Art Life
Looks like shooting will resume soon on OTH, Bethany Joy Galeotti (Haley) flew back back over the weekend and said that she would be directing her second episode, so it looks like the holiday break is over. But wonder if it will still be a few days before shooting starts up. You know its kind of like getting back from school vacation it takes a few days to get back to everything back in sync.
She wasn't the one only who was flying as Jake popped up at LAX Sunday night and even after a long flight he looks as good as ever. Looks like the holidays were good to him, my bet it was the company who made it so good. Makes you wonder where the allusive Man of Mystery was. East West North or South?
If not down South yet, he soon will be. Austin's getting back to work and so is Julian, who's got something to do again,(FINALLY) and going back to making movies. But there is the future of a being possibly Brookeless. With it looking like Julian and Alex heading to LA they run into Brooke and the new boy du jour at the airport. Big Breakup or just a Brulian reconcillation? And those who have followed Julian on OTH, what do you think, better off with or without Brulian?
Jake's East again next week for 826NewYork's charity event of celebrity ping pong to benefit the free tutoring and writing programs for children of NYC. And while it has not been confirmed he may also be a star in the East, sitting down with James Lipton of the Actor's Studio at Pace University for an interview and episode of Inside the Actors studio.
So it looks like there might bit a little bit of traveling in all directions for these two. Doubt they need a compass, since their heart seems to lead them to the perfect place.
Monday, January 4, 2010
Due North or is that West, East or South?
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According to a twitter account, Sophia Bush and Austin Nichols were on their flight yesterday from LAX to Atlanta, the person said they were very nice, def acted like a couple and were really cute together.
There have been several accounts from twitter about Jake being in NYC/Brooklyn. Catching a movie, shopping at several places and hitting Chelsea Market with Peter & Maggie.
As for Austin, well there were at least three twitters about he and Sophia Bush being Austin Texas over the course of several days.
then there are photos of her walking her dogs in LA. Right around the same time there is a twitter account of someone that just saw Austin Nichols of John from Cincinnati (acct was from LA)....
Just do a twitter search from time to time and then you can even check the person who reports the sighting to see if they seem legit.
In almost all the cases these are just folks who happen on them at work or while traveling.
please remind me, are you selling "Austin is straight", "Jake is straight" or both?
I asked about photos of Sophin, not unsubstantiated twitters and pictures of Sophia with her dogs. And by the way, the twitter said absolutely nothing about them acting like a couple, so stop making things up.
This twitter of Austin in LA was done by someone who had just started their account and had a handful of tweets at most. Wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't you Passingby. As for the sighting on a plane, funny how that tweeter talked about a bunch of other things, including a rude passenger and going back to school, and then magically, after Jake's picture is out, thought to mention Sophin. If I saw a celeb it would be the first thing I'd twitter about.
Firmly Planted said...
This twitter of Austin in LA was done by someone who had just started their account and had a handful of tweets at most. Wouldn't surprise me if it wasn't you Passingby. As for the sighting on a plane, funny how that tweeter talked about a bunch of other things, including a rude passenger and going back to school, and then magically, after Jake's picture is out, thought to mention Sophin. If I saw a celeb it would be the first thing I'd twitter about.
Well said and ITA.
twitter has zero credibility. What i'd be worried about if I was Jake is that long legged blonde standing behind Sophia. Wow!
passing by has got to be a bobblehead.
Cute post.
Twitters can be real, but they are also clearly used as a tool by PR, and people are going to make things up too. I agree that the latest ones involving Austin seem a bit suspicious. And who really knows when that picture of Jake was taken.
But even if Austin was in LA and flew out with Sophia, doesn't make them a real couple.
Oh, you need to get back to the twitter of that woman that "saw" Austin and Sophia in the plane.
She forgot her own story and suddenly has them hugging on the train now.
Getting better with every new tweet!
Cute picture of Franco with Fey in cupcake pajamas on JJ. Looks like the bearding episode of 30 Rock runs next week.
^^Very cute. :)
I wanted to comment that I did appreciate yesterday's Out Spotlight, and Wendy's animal rescue work - I am not always able to comment, but I always do appreciate reading about these fascinating people.
Amazing that passing by is obsessed with Austin and Sophia twitters and that they show up on accounts that barely exist until Austin & Sophia are spotted somewhere on the planet. What a coincidence. Besides, if you believe all the twitters, they all had nothing better to do with their holidays than to fly all over hell and back. Fake twiterers also seem to be Donnie Darko fans because they do not account for travel time, time zone changes etc. Half the time Jake would be in a city for about 2 hours before moving to the next. Maybe he is trying to get to the next mileage plus level.
Re Brulian, count me as one who is sick to death of that pairing. Having Julian be a house husband makes him totally uninteresting. Much better if he is making a movie somewhere.
Amazing how you all come out in defense. If twitter supported your cause you would not be.
Extra amazing is how you have no interest in seeing just who twitter's these comments or why.
A person who works at a resturant in Austin states that Sophia & Austin were at his place along with Lance Armstrong... but they, by your standars lie.. Yet at the same time there were several twitters of them at the Austin airport and later at the ACL watching the King of Leon...
