I may vaguely have read something about it years ago. Now their kids, if they have them, probably have grandkids whom I have never seen either. I have no way of knowing if they were proud of them, embarrassed by them, hid them, or what because I am not there in their everyday lives, I don't work with them, nor am I related to them.
Yes, we all are mothers, have mothers, know mothers, work with mothers and have mothers in our family. And fathers too.
Sounds like the same old, same old - accusing someone of lying and bearding when you have know way of knowing for sure.
10.000 Reeke pictures is proof of bearding, lying and faking.
^^That wasn't the point of the post, did you read the first sentence? Probably not. LMAO!!!!
I did read your post and I love how you keep trying to sell "accusing someone of lying and bearding when you have know way of knowing for sure" bullshit.
^^Yes, but that's over now, why dwell on it?
I had a horrible day. At 3:15 pm a cloud blocked my sun for ten minutes. Talk about problems. Oh my.
Tom, I hope you are enjoying Florida. :)
Yes, but that's over now, why dwell on it?
YOU brought it up and YOU used it to trash regular OMG posters who know that reeking was a fauxmance.
Denzel Washington talked about his family at length today on Regis and Kelly. Sounds like he has raised great talen ted children that hw is proud to express his feelings about to the world.
Matt Bomer talked about his show only.
What the hell is wrong with Gay parents. Are they ashamed to talk about their children
hw = he
I used it as a comparison - I wasn't talking about it by itself. I wasn't trashing anyone, I was stating an opinion. No more or less opinionated than YOU or anyone else. Think again. I don't recognize your name as a regular poster either. Why such a knee-jerk reaction.
Opinion? Opinion that regular OMG posters opinions are void and that they are accusing Jake without any proof?
Sounds like the same old, same old - accusing someone of lying and bearding when you have know way of knowing for sure.
So you are saying that irregular posters are opinions are void and meaningless? Groupthink. I could be a regular poster, you don't know that for sure either.
Even the Babblers are regular posters!
I wonder, now that Reeke is null and void, are there still going to be Babblers and Non-Babblers? Or is that war over now?
Irregular Poster,.
That isn't an opinion, that's trashing OMG.
I wonder, now that Reeke is null and void, are there still going to be Babblers and Non-Babblers?
Are you joking or playing stupid?
No it's not because some regular posters agree. And I agree with the ones who believe in BT.
I didn't realize BT non-believers were regular posters?
I also believe that Ted wouldn't lie about something like that - so I guess that makes me like clockwork, doesn't it? So, since there are other people who believe in Baby Tile, and believe what Ted wrote about Baby Tile, that means I'm of the same opinion of at least some of the regular posters, and so I'm not trashing OMG. Just stating an opinion like everyone else.
I wonder, now that Reeke is null and void, are there still going to be Babblers and Non-Babblers?
Babblers think that Jake might be gay and dating Austin? Great news!
So, since there are other people who believe in Baby Tile, and believe what Ted wrote about Baby Tile, that means I'm of the same opinion of at least some of the regular posters, and so I'm not trashing OMG. Just stating an opinion like everyone else.
No, this is trashing: Sounds like the same old, same old - accusing someone of lying and bearding when you have know way of knowing for sure.
I think UV and FL should just shut down Gyllenbabble and just come on over to OMG all babblers know Jake is gay. Give in girls come on over.
LOL - I agree. :)
That's isn't trashing - it's an opinion. I must have a different definition of "trash" than you do.
My definition: Namecalling and mean insults
Think Again's Definition: A dissenting opinion from theirs.
And of course - LMAO!!!!!!
Opinion? Opinion that regular OMG posters opinions are void and that they are accusing Jake without any proof?
Sounds like the same old, same old - accusing someone of lying and bearding when you have know way of knowing for sure.
Sounds like the girls are getting nervous. Does that mean that TBs are about to get some good news again.
7:52 PM - troll is pissed off.
Sorry, Spesh I couldn't resist baiting the babbler, er, troll. What news could be better than what we've had I wonder?
Yeah, when they start to talk dirty, you know you've got 'em. ;)
Well I am sure Austin is in LA tonight. I think the Babblers are nervous Sophin won't show at the event this weekend. Austin may be busy. When is the event that they are supposed to show up for. Maybe Jake and Austin will shock the world and come together.
On Saturday.
kdando: Just got to see the TMZ photogs in action at LAX, while I stood next to Maggie Gyllenhaal & her husband Peter Sarsgaard waiting for my bags.
about 2 hours ago
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