Or Now..
If you took the time to read the twitters you would see none of the people giving accounts are in anyway related to eachother or the situation..
Your not going to get photos of Austin, he is not all that demanded and he is living a private life. If he was wanting to present a certain image he would be doing it for the camera.
So the people at the airports and on the flights with Austin & SB have been making things up since July.
The people who see them in LA are making things up as well.
Then the people who visit the set or happen to be living in Wilmington NC are also making things up...
Jake has been in NYC/Brooklyn with his family..
Austin has been with Sophia in Austin TX and LA with there family and friend.. Just as it was Rowdy Stovall that was photographed with Sophia and did her Flip add, just because..
I'm posting because it angers me about the lies you all seem so willing to spread about others.
I'm posting because it angers me about the lies you all seem so willing to spread about others.
What lies?
I'm posting because it angers me about the lies you all seem so willing to spread about others.
You mean like the lie about the restaurant they had dinner at in Austin?
Not sure we ever made up sightings here, but hey, I guess that is okay.
And please don't pretend you would believe a Austin/Jake tweet when it wasn't worthy of mention at the time, but hours later suddenly the person on twitter remembered. Or when the location went from plane to train from one tweet to the next.
Or actually, just any tweet or sighting of Austin and Jake being affectionate, so really you can't talk.
And just for your information we did look at who the tweets came from and we pointed out all the red flags about them.
Might be a good thing to read before posting.
You know what, say what you want.
Make this website about what you want..
But it will not change the facts..
You live and die by the fact that Jake and Austin are some epic gay couple ...
The fact is that just isn't true.
Perhaps in the past they had a close relationship, but that ship has sailed. and the nature of it was never what you expressed it to be.
Get angry, call out liars and all.
BUT.. that won't change he fact that Austin is in a romantic and serious reationship with Sophia Bush. It won't make the twitters of them in Austin, NYC, Hamptons, LA and so on falsel...
And if you cared a bit about Jake G then you would realize how isolated your claim are making his life, reguardless of how true or false they are.
People who are all about compassion should not be casting the angry stones some do.
Atlanta has a train or sky train within the airport, it trasports passengers from place to place.
But of course you have zero desire to listen to or hear simple facts.
The world according to sum is all about lies an PR plants..
That was all good before Austin had a steady job and a relationship. Now spreading lies about a person who is accounted for isn't so easy. For years you could make up lies about Austin Nichols... Not anymore
If Jake Gyllenhaal (whom I happen to really respect and feel for) is gay (I support it) but the fact is he is not in a gay romantic relationship with Austin Nichols.
Leave Austin alone already.
Please show proof of Austin and Sophia being a couple outside of unproven tweets and posed pictures at events. Austin and Sophia themselves have said that they're not a couple and they continue to refer to each other as friends.
Then you can start talking about "facts".
You say say that we're making up lies, but you're operating solely on guesses, even going as far as making sightings up.
That might be alright on a OTH/Sophin fan blog, but just in case you haven't noticed, this isn't one of those.
Passing by shows up as soon as it's suggested Jake and Austin spent time together over the holidays, but not once during all the days Sophia and Austin "spent together"
If Jake Gyllenhaal (whom I happen to really respect and feel for) is gay (I support it) but the fact is he is not in a gay romantic relationship with Austin Nichols.
You have respect for Jake? Since when? Just a few weeks ago you were calling him a famewhore.
Oh wait, that was when someone posted that account of someone saying that Austin was all over him at a restaurant.
My bad.
you don't have any facts and you keep ignoring simple facts - no one is stopping Austin and Sophia from having any kind of relationship, they don't need to hide.
I also notice that a lot of the time StubbornT shows up when Passingby appears, almost on cue.
Didn't Stubborn "discover" thast Passingby posted on Spookys journal and "discovered" that she may have been posting from Germany???
Anyone else been ATL airport? It's been a while but if I remember correctly. There is a tram inside to get to differeent terminals, and then there is the light rail train that has a stop at the airport. They are two totally different things.
I can see if they were on the tram to going from one terminal to another from Delta to regional carrier service to Wilmy, but I don't call that a train, and that ride isn't that long for all of that to go on, and honestly I've never seen people do things like that in the trams between terminals, you are too busy trying to hold on to a pole and keep hold of your carryon stuff while watching for your stop. And why would they, usually they are trying to avoid attention to themselves.
And it makes no sense for them to be on a light rail train that makes a stop at the airport entrances because they were transfering flights not stopping at ATL and you would have to go through security screening again and right now who would do that more than they have to?
And do you really think that one person is traveling the exact same route as them and watching them and to the same destination just at right time, and then just happens to tweet AFTER seeing a picture of Jake at an airport that suddenly jogs their memory?
Stubborn as Passingby - that is the craziest thing I've read on OMG in a long time.
I think why you see Stubborn post when Passing by comments is that she wants to call Passing by on her attempts to come here and spin her Austin and Sophia are in a "serious relationship" story after both Sophia and Austin have said publicly they are friends. And her story that Austin is straight and has never been involved with Jake.
I don't get why people come here trying to change peoples opinions we don't go to OTH and try to sell AIG and JIG thing.
About Brulian. I am so ready for that to be done, because they have taken the essence of Julian and his manhood away.
Let him go make a movie, give him something more than constantly apologizing and tell Brooke how much he loves her when she never has much to say in return except acting out.
The thing is SB TB seems to have the "proof' to dispute Passing by on hand, too quick.
Think a lot of people here on OMG who know Stubborn know that she's been around since the beginning and that she knows and keep track of tons of Jake and Austin information over the year.
I know that she has found things for me when I couldn't find them and quickly too.
I don't know if I should be insulted or flattered...
But thanks Special for standing up for me.
I've been called a troll and a Babbler in the past, so I guess it was only a matter of time before I got called a Sophin fangirl.
SB as Passingby? :-D :-D :-D Boy are you barking up the wrong tree.
Very good points Special about the airport.
Are you serious, really serious..
You know that Austin is working today, that he had to return for work. You know that there is no direct flight from LAX to Wilmington NC and a transfer is required, either at Charolette or in Atlanta. We know that Austin & Sophia have transfered in Atlanta before (since they were photographed doing just that this summer)...
So it's very possible and probable that the young girl returning from vacation to college was telling the truth when she twitter'd about seeing Austin and Sophia on her flight ...
Just as it's more than possible that Austin & Sophia were in-fact in Austin, TX together...
Because we know they were photographed in Marfa, TX together, in NYC holding hands together, she was photographed with his brother in-law, they were photographed at the following airports together.. Atlanta, LAX and Laquardia and they took a USO trip to Turkey & Germany togehter...
But it's not possible that someone was telling the truth when they reported being on the same flight as them on Sunday from LAX to Atlanta...
Are you that deluted.
Cleary I'm not the person grasping for straws..
How am I grasping at straws if I ask about the trains and trams, and how did a person who was flying the same flight with them the whole way end up on the same flight and say I'm not an OTH fan, and recognized them? Kind of like how some recognized Sophia first but didn't recognize Austin in a tweet from Austin, his hometown.
Fly in and out of Hartsfield-Jackson Airport frequently. Guess it could be called my home airport. No idea what's the brouhaha all about, but here's the skinny from someone who knows.
A MARTA train runs to the airport, the end of the north-south line, and is at the platform above ground, tucking away on the far side, reached after a considerable trek through the terminals. Normally used by well-seasoned passengers traveling out into the metro area, destination park-rides where the parking fee is considerably less than at the airport, or those arriving for upcoming flights. Folks who are just transfering flights do not use that MARTA train. Also not usually for folks heading to a hotel in the city.
The trams that run from Baggage Claim, after riding down a huge ass escalator, to Concourse D and back again, are underground. They arrive and leave each Concourse area every 5 minutes, and the ride between stops lasts no more, hardly time to do anything of consequence. The tram cars are always crowded, especially on travel heavy times, junked up with luggage and precious few places to sit, and jerk out from the station, bumpy-bumpy ride along, then jerk to a stop. (If you don't hold on, you're on your ass) The flow of people is constant, the noise level high, and eye contact a no-no.
While Atlanta Airport is one of the busiest in the US, thousands upon more people flying every day, it's still my favorite.
Does this help?
Austin is not a know name, as much as we wish him to be he is not.
Most people know him as the guy from Jon from Cincinnati and don't even know his name. He is not a hosehold name and rec'd his most attention for JFC press.
It's very possible and most likely that Sophia Bush would be recognized in his hometown before he was, especially since he moved from Austiin TX 12yrs ago to attend college at USC..
Thanks ME for the info. I try to avoid ATL as much as I can, its too crazy and American Airlines and I don't do well together for travel through there, we work better through different hubs.
Didn't get recognize after moving away are you serious? That totally cracks me up.
The hometown boy who has been in hit movies like TDAT and Wimbledon, getting the part in Surface, who was a main character in an HBO series, and who came home to film Friday Night Lights, and then getting the OTH regular casting, all of which have been written up in the Austin Statesman about him.
Not to mention the fact that he was a Jr. Waterskiing Champion from Austin and is the son of one of the most acclaimed female trick waterskiers, not just in Austin, or Texas but the World, and who still lives in Austin. And they cover her too in the Statesman.
And yes he's had his picture in the papers there too.
But he could never be recognized in his hometown compared to Sophia who's done what OTH on the No. 5 network, or wait maybe they know her from the cinema classic John Tucker must die.
Has anyone heard Passingby answer why it is so important to her that Austin and Sophia are a couple. First both Austin and Sophia seem like really nice people. I've noticed it in the way they interact with others. Unlike reeke.
Is passingby just an Austin fan who so desperately wants him to be straight. I sware PG was right when she told me Sophin was a blessing in disquise for Jake because it took some of the presssure off jake. There is nothing that makes me the feel too upset about Austin and Sophias relationship. I certainly am not convinced they are a couple. Last year Austin was hanging around with Hilarie and now this year with Sophia. I am sure we will see the end of Sophin when either OTH is cx or Austin or Sophia leave the show. It is a convenient little showmance that has maybe brought some attn to the show but again has taken some of the pressure off Jake. There will be no wedding for Sophia and Austin so let passingby rattle on. She will fade into the night just like UV and Fl.
I consider Stubborn Jakes and Austins Guardian angel. The chance of her being passingby is soo ridiculous. Where the hell did that come from. The girl is prepared as is Spesh. I dont always agree with them but I give them credit. They do their work before they speak.
Has anyone heard Passingby answer why it is so important to her that Austin and Sophia are a couple.
Tom have you asked yourself why it is so important to YOU that Jake and Austin are a couple???
The nerve of you. Are you not blind. You of all people. I don't know PB, but she or he is right. You know damn well if Ted said anything, and without ANY proof, those who see nothing but a Jake and Austin lovefest will eat it up. No proof needed.
Also, if there was a tweet or a siting about Jake or Austin being together, you all would go ape shit about it. No Proof needed. It just helps your fantasy. Then, in the same breath, you tear apart and attackt others for doing exactly what you do.
The person who asked to prove that A/S were in a relationship, I can't believe you. "Proof". You gotta be kidding. When proof has been asked a Kazillion times of J/A in a committed relationship the J/A supporters don't need proof and will go thru great lenghts to tear you another one if you ask for it. The mare fact that Austin and Sophia continue to travel almost everywhere together and the J/A fans continue to scream and I mean scream, ""they are freinds, friend do this type of thing all the time" is ridiculous. Face it, you have not seen Jake and Austin together for a loooonngg time now and Austin just went overseas with the woman. Jake and Austin are not together. I'm not taking up for Passingby and I don't know and don't agree with a lot of the persons motive, but As soon as you come to reality and except that if J/A had a romantic relationship, it is now over, the world will open up for you. And almost everyone agrees that it seems like they did have something. Some feel more than others. It IS a new year now!
But for the like of me, I can't see adults fans clinging to a supposed gay celebrity relationship that may have been but has now past.
Austin has moved on and Jake has moved on. Most can only hope they are still friends.
Ps. it's not medical training involved here, Jake is never with Austin and Austin is working or with Sophia. And while Jake was with whatshername doing whatever, he was not with Austin. Make up whatever satisfys you.
13th pic
Passing by, if Austin and Sophia's "relationship is so important to you, why not start your own blog about them. Don't expect any of us to visit. Have you read the purpose of this blog? Its about Jake and Austin. So don't act surprised to see them discussed here. Sophia is totally aware of Jake and Austin's relationship, or have you forgotten the infamous beach walk picture featuring Jake's ghost.
The Imaginarium of Dr P is arriving in my neck of the woods in less than a week. Not sure how fast I can get out to see it but hopefully within a week or so of its arrival. I watched another bio of Heath on the ovation channel tonight. It was good in that most of the footage consisted of interviews with Heath himself, not just talking heads or movie clips. Such a terrible loss.
I am rereading another slash story (Bus Stop)so staying up all hours. When chapters dribble out over weeks or months, I am so focused on what happens next in the story, the writing gets lost. Rereading it like a novel gives me a chance to focus on the prose.
Some comment on WFT repeated twitters from Ted saying he had a dream about Toothy. Now that he is back from vacation, maybe we will get some good gossip.
The person who asked to prove that A/S were in a relationship, I can't believe you. "Proof". You gotta be kidding. When proof has been asked a Kazillion times of J/A in a committed relationship the J/A supporters don't need proof and will go thru great lenghts to tear you another one if you ask for it.
The difference here is that I don't know a single person that goes to another fanblog and says things like "it is a fact that Jake and Austin are a couple".
On the rare occasion that someone posts they only, unlike the namesake on this blog, pass by. A short discussion and then they leave again.
I get annoyed at people trying to be Austins new spokespeople even though the smallest details of his life ("he has a BIL?!? he was in Glory Roads?!?" are news to them.
But if they do it on their blog, knock yourselves out.
I think we here have come to our opinions in the last 4 years unlike people who just found Austin.
We don't need to convert other fansites to convince ourselves.
We don't need to shut the opposition up to make our own self-doubt about our opinion shut up.
Oh and passingby, I know you don't know all this, but the famous pubes picture was taken at ACL in 2007.
There were pictures of him from, count it, 5 different people in the span of three days.
So please don't even begin to say people don't recognize him in his own hometown.
And you can't tell me they'll take pics of him alone before he became a weekly presence on tv but when he's become more high-profile and takes his famous girlfriend with him they don't.
Especially when this coverage was pre-Twitter unlike now were people have their phone with them at all times to tweet.
Poor Jaustinites, can't get these two boys in the same place at the same time no matter how hard they try. So let's now discredit any and all tweets. SOP.
The person who asked to prove that A/S were in a relationship, I can't believe you. "Proof". You gotta be kidding. When proof has been asked a Kazillion times of J/A in a committed relationship the J/A supporters don't need proof and will go thru great lenghts to tear you another one if you ask for it.
I forgot to thank Destiny and Tom for standing up for me earlier about the thing about me being passingby.
Thanks guys, I was starting to wonder if I was sleep-posting crazy things ;)
danka for stating the obvious.
Still doesn't prove AN is in the closet
Poor trolls, can't get Austin and Sophia to act like a couple so they have to spin tweets and try to convince themselves that Jake and Austin can't be together.
Poor trolls, can't get Jake and Austin to act like a couple so they have to spin bs about blue rings and try to convince themselves that Jake and Austin are on their honeymoon.
That's another great one, the 2007 ACL when there were photos of Austin with his family and everyone was working overtime to link or find a photo of Jake at the event as well. Some even went as far to claim a person was Jake, who turned out not to be him. Then there were those photos of Jake with his friend Chris Fisher in Austin,TX and no sign of Austin. In fact it was noted the hotel they stayed in and the restaurant they ate at.
Of course everyone claimed back then that Austin was hiding and most people wouldn't know who he was and he wouldn't have been recognized.
You see you change the rules to support your cause when required and change them when the don't fit the agenda.
Unlike other years, Austin was in the VIP section and not sitting out on the lawn during the day. It rained for 2 days straight as well.
All of the accounts of them at the event were in or near VIP sections during the concerts. Also there wasn't just a sighting of them at the concert, there was a sighting of her at the Austin airport and of them at a restaurant that weekend, along with Lance Armstrong.
Which by the way Lance Armstrong later twitter that he was in fact at the restaurant at the time the twitter claimed him to be. And so you know the person who said Austin & Sophia were at his resturant in Austin TX said that Sophia Bush and the guy from John from Cincinnati were at his place. This was a guy who lives in Austin, TX and works in Austin,TX.
Austin hasn't been the lead actor in the movies he has been in, he plays supporting roles that don't usually get the focus. As for his TV roles, he was in a few episodes of FNL's, his arc came and went.
HBO is what put him on the MAP and it was because of a 10 episode run on JFC and most people still do not know what his name is.
Like it or not Sophia Bush has been on a series with is currently in it's 7th season. At the start of it's run it was watched by well over 5 million viewers. She has won several teen choice awards and things of that popular sort of nature. So while she might not A-list, her name is way more recognized than Austin's.
It's one thing if a vague off the wall twitter comes in with a sighting near a place that is odd and nobody else sees a person. It's another thing when several people blog about something and it does have support in it's logic.
Does Austin live in Austin...yes
Does he attend the ACL yearly...yes
So when people twitter that they saw he and Sophia Bush at some of the shows and then on another day eating at restaurant in Austin,TX.
While Lance Armstrong confirms directly part of the information that the original twitter stated.
Then by logic, it seems pretty probable that AN & SB attended ACL together.
Just like this person who saw them this weekend on the RedEye from LAX to Atlanta. Were they both spotted in LA..yes.. Do they both live in LA when not filming OTH..yes.. Did they have to be back in Wilmington for filming OTH on monday..yes..
Have they been spotted and photographed in the Atlanta airport before..yes... So logic says that they were catching a flight from LAX to Atlanta and this girls twitter is credible.
Just like all the twitters from Christmas to New Years about Jake being at places in Brooklyn and NYC.
Was Jake in NYC yes.. Does his sister, brother in-law and neice live in NYC yes.. Would it be likely that he spent the holidays with his family ...yes. So it seems pretty likely that many of the twitters of him in NYC area were legit.
It's called commonsense and using logic..
Sorry trolls, you are unwanted pests here, OMG is not babbler territory.
da trollys are not welcome here because there is no such thing as free speech
OMG is a shrine to the closeted gay actors, no dissenters are allowed.
Trolls want everyone to believe that "Jake and Austin are straight" so they keep posting bullshit here - that has nothing to do with the freedom of speech.
That's another great one, the 2007 ACL when there were photos of Austin with his family and everyone was working overtime to link or find a photo of Jake at the event as well. Some even went as far to claim a person was Jake, who turned out not to be him.
LOL. The rabid jaustinphiles have not had a pic of them together for 9 months. Sad that they salivate at the slightest notion of J&A being papped together. Oh well, Xmas is over and Austin is back on set. Keep waiting. i think we will have a pic of bigfoot before we see the "honeymooners" snapped together.
Trolls want everyone to believe that "Jake and Austin are straight" so they keep posting bullshit here - that has nothing to do with the freedom of speech.
Jaustinphiles want everyone to believe that "Jake and Austin are gay" so they keep posting bullshit here.
Oh look, there not much difference between you and the trolls, really, just a difference of opinion.
Passingby, I've asked this twice before and never got an answer from you. Why do you care so much what we think about Jake and Austin here? You obviously don't agree at all so why waste your time writing extremely long posts which half of us probably don't even read? You have to have better things to do with your time. You must think we are very important and influential people to spend so much time trying to convince us to change our opinions. I don't think our political candidates are as dedicated as you in trying to get their messages across.
I find it interesting that people who don't think Jake and Austin are a couple are the same people who are using the word honeymoon and honeymooner. Why is it interesting? Because none of those who believe they are a couple has used that word here. Maybe those bands got them all nervous.
Jake and Chris just happened to be in Austin around Austin's birthday, it had nothing to do with him. Riiight.
The Austin newspaper reported Jake was seen at ACL, but we're just making it up. Riiight.
Friends never hang out with friends. Being seen together means dating. My girlfriend will be surprised to know I am really involved with the friend I go to football games with, and then there is the friend I see almost every Saturday for brunch. And what about the friend I went to Woodstock with for a weekend while she was away visiting family. Riiight.
You would find a pile of horse shit interesting SK, I do wonder about you.
Keep waiting. i think we will have a pic of bigfoot before we see the "honeymooners" snapped together.
^^Are you talking about Austin Nicohls?
Keep waiting. i think we will have a pic of bigfoot before we see the "honeymooners" snapped together.
^^Are you talking about Austin Nicohls?
Noooooooo! Because Austin would never go to a Steelers game with Jake! He isn't tall at all, okay?!?
Friends never hang out with friends. Being seen together means dating.
Please don't go there Destiny, it's such a Stretch! You can apply that same trane of thought to Jake and Austin "being(((JUST)))friends".
Sorry to say, that pictures support more than. The more pictrues you see of A/S, means logically something is going on. And what's wrong with Austin dating her. He was engaged to a woman before, Right? Oh, I get it. It does not support A/J dating. But back to the picture support. If there was tons of pictures of J/A everywhere, you would say "the pictures support them being together", but in the same breath say that all the pictures of Jake and Reeeesssy, or Austin and Sophia are fake, it's PR, or they are just friends.
Am I reading this Right? Help Me here. Or is it a Case Closed.
Friends never hang out with friends. Being seen together means dating.
That's rich coming from a blog that creams itself that Jake has a phantom "erection" everytime he is pictured standing next to another male.
Love the site, but get over it people. Jake and Austin are not together. Period..
Does not mean they were never together, an item, inseparable, did the nasty.
And it may happen again. Just have to see and wait. But for now, they can't be together.
Too much time apart from each other, and no time to raise anything properly, yet a lone a baby, not even a dog.
hear that Atticus?
And where is Atticus?
go back to babblehead land Sad Gay Fan, you're a naughty trool
Poor babblers. The Reeke fiasco played out exactly as predicted and now everyone is talking about nothing but Jake's sexuality. Two years of Jake's time completely wasted.
Passingby let me know when you get a copy of the invitation to Austin and Sophias wedding. Go to your mailbook everyday and look for it.
You can ask him here to invite you. I bet he is on here a lot.
Just a hunch.
Spesh be interesting to look up where passingby is commenting from.
Two years of Jake's time completely wasted.
WOW, you sound like a real fan of Jake's! What's your purpose here? To troll the trolls?
Spesh be interesting to look up where passingby is commenting from.
Um hate to burst your balloon Sherlock, but Blogger supports anonymous blogging, and anonymous commenting. Blogger can't give you the IP address used.
Now we should be nice to stupid trolls who keep posting BS?
Well since Jake is not with Reese anymore there IS a chance he and Austin can get back together. Only one thing stands in the way. SOPHIA And she's not going out with a Fight. Look out Jake, I hear Sophia will kick a b*tch's Ass if they come for her Man. Austin, you have to choose. Jake is available now.
Sophia never dated Austin.
You're not nice to anyone who doesn't agree with your "facts". Your the same poster on WFT who posts snarky comments. You always use the same tired old phrases such as:
'Nice Try'
'Stop playing dumb'
Unfortunately, your lack of intelligence is not hidden by changing your name every 5 seconds. Isn't that right lol/geez/lmao/silly trolls/silly babblers. Time to think up some new witty names
Troll, no one likes you or your trolling BS. Go back to UV.
What's UV
stop playing dumb
nice try trolly
Unfortunately, your lack of intelligence is not hidden by changing your name every 5 seconds. Isn't that right lol/geez/lmao/silly trolls/silly babblers. Time to think up some new witty names
You forget LoL's evil stepsister, "Said".
Trolls are pissed off because they can't sell they crap no matter how hard they try.
^^ their crap
I feel left out :(
it's ok sistah
Anonymous said...
British Tabloids said...
The Reeke ‘split’ is all over the British tabloids this week. Most of them are a copy and paste job from the USReekly article. The only one that has a different story is Now Magazine that spins the bearding ‘break up’ addressing the gay rumors:
Now Magazine scan
New Magazine scan - text:
Jake’s dogged by wild ‘gay’ rumours
Reese Witherspoon & Jake Gyllenhaal
Since Reese and Jake broke up last month, Hollywood’s been abuzz with crazy gossip that he’s actually gay. Jake’s sexuality’s been the subject of internet rumours for years – and sources on the set of his latest movie Love And Other Drugs have been gossiping in the wake of his recent love troubles.
The official line from sources close to the star is that Jake wanted to get married while Reese wasn’t sure she wanted to commit after her failed marriage to Ryan Phillippe. But that hasn’t stopped the wild and unsubstantiated rumours circulating. A source tells Now: ‘Some think that they’re playing damage control after Jake confessed to Reese that he’s bi or because she caught him with a guy. Neither has commented on the split and that may be because they want to wind it down slowly by saying it “fizzled out”. That way, it causes Reese less embarrassment.’
Two years ago, former Hollywood publicist Jonathan Jaxson claimed that Jake was having a relationship with another actor, although the claims were strongly denied by Jake’s PR.
January 05, 2010 9:54 AM
The new witty name is "Jake and Austin are gay". How profound
New Magazine scan - Jake’s dogged by wild ‘gay’ rumours
I'm sorry to point this out to you, but directly from Austin's mouth, he has in fact dated Sophia in the past, as she has also acknowledged that. Neither has commented on the nature of their relationship in months, she hasn't said a word about it since last January and he avoided the question when asked this past October.
So when Austin directly stated that he and Sophia did in fact date in the past, that makes it possible that they are in fact dating currently.
Austin and Sophia never said that they were dating.
Sophia said they weren't dating in either July or August.
Both denied that they dated in the past and then only after years suddenly Austin changed the story into having dated Sophia.
In the same interview he changed his break-up from Claire from "she threw all my stuff out and I had to sleep on a friends couch" to "we talked about it and agreed to break up".
The only time they were even seen and photographed together was when Jake was there as well. In fact Jake and Austin had been hiking with Atti and Boo and Sophia just ran into them.
Austin has just recently talked about being in Marfa with friends, since he was there with her, it's clear who he was refering to.
And again, he might not have flat-out said that he's not dating Sophia, but he said he was at an event FOR THE BOOZE, meaning he wasn't there for Sophia. You seem to have really little respect for Sophia, but come on. You want her to be dating someone that prefers drinking to her?
They did in fact say that they dated in the past.. I can go and get the links to the articles if you would like me to.
Sophia Bush & Austin Nichols are both confirmed to be attending the Art of the Elysium's Heaven Gala on 1/16/2010 @ the Wiltern Theater. Sophia is listed as someone a committee member and he a attending. Guess who is getting an award as well: Kirsten Dunst will be receiving the Spirit of Elysium award in recognition of her endless dedication and support to The Art of Elysium.
I'll get those links for you..
You know the one in which they both said that they had in fact dated in the past.
They did in fact say that they dated in the past.
They didn't - rags said that about them.
Passing by, bring on the links. Don't wear yourself out trying to find them. And attending business events together is not dating.
You know that they just ran into the other how??? You were there..
At the time the photos of Sophia, Austin & Jake came out the rumor linked her to both of them. She herself said that she wasn't dating either at the time, but be linked to such great guys wasn't all the shabby.
Then neither were asked about their relationship and it was never mentioned in the tabloids again. It's very possible that they dated after the photos of them on on the beach. Also there are photos Sophia & Austin together in NYC Feb of 2008 and there was a tabloid write-up on it as well.
The fact remains that they did date in the past and it's very likely they are now. I don't think that Austin was being rude, he doesn't wish to discuss the nature of his relationship with the press, they desire to keep their private life private right now. So he didn't lie he just wasn't going to discuss his relationship to the media.
He isn't lying when he states he was at the Halloween ball with friends, because they were their with friends, just as he wasn't lying when he said what he did back in October. But if he says he is at either event with his girlfriend, than that opens things up for more questions and it makes his statements and relationship public.
It interesting that you would support the idea of Jake & Austin not wishing to make matters about their relationship public if they were in fact a couple and yet if they aren't a couple you don't support the choice that Austin has made to keep his relationship with Sophia off the red-carpets for the time being.
Contradictions continue.
"but he said he was at an event FOR THE BOOZE, meaning he wasn't there for Sophia. You seem to have really little respect for Sophia, but come on. You want her to be dating someone that prefers drinking to her?"
He didn't answer the question directly,he didn't say "no we are just friends". Why evading the question if you have nothing to hide?
The fact remains that they did date in the past and it's very likely they are now.
Not a fact, just PR spin, rags and your silly fiction.
I do agree that Sophia is far better known than Austin, even in his own town, and I happen to think Sophia and Austin probably were at ACL this year together, but so what. They both clearly like music, Austin is in the closet and isn't going to be seen with Jake, and Sophia doesn't seem to be dating anyone at the moment, so why not hang out together. I hang out with my gay male friends all the time. So do my straight women friends.
And so what if Sophia and Austin are involved in the same charities. So are Jake and Austin, so by your logic that just confirms they are a couple too.
Back in early 2005 she was rumored to be dating both Jake and Austin, because she was seen with them a couple of times, and she denied that she was dating either one of them. I do recall in the interview last summer when she said they were just friends that she'd gone out on a couple of dates, and that they decided they were better as friends. I think she may have done that as a way of trying to stop any future efforts to pair them up together.
Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if Sophia didn't go out on a date or two with Austin, maybe she asked him out after she broke up with Chad, knowing he'd recently broken up with Claire. But if they did, and that is a big if, that is probably when Austin spilled the beans about Jake.
But if he says he is at either event with his girlfriend, than that opens things up for more questions and it makes his statements and relationship public.
Straight actors and celebrities don't have a problem with acknowledging girlfriends. Austin must be really ashamed to date Sophia! lol
You know that they just ran into the other how??? You were there..
Sophia was the one who said that she ran into them. And that they had been on a hike together.
But in this case she's obviously lying.
Sophia and Austin were at the same event back in 2008. With Jake and Austins mutual friend Matt Katz being there as well. Clearly Austin is dating not only Sophia but Matt as well. He's been seen with him in 2008 just as often as with Sophia.
Something that I personally find hilarious is that people actually think that saying "but they said they were dating once!" is a good argument.
If you believe that they are telling the truth, then clearly they have no problem talking about dating each other, so why wouldn't they this time?
You have Sophia flitting from Austin to Jon Foster, back to Austin (hey, maybe some Jon thrown in again, Sophin were still casual then!) with hardly any breaks in between. She must not have much romantic feelings for the guys she dates.
She must not have much romantic feelings for the guys she dates.
You mean:
She must not have much romantic feelings for the guys she beards for.
Why is this person passingby taking so much time and energy to convince us that Austin is dating Sophia. I dont get it. Are you his Mom passingby or do you work for his PR company. I really like an answer why do you care and why do you want us to believe you.
You sound so serious and almost urgently trying to convince everyone. What is up?
Have you tracked this person down yet with you 1337 internetz sleuth toolz
Well, since we're not going to get an answer Tom, I'm going to take a stab at it. I suspect passingby is a teenage girl, someone who doesn't have much experience with real life, or certainly no idea of what the workplace is like. She has lots of time to spend hours searching the internet for any little things she can find about Sophin.
The tone of her posts remind me of that YouTube video I posted many moons ago from the girl who was insisting that Adam Lambert was straight, and that everyone who thought he was gay was a hater, and that those haters had photoshopped all those pictures of him kissing boys.
no sh!t said...
Have you tracked this person down yet with you 1337 internetz sleuth toolz
No computer wizard here but yes you can track down someone down almost to the address where they live.
How do you think all of the internet gossip blogs know that PR firms visit the blogs everyday.
If you own the domain, then you can do it, but you can't trace ip's for posters on blogger
NowStylist: We lost another one to the other team girls, Jake Gyllenhaal is gay!
about 1 hour ago from web
Jade Sprowson
Style editor of Now Magazine
Location: London
Web: Now Magazine
Twitter is Gods message.
That twitter can't be true, as we know all twitters are made-up or the product of PR.
What a bunch of hypocrites. lol
Posting this one on both OMG and wtf2.
Kind of interesting that Now Magaqzine is affiliated with InStyle, among other magazines. Just saw on JJ that Reese is on the cover of the UK version of InStyle. Guess it's a rehash of her previous interview, without all the quotes about Jake.
I never said all twitters are made up. Some are, some are not. You have to look at all the circumstances. This tweet was probably meant to generate attention for Now.
The comment was directed at the poster who has a meltdown everytime a twitter is posted, except conveniently for the one that says JG is gay.
Selective meltdowns, I think they are called.
Trolls are the only ones having meltdowns today. Somebody step on your nest?
I think JG is gay/bi--and I think he might have been involved with Austin awhile back. But that's over (maybe Austin was experimenting). I'm curious who is the guy or guys JG might currently be seeing...that's who I want to know about--not someone who's no longer in the picture.
ITA. Poor trollys, suffering in their self-induced meltdowns...they must have known that the twitter was going to come out, so they have been stirring things up to distract everyone's attention away from that earth-shattering tweet.
not someone who's no longer in the picture.
Oh hai troll. Go and play over at babbleville, not here.
Jake's rep denied the china story. Jake isn't trying to woo back Reese, boo hoo. I guess it's just not trolly's day.
Who are taking to in-haus troll? No-one's talking about the china. I think your day is going not so well! Boo hoo indeed. LOL
Not that it's the best example lol, but I remember when Dennis Quaid and Meg Ryan had their burgeoning careers, relationship and baby that they said they tried to stagger their workloads so that one person was on a movie and the other was at home. A lot of actor couples do that. It's not the best way IMO (look at how Quaid and Ryan didn't work out) but short of one quitting their career or getting a fulltime nanny to raise the child, what else can they do? Put that burden with Jake and Austin, along with not being able to be seen in public together, and you got a situation that will either prove their love forever or break them up. That kind of pressure is tough.
If there is a Baby Tile, I feel sorry for him or her; it can't be easy having parents that value money and career over their own child, and or are so ashamed of being gay parents they won't even acknowledge he or she exists.
No parents at parent-child day in school, no visits to the zoo, Disneyland, shopping for clothes with your own dad, no family vacations to anywhere other than the house/fenced-in yard of a relative ......................................................
And because I know someone will bring it up, I'll just point out right now that the oh so private Maggie sure couldn't stop talking about Ramona during promotion for Crazy Heart.
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